962 resultados para Recycled aggregates of concrete
We hypothesised that, during occlusion inside granular aggregates of oxide-rich soils, the light fraction organic matter would undergo a strong process of decomposition, either due to the slow process of aggregate formation and stabilisation or due to digestion in the macro- and meso-fauna guts. This process would favour the accumulation of recalcitrant materials inside aggregates. The aim of this study was to compare the dynamics and the chemical composition of free and occluded light fraction organic matter in a natural cerrado vegetation (woodland savannah) and a nearby pasture (Brachiaria spp.) to elucidate the transformations during occlusion of light fraction in aggregates of a clayey Oxisol. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the 13C, with Cross Polarisation and Magic Angle Spinning (13C-CPMAS-NMR), and 13C/12C isotopic ratio were combined to study organic matter composition and changes in carbon dynamics, respectively. The occluded light fraction had a slower turnover than the free light fraction and the heavy fraction. Organic matter in the occluded fraction also showed a higher degree of decomposition. The results confirm that processes of soil organic matter occlusion in the typical "very fine strong granular" structure of the studied oxide-rich soil led to an intense transformation, selectively preserving stable organic matter. The small amount of organic material stored as occluded light faction, as well as its stability, suggests that this is not an important or manageable sink for sequestration of atmospheric CO2.
The present research project was designed to determine thermal properties, such as coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and thermal conductivity, of Iowa concrete pavement materials. These properties are required as input values by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). In this project, a literature review was conducted to determine the factors that affect thermal properties of concrete and the existing prediction equations for CTE and thermal conductivity of concrete. CTE tests were performed on various lab and field samples of portland cement concrete (PCC) at the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. The variations due to the test procedure, the equipment used, and the consistency of field batch materials were evaluated. The test results showed that the CTE variations due to test procedure and batch consistency were less than 5%, and the variation due to the different equipment was less than 15%. Concrete CTE values were significantly affected by different types of coarse aggregate. The CTE values of Iowa concrete made with limestone+graval, quartzite, dolomite, limestone+dolomite, and limestone were 7.27, 6.86, 6.68, 5.83, and 5.69 microstrain/oF (13.08, 12.35, 12.03, 10.50, and 10.25 microstrain/oC), respectively, which were all higher than the default value of 5.50 microstrain/oF in the MEPDG program. The thermal conductivity of a typical Iowa PCC mix and an asphalt cement concrete (ACC) mix (both with limestone as coarse aggregate) were tested at Concrete Technology Laboratory in Skokie, Illinois. The thermal conductivity was 0.77 Btu/hr•ft•oF (1.33 W/m•K) for PCC and 1.21 Btu/hr•ft•oF (2.09 W/m•K) for ACC, which are different from the default values (1.25 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 2.16 W/m•K for PCC and 0.67 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 1.16 W/m•K for ACC) in the MEPDG program. The investigations onto the CTE of ACC and the effects of concrete materials (such as cementitious material and aggregate types) and mix proportions on concrete thermal conductivity are recommended to be considered in future studies.
Aggregates of fetal rat brain were maintained in rotating culture for 30-40 days and were analyzed morphologically and biochemically. At 4 days in culture all cells were undifferentiated. At 26 days in vitro over 90% of all cells within the aggregates could be identified as neurons, astrocytes or oligodendrocytes. Myelinated axons and morphologically mature synapses were present at 26 days. Myelination started between 18 and 19 days in culture as determined biochemically. Myelin basic protein sulphatide synthesis and 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase activity increased with in vitro age. The amount of myelin observed within the aggregates was much lower than observed at the corresponding age in vivo. Neurons and neuronal processes were undergoing severe degeneration in the 40-day aggregates and synaptic contacts were not maintained. There were no normal myelinated axons at 40 days although multilammellar membranes were found intra- and extracellularly. The ganglioside pattern of the aggregates were qualitatively similar to rat whole brain. Quantitatively the GM3ganglioside was elevated in comparison to whole rat brain. Our results indicate that aggregating rat brain cultures provide a useful in vitro system for the biochemical and morphological analysis of myelin formation.
Premature failure of concrete pavement contraction joint seals is an ongoing and costly problem for the Iowa Department of Transportation. Several joint seal test sections consisting of variations in sawing methods, joint cleaning techniques, sealant installation, and sealant types have been established over the past few years. Laboratory analysis and field inspections were done as a part of the tests, and core samples were taken for laboratory adhesion pull tests. Such methods often cover specifically small areas and may not expose hidden failures. Some tests are also labor-intensive and destructive, especially that of coring. An innovative, nondestructive, broad coverage joint seal tester that yields quick results has been designed and developed for evaluation of pavement joint seal performance. The Iowa vacuum joint seal tester (IA-VAC) applies a low vacuum above a joint seal that has been spray-covered with a foaming water solution. Any unsealed area or leak that exists along the joint will become quickly and clearly visible by the development of bubbles at the leak point. By analyzing the results from the IA-VAC tests, information on the number and types of leaks can be obtained; such information will help identify the source of the problem and direct efforts toward a solution.
With the recent introduction of blended cements, many ready mix producers are using them as their sole source of cement. Iowa DOT specifications currently do not allow blended cements in patching due to their assumed slower strength gain. Patching specifications require opening at 5 hours on 2-lane or 10 hours on 4-lane pavement. This research will investigate early strength of concrete cast with ordinary Type I/II Portland cements and Type I(SM) blended Portland cements.
[spa] A través de la LO 5/2010 el legislador español introdujo en el CP el art. 286 bis, creando un nuevo delito de corrupción privada. Según el Preámbulo a la LO 5/2010:"La idea fuerza en este ámbito es que la garantía de una competencia justa y honesta pasa por la represión de los actos encaminados a corromper a los administradores de entidades privadas de forma similar a lo que se hace a través del delito de cohecho". En este trabajo se aborda la cuestión del bien jurídico protegido, examinando la postura defendida por la doctrina mayoritaria, partidaria de la tesis de que estamos ante un delito de peligro abstracto, y se propone un planteamiento distinto: entender que se trata de un delito de peligro concreto y no abstracto. Asimismo, se realiza un estudio de la estructura típica del nuevo delito y se analizan algunos de los problemas interpretativos que plantea la corrupción entre particulares.
El món occidental contemporani està desvetllant un interès creixent per les necessitats no materials de la persona, el que podríem anomenar interioritat o espiritualitat. Hem passat de la lluita col·lectiva i del compromís social al culte del jo, i es fa palesa la necessitat de tenir cura de la dimensió interior des d’una visió no religiosa de la persona, que ha de conviure amb les tradicions religioses que poblen les ciutats. L’afirmació que l’espiritualitat és una dimensió pròpia de l’ésser humà és cada vegada més acceptada per una majoria de persones. En aquest sentit, la religiositat, com a conjunt de creences que donen peu a una determinada visió de la vida, és una manera determinada de concretar l’espiritualitat. Aquest escenari afegeix al model bio-psico-social de les ciències humanes, sobre el qual s’ha basat la formació dels educadors socials, un quart pilar, el que fa referència a la dimensió espiritual.
RFID on 2000-luvulla yleisesti saatavilla tullut tekniikka erilaisten kohteiden tunnistamiseen. RFID-tekniikassa tunnistamiseen käytetään pienikokoisia tunnisteita, joiden tietosisältö pystytään lukemaan langattomasti ilman näköyhteyttä tarkoitukseen soveltuvalla lukulaitteella. Tunnisteet ovat halpoja ja yksinkertaisia. Yleensä ne eivät sisällä omaa virtalähdettä, vaan ne toimivat ainoastaan lukulaitteen luoman kentän voimalla. Tässä työssä tutkitaan RFID-tekniikan soveltuvuutta betonista valmistettujen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Ympäristön vaikutukset tekniikan käyttöön tutkitaan ja selvitetään, mitkä ovat parhaat toimintatavat elementtien tunnistamiseen nämä vaikutukset huomioon ottaen. Työssä esitellään ensin RFID-tekniikan toimintaperiaatteet sekä tunnisteiden ja lukulaitteiden rakenne. Tunnisteiden jaottelu erilaisten ominasisuuksien perusteella käydään läpi ja sovellusalan kannalta tärkeimmät standardit esitellään. Käytännön osuudessa esitellään RFID-tekniikan soveltamista betonista valmistettujen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Työssä esitellään saavutetut mittaustulokset sekä betonielementtien tunnistamiseen ja tietojen hallintaan toteutetun järjestelmän rakenne.
Työn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa hissikuiluelementtien markkinapotentiaali kerrostalojen saneerauskohteissa, arvioida yhtiön markkinointi- ja suunnitteluresursseja, tehdä tuotannon kehittämissuunnitelma ja analysoida elementtiliiketoiminnan kannattavuus. Tutkimus sisältää sekä teoreettisen että empiirisen osan. Teoreettisessa osassa tutkittiin markkinoita ja niihin vaikuttamista sekä markkinoiden kilpailukeinoja ja toteuttamistapoja teoreettisesti kirjallisuuden avulla. Markkinaselvityksessä saatiin selville toteutuneiden kohteiden kautta potentiaaliset toimitusmäärät tulevaisuudessa. Tarkasteltiin yhtiön kykyä vastata kysyntään markkinointi-, suunnittelu- sekä valmistuskapasiteetin osalta. Lopuksi laskettiin kysynnän aiheuttama lisäinvestointikustannus ja määriteltiintuotteen hinta. Näin pystyttiin laskemaan liiketoiminnan kannattavuuskalkyyli, mikä kannusti panostamaan markkinaan. Saneeraushissikuilutoiminta osoittautui kannattavaksi Specifinn Oy:ssä määriteltyjen investointien tuottotavoitteen kannalta.
Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin prototyyppi betonielementin dimension mittaus järjestelmästä. Tämä järjestelmä mahdollistaa kolmiulotteisen kappaleen mittauksen. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin myös stereonäköön perustuva kappaleen mittaus. Prototyyppiä testailin ja tulokset osoittautuivat luotettaviksi. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään ja vertaillaan myös muita lähestymistapoja ja olemassa olevia järjestelmiä kappaleen kolmiuloitteiseen mittaukseen, joita Suomalaiset yhtiöt käyttävät tällä alalla.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää teräspalkkirakenteiden palosuunnittelua ja palosuojauksen toteutusta öljynjalostamolla käytettävien kantavien teräspalkkirakenteiden osalta. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli luoda suunnitteluohjeen runko palomitoituksen toteuttamiseksi Neste Engineering Oy:ssä. Ongelmakohtia työssä olivat rakenteiden kapasiteettien tarkka määritys, toimivien toteutusratkaisujen etsiminen, sekä öljynjalostamolla mitoituspalona käytettävän hiilivetypalon SFS-ENV-1992-1-2 käyttö yleisemmin mitoituspalona käytettävän standardipalo ISO-834 sijaan. Työssä perehdyttiin kirjallisuuden perusteella eri palosuojausmenetelmiin. Tarkemman jatkotutkimuksen kohteeksi otettiin jo käytössä hyväksi havaittu teräsputkipalkkien sisäpuoleinen betonitäyttö. Menetelmässä teräsputkipalkin oletetaan kantavan kuormat normaalitilassa ja sisällä olevan raudoitetun betonin palossa. Palkkirakenteiden kapasiteettimitoitus määritettiin laskennallisesti poikkileikkauksille. Mitoitus perustuu palkissa tapahtuvien sisäisten venymien ja puristumien tarkasteluun, sekä poikkileikkauksen tarkan lämpötilajakauman huomioimiseen. Raudoitustankojen ankkurointia palkki-pilari-liitoksessa kehitettiin valmistuksen kannalta yksioikoisemmaksi ja helpommin toteutettavaksi. Palkkien raudoituksiin suunniteltiin kierremuhvijatkoksella toteutettava ankkurointimenetelmä, jolla palkkien raudoitustangot saadaan ankkuroitua täydestä kapasiteetistaan tapauskohtaisesti pilarin vastakkaisella puolella olevaan palkkiin tai ankkurointikappaleella pilariin. Teräsputkipilarin betonivalun vaihtoehtoisiin menetelmiin tutustuttiin. Pilarin alapäähän asennettavan venttiilin läpi tapahtuva täyttö helpottaa betonointityövaihetta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena luotiin suunnitteluohjeen runko, jonka pohjalta voidaan tehdä lopullinen ohje. Myös työn tuloksena saatu laskentaohjelma palkkien momentti-kapasiteetin ja pilarin nurjahduskuorman laskemiseksi helpottaa suunnittelua. Raudoituksen ankkurointiin ja betonointiin esitettyjen menetelmien toimivuus on syytä kokeilla käytännössä ja tehdä jatkokehitys näistä saatavien kokemusten pohjalta.
Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) participate in molecular events that regulate cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. The present study demonstrates that soluble heparin-binding proteins or cross-linking antibodies induce the aggregation of cell surface HSPGs and their distribution along underlying actin filaments. Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy and immunogold and electron microscopy indicate that, in the absence of ligands, HSPGs are irregularly distributed on the fibroblast cell surface, without any apparent codistribution with the actin cytoskeleton. In the presence of ligand (lipoprotein lipase) or antibodies against heparan sulfate, HSPGs aggregate and colocalize with the actin cytoskeleton. Triton X-100 extraction and immunoelectron microscopy have demonstrated that in this condition HSPGs were clustered and associated with the actin filaments. Crosslinking experiments that use biotinylated lipoprotein lipase have revealed three major proteoglycans as binding sites at the fibroblast cell surface. These cross-linked proteoglycans appeared in the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction. Platinum/carbon replicas of the fibroblast surface incubated either with lipoprotein lipase or antiheparan sulfate showed large aggregates of HSPGs regularly distributed along cytoplasmic fibers. Quantification of the spacing between HSPGs by confocal microscopy confirmed that the nonrandom distribution of HSPG aggregates along the actin cytoskeleton was induced by ligand binding. When cells were incubated either with lipoprotein lipase or antibodies against heparan sulfate, the distance between immunofluorescence spots was uniform. In contrast, the spacing between HSPGs on fixed cells not incubated with ligand was more variable. This highly organized spatial relationship between actin and proteoglycans suggests that cortical actin filaments could organize the molecular machinery involved in signal transduction and molecular movements on the cell surface that are triggered by heparin-binding proteins.
The effect of casein concentration, Ca2+ concentration, temperature and pH on the amount and size of protein aggregates (fines) in the whey produced by enzimic coagulation of nonfat milk was studied in laboratory conditions. Casein concentrations about 0.3 g/L showed a minimal amount of caseins in the whey, with presence of small aggregates of casein micellles. Ca2+ concentrations higher than 5 mM were neccesary to reduce the whey protein to a minimum constituted by protein particles smaller than casein micelles. The coagulation temperature, in the 35 - 45oC range, produced almost no variations in the whey proteins. The obtention of a minimum amount of whey proteins was possible only in a narrow pH range around 6.4. These results pointed to casein concentration and pH as important variables to be controlled in connection with the process yield.
The effects of chloride and nitrate anions and their respective concentrations, as well as urea presence, on solid phase morphologies were investigated. Zinc hydroxide carbonate was prepared by aging diluted zinc salt solution in presence of urea at 90ºC. Samples were identified by X-ray powder diffractograms showing the characteristic patterns of hydrozincite. The crystallinity was correlated with the concentrations of reagents. Spherulitic-type aggregates and single acicular particles were obtained from diluted chloride and nitrate solutions while porous aggregates of uniform size were formed from solutions with high chloride and urea concentrations.
The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.