887 resultados para Operações - industriais


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A vantagem competitiva e o desempenho organizacional são conceitos administrativos estreitamente ligados à competitividade das empresas e sua permanência no mercado a longo prazo. Para que alcancem tal objetivo, de acordo com os fundamentos da RBV, as capacidades organizacionais dessas empresas devem ser dinâmicas, o que significa estar à frente das mudanças ambientais, mantendo, criando e desenvolvendo novas capacidades. Um dos caminhos para que isso se realize é a aposta na sua capitalização, que pode ocorrer com a captação de recursos de terceiros ou recursos próprios, com maior ou menor grau de risco. A captação de recursos com capital de terceiros acontece, principalmente, via instituições financeiras e factorings. A captação por meio de capital próprio pode ocorrer por retenção de lucros ou pelo underwriting. A emissão feita via mercado primário configura a oferta pública inicial de ações ou Initial Public Offering (IPO). No Brasil, a escolha dos fundos de Private Equity e Venture Capital, segmentos do mercado financeiro que consistem fundamentalmente em aporte temporário de capital, vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Contudo, existem poucas pesquisas a respeito da utilização e do desempenho financeiro que esses fundos trazem para as empresas. O presente estudo procura averiguar se as empresas que estavam listadas na BOVESPA no período de 2002 a 2008 e que receberam recursos via Private Equity e Venture Capital com IPO desenvolveram desempenho financeiro superior às que receberam ou não outros tipos de financiamento no mesmo período. Foram selecionados dados secundários como: balanços patrimoniais, demonstração de resultados e valores das ações, utilizando-se da base de dados da Economática. Tomando o logaritmo do Q de Tobin como variável dependente e log_Ativo, Debt to Equity, ROA, crescimento de vendas, crescimento de investimentos, crescimento investimento Fama e CrescInv_endividamento como variáveis de controle, foram aplicados testes estatísticos, comparando a média dos índices, seguidos de análise por setor econômico, subsetor e segmento. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as empresas que receberam recursos via Private Equity e Venture Capital com IPO, tornaram-se diferentes das demais empresas que estavam listadas na BOVESPA naquele período. O presente trabalho busca, dessa forma, contribuir para o enriquecimento de conhecimento acadêmico acerca do tema.(AU)


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De acordo com os últimos dados fornecidos pelo GAVE - Gabinete de Avaliação Educacional do Ministério da Educação, os resultados das provas de aferição, do 4º ano de escolaridade do 1º ciclo do ensino básico, revelam um fraco desempenho das crianças portuguesas nas tarefas de leitura e de escrita. A Inteligência, a Consciência Fonológica, e as Operações Lógicas assumem um papel de relevo na aprendizagem da leitura, porém não são conhecidos estudos para o pré-escolar que contemplem estes preditores em simultâneo. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o nível das crianças nestes 3 preditores bem como a sua interligação e, complementarmente, a sua influência no conhecimento das letras do alfabeto. Neste estudo participaram 116 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os cinco e seis anos de idade e que frequentavam o ensino pré-escolar, prevenientes de estabelecimentos de ensino público da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Os instrumentos utilizados foram as Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, a Prova de Consciência Fonológica e as Provas Piagetianas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem, ainda, que realmente existe uma estreita relação entre estas três variáveis (Inteligência, Consciência Fonológica e Operações Lógicas) em algumas das tarefas, como bons preditores na aquisição da leitura. Verificou-se, ainda, que as habilitações dos pais influenciam positivamente na aquisição desta habilidade metalinguística. Sugere-se a continuação deste estudo, possivelmente numa perspetiva longitudinal e albergando outros níveis, variáveis ou preditores e estabelecimentos de ensino.


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The main hypothesis of this thesis is that the deve lopment of industrial automation applications efficiently, you need a good structuri ng of data to be handled. Then, with the aim of structuring knowledge involved in the contex t of industrial processes, this thesis proposes an ontology called OntoAuto that conceptua lly models the elements involved in the description of industrial processes. To validat e the proposed ontology, several applica- tions are presented. In the first, two typical indu strial processes are modeled conceptually: treatment unit DEA (Diethanolamine) and kiln. In th e second application, the ontology is used to perform a semantic filtering alarms, which together with the analysis of correla- tions, provides temporal relationships between alar ms from an industrial process. In the third application, the ontology was used for modeli ng and analysis of construction cost and operation processes. In the fourth application, the ontology is adopted to analyze the reliability and availability of an industrial plant . Both for the application as it involves costs for the area of reliability, it was necessary to create new ontologies, and OntoE- con OntoConf, respectivamentem, importing the knowl edge represented in OntoAuto but adding specific information. The main conclusions of the thesis has been that on tology approaches are well suited for structuring the knowledge of industrial process es and based on them, you can develop various advanced applications in industrial automat ion.


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The discussion of economic development emphasizes the emergence of a gradual change of economic structure, which would rise from an agrarian to the industrial stage, and later with a predominant tertiary sector. However, the high Brazilian regional inequality resulted in the coexistence of modern spaces and other arrears. Such disparities are visible not only in economics, but spatial, social and environmental. Although Brazil has gone through changes in the production structure and the location of these activities, space - territorial disparities manifest themselves in a high level of regional heterogeneity. In this context, the Northeast emerged as a region that has historically been characterized by socioeconomic backwardness and the presence of the worst indicators of inequality. The presence of these indicators showing the socioeconomic backwardness of the other fronts region contributes to the priority of action aimed at reverting this regional disparity public policy. The historical account of the development policies of regional studies shows that the state played a pivotal role in ensuring regional planning. Besides the creation of development agencies such as the Northeast Sudene, tax and financial incentives have been widely used strategies in the region to foster greater national integration. However, the use of incentives is much discussed in view of the possible advantages and disadvantages brought by its use. Thus, this study aims to build a theoretical framework tool for building effective public policies for industrialization in the Northeast, specifically in Rio Grande do Norte.


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Nowadays wireless communication has emerged as a tendency in industry environments. In part this interest is due to the ease of deployment and maintenance, which dispenses sophisticated designs and wired infrastructure (which in industrial environment often prohibitively expensive) besides enabling the addition of new applications when compared to their wired counterparts. Despite its high degree of applicability, an industrial wireless sensor network faces some challenges. One of the most challenging problems are its reliability, energy consumption and the environment interference. In this dissertation will discuss the problem of asset analysis in wireless industrial networks for the WirelessHART standard by implementing a monitoring system. The system allows to carry out various activities of independent asset management manufacturers, such as prediction of battery life, maintenance, reliability data, topology, and the possibility of creating new metrics from open and standardized development libraries. Through the implementation of this tool is intended to contribute to integration of wireless technologies in industrial environments.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have gained ground in the industrial environment, due to the possibility of connecting points of information that were inaccessible to wired networks. However, there are several challenges in the implementation and acceptance of this technology in the industrial environment, one of them the guaranteed availability of information, which can be influenced by various parameters, such as path stability and power consumption of the field device. As such, in this work was developed a tool to evaluate and infer parameters of wireless industrial networks based on the WirelessHART and ISA 100.11a protocols. The tool allows quantitative evaluation, qualitative evaluation and evaluation by inference during a given time of the operating network. The quantitative and qualitative evaluation are based on own definitions of parameters, such as the parameter of stability, or based on descriptive statistics, such as mean, standard deviation and box plots. In the evaluation by inference uses the intelligent technique artificial neural networks to infer some network parameters such as battery life. Finally, it displays the results of use the tool in different scenarios networks, as topologies star and mesh, in order to attest to the importance of tool in evaluation of the behavior of these networks, but also support possible changes or maintenance of the system.


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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of distributed devices in an area in order to monitor physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibration, motion and environmental conditions in places where wired networks would be difficult or impractical to implement, for example, industrial applications of difficult access, monitoring and control of oil wells on-shore or off-shore, monitoring of large areas of agricultural and animal farming, among others. To be viable, a WSN should have important requirements such as low cost, low latency, and especially low power consumption. However, to ensure these requirements, these networks suffer from limited resources, and eventually being used in hostile environments, leading to high failure rates, such as segmented routing, mes sage loss, reducing efficiency, and compromising the entire network, inclusive. This work aims to present the FTE-LEACH, a fault tolerant and energy efficient routing protocol that maintains efficiency in communication and dissemination of data.This protocol was developed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and suitable for industrial networks with limited energy resources


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The great amount of data generated as the result of the automation and process supervision in industry implies in two problems: a big demand of storage in discs and the difficulty in streaming this data through a telecommunications link. The lossy data compression algorithms were born in the 90’s with the goal of solving these problems and, by consequence, industries started to use those algorithms in industrial supervision systems to compress data in real time. These algorithms were projected to eliminate redundant and undesired information in a efficient and simple way. However, those algorithms parameters must be set for each process variable, becoming impracticable to configure this parameters for each variable in case of systems that monitor thousands of them. In that context, this paper propose the algorithm Adaptive Swinging Door Trending that consists in a adaptation of the Swinging Door Trending, as this main parameters are adjusted dynamically by the analysis of the signal tendencies in real time. It’s also proposed a comparative analysis of performance in lossy data compression algorithms applied on time series process variables and dynamometer cards. The algorithms used to compare were the piecewise linear and the transforms.


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The following paper attempted to investigate and discuss the possible improvements in the writing of students from the public network in the 6th grade of elementary school. This research was run in the professional master degree In Portuguese Language. Also based upon Genetic Criticism, this study attempting to analyze in which way and in which proportions the alterations done in the texts reveal and perspective capacity in the students as they replace, broad, remove or just move terms in their assignments. We tried to develop our analysis in the pragmatic perspective in which Textual Linguistic is included, investigating the texts and appreciating them as a construction process of meaning. Our theoretical discussion will be based on and socio-interactional conception of language (MARCUSCHI, 2008), as well as in the postulates of Analyze of Discursion (ADAM, 2010, 2008). It has also been used the theoretical assumptions taken from Genetic Criticism which regard the relation between text and genesis, due to the fact that it considers the text and a the result of a construction of progressive elaboration and the writing as an activity of constant movement (DE BIASI, [2000] 2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990] 2008; [1992] 2002; SALLES, 2008a). To assemble the data in this research we took into consideration the social variables related to the students and the sociocultural context. Nonetheless, this investigation point towards a real classroom situation where we tried to analyze the language functioning in application conditions, thus, giving us authority to describe more precisely the reality we lived in, which provided us with a more attentive look to the observed particularities. This description of the reality appreciated built a path that point to a research of qualitative data approach to which meanings deriving from interpretation were attributed. To conduct this research we resourced to the Action-Research process. The data are comprised of ten personal reports that were created from rewriting assignments, which constitutes a range of twenty texts assessed starting from the linguistic operations acknowledged by Generative Grammar and continued by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). As result of this analysis, we identified the operation of adding more often than the other ones. The replacement and removal operations display a very close offspring. Nevertheless, the moving operation was scarcely used. These results, besides demonstrating linguistic creativity of the students, revealed that for a text to be seen as “concluded”, the writing student articulates new elaborations through these linguistic operators and that these movements of coming and going, of erasures and amendments contribute significantly for the teacher to approach the relationship the student keeps with his textual and discursive expression, and then, with that, to hold information that eventually provides individual and collective directions in school productions.


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This dissertation investigates, based on the Post-Keynesian theory and on its concept of monetary economy of production, the exchange rate behavior of the Brazilian Real in the presence of Brazilian Central Bank's interventions by means of the so-called swap transactions over 2002-2015. Initially, the work analyzes the essential properties of an open monetary economy of production and, thereafter, it presents the basic propositions of the Post-Keynesian view on the exchange rate determination, highlighting the properties of foreign exchange markets and the peculiarities of the Brazilian position into the international monetary and financial system. The research, thereby, accounts for the various segments of the Brazilian foreign exchange market. To accomplish its purpose, we first do a literature review of the Post-Keynesian literature about the topic. Then, we undertake empirical exams of the exchange rate determination using two statistical methods. On the one hand, to measure the volatility of exchange rate, we estimate Auto-regressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (ARCH) and Generalized Auto-regressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) models. On the other hand, to measure the variance of the exchange rate in relation to real, financial variables, and the swaps, we estimate a Vector Auto-regression (VAR) model. Both experiments are performed for the nominal and real effective exchange rates. The results show that the swaps respond to exchange rate movements, trying to offset its volatility. This reveals that the exchange rate is, at least in a certain magnitude, sensitive to swaps transactions conducted by the Central Bank. In addition, another empirical result is that the real effective exchange rate responds more to the swaps auctions than the nominal rate.


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Durante o período de estágio curricular, no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira, que decorreu de 1 de Novembro de 2013 a 31 de Julho de 2014, nos departamentos de Direção de F&B, At Your Service e Relações Públicas e Eventos do Praia D’El Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort, verificou-se que, em algumas e diferentes situações, não existia uma gestão eficaz entre os recursos existentes e a própria operação. O objetivo do presente trabalho pretende mostrar como, muitas vezes, através dos próprios recursos se consegue melhorar a operação e, consequentemente, os resultados. Efetuou-se uma análise de observação à operação e, ao mesmo tempo, interagiu-se diretamente com os recursos humanos, no intuito de se detetarem falhas que se consigam evitar através dos próprios recursos, ou seja, sem custos para a empresa. Na Direção de F&B pôs-se em prática um dos standards exigidos pela cadeia Marriott, o Art of Host. Este standard será abordado ao longo do presente trabalho, contudo, a sua principal vantagem é, sem dúvida, a melhoria da comunicação entre equipas e a partilha de ideias e conhecimentos. Ainda na área do F&B, mas já a nível de compras e fornecedores, também se realizaram estudos e análises que se revelaram importantes para uma melhor gestão da operação. No departamento de At Your Service, verificou-se uma falha no conhecimento da carta de room-service, por parte dos PBX Operators. Assim, realizou-se um taste panel para todos os colaboradores deste departamento e os resultados foram bastante positivos. Já na área das Relações Públicas e Eventos, projetou-se e criou-se um espaço que funciona como um Resort Information Office, ou seja, um ponto de informação do resort onde, ao mesmo tempo, se promovem eventos. Um projeto dinâmico e eficaz. As ações implementadas, no geral, demonstraram que, de facto, conseguem-se melhorias na operação, muitas vezes, através dos recursos existentes. Recomenda-se a adoção futura e contínua deste tipo de iniciativas e ações para que se obtenham resultados cada vez melhores.


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O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo a descrição, explanação e análise das operações do Vila Galé Marés, resort 5 estrelas na Bahia – Brasil, no âmbito do estágio curricular de nove meses do último ano do mestrado de Gestão e Direção Hoteleira. No desenrolar do relatório, com base na observação participante, são enumeradas e descritas as principais tarefas realizadas em 9 departamentos, sendo o último referente ao acompanhamento e participação da gestão do hotel. Sobre cada um é feita uma análise crítica e sobre todos uma análise geral conclusiva. Com base na observação participante, são sugeridas soluções para os principais problemas com que me deparei na realização do estágio e que se enquadram nos desafios apresentados no 3º Capítulo: Formação de Colaboradores e Controlo de Consumos e Custos de F&B. De um lado, a realidade de qualificação e formação insuficientes que nem sempre conseguem cumprir uma relação positiva entre as expetativas dos clientes e o real serviço prestado. Este problema agrava-se não só pela elevada rotatividade dos recursos humanos como também pelo constante recurso a trabalhadores temporários. Por outro lado, elevadas ocupações ao longo de todo ano em regime all inclusive implica a preparação e confeção de grande volume de alimentos que atendam todos os clientes em todas as refeições. Isto acarreta custos significativos, não só pela matéria-prima como pelo desperdício, proveniente tanto do excesso dos hóspedes como das decisões e operações a que é sujeito até chegar à disposição deste.