621 resultados para Posttreatment Abstinence Survivorship


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La fin du traitement actif et le début de la phase de survie correspondent à une période de transition qui présente de nombreux défis pour la personne survivante au cancer, les soignants et le système de santé. La phase de survie au cancer est une phase distincte mais négligée du continuum de soins. Pour faciliter la transition de la fin du traitement actif vers la survie et optimiser la coordination des soins de suivi, la mise en place d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) est proposée. Le but de cette recherche est de développer, de mettre en place et d’évaluer si un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) permet de répondre aux besoins globaux, de diminuer la détresse émotionnelle et de favoriser les comportements d’autogestion de santé de femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre (FACE) lors de la transition de la fin du traitement actif vers la survie au cancer. Elle comprend deux phases distinctes. La première phase visait d’abord le développement d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) pour des femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre avec traitements adjuvants. La sélection du contenu du PSS a été faite à partir de la recension des écrits et des données recueillies lors d’entrevues individuelles avec 19 FACE, 24 professionnels de la santé travaillant avec cette clientèle et quatre gestionnaires de proximité en oncologie. Cette première phase avait également pour but la validation du contenu du PSS auprès de dix professionnels de la santé impliqués dans l’étude. La seconde phase consistait à évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité du PSS et à en pré-tester l’utilité à répondre aux besoins globaux, à diminuer la détresse émotionnelle (peur de la récidive) et à favoriser l’autogestion de santé auprès d’un groupe de 18 femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre avec traitements adjuvants à la fin du traitement actif vers la survie. Sur le plan de la faisabilité, les résultats suggèrent que la mise en place du PSS comporte des défis en termes de temps, de ressources et de coordination pour l’infirmière pivot en oncologie (IPO). Concernant l’acceptabilité du PSS, les FACE le perçoivent comme un outil d’information utile qui favorise la communication avec le médecin de famille ou d’autres professionnels de la santé. Les IPO soutiennent sa valeur ajoutée à la fin du traitement et soulignent que la discussion du contenu du PSS fait ressortir des éléments de surveillance et de suivi essentiels à prendre en compte pour la phase de survie et permet de mettre l’emphase sur l’autogestion de sa santé. Pour les médecins de famille, le PSS est un outil d’information pour les survivantes qui favorise la réassurance, la communication et la continuité des soins entre professionnels de la santé. Enfin, pour ce qui est de l’utilité du PSS à répondre aux besoins globaux, les résultats suggèrent que l’ensemble des besoins sont plus satisfaits trois mois après la fin des traitements pour le groupe ayant reçu un PSS. Bien que la peur de récidive du cancer (PRC) s’améliore au suivi de trois mois pour le groupe exposé au PSS, 55% des FACE conservent un score cliniquement significatif de 13 à la sous-échelle de sévérité de peur de récidive à la fin du traitement et 42% au suivi de trois mois. Les comportements d’autogestion de santé s’améliorent entre la fin du traitement et le suivi de trois mois pour le groupe exposé un PSS. Considérant ces résultats, la démarche soutient la pertinence de mettre en place un PSS à la fin du traitement actif pour les FACE pour répondre à des besoins d’information, favoriser la communication et la continuité des soins avec les professionnels de la santé et les comportements d’autogestion de santé dans la phase de survie. Cependant, des contraintes de temps, de ressources et de coordination doivent être prises en compte pour sa mise en place dans le milieu clinique. Mots-clés : Transition, fin du traitement actif, besoins, survie au cancer, plan de soins de suivi.


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INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Research highlights the need to better understand the impact of alcohol-related harm on families and communities. Scottish policy initiatives to reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm include the planned introduction of a minimum unit price for alcohol. We aimed to explore existing and proposed changes in alcohol policy, from the standpoint of heavy drinkers, through accounts of their involvement and repercussions for family and friends. DESIGN AND METHODS: Interviews were conducted with 20 heavy drinkers, recruited from hospital alcohol treatment centres in Scotland's two largest cities. Participants were part of a larger longitudinal mixed methods study. Interviews explored experiences of alcohol-related harm and the impact, or potential impact, of alcohol policy changes on drinking patterns, risk-taking, consumption and wellbeing. Data coded for 'family and friends' were thematically analysed using a constant comparison method. RESULTS: Family and friends were portrayed as important for aiding moderation and abstinence, but more often for sustaining continued heavy drinking. Heavy drinkers with complex needs and those living in deprived communities suggested that increased alcohol prices could exacerbate the detrimental effect on their health and social circumstances, and that of their family, should their consumption remain excessive. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Population level policy initiatives to reduce alcohol consumption, such as minimum unit pricing, will impact on the families and social networks of heavy drinkers in addition to the drinker. The most vulnerable may be affected disproportionately. Alcohol policy changes and evaluations need to consider consequences for drinkers, families and communities. [O'May F, Whittaker A, Black H, Gill J. The families and friends of heavy drinkers: Caught in the cross-fire of policy change?


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We worked toward developing a core outcome set for clinical research studies in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) by conducting (1) patient consultations using modified nominal group technique; (2) a systematic literature review of outcome measures in PMR; (3) a pilot observational study of patients presenting with untreated PMR, and further discussion with patient research partners; and (4) a qualitative focus group study of patients with PMR on the meaning of stiffness, using thematic analysis. (1) Consultations included 104 patients at 4 centers. Symptoms of PMR included pain, stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. Function, anxiety, and depression were also often mentioned. Participants expressed concerns about diagnostic delay, adverse effects of glucocorticoids, and fear of relapse. (2) In the systematic review, outcome measures previously used for PMR include pain visual analog scores (VAS), morning stiffness, blood markers, function, and quality of life; standardized effect sizes posttreatment were large. (3) Findings from the observational study indicated that asking about symptom severity at 7 AM, or "on waking," appeared more relevant to disease activity than asking about symptom severity "now" (which depended on the time of assessment). (4) Preliminary results were presented from the focus group qualitative study, encompassing broad themes of stiffness, pain, and the effect of PMR on patients' lives. It was concluded that further validation work is required before a core outcome set in PMR can be recommended. Nevertheless, the large standardized effect sizes suggest that pain VAS is likely to be satisfactory as a primary outcome measure for assessing response to initial therapy of PMR. Dissection of between-patient heterogeneity in the subsequent treatment course may require attention to comorbidity as a potential confounding factor.


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil is a disease caused by Leishmania infantum chagasi (L.i.chagasi). The clinical evolution post-infection depends on the vertebrate host immune response, which is genetically mediated. This study aimed to evaluate the immune response of individuals living in endemic area for VL in the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, considering individuals with VL under treatment (n = 9), recovered VL <1 year post treatment (n = 10), > 10 years posttreatment (n = 9), uninfected individuals living in endemic areas (n = 7), individuals that lost DTH response (n=6) and asymptomatic individuals for VL (n=9). Peripheral blood cells were evaluated in the presence and absence of soluble Leishmania antigens (SLA) and ex vivo, to determine activation, presence of regulatory cells and memory cells. The Leishmania parasitemia and anti-Leishmania antibodies were determined respectively by qPCR and ELISA. Cells from individuals with VL under treatment showed less cell activation after stimulation with SLA for the markers CD4/CD69, CD8/CD69 and CD8/CD25 compared with VL post treatment treatment (p <0.001). Apparently uninfected individuals have a higher cell activation than symptomatic VL (p <0.001), with the exception of CD8/CD25 marker (p = 0.6662). On the other hand, in the ex-vivo group, significant differences were observed for CD4/CD69, CD8/CD69 and CD8/CD25 between the 4 groups due to increased cell activation present in cells of individuals symptomatic LV (p <0.001). VL cells under treatment, ex vivo, have a lower percentage of memory cells (CD4/CD45RO and CD8/CD45RO) than individuals VL post-treatment or control group (p = <0.01). Likewise, individuals with symptomatic VL have fewer regulatory cells when stimulated by SLA [CD4/CD25 (p = 0.0022) and CD4/FOXP3 (p = 0.0016)] and in the ex-vivo group (p = 0.0017). Finally, DNA isolated from recovered VL contained Leishmania DNA, supporting the hypothesis of non-sterile clinical cure for Leishmania infection. Recovered VL, even 10 years after treatment have high levels of memory cells, which may be due to the presence of stimulation, either by reexposure to Leishmania or non-sterile cure


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The use of chemical control measures to reduce the impact of parasite and pest species has frequently resulted in the development of resistance. Thus, resistance management has become a key concern in human and veterinary medicine, and in agricultural production. Although it is known that factors such as gene flow between susceptible and resistant populations, drug type, application methods, and costs of resistance can affect the rate of resistance evolution, less is known about the impacts of density-dependent eco-evolutionary processes that could be altered by drug-induced mortality. The overall aim of this thesis was to take an experimental evolution approach to assess how life history traits respond to drug selection, using a free-living dioecious worm (Caenorhabditis remanei) as a model. In Chapter 2, I defined the relationship between C. remanei survival and Ivermectin dose over a range of concentrations, in order to control the intensity of selection used in the selection experiment described in Chapter 4. The dose-response data were also used to appraise curve-fitting methods, using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) model selection to compare a series of nonlinear models. The type of model fitted to the dose response data had a significant effect on the estimates of LD50 and LD99, suggesting that failure to fit an appropriate model could give misleading estimates of resistance status. In addition, simulated data were used to establish that a potential cost of resistance could be predicted by comparing survival at the upper asymptote of dose-response curves for resistant and susceptible populations, even when differences were as low as 4%. This approach to dose-response modeling ensures that the maximum amount of useful information relating to resistance is gathered in one study. In Chapter 3, I asked how simulations could be used to inform important design choices used in selection experiments. Specifically, I focused on the effects of both within- and between-line variation on estimated power, when detecting small, medium and large effect sizes. Using mixed-effect models on simulated data, I demonstrated that commonly used designs with realistic levels of variation could be underpowered for substantial effect sizes. Thus, use of simulation-based power analysis provides an effective way to avoid under or overpowering a study designs incorporating variation due to random effects. In Chapter 4, I 3 investigated how Ivermectin dosage and changes in population density affect the rate of resistance evolution. I exposed replicate lines of C. remanei to two doses of Ivermectin (high and low) to assess relative survival of lines selected in drug-treated environments compared to untreated controls over 10 generations. Additionally, I maintained lines where mortality was imposed randomly to control for differences in density between drug treatments and to distinguish between the evolutionary consequences of drug treatment versus ecological processes affected by changes in density-dependent feedback. Intriguingly, both drug-selected and random-mortality lines showed an increase in survivorship when challenged with Ivermectin; the magnitude of this increase varied with the intensity of selection and life-history stage. The results suggest that interactions between density-dependent processes and life history may mediate evolved changes in susceptibility to control measures, which could result in misleading conclusions about the evolution of heritable resistance following drug treatment. In Chapter 5, I investigated whether the apparent changes in drug susceptibility found in Chapter 4 were related to evolved changes in life-history of C. remanei populations after selection in drug-treated and random-mortality environments. Rapid passage of lines in the drug-free environment had no effect on the measured life-history traits. In the drug-free environment, adult size and fecundity of drug-selected lines increased compared to the controls but drug selection did not affect lifespan. In the treated environment, drug-selected lines showed increased lifespan and fecundity relative to controls. Adult size of randomly culled lines responded in a similar way to drug-selected lines in the drug-free environment, but no change in fecundity or lifespan was observed in either environment. The results suggest that life histories of nematodes can respond to selection as a result of the application of control measures. Failure to take these responses into account when applying control measures could result in adverse outcomes, such as larger and more fecund parasites, as well as over-estimation of the development of genetically controlled resistance. In conclusion, my thesis shows that there may be a complex relationship between drug selection, density-dependent regulatory processes and life history of populations challenged with control measures. This relationship could have implications for how resistance is monitored and managed if life histories of parasitic species show such eco-evolutionary responses to drug application.


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A pesar de los avances en el conocimiento de la educación sexual, la falta de estudios sobre la perspectiva de los docentes y la importancia de su rol al impartir esta temática a sus estudiantes adolescentes, ha llevado a realizar esta investigación presentada en este artículo. El estudio se centra en los conocimientos, prácticas y actitudes de los docentes de los colegios de la ciudad de Cuenca sobre la educación sexual de sus estudiantes adolescentes. Para ello se ha adoptado un enfoque cuantitativo, mediante la encuesta basada en un cuestionario de recogida de datos. La población del estudio consistió en una muestra de 180 docentes de los colegios públicos y privados. Los resultados demuestran que un porcentaje de docentes nunca recibió formación en temas de educación sexual. Esta falta de formación se refleja a su vez en la escasa participación de los docentes en el abordaje de la educación sexual en sus aulas, lo que lleva a los conceptos erróneos de salud sexual.


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Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate the semen profiles of bicycle taxi cyclists and healthy controls in Mangochi district, Malawi. Methods Semen samples were collected from young bicycle taxi cyclists after two to three days of sexual abstinence. A control group, comprising young men who were not bicycle taxi operators also submitted semen samples. Samples were left to liquefy for 30 minutes before measurements were conducted of volume, concentration, total motility, and progressive motility. This was followed by preparation of morphology slides. Light microscopy was used for sperm analysis. Results Semen parameters such as volume (1.66 ± 0.18 mL vs. 3.64 ± 0.17 mL; p = 0.0001), concentration (28.31 ± 4.33 x 106/mL vs. 54.95 ± 5.93 x 106/ mL; p = 0.02) , total motility (56.98% ± 8.22% vs. 56.98% ± 8.22%; p = 0.03), progressive motility (22.57% ± 3.35% vs. 59.69% ± 4.82%; p = 0.004), and morphology (6.98% ± 3.23% vs. 19.73% ± 2.32%; p = 0.006) were significantly reduced in the bicycle taxi cyclists compared to the healthy controls. Conclusion In this case-control study, bicycle taxi operators had lower semen volume, concentration, total motility, and progressive motility, as well as a higher concentration of abnormally shaped spermatocytes, compared to healthy controls.


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Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de establecer los cambios dentarios y evaluar la influencia de estos en los tejidos blandos comparando pacientes tratados con sistema Damon Q (N=23) y MBT (N=16). Se seleccionó una muestra de estudio conformada por 39 individuos siendo 28 mujeres y 11 varones de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 26 años. Se registraron radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales tomadas antes y después de concluido el tratamiento. Las inclinaciones de los incisivos superiores e inferiores así como las alteraciones del perfil facial fueron medidas mediante el Software de análisis cefalométrico Nemotec Dental. Para determinar los cambios en los tejidos duros y blandos se aplicó la prueba T-Student verificándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) para los dos sistemas en las variables: ángulo incisivo maxilar, mandibular, posición del labio inferior según el plano estético de Ricketts y el de Burstone. La correlación existente entre los cambios en la inclinación de los incisivos y la posición labial, se evaluó mediante el coeficiente de relación de Pearson encontrando para el sistema Damon una correlación entre la posición del incisivo superior y la del labio superior e inferior, la posición del incisivo inferior tuvo una correlación moderada con el labio inferior, con la técnica MBT se encontró una relación moderada entre la posición del incisivo superior y el labio inferior. Se concluyó que existen cambios postratamiento en la posición de los incisivos, así como protrusión labial inferior hallando relación entre la inclinación vestibular de los incisivos y el movimiento de los labios en ambas técnicas


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of prenatal alcohol exposure with balance in10-year-old children. DESIGN: Population-based prospective longitudinal study. SETTING: Former Avon region of UK (Southwest England). PARTICIPANTS: 6915 children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children who had a balance assessment at age 10 and had data on maternal alcohol consumption. OUTCOME MEASURES: 3 composite balance scores: dynamic balance (beam-walking), static balance eyes open, static balance eyes closed (heel-to-toe balance on a beam and standing on one leg, eyes open or closed). RESULTS: Most mothers (95.5%) consumed no-to-moderate amounts (3-7 glasses/week) of alcohol during pregnancy. Higher total-alcohol consumption was associated with maternal-social advantage, whereas binge drinking (≥4 units/day) and abstinence were associated with maternal social disadvantage. No evidence was found of an adverse effect of maternal-alcohol consumption on childhood balance. Higher maternal-alcohol use during pregnancy was generally associated with better offspring outcomes, with some specific effects appearing strong (static balance eyes open and moderate total alcohol exposure at 18 weeks, adjusted OR 1.23 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.49); static balance eyes closed and moderate total alcohol exposure at 18 weeks, adjusted OR 1.25 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.48). Similar results were found for both paternal and postnatal maternal alcohol exposure. A Mendelian-randomization approach was used to estimate the association between maternal genotype and offspring balance using the non-synonymous variant rs1229984*A (ADH1B) to proxy for lower maternal alcohol consumption; no strong associations were found between this genotype/proxy and offspring balance. CONCLUSIONS: No evidence was found to indicate that moderate maternal alcohol consumption in this population sample had an adverse effect on offspring balance at age 10. An apparent beneficial effect of higher total maternal alcohol consumption on offspring balance appeared likely to reflect residual confounding.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate if the treatments with ceftiofur and amoxicillin are risk factors for the emergence of cephalosporin resistant (CR) E. coli in a pig farm during the rearing period. One hundred 7-day-old piglets were divided into two groups, a control (n = 50) group and a group parenterally treated with ceftiofur (n = 50). During the fattening period, both groups were subdivided in two. A second treatment with amoxicillin was administered in feed to two of the four groups, as follows: group 1 (untreated, n = 20), group 2 (treated with amoxicillin, n = 26), group 3 (treated with ceftiofur, n = 20), and group 4 (treated with ceftiofur and amoxicillin, n = 26). During treatment with ceftiofur, fecal samples were collected before treatment (day 0) and at days 2, 7, 14, 21, and 42 posttreatment, whereas with amoxicillin, the sampling was extended 73 days posttreatment. CR E. coli bacteria were selected on MacConkey agar with ceftriaxone (1 mg/liter). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), MICs of 14 antimicrobials, the presence of cephalosporin resistance genes, and replicon typing of plasmids were analyzed. Both treatments generated an increase in the prevalence of CR E. coli, which was statistically significant in the treated groups. Resistance diminished after treatment. A total of 47 CR E. coli isolates were recovered during the study period; of these, 15 contained blaCTX-M-1, 10 contained blaCTX-M-14, 4 contained blaCTX-M-9, 2 contained blaCTX-M-15, and 5 contained blaSHV-12. The treatment with ceftiofur and amoxicillin was associated with the emergence of CR E. coli during the course of the treatment. However, by the time of finishing, CR E. coli bacteria were not recovered from the animals.


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Purpose Radiation therapy (RT) is often recommended in the treatment of pelvic cancers. Following RT, a high prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunctions (urinary incontinence, dyspareunia, and fecal incontinence) is reported. However, changes in pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) after RT remain unclear. The purpose of this review was to systematically document the effects of RT on the PFM structure and function in patients with cancer in the pelvic area. Methods An electronic literature search using Pubmed Central, CINAHL, Embase, and SCOPUS was performed from date of inception up to June 2014. The following keywords were used: radiotherapy, muscle tissue, and pelvic floor. Two reviewers selected the studies in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement (PRISMA). Out of the 369 articles screened, 13 met all eligibility criteria. The methodological quality was assessed using the QualSyst scoring system, and standardized mean differences were calculated. Results Thirteen studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria, from which four were of good methodological quality. One presented strong evidence that RT affects PFM structure in men treated for prostate cancer. Four presented high-level evidence that RT affects PFM function in patients treated for rectal cancer. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity and lack of descriptive statistics. Conclusion There is some evidence that RT has detrimental impacts on both PFMs’ structure and function. Implications for cancer survivors A better understanding of muscle damage and dysfunction following RT treatment will improve pelvic floor rehabilitation and, potentially, prevention of its detrimental impacts.


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Objective: Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), caused by decreased levels of estrogen, is a common problem in aging women. Main symptoms of VVA are vaginal dryness and dyspareunia. First-line treatment consists of the application of local estrogen therapy (ET) or vaginal moisturizer. In some cases however, symptoms and signs persist despite those interventions. This case study describes a 77-year-old woman with severe VVA symptoms despite use of local ET and the addition of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training to her treatment. Methods: A patient with stress urinary incontinence and VVA was referred to a randomized clinical trial on PFM training. On pretreatment evaluation while on local ET, she showed VVA symptoms on the ICIQ Vaginal Symptoms questionnaire and the ICIQ-Female Sexual Matters associated with lower urinary tract Symptoms questionnaire, and also showed VVA signs during the physical and dynamometric evaluation of the PFM. She was treated with a 12-week PFM training program. Results: The patient reported a reduction in vaginal dryness and dyspareunia symptoms, as well as a better quality of sexual life after 12 weeks of PFM training. On posttreatment physical evaluation, the PFMs' tone and elasticity were improved, although some other VVA signs remained unchanged. Conclusions: Pelvic floor muscle training may improve some VVA symptoms and signs in women taking local ET. Further study is needed to investigate and confirm the present case findings and to explore mechanisms of action of this intervention for VVA.


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Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) are native to the remote oceanic islands of Bermuda and presently inhabit only four small brackish water ponds on a private golf course. The life history of this species is poorly understood on Bermuda and so the aim of this study was to fill these knowledge gaps, to compare the results with what is known from other areas in the North American range, and to inform the development of a local management plan. The results of a mark-recapture census revealed that ca. 100 individuals ≥81 mm straight carapace length live on Bermuda, of which nearly half (48.5%) were considered sexually mature. The population is dominated by females (sex ratio 2.9:1) and annual recruitment over the three year period was found to be extremely low (approximately two terrapins). Female diamondback terrapins in Bermuda nest almost exclusively within a limited number of sand bunkers on the golf course. Nesting commenced in late March or early April and ended in late August. Peak oviposition was observed in May and June. Clutch size averaged 5.1 eggs (range 0-10; SD 2.4) and the incubation period averaged 61.8 days (range 49-83; SD 10.5). Delayed emergence was documented, with 43.8% of the hatchlings remaining in their natal nests over the winter months. The mean annual hatching success rate was determined to be 19% (range 17.6-21; SD 1.9). Radio-telemetry was used to investigate the movements and survivorship of postemergent hatchling diamondback terrapins. The results indicated that mangrove swamps and grass-dominated marshes adjacent to the ponds are important developmental habitats for hatchlings. Yellow-crowned night herons (Nyctanassa violacea) were found to be significant predators of small terrapins during spring emergence. Small aquatic gastropods comprised 66.7% of the faecal samples analysed from the Bermudian population. Scavenged fish and vertebrate animal remains, terrestrial arthropods, polychaete worms and bivalves were consumed in lesser amounts. Sediment from the pond environment was found in 74% of the faecal samples analysed and is believed to have been incidentally ingested while foraging for the small benthic gastropods. Eco-toxicological analyses of the pond sediment, prey and terrapin eggs showed that the Bermudian diamondback terrapins live and feed in wetland habitats characterised by chronic, multifactorial contamination; principally total petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and a variety of heavy metals. This study found that some of those contaminants are accumulating in the gastropod prey as well as being transferred to terrapin eggs. This may be reducing the incidence of successful embryonic development for this species in Bermuda and may likely contribute to the observed low hatching rates. These collective findings indicate that the Bermudian population is very vulnerable to local extirpation.


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Purpose Radiation therapy (RT) is often recommended in the treatment of pelvic cancers. Following RT, a high prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunctions (urinary incontinence, dyspareunia, and fecal incontinence) is reported. However, changes in pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) after RT remain unclear. The purpose of this review was to systematically document the effects of RT on the PFM structure and function in patients with cancer in the pelvic area. Methods An electronic literature search using Pubmed Central, CINAHL, Embase, and SCOPUS was performed from date of inception up to June 2014. The following keywords were used: radiotherapy, muscle tissue, and pelvic floor. Two reviewers selected the studies in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement (PRISMA). Out of the 369 articles screened, 13 met all eligibility criteria. The methodological quality was assessed using the QualSyst scoring system, and standardized mean differences were calculated. Results Thirteen studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria, from which four were of good methodological quality. One presented strong evidence that RT affects PFM structure in men treated for prostate cancer. Four presented high-level evidence that RT affects PFM function in patients treated for rectal cancer. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity and lack of descriptive statistics. Conclusion There is some evidence that RT has detrimental impacts on both PFMs’ structure and function. Implications for cancer survivors A better understanding of muscle damage and dysfunction following RT treatment will improve pelvic floor rehabilitation and, potentially, prevention of its detrimental impacts.