784 resultados para Politics and culture
This book is a product of a two year project, the extensive surveys CIRALG and the Division of Historic Preservation undertook to identify culturally significant structures in central Iowa. It discloses the aspirations, tastes, building abilities and needs of earlier Iowans.
This brochure is the printed copy of the speech made by Hon. John A. Kasson to the Twentieth General Assembly for the Inauguration of the Iowa State Capitol
Contains information of the marches and other activities of the First Regiment of the United States Dragoons between the years 1833 and 1850 with in the boundaries of the Iowa country. Written by Louis Pelzer.
This report contains information on the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. It includes the history, member information and their duties, activities performed, photos and a report from each Iowa county on what they accomplished for the celebration of the U.S. Bicentennial.
Traces the origin and growth of the Mennonite movement from its first summation into a creed in Holland and its story as it has been recorded in American, and in later years in Iowa.
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, Herschel C. Loveless and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. Includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, William S. Beardsley and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. The brochure also includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
This book contains information on the dedication ceremony of Iowa monuments on the southern battlefields from the civil war and their final transfer made to the care of the general government. It includes history of the battles, photos and maps.
The Historical Department of Iowa compiled and published these historical papers pertaining to Iowa and the territory from which Iowa was formed. Included are: John Brown among the Quakers, Mascoutin: a reminiscence of the nation of fire, Black Hawk, Keokuk, and their village, Nauvoo and the prophet, the first meeting with the Dakotahs and the tragedy at Minnewaukon.
Contains information to be used by teachers in classrooms including history of the the United States flag, the government of Iowa, the Constitution of Iowa, the birth of Americanism, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
The discipline of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) deals with the alignment of business and information systems architectures. While EAM has long been regarded as a discipline for IT managers this book takes a different stance: It explains how top executives can use EAM for leveraging their strategic planning and controlling processes and how EAM can contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. Based on the analysis of best practices from eight leading European companies from various industries the book presents crucial elements of successful EAM. It outlines what executives need to do in terms of governance, processes, methodologies and culture in order to bring their management to the next level. Beyond this, the book points how EAM might develop in the next decade allowing today's managers to prepare for the future of architecture management.
Observations and experiences of the early growth in the mid to late 1800's of western Iowa of Rev. John Todd of Tabor, Iowa. It also includes his biography.
This study was written by John J. Louis and reprinted from volume II, numbers 1 and 2 of the Iowa journal of history and politics [Jan.-Apr.1904]. It examines the component society of Shelby County with reference to its social structure.
The discovery of early manuscript reports of Territorial and State Librarians, buried in the mass of old official papers transferred from the several departments of State to the new Department of Archives in the Historical Building, has suggested the propriety of completing as far as possible, the historical record of Iowa's State Library, "from the earliest period to the present time." After a thorough research through the papers on file in the Archives Department, the published Journals and departmental reports in the State Library and documents and private papers loaned me by Mr. Newton R. Parvin, librarian of the Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. I am now able to present the following historical sketch, Supplemented by the hitherto unpublished papers referred to this filling a gap in the history of a State institution which from very small beginnings has grown to large proportions and has made for itself a firm place in the respect and esteem of every citizen of Iowa.