934 resultados para Qualitative Documental Analysis
The current study analyzes the birth and development of two strategic alliances established between shrimp producers in Rio Grande do Norte: the Unipesca and the Coopercam. To achieve this aim, two approaches which, at first sight, could be considered contradictory were used: the Transactional Costs Economy and Embeddedness. The first approach is fundamentally based in the studies of Williamson (1985; 1991; 1996; 1999; 2000; 2002). Embededness, on the other hand, went through the review of a series of authors, such as Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973; 1985), Uzzi (1997), Gulati (1994; 1995; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000), Nielsen (2005), Ring (2002), Ring and Van de Ven (1994), Zafirovski (2002), among others. To analyze the birth and development of the cooperatives in this study, Gulati s work (1998) was used. This study shows the steps to be studied for a better comprehension of an alliance: the decision of starting an alliance and the choice of the partners, the decision about the governance structure, the evolution of the alliance and the development of the companies which established this partnership. To carry this study out, a study case accordingly to Yin s proposal (2001) was adopted. Semi-structured interviews with pre-defined plots were conducted in two phases: in the beginning of 2006 and in the beginning of 2007. The subjects from the research were, in 2006, representative members of the main associations and corporations, besides the shrimp producers from the state, when the context of the activity was set. In the second phase, in 2007, representative members from the two cooperatives that were listed above were interviewed the president from Coopercam and the marketing manager from Unipesca. Besides these two members, directors from two important organizations in each of these cooperatives were also interviewed, giving out the necessary information for the research. Secondary data was also collected from the Brazilian Association of Crab producers website, as well as from news from important newspapers in RN, such as Tribuna do Norte. The primary data was analyzed in terms of quality, accordingly to the documental analysis technique. Thus, through the data that was collected, it can be concluded that the reasons that motivated the companies to cooperate can be explained in terms of the transactional costs economy. However, the choice of partners is more connected to aspects approached by the social embededness. When aspects related to development and evolution were analyzed, it could be seen that both aspects from TCE and Embededness were vital to explain the development of the cooperatives mentioned
The external evaluation of non-higher education schools in Portugal has been developed by the General Inspectorate of Education since 2006. A first cycle of evaluation was completed, covering all educational units in continental Portugal up to 2011. The model of evaluation has since been subject to alterations, and a second cycle of evaluation is now coming to an end. The current model of evaluation is based on documental analysis, analysis of students’ results, and panel interviews with a variety of representatives of the school community, and addresses three domains: results, provision of educational service and management. This paper is part of an ongoing research project, developed by 6 universities and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CPE-CED/116674/2010) which intends to analyse the impacts and effects this process of external evaluation has had on Portuguese schools. This project includes a variety of perspectives and methodologies. In particular, we will focus on two case studies undertaken in two schools from the northern region of Portugal, and more specifically on the perspectives expressed by the teachers of those schools. These particular schools were chosen because they have been evaluated twice and represent different educational levels (basic and secondary), contexts and results. These case studies included the analysis of documental data, interviews to key informants and a questionnaire directed to teachers (n = 141) – the latter will be the main focus of this paper. Teachers are essential elements of the school community when considering the impacts of external evaluation, as any changes directed at teaching practices, student evaluation, among others are only possible through their direct action and implication. Therefore, their perceptions on the process and its impacts are crucial to the understanding of what does and does not change in schools as a consequence of external evaluation. Although teachers’ opinions are not homogenous and each school reveals a number of differences when it comes to teachers’ perceptions of School Evaluation, it was possible to stress some areas as the most and as the least consensual. Teachers in both schools agree External School Evaluation (ESE) is useful for the identification of the schools’ strengths and weaknesses, values students’ external evaluation results, imposes a model for schools internal evaluation (and in fact contributes to the very existence of internal evaluation practices), and contributes to schools improvement. However teachers in both schools do not believe ESE contributes to teachers’ autonomy produces changes in how curriculum is managed, or leads to innovative teaching practices. These results point to a greater emphasis on change at the levels of school management, self-evaluation and particularly internal evaluation, but little impact on the teaching practices. We believe the classroom is at the core of school practices and teaching processes are essential to any measure of school quality and to their impacts on student learning.
This paper consists in a study case at the Alesat company, which aims at analyzing how the networks from the former companies Ale and Sat influence the formation of partnerships. The study was based on literature by Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor and Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child and Faulkner (1998), and others, to verify how important the social relations were between the companies to the formation of a strategic alliance. The research method we adopted analyzed the first partnership between Ale and Sat and the last one that ended up with the merger of the companies resulting in a new company, Alesat. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2008 with the council board of the company. Secondary data were also collected from specific web sites from the area, such as ANP, Sindicom and Fecombustíveis, as well as from important newspapers in the market. The primary data were analyzed through the content analysis technique from Triviños (1987). The secondary data were analyzed through the documental analysis technique from Richardson (1985). This way, through the data collected, it can be concluded that the social ties between the companies were important in the partnership, and among the reasons that made the companies get together, the key one was the fact that the union would make possible to the companies act in regions in which they didn t have too much market share, making them a bigger player nationally wise
Automation technologies are widely acclaimed to have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and energy-related costs in buildings. However, despite the abundance of commercially available technologies, automation in domestic environments keep on meeting commercial failures. The main reason for this is the development process that is used to build the automation applications, which tend to focus more on technical aspects rather than on the needs and limitations of the users. An instance of this problem is the complex and poorly designed home automation front-ends that deter customers from investing in a home automation product. On the other hand, developing a usable and interactive interface is a complicated task for developers due to the multidisciplinary challenges that need to be identified and solved. In this context, the current research work investigates the different design problems associated with developing a home automation interface as well as the existing design solutions that are applied to these problems. The Qualitative Data Analysis approach was used for collecting data from research papers and the open coding process was used to cluster the findings. From the analysis of the data collected, requirements for designing the interface were derived. A home energy management functionality for a Web-based home automation front-end was developed as a proof-of-concept and a user evaluation was used to assess the usability of the interface. The results of the evaluation showed that this holistic approach to designing interfaces improved its usability which increases the chances of its commercial success.
The English language has an important place in Pakistan and in its education system, not least because of the global status of English and its role in employment. Realising the need to enhance language learning outcomes, especially at the tertiary level, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has put in place some important measures to improve the quality of English language teaching practice through its English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR) project. However, there is a complex linguistic, educational and ethnic diversity in Pakistan and that diversity, alongside the historical and current role of English in the country, makes any language teaching reform particularly challenging. I argue, in this thesis, that reform to date has largely ignored the issues of learner readiness to learn and learner perceptions of the use of English. I argue that studying learner attitudes is important if we are to understand how learners perceive the practice of learning and the use of English in their lives. This study focuses on the attitudes of undergraduate learners of English as a foreign language at two universities in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan in Pakistan. These provinces have experienced long struggles and movements related to linguistic and ethnic rights and both educate students from all of the districts of their respective provinces. Drawing on debates around linguistic imperialism, economic necessity, and linguistic and educational diversity, I focus on learners’ perceptions about learning and speaking English, asking what their attitudes are towards learning and speaking English with particular reference to socio-psychological factors at a given time and context, including perceived threats to their culture, religion, and mother tongue. I ask how they make choices about learning and speaking English in different domains of language use and question their motivation to learn and speak English. Additionally, I explore issues of anxiety with reference to their use of English. Following a predominantly qualitative mixed methods research approach, the study employs two research tools: an adapted Likert Scale questionnaire completed by 300 students and semi-structured interviews with 20 participants from the two universities. The data were analysed through descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis, with each set of data synthesised for interpretation. The findings suggest that, compared with the past, the majority of participants hold positive attitudes towards learning and speaking English regardless of their ethnic or linguistic backgrounds. Most of these undergraduate students do not perceive the use of English as a threat to their culture, mother tongue or religious values but, instead, they have a pragmatic and, at the same time, aspirational attitude to the learning and use of English. I present these results and conclude this thesis with reference to ways in which this small-scale study contributes to a better understanding of learner attitudes and perceptions. Acknowledging the limitations of this study, I suggest ways in which the study, enhanced and extended by further research, might have implications for practice, theory and policy in English language teaching and learning in Pakistan.
The main objective of the study about the citizenship development in elderly attended by the Conviver Program of the City Hall of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil was to evaluate how the actions of the Program contribute for the citizenship practice according to the users. The Citizenship analyzed is the existence of political, civil and social rights according to Marshall. For that it was utilized a descriptive research and a study of case based on technical procedure. The research was settled by the people who are benefited by the Conviver Program of the Snow Hair Group and the sample was formed by the active participants that it is in the Group for over ten years, corresponding to a total of ten elderly. For the data collection was utilized basic questionnaire in function of the low schooling of the interviewed, according to Marshall (2002) theory about the citizenship construction from each person. It was utilized the methodological procedure proposed by Bardin (2006), categorical analysis, in the qualitative data analysis, that was divided in four parts. In relation to Political Rights, noted that the program has stimulated your Watched on the exercise of voting and being voted. On the Civil Rights was observed that the Program has given incentive to actions which provide the users the justice rights in and in occupational activities as a job. In relation to Social Rights it was observed that the Conviver Program has contributed in order that its users can lead their lives according to the standards imposed by the society, which have being failed in the education area. As for the type of citizenship it was verified that the Program has given incentive to the served users, becoming more evidence on the speech basis
Cette étude exploratoire dresse un portrait des transitions de milieux de vie (MDV) dans des Centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED) de la grande région de Montréal. Elle permet d’identifier 1) les pratiques de transition de MDV des intervenants pivots en CRDITED, 2) les critères de succès de la transition de MDV et les moyens de les évaluer selon les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et les intervenants pivots et 3) l’écart entre les pratiques souhaitées et les pratiques actuelles à partir du point de vue des deux types de participants. Des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (N = 9) et des intervenants pivots (N = 19) se sont exprimés sur leurs expériences de transition de MDV en participant à des entretiens de groupe. Une analyse qualitative de contenu a permis d’identifier une typologie des expériences de transition de MDV du point de vue des intervenants pivots. Un seul type de transition de MDV parmi les cinq identifiés, le type préparée, offre des conditions favorisant la réalisation de la transition dans des conditions satisfaisantes pour les intervenants pivots. Les autres types de transitions (types dernière minute, explosive, clé en main et salle d’attente) offrent peu d’occasions pour la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle de s’impliquer dans le processus de transition. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent d’identifier les caractéristiques d’une transition de MDV qu’ils jugent idéale (type comme si c’était moi). Les types de transitions sont comparés entre eux sur deux axes, soit sur l’axe représentant un continuum d’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans sa propre transition et sur l’axe identifiant les grandes étapes de réalisation de la transition. Les résultats permettent de déceler un écart important entre les transitions actuellement effectuées et les politiques, intentions et engagements de l’offre de service auprès de cette clientèle, notamment au regard de l’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans les décisions relatives à sa transition de MDV. L’étude permet aussi d’identifier trois dimensions importantes de l’évaluation du succès de la transition selon les perspectives des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et des intervenants pivots. Les dimensions identifiées sont : bien-être psychologique et comportement, santé physique et collaboration. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent de constater qu’il existe parfois un paradoxe entre leurs perceptions du succès de la transition de MDV et celles des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. L’interprétation des résultats a permis d’élaborer des recommandations afin de favoriser de meilleures pratiques de transition.
O presente Relatório do Projeto de Investigação, desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, descreve e reflete sobre uma intervenção pedagógica em contexto de estágio numa turma do 2º ano de escolaridade do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico, assente numa abordagem interdisciplinar dos conteúdos, tendo como indutor a Narrativa para a Infância, usando estratégias que envolveram ativamente os alunos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. A metodologia considerada mais adequada ao estudo empírico posiciona-se na abordagem da investigação-ação, sendo uma investigação que se insere numa perspetiva qualitativa. Assim, o método de recolha de informação baseia-se na intervenção no contexto, sendo complementado pelas entrevistas à professora cooperante e aos alunos, pela observação participante, pelas notas de campo e pela análise documental. Através deste estudo, é possível inferir que a Literatura para a Infância, nomeadamente a narrativa, é, de facto, um recurso válido no desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas tendo como base uma abordagem interdisciplinar, suscitando a motivação e o envolvimento dos alunos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, tendo sido possível promover as aprendizagens inerentes às diversas áreas curriculares.
The universities rely on the Information Technology (IT) projects to support and enhance their core strategic objectives of teaching, research, and administration. The researcher’s literature review found that the level of IT funding and resources in the universities is not adequate to meet the IT demands. The universities received more IT project requests than they could execute. As such, universities must selectively fund the IT projects. The objectives of the IT projects in the universities vary. An IT project which benefits the teaching functions may not benefit the administrative functions. As such, the selection of an IT project is challenging in the universities. To aid with the IT decision making, many universities in the United States of America (USA) have formed the IT Governance (ITG) processes. ITG is an IT decision making and accountability framework whose purpose is to align the IT efforts in an organization with its strategic objectives, realize the value of the IT investments, meet the expected performance criteria, and manage the risks and the resources (Weil & Ross, 2004). ITG in the universities is relatively new, and it is not well known how the ITG processes are aiding the nonprofit universities in selecting the right IT projects, and managing the performance of these IT projects. This research adds to the body of knowledge regarding the IT project selection under the governance structure, the maturity of the IT projects, and the IT project performance in the nonprofit universities. The case study research methodology was chosen for this exploratory research. The convenience sampling was done to choose the cases from two large, research universities with decentralized colleges, and two small, centralized universities. The data were collected on nine IT projects from these four universities using the interviews and the university documents. The multi-case analysis was complemented by the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to systematically analyze how the IT conditions lead to an outcome. This research found that the IT projects were selected in the centralized universities in a more informed manner. ITG was more authoritative in the small centralized universities; the ITG committees were formed by including the key decision makers, the decision-making roles, and responsibilities were better defined, and the frequency of ITG communication was higher. In the centralized universities, the business units and colleges brought the IT requests to ITG committees; which in turn prioritized the IT requests and allocated the funds and the resources to the IT projects. ITG committee members in the centralized universities had a higher awareness of the university-wide IT needs, and the IT projects tended to align with the strategic objectives. On the other hand, the decentralized colleges and business units in the large universities were influential and often bypassed the ITG processes. The decentralized units often chose the “pet” IT projects, and executed them within a silo, without bringing them to the attention of the ITG committees. While these IT projects met the departmental objectives, they did not always align with the university’s strategic objectives. This research found that the IT project maturity in the university could be increased by following the project management methodologies. The IT project management maturity was found higher in the IT projects executed by the centralized university, where a full-time project manager was assigned to manage the project, and the project manager had a higher expertise in the project management. The IT project executed under the guidance of the Project Management Office (PMO) has exhibited a higher project management maturity, as the PMO set the standards and controls for the project. The IT projects managed by the decentralized colleges by a part-time project manager with lower project management expertise have exhibited a lower project management maturity. The IT projects in the decentralized colleges were often managed by the business, or technical leads, who often lacked the project management expertise. This research found that higher the IT project management maturity, the better is the project performance. The IT projects with a higher maturity had a lower project delay, lower number of missed requirements, and lower number of IT system errors. This research found that the quality of IT decision in the university could be improved by centralizing the IT decision-making processes. The IT project management maturity could be improved by following the project management methodologies. The stakeholder management and communication were found critical for the success of the IT projects in the university. It is hoped that the findings from this research would help the university leaders make the strategic IT decisions, and the university’s IT project managers make the IT project decisions.
The research aimed to understand the challenges for the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP. This study aimed to explore the gap with regard to the deepening of the possible causes that may hinder the implementation of integrated working between the police in public security, through a specific analysis on the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Was based on a theoretical framework that includes policies: general concepts, the steps of a public policy, the implementation stage , public security : conceptual definitions, policies on security in Brazil, the structure of public security in Brazil and systems police, Military Police x Civil Police: Roles and conflicts , integrating public security: the challenges to be overcome, the Unified public Safety (SUSP) and the main difficulties in the integration of the police. Being classified as to the purposes as an exploratory research on how to approach ranks as qualitative. The research unit was the Center for Integrated Operations Public Safety (CIOSP) through three subjects who were the chief CIOSP, the representative of the military police acting with the CIOSP, and representative civil police also active with the CIOSP. These subjects were chosen because of the understanding that individuals occupying senior positions would have more ability to respond to questions that guide the research problem. Data were collected through a set of interviews, qualitative data analysis was performed based content analysis, based on the definition of categories of analysis, gated time cross. With the results, it was revealed that the main problems of integration between the state police are treatment protocols, lack of political will and lack of infrastructure. The relationship between the Military Police and Civil Police in Rio Grande do Norte has differing cultural aspect, but can be considered as good value, professionalism and integrated operations. The implementation of CIOSP-RN followed the characteristics of the top-down model, the main difficulties in implementing the proposals of the SUSP, lack of own resources, the lack of standardization in public safety and the lack of professional training of public safety. It was concluded that with respect to the challenges to the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP, the actions follow the characteristics of the top-down model, with no autonomy of administrators public to say in decisions, which restricts the view of the public safety of the state
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada encontra-se subordinado ao tema “Emprego de Forças Aeromóveis – Uma Perspetiva Histórica”. Tendo este trabalho como objetivo principal explicar como é que a evolução do helicóptero, durante os conflitos em estudo, influenciou o emprego tático de forças aeromóveis. Para a realização deste trabalho de investigação seguimos as etapas do procedimento definidas por Raymond Quivy e Luc Van Campenhoudt, adotando o método indutivo, tendo abordado operações específicas para retirar conclusões gerais da guerra em estudo. Os dados foram recolhidos recorrendo sobretudo à análise documental e pesquisa bibliográfica. Como resultados mais significativos temos o facto de em ambos os conflitos em estudo, o emprego de forças aeromóveis se ter tornado decisivo no decorrer da operação, sendo este tipo de forças consideradas bastante eficazes e uma mais-valia para o comandante aumentando o leque de opções à disposição deste. A capacidade aeromóvel no Exército Português é inexistente, porém esta é uma capacidade dada como adquirida e frequentemente empregue nos mais recentes teatros de operações. É também uma capacidade essencial que um comandante tem à sua disposição, uma vez que aumenta o leque de opções à disposição do mesmo, tornando-se como tal importante estudá-la. Com a evolução dos meios aeromóveis o emprego tático das forças também evoluiu, acompanhando a mudança, o que veio a incrementar importância a este tipo de forças para o conflito em si.
O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada, intitulado de “As Operações Militares e os Media – O Teatro de Operações do Afeganistão”, tem como objetivo geral identificar e descrever as implicações relacionadas com a presença dos jornalistas portugueses no Teatro de Operações do Afeganistão na perspetiva dos militares de infantaria portugueses e dos próprios jornalistas. Fruto de compromissos de Estado ao nível internacional, o Exército Português tem empenhado forças militares no cumprimento de missões em vários Teatros de Operações. Para que os cidadãos e cidadãs tomem conhecimento da missão das Forças Armadas em Portugal e no mundo, os media assumem um papel crucial. É através das instâncias mediáticas que a população adquire noções sobre o trabalho que as suas Forças Armadas desenvolvem nos diversos pontos do globo. Neste sentido, é importante saber como se processa a interação entre militares e jornalistas num Teatro de Operações, sendo esta a problemática em que assenta a presente investigação. A metodologia implementada adotou uma perspetiva descritiva, procedendo-se a um estudo de caso, focado na participação portuguesa no Afeganistão entre 2002 e 2014, com o intuito de analisar a interação que resultou entre os militares e os jornalistas, com particular ênfase para as implicações. No que tange aos métodos e técnicas de recolha de dados, utilizámos a análise documental e consultámos fontes documentais para sustentar e enriquecer a investigação. As entrevistas constituem porém a técnica de recolha de informação fundamental, sendo a partir da sua análise que se discutirão as hipóteses levantadas. Visto que se pretendeu abranger a perspetiva de militares e de jornalistas realizaram-se entrevistas a quatro militares que foram comandantes de forças militares no Afeganistão e a cinco jornalistas que estiveram presentes nesse cenário de guerra durante o período em análise.Os resultados apurados permitem verificar que a incorporação de jornalistas no seio das forças militares e o consequente acompanhamento das operações, resultou na adaptação e aplicação de algumas medidas, algo fundamentável pela presença de elementos que não pertenciam à força e que não eram militares. Conclui-se que a interação entre os militares e os jornalistas no Afeganistão resultou em implicações para ambos. Nomeadamente na segurança, como foi o caso do fornecimento de equipamento de proteção aos jornalistas quando estes não dispunham, a segurança física que os militares garantiram aos jornalistas e a explicação das operações por parte dos militares (briefings). Relativamente ao acesso à informação por parte dos jornalistas, existiu um acordo verbal atinente às condições de acesso e divulgação da informação e existiram também restrições em matérias de importância militar e de natureza sensível, as quais mereceram consenso entre os entrevistados. Na componente logística, existiram implicações como foram o caso da alimentação, o alojamento, os equipamentos de proteção fornecidos e os cuidados médicos prestados aos jornalistas, contudo foi algo que não comprometeu o cumprimento das diversas missões e tarefas militares. Nos aspetos relacionais, assinalaram-se casos pontuais de alguma tensão, justificada pelos próprios como resultantes das circunstâncias e da especificidade das missões e objetivos de uns e outros. Porém, é de realçar que a convivência de jornalistas e militares no TO é reveladora de respeito e compreensão pelo trabalho mútuo. Deste modo, pode-se concluir que no plano relacional as implicações da presença de jornalistas contribuem para uma maior conhecimento e sensibilização a respeito do trabalho e das condicionantes a que estão sujeitos militares e jornalistas.
O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como tema “As ROE na condução das Operações de Estabilização (não Artigo 5º - NA5CRO)”. Atendendo à variedade de modalidades de intervenção, as forças multinacionais regem-se por Regras de Empenhamento. As Regras de Empenhamento implicam treino, em função da especificidade da Operação de Estabilização, enquadradas na gestão de crises. A investigação tem por objetivo saber qual o papel das Regras de Empenhamento nas Operações de Estabilização e a forma como estas são interpretadas e aplicadas pelas chefias militares em situações de intervenção em crises, com a presença de forças multinacionais, nomeadamente da ONU, NATO e UE. A metodologia adotada visa responder à pergunta central e, após a formulação desta, foram formuladas questões derivadas para encontrar possíveis respostas. O trabalho realizado fundamenta-se no levantamento bibliográfico, análise de documentos e realização de entrevistas. Através de uma amostra, realizaram-se entrevistas a chefias militares Portuguesas do Exército e da Marinha, que já se debruçaram sobre a problemática das Regras de Empenhamento, em termos teóricos e práticos, nomeadamente acerca do papel que lhes atribuem e a sua importância na concretização de um ambiente seguro e estável para as populações. A análise de conteúdo das entrevistas permitiu constatar que as chefias militares entrevistadas consideram relevante a existência e concomitante aplicação das Regras de Empenhamento. A investigação confirmou a importância das Regras de Empenhamento, como uma orientação para a ação e, sobretudo, como devem ser consideradas imprescindíveis para demarcar a limitação do uso da força, em questões de proporcionalidade e demais princípios que regem a aplicação de forças no âmbito do Direito Internacional Humanitário e dos Conflitos Armados (DIHCA). Verificou-se que a metodologia doutrinalmente aplicada nas Regras de Empenhamento, lhes confere suficientemente flexibilidade, não carecendo de atualização permanente, sendo utilizadas de acordo com tipologias específicas. Por último, releva-se a importância do treino militar, para que se conheçam os objetivos específicos das Operações de Estabilização em função da sua tipologia e a correspondente aplicabilidade das ROE.
O presente trabalho de investigação aplicada está subordinado ao tema “Intelligence-led policing: o papel dos sistemas de informação no planeamento e orientação do esforço de policiamento”. Começámos por fazer um enquadramento teórico e abordar conceitos importantes para o desenvolvimento de todo o trabalho. Assumindo um método dedutivo, desenvolvemos um estudo com base na seguinte questão de partida: “Qual o impacto dos sistemas de informação no planeamento e orientação do esforço de policiamento?”. Posto isto, este trabalho tem como objetivo perceber qual a influência que os sistemas de informação têm na tomada de decisão do comandante, neste caso de Destacamento Territorial, mais precisamente no planeamento e orientação do esforço de policiamento. Quanto à metodologia, incidiu numa análise documental sobre as variáveis em estudo e também na análise de respostas aos inquéritos por questionário efetuados aos Comandantes de Destacamento Territorial. Com este trabalho concluímos que, do ponto de vista de uma grande parte dos inquiridos, os sistemas de informação que a Guarda Nacional Republicana dispõe não são adequados às necessidades operacionais desta. Outra conclusão a que chegámos foi ao facto de, apesar da informação analisada ter reconhecidamente valor acrescentado, as ferramentas de análise que a Guarda dispõe também não são suficientes para suprir as necessidades sentidas.