898 resultados para Packing for shipment
In this thesis we present some combinatorial optimization problems, suggest models and algorithms for their effective solution. For each problem,we give its description, followed by a short literature review, provide methods to solve it and, finally, present computational results and comparisons with previous works to show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The considered problems are: the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts(BPPC) and the Fair Layout Problem (FLOP).
Nano(bio)science and nano(bio)technology play a growing and tremendous interest both on academic and industrial aspects. They are undergoing rapid developments on many fronts such as genomics, proteomics, system biology, and medical applications. However, the lack of characterization tools for nano(bio)systems is currently considered as a major limiting factor to the final establishment of nano(bio)technologies. Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FlFFF) is a separation technique that is definitely emerging in the bioanalytical field, and the number of applications on nano(bio)analytes such as high molar-mass proteins and protein complexes, sub-cellular units, viruses, and functionalized nanoparticles is constantly increasing. This can be ascribed to the intrinsic advantages of FlFFF for the separation of nano(bio)analytes. FlFFF is ideally suited to separate particles over a broad size range (1 nm-1 μm) according to their hydrodynamic radius (rh). The fractionation is carried out in an empty channel by a flow stream of a mobile phase of any composition. For these reasons, fractionation is developed without surface interaction of the analyte with packing or gel media, and there is no stationary phase able to induce mechanical or shear stress on nanosized analytes, which are for these reasons kept in their native state. Characterization of nano(bio)analytes is made possible after fractionation by interfacing the FlFFF system with detection techniques for morphological, optical or mass characterization. For instance, FlFFF coupling with multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detection allows for absolute molecular weight and size determination, and mass spectrometry has made FlFFF enter the field of proteomics. Potentialities of FlFFF couplings with multi-detection systems are discussed in the first section of this dissertation. The second and the third sections are dedicated to new methods that have been developed for the analysis and characterization of different samples of interest in the fields of diagnostics, pharmaceutics, and nanomedicine. The second section focuses on biological samples such as protein complexes and protein aggregates. In particular it focuses on FlFFF methods developed to give new insights into: a) chemical composition and morphological features of blood serum lipoprotein classes, b) time-dependent aggregation pattern of the amyloid protein Aβ1-42, and c) aggregation state of antibody therapeutics in their formulation buffers. The third section is dedicated to the analysis and characterization of structured nanoparticles designed for nanomedicine applications. The discussed results indicate that FlFFF with on-line MALS and fluorescence detection (FD) may become the unparallel methodology for the analysis and characterization of new, structured, fluorescent nanomaterials.
Homo-oligofluorenes (OFn), polyfluorenes (PF2/6) and oligofluorenes with one fluorenenone group in the center (OFnK) were synthesized. They were used as model compounds to understand of the structure-property relationships of polyfluorenes and the origin of the green emission in the photoluminescence (after photooxidation of the PFs) and the electroluminescence (EL) spectra. The electronic, electrochemical properties, thermal behavior, supramolecular self-assembly, and photophysical properties of OFn, PF2/6 and OFnK were investigated. Oligofluorenes with 2-ethylhexyl side chain (OF2-OF7) from the dimer up to the heptamer were prepared by a series of stepwise transition metal mediated Suzuki and Yamamoto coupling reactions. Polyfluorene was synthesized by Yamamoto coupling of 2,7-dibromo-9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)fluorene. Oligofluorenes with one fluorenone group in the center (OF3K, OF5K, OF7K) were prepared by Suzuki coupling between the monoboronic fluorenyl monomer, dimer, trimer and 2, 7-dibromofluorenone. The electrochemical and electronic properties of homo-oligofluorenes (OFn) were systematically studied by several combined techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, steady and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that the oligofluorenes behave like classical conjugated oligomers, i.e., with the increase of the chain-length, the corresponding oxidation potential, the absorption and emission maximum, ionization potential, electron affinity, band gap and the photoluminescence lifetime displayed a very good linear relation with the reciprocal number of the fluorene units (1/n). The extrapolation of these linear relations to infinite chain length predicted the electrochemical and electronic properties of the corresponding polyfluorenes. The thermal behavior, single-crystal structure and supramolecular packing, alignment properties, and molecular dynamics of the homo-oligofluorenes (OFn) up to the polymer were studied using techniques such as TGA, DSC, WAXS, POM and DS. The OFn from tetramer to heptamer show a smectic liquid crystalline phase with clearly defined isotropization temperature. The oligomers do show a glass transition which exhibits n-1 dependence and allows extrapolation to a hypothetical glass transition of the polymer at around 64 °C. A smectic packing and helix-like conformation for the oligofluorenes from tetramer to heptamer was supported by WAXS experiments, simulation, and single-crystal structure of some oligofluorene derivatives. Oligofluorenes were aligned more easily than the corresponding polymer, and the alignability increased with the molecular length from tetramer to heptamer. The molecular dynamics in a series of oligofluorenes up to the polymer was studied using dielectric spectroscopy. The photophysical properties of OFn and PF2/6 were investigated by the steady-state spectra (UV-vis absorption and fluorescence spectra) and time-resolved fluorescence spectra both in solution and thin film. The time-resolved fluorescence spectra of the oligofluorenes were measured by streak camera and gate detection technique. The lifetime of the oligofluorenes decreased with the extension of the chain-length. No green emission was observed in CW, prompt and delayed fluorescence for oligofluorenes in m-THF and film at RT and 77K. Phosphorescence was observed for oligofluorenes in frozen dilute m-THF solution at 77K and its lifetime increased with length of oligofluorenes. A linear relation was obtained for triplet energy and singlet energy as a function of the reciprocal degree of polymerization, and the singlet-triplet energy gap (S1-T1) was found to decrease with the increase of degree of polymerization. Oligofluorenes with one fluorenone unit at the center were used as model compounds to understand the origin of the low-energy (“green”) emission band in the photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra of polyfluorenes. Their electrochemical properties were investigated by CV, and the ionization potential (Ip) and electron affinity (Ea) were calculated from the onset of oxidation and reduction of OFnK. The photophysical properties of OFnK were studied in dilute solution and thin film by steady-state spectra and time-resolved fluorescence spectra. A strong green emission accompanied with a weak blue emission were obtained in solution and only green emission was observed on film. The strong green emission of OFnK suggested that rapid energy transfer takes place from higher energy sites (fluorene segments) to lower energy sites (fluorenone unit) prior to the radiative decay of the excited species. The fluorescence spectra of OFnK also showed solvatochromism. Monoexponential decay behaviour was observed by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. In addition, the site-selective excitation and concentration dependence of the fluorescence spectra were investigated. The ratio of green and blue emission band intensities increases with the increase of the concentration. The observed strong concentration dependence of the green emission band in solution suggests that increased interchain interactions among the fluorenone-containing oligofluorene chain enhanced the emission from the fluorenone defects at higher concentration. On the other hand, the mono-exponential decay behaviour and power dependence were not influenced significantly by the concentration. We have ruled out the possibility that the green emission band originates from aggregates or excimer formation. Energy transfer was further investigated using a model system of a polyfluorene doped by OFnK. Förster-type energy transfer took place from PF2/6 to OFnK, and the energy transfer efficiency increased with increasing of the concentration of OFnK. Efficient funneling of excitation energy from the high-energy fluorene segments to the low-energy fluorenone defects results from energy migration by hopping of excitations along a single polymer chain until they are trapped on the fluorenone defects on that chain or transferred onto neighbouring chains by Förster-type interchain energy transfer process. These results imply that the red-shifted emission in polyfluorenes can originate from (usually undesirable) keto groups at the bridging carbon atoms-especially if the samples have been subject to photo- or electro-oxidation or if fluorenone units are present due to an improper purification of the monomers prior to polymerization.
In dieser Arbeit wird der Orientierungsglasübergang ungeordneter, molekularer Kristalle untersucht. Die theoretische Behandlung ist durch die Anisotropie der Einteilchen-Verteilungsfunktion und der Paarfunktionen erschwert. Nimmt man ein starres Gitter, wird der reziproke Raum im Gegenzug auf die 1. Brillouin-Zone eingeschränkt. Der Orientierungsglasübergang wird im Rahmen der Modenkopplungsgleichungen studiert, die dazu hergeleitet werden. Als Modell dienen harte Rotationsellipsoide auf einem starren sc Gitter. Zur Berechnung der statischen tensoriellen Strukturfaktoren wird die Ornstein-Zernike(OZ)-Gleichung molekularer Kristalle abgeleitet und selbstkonsistent zusammen mit der von molekularen Flüssigkeiten übernommenen Percus-Yevick(PY)-Näherung gelöst. Parallel dazu werden die Strukturfaktoren durch MC-Simulationen ermittelt. Die OZ-Gleichung molekularer Kristalle ähnelt der von Flüssigkeiten, direkte und totale Korrelationsfunktion kommen jedoch wegen des starren Gitters nur ohne Konstantanteile in den Winkelvariablen vor, im Gegensatz zur PY-Näherung. Die Anisotropie bringt außerdem einen nichttrivialen Zusatzfaktor. OZ/PY-Strukturfaktoren und MC-Ergebnisse stimmen gut überein. Bei den Matrixelementen der Dichte-Dichte-Korrelationsfunktion gibt es drei Hauptverläufe: oszillatorisch, monoton und unregelmäßig abfallend. Oszillationen gehören zu alternierenden Dichtefluktuationen, führen zu Maxima der Strukturfaktoren am Zonenrand und kommen bei oblaten und genügend breiten prolaten, schwächer auch bei dünnen, nicht zu langen prolaten Ellipsoiden vor. Der exponentielle monotone Abfall kommt bei allen Ellipsoiden vor und führt zu Maxima der Strukturfaktoren in der Zonenmitte, was die Tendenz zu nematischer Ordnung zeigt. Die OZ/PY-Theorie ist durch divergierende Maxima der Strukturfaktoren begrenzt. Bei den Modenkopplungsgleichungen molekularer Kristalle zeigt sich eine große Ähnlichkeit mit denen molekularer Flüssigkeiten, jedoch spielen auf einem starrem Gitter nur die Matrixelemente mit l,l' > 0 eine Rolle und es finden Umklapps von reziproken Vektoren statt. Die Anisotropie bringt auch hier nichtkonstante Zusatzfaktoren ins Spiel. Bis auf flache oblate Ellipsoide wird die Modenkopplungs-Glaslinie von der Divergenz der Strukturfaktoren bestimmt. Für sehr lange Ellipsoide müssen die Strukturfaktoren zur Divergenz hin extrapoliert werden. Daher treibt nicht der Orientierungskäfigeffekt den Glasübergang, sondern Fluktuationen an einer Phasengrenze. Nahe der Kugelform ist keine zuverlässige Glasline festlegbar. Die eingefrorenen kritischen Dichte-Dichte-Korrelatoren haben nur in wenigen Fällen die Oszillationen der statischen Korrelatoren. Der monotone Abfall bleibt dagegen für lange Zeiten meist erhalten. Folglich haben die kritischen Modenkopplungs-Nichtergodizitätsparameter abgeschwächte Maxima in der Zonenmitte, während die Maxima am Zonenrand meist verschwunden sind. Die normierten Nichtergodizitätsparameter zeigen eine Fülle von Verläufen, besonders tiefer im Glas.
La presente tesi è il frutto di un lavoro di ricerca sugli aspetti che rendono gli algoritmi esatti per CVRP presenti in letteratura poco efficienti su certi tipi di istanze. L'ipotesi iniziale era che gli algoritmi incontrassero difficoltà di risoluzione su istanze di CVRP dotate di un numero limitato di soluzioni di Bin Packing. Allo scopo di verificare la validità di tale supposizione, sono state create istanze di Bin Packing aventi poche soluzioni ottime e sono stati aggiunti tre differenti schemi di routing. Le istanze CVRP sono state risolte con l'algoritmo del dr. Roberti, già presente in letteratura.
In this work, solid-state NMR methods suitable for the investigation of supramolecular systems were developed and improved. In this context, special interest was focussed on non-covalent interactions responsible for the formation of supramolecular structures, such as pi-pi interacions and hydrogen-bonds. In the first part of this work, solid-state NMR methods were presented that provide information on molecular structure and motion via the investigation of anisotropic interactions, namely quadrupole and dipole-dipole couplings, under magic-angle spinning conditions. A two-dimensional 2H double quantum experiment was developed, which is performed under off magic-angle conditions and correlates 2H isotropic chemical shifts with quasistatic DQ-filtered line shapes. From the latter, the quadrupole coupling parameters of samples deuterated at multiple sites can be extracted in a site-selective fashion. Furthermore, 7Li quadrupole parameters of lithium intercalated into TiO2 were determined by NMR experiments performed under static and MAS conditions, and could provide information on the crystal geometry. For the determination of 7Li-7Li dipole-dipole couplings, multiple-quantum NMR experiments were performed. The 1H-13C REREDOR experiment was found to be capable of determining strong proton-carbon dipole-dipole couplings with an accuracy of 500~Hz, corresponding to a determination of proton-carbon chemical-bond lengths with picometer accuracy In the second part of this work, solid-state NMR experiments were combined with quantum-chemical calculations in order to aid and optimise the interpretation of experimental results. The investigations on Calix[4]hydroquinone nanotubes have shown that this combined approach can provide information on the presence of disordered and/or mobile species in supramolecular structures. As a second example, C3-symmetric discs arranging in helical columnar stacks were investigated. In these systems, 1H chemical shifts experience large pi-shifts due to packing effects, which were found to be long-ranged. Moreover, quantum-chemical calculations revealed that helicity in these systems is induced by the propeller-like conformation of the core of the molecules.
From the discoveries of Pasteur, stereochemistry has played an increasingly important role in the chemical sciences. In particular conformational study of molecules with axial chirality is object of intense research. Through Dynamic-NMR analysis and simulation of the spectra, the energy rotational barriers value of conformers are obtained. When this barrier is high sufficiently, atropisomeric stable compounds can be reached. They can be separated and used in stereo-synthesis and in packing processes. 3,4-bis-aryl maleimides, in which the aromatic groups are sufficiently bulky, generate atropisomeric stable configurations, that can be isolated at room temperature. The assignment of absolute configurations is performed through ECD analysis and comparison with computational calculations. The biological activities of maleimide derivatives widen the field of atropisomers application also in biological systems.
This thesis focuses on the ceramic process for the production of optical grade transparent materials to be used as laser hosts. In order to be transparent a ceramic material must exhibit a very low concentration of defects. Defects are mainly represented by secondary or grain boundary phases and by residual pores. The strict control of the stoichiometry is mandatory to avoid the formation of secondary phases, whereas residual pores need to be below 150 ppm. In order to fulfill these requirements specific experimental conditions must be combined together. In addition powders need to be nanometric or at least sub-micrometric and extremely pure. On the other hand, nanometric powders aggregate easily and this leads to a poor, not homogeneous packing during shaping by pressing and to the formation of residual pores during sintering. Very fine powders are also difficult to handle and tend to absorb water on the surface. Finally, the powder manipulation (weighting operations, solvent removal, spray drying, shaping, etc), easily introduces impurities. All these features must be fully controlled in order to avoid the formation of defects that work as scattering sources thus decreasing the transparency of the material. The important role played by the processing on the transparency of ceramic materials is often underestimated. In the literature a high level of transparency has been reported by many authors but the description of the experimental process, in particular of the powder treatment and shaping, is seldom extensively described and important information that are necessary to reproduce the described results are often missing. The main goal of the present study therefore is to give additional information on the way the experimental features affect the microstructural evolution of YAG-based ceramics and thus the final properties, in particular transparency. Commercial powders are used to prepare YAG materials doped with Nd or Yb by reactive sintering under high vacuum. These dopants have been selected as the more appropriate for high energy and high peak power lasers. As far as it concerns the powder treatment, the thesis focuses on the influence of the solvent removal technique (rotavapor versus spray drying of suspensions in ethanol), the ball milling duration and speed, suspension concentration, solvent ratio, type and amount of dispersant. The influence of the powder type and process on the powder packing as well as the pressure conditions during shaping by pressing are also described. Finally calcination, sintering under high vacuum and in clean atmosphere, and post sintering cycles are studied and related to the final microstructure analyzed by SEM-EDS and HR-TEM, and to the optical and laser properties.
In order to eliminate the de Gennes packing problem, which usually limits the attainable size of dendrimers, a new branching unit containing para-tetraphenylene ethynyl arms has been synthesized and utilized in the preparation of dendrimers of the Müllen type. The divergent principle of synthesis, based on the Dilthey reaction, could be carried up to sixth generation which contains 2776 benzene rings and possesses a diameter in the 27 nm range ("exploded dendrimer"). Monodispersity and dimensions of this and the lower generation species have been studied by MALDI-TOF MS (including the very recent superconducting tunnel junction detector), by size-exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Interesting features, apart from the huge dimension, are the low density and high porosity of these giant molecules which cause extensive aggregation in the gas phase, flattening on solid support (AFM) and the ready incorporation of guest molecules in the condensed phase. Since the synthesis of the para-tetraphenylene arms is quite elaborate, similar dendrimers containing para-terphenylene arms have been prepared; they are accessible more economically ("semi-exploded dendrimers"). It has been shown that they in several aspects mimic the features of the "exploded dendrimers". In order to take advantage of the presence of large internal cavities in this dendrimer type, dendrons containing -C≡C- triple bonds have also been incorporated. Surprisingly, they are readily hydrogenated under the condition of heterogeneous catalysis (Pd/C) which demonstrates the large size of the cavities. As revealed by a quartz microbalance study the post-hydrogenation dendrimers are less prone to incorporate guest molecules than before hydrogenation. Obviously, the more flexible nature of the former reduces porosity, it also leads to significant shrinkage. An interesting perspective is the use of homogeneous hydrogenation catalysts of variable size with the aim of determining the dimension of internal free space.
Protein aggregation and formation of insoluble aggregates in central nervous system is the main cause of neurodegenerative disease. Parkinson’s disease is associated with the appearance of spherical masses of aggregated proteins inside nerve cells called Lewy bodies. α-Synuclein is the main component of Lewy bodies. In addition to α-synuclein, there are more than a hundred of other proteins co-localized in Lewy bodies: 14-3-3η protein is one of them. In order to increase our understanding on the aggregation mechanism of α-synuclein and to study the effect of 14-3-3η on it, I addressed the following questions. (i) How α-synuclein monomers pack each other during aggregation? (ii) Which is the role of 14-3-3η on α-synuclein packing during its aggregation? (iii) Which is the role of 14-3-3η on an aggregation of α-synuclein “seeded” by fragments of its fibrils? In order to answer these questions, I used different biophysical techniques (e.g., Atomic force microscope (AFM), Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Fluorescence spectroscopy (FS)).
In this study, the use of the discotic liquid crystalline HBCs and conjugated polymers based on 2,7-carbazole were investigated in detail as donor materials in organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells. It has been shown that they perform efficiently in photovoltaic devices in combination with suitable acceptors. The efficiency was found to depend strongly dependent on the morphology of the film. By investigation of a series of donor materials with similar molecular structures based on both discotic molecules and conjugated polymers, a structure-performance relation was established, which is not only instructive for these materials but also serves as a guideline for improved molecular design. For the series of HBCs used in this study, it is found that the device efficiency decreases with increasing length of the alkyl substituents in the HBC. Thus, the derivative with the smallest alkyl mantle, being more crystalline compared to the HBCs with longer alkyl chains, gave the highest EQE of 12%. A large interfacial separation was found in the blend of HBC-C6,2 and PDI, since the crystallization of the acceptor occurred in a solid matrix of HBC. This led to small dispersed organized domains and benefited the charge transport. In contrast, blends of HBC-C10,6/PDI or HBC-C14,10/PDI revealed a rather homogeneous film limiting the percolation pathways due to a mixed phase. For the first time, poly(2,7-carbazole) was incorporated as a donor material in solar cells using PDI as an electron acceptor. The good fit in orbital energy levels and absorption spectra led to high efficiency. This result indicates that conjugated polymers with high band-gap can also be applied as materials to build efficient solar cells if appropriate electron acceptors are chosen. In order to enhance the light absorption ability, new ladder-type polymers based on pentaphenylene and hexaphenylene with one and three nitrogen bridges per repeat unit have been synthesized and characterized. The polymer 2 with three nitrogen bridges showed more red-shifted absorbance and emission and better packing in the solid-state than the analogous polymer 3 with only one nitrogen bridge per monomer unit. An overall efficiency as high as 1.3% under solar light was obtained for the device based on 1 and PDI, compared with 0.7% for the PCz based device. Therefore, the device performance correlates to a large extent with the solar light absorption ability and the lateral distance between conjugated polymer chains. Since the lateral distance is determined by the length and number of attached alkyl side chains, it is possible to assume that these substituents insulate the charge carrier pathways and decrease the device performance. As an additional consequence, the active semiconductor is diluted in the insulating matrix leading to a lower light absorption. This work suggests ways to improve device performance by molecular design, viz. maintaining the HOMO level while bathochromically shifting the absorption by adopting a more rigid ladder-type structure. Also, a high ratio of nitrogen bridges with small alkyl substituents was a desirable feature both in terms of adjusting the absorption and maintaining a low lateral inter-chain separation, which was necessary for obtaining high current and efficiency values.
Die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen entgegengesetzt geladenen Polyelektrolyten führt zur spontanen Bildung von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen. Besonders im Fokus des akademischen und biotechnologischen Interesses stehen derzeit Komplexe aus DNA und synthetischen Polykationen, da eine Anwendung dieser speziellen Interpolyelektrolytkomplexe in der nicht-viralen Gentherapie vielfältig diskutiert wird. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von Kettensteifheit auf die Bildung von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen zu untersuchen und dabei Wege aufzuzeigen, die eine Kontrolle der Topologie von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen ermöglichen. Neben dem topologischen Einfluss wurde untersucht, wie durch Komplexierung hochmolekularer Polyelektrolyte equilibrierbare Strukturen erhalten werden können. Als Modellsystem für diese Untersuchungen wurden zylindrische Bürstenpolymere verwendet, denen als topologischer „Kontrast“ das Komplexierungsverhalten kommerzieller PAMAM-G5-Dendrimere mit kugelförmiger Topologie gegenüber gestellt wurde. Um den Ladungsgrad des Bürstenpolymers beliebig variieren zu können, wurden Bürstenpolymere mit Poly(ethylenimin)-Seitenketten synthetisiert, deren Ladungsdichte über den Protonierungsgrad einstellbar ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, wie diese mit Hilfe der Makromonomermethode hergestellt werden konnten. Die Komplexbildung von DNA mit semiflexiblen zylindrischen Bürstenpolymeren mit unterschiedlichen Seitenketten und Ladungsdichten in wässriger Lösung hat gezeigt, dass diese in allen untersuchten Fällen unter kinetischer Kontrolle verläuft und Nicht-Gleichgewichtsstrukturen gebildet werden. Sehr überraschend wurde festgestellt, dass die Größen der mit vorgelegter DNA gebildeten Komplexe ungeachtet des verwendeten Polykations identisch sind und DNA-Komplexe mit einem Radius von 30 bis 50 nm und einer kugelförmigen Topologie resultieren. Diese kinetisch kontrollierte Komplexbildung konnte in nicht-wässriger Lösung durch starke Reduktion der Anzahl wechselwirkender Ladungen verhindert werden, so dass eine thermodynamische Kontrolle möglich wurde. Unter diesen Bedingungen ist es gelungen, aus hochgeladenen Poly(styrolsulfonat)-Bürsten mit modifizierten Poly(ethylenimin)-Bürsten oder PAMAM-Dendrimeren Komplexe zylindrischer Topologie herzu-stellen. Für letztere konnte darüber hinaus postuliert werden, dass diese Komplexe eine dichteste Packung der PAMAM-Dendrimere darstellen, für deren Bildung das Polyanion mit seiner größeren Konturlänge und seiner zylindrischen Topologie als Templat dient.
Tethered bilayer lipid membranes (tBLMs) are a promising model system for the natural cell membrane. They consist of a lipid bilayer that is covalently coupled to a solid support via a spacer group. In this study, we developed a suitable approach to increase the submembrane space in tBLMs. The challenge is to create a membrane with a lower lipid density in order to increase the membrane fluidity, but to avoid defects that might appear due to an increase in the lateral space within the tethered monolayers. Therefore, various synthetic strategies and different monolayer preparation techniques were examined. Synthetical attempts to achieve a large ion reservoir were made in two directions: increasing the spacer length of the tether lipids and increasing the lateral distribution of the lipids in the monolayer. The first resulted in the synthesis of a small library of tether lipids (DPTT, DPHT and DPOT) characterized by 1H and 13C NMR, FD-MS, ATR, DSC and TGA. The synthetic strategy for their preparation includes synthesis of precursor with a double bond anchor that can be easily modified for different substrates (e.g. metal and metaloxide). Here, the double bond was modified into a thiol group suitable for gold surface. Another approach towards the preparation of homogeneous monolayers with decreased two-dimensional packing density was the synthesis of two novel anchor lipids: DPHDL and DDPTT. DPHDL is “self-diluted” tether lipid containing two lipoic anchor moieties. DDPTT has an extended lipophylic part that should lead to the preparation of diluted, leakage free proximal layers that will facilitate the completion of the bilayer. Our tool-box of tether lipids was completed with two fluorescent labeled lipid precursors with respectively one and two phytanyl chains in the hydrophobic region and a dansyl group as a fluorophore. The use of such fluorescently marked lipids is supposed to give additional information for the lipid distribution on the air-water interface. The Langmuir film balance was used to investigate the monolayer properties of four of the synthesized thiolated anchor lipids. The packing density and mixing behaviour were examined. The results have shown that mixing anchor with free lipids can homogeneously dilute the anchor lipid monolayers. Moreover, an increase in the hydrophylicity (PEG chain length) of the anchor lipids leads to a higher packing density. A decrease in the temperature results in a similar trend. However, increasing the number of phytanyl chains per lipid molecule is shown to decrease the packing density. LB-monolayers based on pure and mixed lipids in different ratio and transfer pressure were tested to form tBLMs with diluted inner layers. A combination of the LB-monolayer transfer with the solvent exchange method accomplished successfully the formation of tBLMs based on pure DPOT. Some preliminary investigations of the electrical sealing properties and protein incorporation of self-assembled DPOT and DDPTT-based tBLMs were conducted. The bilayer formation performed by solvent exchange resulted in membranes with high resistances and low capacitances. The appearance of space beneath the membrane is clearly visible in the impedance spectra expressed by a second RC element. The latter brings the conclusion that the longer spacer in DPOT and the bigger lateral space between the DDPTT molecules in the investigated systems essentially influence the electrical parameters of the membrane. Finally, we could show the functional incorporation of the small ion carrier valinomycin in both types of membranes.
This work of thesis involves various aspects of crystal engineering. Chapter 1 focuses on crystals containing crown ether complexes. Aspects such as the possibility of preparing these materials by non-solution methods, i.e. by direct reaction of the solid components, thermal behavior and also isomorphism and interconversion between hydrates are taken into account. In chapter 2 a study is presented aimed to understanding the relationship between hydrogen bonding capability and shape of the building blocks chosen to construct crystals. The focus is on the control exerted by shape on the organization of sandwich cations such as cobalticinium, decamethylcobalticinium and bisbenzenchromium(I) and on the aggregation of monoanions all containing carboxylic and carboxylate groups, into 0-D, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D networks. Reactions conducted in multi-component molecular assemblies or co-crystals have been recognized as a way to control reactivity in the solid state. The [2+2] photodimerization of olefins is a successful demonstration of how templated solid state synthesis can efficiently synthesize unique materials with remarkable stereoselectivity and under environment-friendly conditions. A demonstration of this synthetic strategy is given in chapter 3. The combination of various types of intermolecular linkages, leading to formation of high order aggregation and crystalline materials or to a random aggregation resulting in an amorphous precipitate, may not go to completeness. In such rare cases an aggregation process intermediate between crystalline and amorphous materials is observed, resulting in the formation of a gel, i.e. a viscoelastic solid-like or liquid-like material. In chapter 4 design of new Low Molecular Weight Gelators is presented. Aspects such as the relationships between molecular structure, crystal packing and gelation properties and the application of this kind of gels as a medium for crystal growth of organic molecules, such as APIs, are also discussed.
This thesis presents the versatile synthesis and self-organization of C3-symmetric discotic nanographene molecules as well as their potential applications as materials in molecular electronics. The details can be described as follows: 1) A novel synthetic strategy towards properly designed C3 symmetric 1,3,5-tris-2’arylbenzene precursors has been developed. After the final planarization by treatment with FeCl3 under mild conditions, for the first time, it became possible to access a variety of new C3-symmetric hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes (HBCs) and a series of triangle-shaped nanographenes. D3 symmetric HBC with three alkyl substituents and C2 symmetric HBC with two alkyl substituents were synthesized and found to show the surprising decrease of isotropic points., the self-assembly at the liquid-solid interface displayed a unique zigzag and flower patterns. 2) Triangle-shaped discotics revealed a unique self-assembly behavior in solution, solid state as well as at the solution-substrate interface. A mesophase stability over the broad temperature range with helical supramoelcular arrangement were observed in the bulk state. The honeycomb pattern as the result of novel self-assembly was presented. Triangle-shaped discotics with swallow alkyl tails were fabricated into photovoltaic devices, the supramolecular arrangement upon thermal treatment was found to play a key role in the improvement of solar efficiency. 3) A novel class of C3 symmetric HBCs with alternating polar/apolar substituents was synthesized. Their peculiar self-assembly in solution, in the bulk and on the surface were investigated by NMR techniques, X-ray diffraction as well as different electron microscope techniques. 4) A novel concept for manipulating the intracolumnar stacking of discotics and thus for controlling the helical pitch was presented. A unique staggered stacking in the column was achieved for the first time. Theoretical simulations confirmed this self-organization and predicted that this packing should show the highest charge carrier mobility for all discotics.