986 resultados para Plaque vulnérable


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Gingivitis is the first manifestation of periodontal disease, and is characterized by painless and slow evolution. Early diagnosis and intervention must be done to avoid the possibility of precocious periodontitis during the childhood or teenage years. The enzymatic BANA test (N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-naphthylamide) was used to evaluate subgingival samples from 54 children between 6 and 9 years of age. Plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI) were assessed according to the criteria recommended by Löe (1967). Subgingival plaque was collected from the region that featured the greatest periodontal alteration, represented by a higher gingival index. Resulting data were grouped individually according to visible and non-visible plaque and bleeding and non-bleeding gingiva. Results showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the presence of visible plaque and the positivity of the BANA test, nor was there a statistically significant correlation between the presence of bleeding and the positivity of the BANA test in subgingival samples obtained from children. This study concluded that the BANA test is not an ideal diagnostic test to be applied to children.


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The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of isolation of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in 100 patients with chronic periodontitis, 14 patients with aggressive periodontitis, 142 pre-school children with gingivitis and 134 periodontally healthy subjects. Samples of subgingival plaque were taken using sterilized paper points introduced into periodontal pockets or gingival crevice for 60 seconds and inoculated on TSBV agar, which was incubated under anaerobiosis at 37°C, for 4 days. Microbial identification was performed through biochemical methods and morphocellular and morphocolonial analysis. Aa was detected in 40.3% of healthy subjects, 68% of patients with chronic periodontitis, 92.86% of patients with aggressive periodontitis and 40.14% of children with gingivitis. The rate of recovery of Aa in the tested human groups proved to be higher than previously reported and in agreement with participation of this facultative anaerobe as a member of native microbiota of the periodontium and its relation with aggressive and chronic periodontitis in Brazil.


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It is known that the invasin molecule of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis stimulates human peripheral B cells in vitro. In this work we evaluated the in vivo role of invasin as polyclonal activator of B lymphocytes in the mouse experimental model, by comparing strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis expressing invasin and isogenic inv mutants. Swiss mice were infected intravenously with two strains expressing invasin (YpIII pIB1 and an isogenic virulence plasmid-cured strain, YpIII) and with two invasin mutant strains (Yp100 pIB1 and Yp100, plasmid-cured). Spleen cells were sampled on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after infection. Immunoglobulin (Ig)-secreting spleen cells were detected by protein A plaque assay and specific antibodies were detected in sera by ELISA. The virulent strain YPIII pIB1 (wild type) did not provoke polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes in vivo. In general, fewer Ig-secreting spleen cells of all isotypes were found in the infected animals than in the control animals. Specific IgG antibodies were detected in the sera of animals infected with all strains. The peak response occurred on the 21 st day post-infection, and the Yp100 strain provoked the highest level of these antibodies. We concluded that invasin is not a polyclonal activator of murine B cells.


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Objective: This crossover study compared the efficacy of an ultrasonic toothbrush for the reduction of plaque, gingival inflammation, and levels of Streptococcus mutans, in relation to an electric and a manual toothbrush. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one patients with orthodontic appliances were divided into three groups. All patients were evaluated by a periodontist and samples of saliva were collected for quantification of S mutans. The patients received their first brushes with appropriate instructions. For each crossover leg, patients used each toothbrush for a period of 30 days. At the end of each washout period, participants received a periodontal evaluation and new samples of saliva were collected. After 15 days of using their own toothbrushes, patients received the next toothbrushes in the experimental sequence. Results: The ultrasonic brush group presented significant improvement in the reduction of visible plaque on the buccal surfaces (-6.36%, P = .007). The counts of S mutans decreased in the electric (2.04 × 105 to 1.36 × 105 colony-forming units [CFU]/mL) and ultrasonic (2.98 × 105 to 1.84 × 105 CFU/mL) groups. There were no statistical differences among the three brushes for the clinical and microbiological parameters evaluated. Conclusions: This study did not demonstrate that the ultrasonic toothbrush was better in reducing gingival inflammation in adolescent orthodontic patients, but plaque scores were lowered on buccal surfaces of teeth with orthodontic brackets. In addition, S mutans counts were markedly decreased in the electric and ultrasonic groups, which should be related to a reduced risk of oral disease. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.


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PURPOSE: This review of the literature intends to evaluate the effect of brushes with high frequency motion when compared with manual toothbrushes regarding the indices of plaque and gingival bleeding. METHODS: Patients presenting gingivitis and/or chronic periodontitis were evaluated in addition to patients having osseointegrated implants and fixed orthodontic appliances. Pertinent literature was reviewed to select articles according to previously defined inclusion criteria. RESULTS: In the assessed studies results showed significant decreases in plaque and gingival indices by utilization of both types of brushes. However, in the selected studies where sonic brushes were tested in orthodontic and dental implant patients there was a more significant decrease in the indices. Furthermore, there was no indication of gingival recession attributed to product use. CONCLUSION: Future studies with a more homogeneous methodology and better experiment designs will be needed.


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A morphological and histochemical study of the human vestibular fold was carried out using routine histological techniques. Seven μm-thick histological sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Calleja showed the presence of elastic collagen fibers and seromucous glands in the vestibular fold. Muscle fibers forming the ventricular muscle were also identified. Ultrastructural analyses of the epithelial layer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed ciliated cells and gland ducts opening on the epithelial surface. Histochemical analyses were performed on ventricular muscles submitted to nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) reactions. Based on these reactions, it was observed that the muscle is formed by three types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxydative glycolytic (FOG) and fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers distributed in a mosaic pattern. The fiber frequency was 22.7%, 69.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The higher frequency of SO and FOG fibers characterized the muscle as having aerobic metabolism and resistance to fatigue. The ventricular muscle was considered fast. The study of the neuromuscular junctions performed after nonspecific esterase reaction showed that they are of the en-plaque type and have multiple occurrences in the ventricular muscle.


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Given that tobacco smoking habit is a risk factor for periodontal diseases, the aim of this study was to compare clinical periodontal aspects between smokers and non-smokers. The clinical status were assessed in 55 patients, 29 smokers and 26 non-smokers, aged 30 to 50 years, with mean age of 40. The clinical parameters used were: probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession (GR) and gingival bleeding index (GBI) for arches (upper and lower ) and teeth (anterior and posterior). Tooth loss was also evaluated in both groups. Multiple regression analysis showed: tendency of greater probing depth and clinical attachment level means for smokers; greater amount of plaque in smokers in all regions; greater gingival index means for non-smokers with clinical significance (p<0.05) in all regions. Although, without statistical significance, the analysis showed greater gingival bleeding index means almost always for nonsmokers; similar gingival recession means in both groups and tendency of upper tooth loss in smokers and lower tooth loss in non-smokers. The findings of this study showed that clinical periodontal parameters may be different in smokers when compared to non-smokers and that masking of some periodontal signs can be a result of nicotine's vasoconstrictor effect.


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This study evaluated the transmission of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in women with severe chronic periodontitis and their children. Thirty women (mean age = 36.1±6.0 years) who were mothers of at least one child aged 7 to 16 years were enrolled. In order to investigate mother-child transmission of Aa, the children were also evaluated when their mothers were colonized by the bacterium. Subgingival plaque samples of each woman were collected from 3 sites (mean probing depth of 7.3±1.2 mm and mean clinical attachment level of 7.9±1.5 mm) and pooled in reduced transport fluid (RTF). These samples were processed, inoculated onto TSBVagar selective medium and incubated at 37°C in microaerophilic atmosphere for 5 days. Aa was identified on the basis of colony morphology, Gram staining, catalase and oxidase reactions. Aa was found in 8 out of 30 women. Therefore, 8 children from these women (mean age= 12 ± 3.7 years) were evaluated, but Aa was found only in 2 of them. Aa strains of the two mother-child pairs were evaluated by arbitrarily-primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR), although it was not found similarity between the amplitypes of each pair. No Aa transmission was found between Brazilian women with severe chronic periodontitis and their children.


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This in vivo experimental study evaluated the efficacy of fluoride-releasing elastomers in the control of Streptococcus mutans levels in the oral cavity. Forty orthodontic patients were recruited and divided into two groups of 20. Fluoride-releasing elastomeric ligature ties (Fluor-I-Ties, Ortho Arch Co. Inc., USA) were used in the experimental group, and conventional elastomeric ligature ties (D. Morelli, Brazil), in the control group. Two initial samples of saliva were collected at a 14-day interval to determine the number of colony forming units (CFU) of Streptococcus mutans. Immediately after collecting the second sample, fluoride-releasing elastomeric ligature ties were placed in the patients of the experimental group, and conventional ligature ties, in the patients of the control group. Seven, 14 and 28 days after placement of the elastomeric ligature ties, saliva and plaque surrounding the orthodontic appliance were collected for microbiologic analysis. There were no significant differences in the number of Streptococcus mutans CFUs in saliva or plaque in the area surrounding the fluoride-releasing or conventional elastomeric ligature ties. Thus, fluoride-releasing elastomeric ligature ties should not be indicated to reduce the incidence of enamel decalcification in orthodontic patients. Since there was no significant reduction in S. mutans in saliva or plaque, other means of prevention against enamel decalcification should be indicated for these patients.


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The purpose of this clinical study was to investigate if periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are associated. The study included 39 RA patients (test group) and 22 age- and gender-matched healthy individuals (control group). Questionnaires on general and oral health were applied and a complete periodontal exam, including visible plaque, marginal bleeding, attachment loss (AL) and number of teeth present, was also performed by a single calibrated examiner. Diabetes mellitus patients and smokers were excluded. RA patients had fewer teeth, higher prevalence of sites presenting dental plaque and a higher frequency of sites with advanced attachment loss. Although the prevalence of dental plaque was higher in the test group (Chi-square test, p = 0.0006), the percentage of sites showing gingival bleeding was not different (Fisher's exact test, p > 0.05). Based on our results, we suggest that there is an association between periodontal disease and RA.


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The dual path of insertion concept for removable partial denture (RPD) design may be used in esthetically demanding situations. When compared to conventional RPDs, the main advantage of this design is the minimal use of clasps. This clinical report describes the treatment of a patient with an anterior maxillary edentulous area using a dual path RPD. The diagnostic cast was surveyed to ensure the adequacy of the undercuts on the mesial surfaces of the anterior abutments, where rigid minor connectors were placed. Inverted V-shaped canine cingulum rest seats were prepared to provide resistance to tooth movement during function. The dual path RPD concept allows excellent esthetic results, minimizes tooth preparation, and reduces the tendency toward plaque accumulation in a Kennedy class IV partially edentulous arch. © 2008 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, were addressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many teenagers were surprised at the situation to which they were submitted and at the topic they were discussing. The word 'oral health' was associated with the condition of cleanliness of the oral cavity, not identifying oral health as part of general health. The term 'transmission of cavities' did not have a sufficient understanding. The term 'permanent tooth' was well understood and was associated with a type of tooth that would not be replaced. The word 'fluoride' had more association with the task of cleaning than protection of the teeth. It is concluded that the use of the focus group technique is of great importance in the interpretation of the knowledge of adolescents on oral health and the appropriateness of the terminology of questionnaires on the same subject.


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Objective: To identify the effect of a self-instructive method (comic strip), applied with distinct approaches and evaluated over two periods, on the oral health of schoolchildren. Method: The sample comprised 2nd year elementary schoolchildren chosen randomly and divided into four groups: a control group (G1) which received no material, a reading group (G2), which was given the comic strip and read it in the classroom, a discussion group (G3), who received the comic strip, which was read out loud in the classroom and discussed, and a complete group (G4), which received the comic strip and which, after reading it, was asked to rewrite the story. O'Leary's plaque index was used as an evaluation instrument, measured immediately prior to application of the program and again 30 days later. The plaque index measured after and 30 days was compared, in each group, using the Wilcoxon test. The plaque index of the diferents groups was compared using the Kruskal-Walis test, in two moments diferents. The significance level was 5%. Results: The results of the evaluation revealed a statistically significant reduction (p<0.05) of the plaque index presented between the two periods in the four groups studied here. However, this reduction was considerably greater in the discussion and complete groups. Conclusion: The use of the self-instruction method associated with work on its content, as occurred in the discussion and complete groups, led to a better understanding of the subject matter, resulting in a higher reduction of plaque indices.


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Aim: To assess the DMFT (D = decayed; M = missing; F = filled) index of institutionalized patients with mild and moderate physical and mental disabilities and to correlate it with the Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) counts in the supragingival bacterial biofilm. Methods: Dental examination of 28 patients aged 15 to 25 years was conducted to determine the DMFT index (number of decayed, missing and filled teeth). Supragingival plaque samples were collected from the buccal surfaces of all teeth. The samples were inoculated in SB20 medium and incubated at 37 °C for 48 hours. Spearman's correlation test was applied (p = 0.05) to evaluate the correlation between the DMFT index and the amount of S. mutans. Results: The mean DMFT recorded was 7.68 and a large mean number of S. mutans colony-forming units (cfu > 10 6) was found. No statistically significant correlation was found between the DMFT index and the number of S. mutans. Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study, no correlation was found between the DMFT index and the number of S. mutans cfu in institutionalized patients with mental retardation and physical disabilities.


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In a previous study, we evaluated the findings related to the use of resorbable collagen membranes in humans along with DFDBA (demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft). The aim of this subsequent study was to histometrically evaluate in dogs, the healing response of gingival recessions treated with collagen membrane + DFDBA (Guided Tissue Regeneration, GTR) compared to a coronally positioned flap (CPF). Two types of treatment were randomly carried out in a split-mouth study. Group 1 was considered as test (GTR: collagen membrane + DFDBA), whereas Group 2 stood for the control (only CPF). The dogs were given chemical bacterial plaque control with 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate during a 90-day repair period. Afterwards, the animals were killed to obtain biopsies and histometric evaluation of the process of cementum and bone formation, epithelial migration and gingival level. A statistically significant difference was found between groups with a larger extension of neoformed cementum (GTR = 32.72%; CPF = 18.82%; p = 0.0004), new bone (GTR = 23.20%; CPF = 09.90%; p = 0.0401) and with a smaller area of residual gingival recession in the test group (GTR = 50.69%; CPF = 59.73%; p = 0.0055) compared to the control group. The only item assessed that showed no statistical difference was epithelial proliferation on the root surface, with means of 15.14% for the GTR group and 20.34% for the CPF group (p = 0.0890). Within the limits of this study we concluded that the treatment of gingival recession defects with GTR, associating collagen membrane with DFDBA, showed better outcomes in terms of a larger extension of neoformed cementum and bone, as well as in terms of a smaller proportion of residual recessions.