839 resultados para Panel board
Audit report on the Iowa Corn Promotion Board for the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014
The Board is authorized to request water quality improvement applications from soil and water conservation districts and local watershed improvement committees and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. During 2006, the Fund was allocated $5 million for state fiscal year 2007 for water quality improvements from the tobacco settlement trust fund. On September 20, 2006, the Board awarded grants to sixteen applicants. Total amount allocated to these projects was $4,915,066.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to improve the quality of water in the state. The Board is authorized to request water quality improvement applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, cities, public water supply utilities, and county conservation boards and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. In 2007, the Fund was allocated $5 million for state fiscal year 2008 for water quality improvements from the tobacco settlement trust fund. On September 24. 2007, the Board awarded grants to ten applicants. Total amount allocated to these projects is $2.656.842. A second Request for applications is under way and will close February 22, 2008.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to improve the quality of water in the state. The Board is authorized to request water quality improvement applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, cities, public water supply utilities, and county conservation boards and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. In 2008, the Fund was allocated $5 million for state fiscal year 2009 for water quality improvements from the general fund. On February 22, 2008, the Board awarded grants from the SFY 2008 allocation from the Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund to seven applicants. Total amount allocated to these projects is $2,115,694. A Request For Applications was issued Last spring for the SFY 2009 appropriations. On September 12, the Board awarded grants to nine applicants. Total amount allocated to these projects is $3,513,531. A second Request for Applications is underway for the SFY 2009 allocation and will close January 30, 2009.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. Annual appropriations of $5 million plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue two Request For Applications in 2009. On February 27, the Board awarded grants to seven applicants for a total of $2,366,861. On September 21, the Board awarded grants to thirteen applicants for a total of $5,120,832. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects stimulate economic recovery and create jobs through the purchasing oflocal goods and services.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. Annual appropriations plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue three Request For Applications in 2010. On February 19, the Board awarded grants to five applicants for a total of $1,647,600. On July 23, the Board awarded grants to five applicants for a total of $796,500. Finally, on November 5, the Board awarded grants to eight applicants for a total of $1,203,500.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Although no appropriation was received in FY2012, returned funds from some prior years' grants plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue one Request For Applications in 2011. On September 9, the Board awarded grants to eight applicants for a total of $1,506,309. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects stimulate economic recovery, empower local groups to improve water quality and create jobs through the purchase oflocal goods and services.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-goveming body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Annual appropriations, funds from the Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties, canyover funds plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue a Request For Applications from June 15 to July 27,2012. On August 17, the Board awarded grants to twelve applicants for a total of $946,952. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects stimulate economic recovery and create jobs through the purchasing of local goods and services. A second Request For Applications was open from October 9 to December 14, 2012. Applications from this request will be reviewed in February 2013.
The Watershed Improvement Board is an independent, self-governing body which awards grants for water quality improvement in the state. Eligible applicants include soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Funding for these grants comes from annual appropriations and funds from the Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. The Board awarded ten grants totalling $2,307,554 this year. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects help stimulate economic activity and create jobs through the purchase of local goods and services. Additional grants will be awarded this spring.
The Watershed Improvement Review Board is an independent, self-governing body which awards grants for water quality improvement in the state. Eligible applicants include soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Funding for these grants comes from annual appropriations and funds from the Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. The Board awarded six grants totalling $1,406,178 this year. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects help stimulate economic activity and create jobs through the purchase of local goods and services. Additional grants will be awarded this spring.
[Table des matières] 1.1. Membres du panel d'experts. 1.2. Représentants des instances mandantes. 2. Recommandations. 2.1. Premier objectif : faire progresser les fumeurs dans leur désaccoutumance (population des fumeurs, population de soignants). 2.2. Deuxième objectif : modifier la norme. 2.3. Troisième objectif : remboursement des prestations médicales. 2.4. Quatrième objectif : recherche sur le tabagisme. 3. Bibliographie. 1.1. Mitglieder der Expertengruppe. 1.2. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Auftraggeber. 2. Empfehlungen. 2.1. Ziel 1: die Rauchenden in die Entwicklung zu Nichtrauchenden weiterbringen (Die Rauchenden, das medizinische Personal). 2.2. Ziel 2 : Wandel der Verhaltensnormen. 2.3. Ziel 3 : Rückzahlung der medizinischen Leistungen. 2.4. Ziel 4 : Erforschung über dem Tabakkonsum. 3. Bibliographie.
The IUB Annual Report contains summaries for IUB dockets that were active during the calendar year as well as IUB background information, IUB work section highlights, descriptions of IUB court cases and participation in federal proceedings, listings of IUB assessments to jurisdictional utilities, and the IUB fiscal year budget.
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy News is published by the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Foundation, Inc, to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy News is published by the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Foundation, Inc, to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The objective of this work was to combine asymmetric somatic hybridization (donor-recipient fusion or gamma fusion) to microprotoplast-mediated chromosome transfer, as a tool to be used for chromosome mapping in Citrus. Swinglea glutinosa microprotoplasts were irradiated either with 50, 70, 100 or 200 gamma rays and fused to cv. Ruby Red grapefruit or Murcott tangor protoplasts. Cell colonies were successfully formed and AFLP analyses confirmed presence of S. glutinosa in both 'Murcott' tangor and 'Ruby Red' grapefruit genomes.