999 resultados para Outdoors catering service


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Audit report of Debt Service and Coverage for Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of June 30, 2014


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Audit report on the Appanoose County Service Agency in Centerville, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014


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This paper explores the role of international standards in the globalisation of the service economy. Various strands of economic analyses consider that core attributes of services affect their ability to be reliably delocalised, industrialised and standardised. In contrast, international political economy (IPE) approaches draw attention to power configurations supporting conflicting use of standards across industries and nations. The paper examines the case of the Indian service industry in business process outsourcing to probe these opposing views. Our findings suggest that standards matter in types of services conventionally identified as unlikely to be standardised, and that their use raise little conflict. An IPE perspective on service standardisation highlights, however, the importance of potential power issues likely to be included in more progressive forms of standardisation


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Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2014


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The present prospective study, with a five-year follow-up, presents an extensive psychiatric and educational assessment of an adolescent population (N = 30) in the age range 14-20, suffering from several psychiatric disorders, though apt to follow a normal academic program. The residential settings where the study took place provide both psychiatric and schooling facilities. In this environment, what is the effectiveness of long-term hospitalization? Are there any criteria for predicting results? After discharge, could social adjustments difficulties be prevented? Assessment instruments are described and the results of one preliminary study are presented. The actual data seems to confirm the impact of the special treatment facilities combining schooling and psychiatric settings on the long term outcome of adolescents.


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The major objective of this research project was to use thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in portland cement concrete. Twenty-two different carbonate aggregate samples were subjected to a chemical testing scheme that included: • bulk chemistry (major, minor and selected trace elements) • bulk mineralogy (minor phases concentrated by acid extraction) • solid-solution in the major carbonate phases • crystallite size determinations for the major carbonate phases • a salt treatment study to evaluate the impact of deicer salts Test results from these different studies were then compared to information that had been obtained using thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Since many of the limestones and dolomites that were used in the study had extensive field service records it was possible to correlate many of the variables with service life. The results of this study have indicated that thermogravimetric analysis can play an important role in categorizing carbonate aggregates. In fact, with modern automated thermal analysis systems it should be possible to utilize such methods on a quality control basis. Strong correlations were found between several of the variables that were monitored in this study. In fact, several of the variables exhibited significant correlations to concrete service life. When the full data set was utilized (n = 18), the significant correlations to service life can be summarized as follows ( a = 5% level): • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.73 for premature TG loss versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.74 for relative crystallite size versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.53 for ASTM C666 durability factor versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.52 for acid-insoluble residue versus service life. Separation of the carbonate aggregates into their mineralogical categories (i.e., calcites and dolomites) tended to increase the correlation coefficients for some specific variables (r sometimes approached 0.90); however, the reliability of such correlations was questionable because of the small number of samples that were present in this study.


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Audit report on the Regional Utility Service Systems Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014


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L'hypophosphatémie sévère définie comme une phosphatémie plasmatique < 0.32 mmol/l (Norme : 0.8-1-4 mmol/l) est associé à une morbidité et mortalité accrues. Il s'agit d'un trouble électrolytique dont la prévalence a été évaluée entre 0.24-0.42 % dans une population d'un hôpital général. Un nombre considérable de maladies et de situations cliniques ont été identifiées comme étant associées à une hypophosphatémie. Méthodologie Etude rétrospective chez les patients du service de médecine interne du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV, Lausanne) au cours de la période 2008-2010 qui ont présenté au moins un épisode de hypophosphatémie sévère définie comme une phosphatémie ≤ 0.35 mmol/l. Nous avons obtenu les données sur l'âge, le sexe, et les taux plasmatiques de : calcium, albumine, créatinine, bicarbonate veineux, glucose et acide urique.Nous avons étudié la prévalence de l'hypophosphatémie sévère et les pathologies associées. Comparaisondans une analyse cas-contrôles des caractéristiques des patients avec hypophosphatémie sévère et ceux ayant des valeurs de phosphate plasmatiques normales(0.8-1.4 mmol/l). Résultats La prévalence des patients ayant présenté au moins une valeur de phosphatémie ≤0.35 mmol/l pendant l'hospitalisation est de 1.3% sur les trois années cumulées. Chez les 84 patients avec hypophosphatémie sévère, la majorité présente plusieurs causes concomitantes. Nous avons retrouvé les étiologies suivantes : dénutrition sévère, 59.5% ; dialyse, 34.5% ; diarrhées chroniques, 23.8% ; consommation chronique d'alcool, 21.4% ; syndrome de renutrition inappropriée (refeeding syndrome), 20.3% et hyperparathyroïdisme primaire, 4.8%. L'hypokaliémie, l'hypocalcémie et l'hypomagnésémie sont positivement et significativement associées à l'hypophosphatémie. Conclusion La prévalence est rare dans un service de médecine interne, mais reste très probablement sous- diagnostiquée. Les patients à risque de développer ce trouble électrolytique sont les patients souffrant de dénutrition avec son pendant le syndrome de renutritioninappropriée et la consommation chronique d'alcool, et les patients sous dialyse.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine 1) HIV testing practices in a 1400-bed university hospital where local HIV prevalence is 0.4% and 2) the effect on testing practices of national HIV testing guidelines, revised in March 2010, recommending Physician-Initiated Counselling and Testing (PICT). METHODS: Using 2 hospital databases, we determined the number of HIV tests performed by selected clinical services, and the number of patients tested as a percentage of the number seen per service ('testing rate'). To explore the effect of the revised national guidelines, we examined testing rates for two years pre- and two years post-PICT guideline publication. RESULTS: Combining the clinical services, 253,178 patients were seen and 9,183 tests were performed (of which 80 tested positive, 0.9%) in the four-year study period. The emergency department (ED) performed the second highest number of tests, but had the lowest testing rates (0.9-1.1%). Of inpatient services, neurology and psychiatry had higher testing rates than internal medicine (19.7% and 9.6% versus 8%, respectively). There was no significant increase in testing rates, either globally or in the majority of the clinical services examined, and no increase in new HIV diagnoses post-PICT recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Using a simple two-database tool, we observe no global improvement in HIV testing rates in our hospital following new national guidelines but do identify services where testing practices merit improvement. This study may show the limit of PICT strategies based on physician risk assessment, compared to the opt-out approach.


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Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2005