805 resultados para OXIDE NANOWIRE ARRAYS


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Systems which employ underwater acoustic energy for observation or communication are called sonar systems. The active and passive sonars are the two types of systems used for the detection and localisation of targets in underwater. Active sonar involves the transmission of an acoustic signal which, when reflected from a target, provides the sonar receiver with a basis for the detection and estimation. Passive sonar bases its detection and estimation on sounds which emanate from the target itself--Machinery noise, flow noise, transmission from its own active sonar etc.Electroacoustic transducers are used in sonar systems for the transmission and detection of acoustic energy. The transducer which is used for the transmission of acoustic energy is called projector and the one used for reception is called hydrophone. Since a single transducer is not sufficient enough for long range and directional transmission, a properly distributed array of transducers are to be used [9-11].The need and requirement for spatial processing to generate the most favourable directivity patterns for transducer systems used in underwater applications have already been analysed by several investigators [12-21].The desired directivity pattern can be either generated by the use of suitable focussing techniques or by an array of non-directional sensor elements, whose arrangements, spacing and the mode of excitation provide the required radiation pattern or by the combination of these.While computing that the directivity pattern, it is assumed strength of the elements are unaffected by the the source acoustic pressure at each source. However, in closely packed a r r a y s , the acoustic interaction effects experienced among the elements will modify the behaviour of individual elements and in turn will reduce the acoust ic source leve 1 wi t h respect to the maximum t heoret i cal va 1ue a s well as degrade the beam pa t tern. Th i s ef fect shou 1d be reduced in systems that are intended to generate high acoustic power output and unperturbed beam patterns [2,22-31].The work herein presented includes an approach for designing efficient and well behaved underwater transd~cer arrays, taking into account the acoustic interaction effect experienced among the closely packed multielement arrays.Architectural modifications reducing the interaction effect different radiating apertures.


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The dielectric properties of electron beam evaporated Sm2O3 films have been investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz at various temperatures (300 K-453 K). The dielectric constant is found to depend on film thickness and it attains a constant value beyond 1000 A. The present electron beam evaporated Sm2O3 films have a high dielectric constant of 43. The frequency dependence of and tan teeta at various temperatures is also studied.


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The main objective of this thesis work is to optimize the growth conditions for obtaining crystalline and conducting Lao.5Sro.5Co03 (LSCO) and Lao.5Sro.5Coo.5.5Nio.5O3 (LSCNO) thin films at low processing temperatures. The films are prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering under various deposition conditions. The thin films were used as electrodes for the fabrication of ferroelectric capacitors using BaO.7SrO.3 Ti03 (BST) and PbZro.52 Tio.4803 (PZT). The structural and transport properties of the La1_xSrxCo03 and Lao.5Sro.5Co1_xNix03 are also investigated. The characterization of the bulk and the thin films were performed using different tools. A powder X-ray diffractometer was used to analyze the crystalline nature of the material. The transport properties were investigated by measuring the temperature dependence of resistivity using a four probe technique. The magnetoresistance and thermoelectric power were also used to investigate the transport properties. Atomic force microscope was used to study the surface morphology and thin film roughness. The ferroelectric properties of the capacitors were investigated using RT66A ferroelectric tester.


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This work mainly concentrate to understand the optical and electrical properties of amorphous zinc tin oxide and amorphous zinc indium tin oxide thin films for TFT applications. Amorphous materials are promising in achieving better device performance on temperature sensitive substrates compared to polycrystalline materials. Most of these amorphous oxides are multicomponent and as such there exists the need for an optimized chemical composition. For this we have to make individual targets with required chemical composition to use it in conventional thin film deposition techniques like PLD and sputtering. Instead, if we use separate targets for each of the cationic element and if separately control the power during the simultaneous sputtering process, then we can change the chemical composition by simply adjusting the sputtering power. This is what is done in co-sputtering technique. Eventhough there had some reports about thin film deposition using this technique, there was no reports about the use of this technique in TFT fabrication until very recent time. Hence in this work, co-sputtering has performed as a major technique for thin film deposition and TFT fabrication. PLD were also performed as it is a relatively new technique and allows the use high oxygen pressure during deposition. This helps to control the carrier density in the channel and also favours the smooth film surface. Both these properties are crucial in TFT.Zinc tin oxide material is interesting in the sense that it does not contain costly indium. Eventhough some works were already reported in ZTO based TFTs, there was no systematic study about ZTO thin film's various optoelectronic properties from a TFT manufacturing perspective. Attempts have made to analyse the ZTO films prepared by PLD and co-sputtering. As more type of cations present in the film, chances are high to form an amorphous phase. Zinc indium tin oxide is studied as a multicomponent oxide material suitable for TFT fabrication.


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Various synthesis routes have been developed in recent years for the preparation of nanoparticles. One of those methods is polymer induced crystallization. The first objective of the present work was to prepare nano ZnO powder by polymer induced crystallization in chitosan solution and to characterize the material using different techniques like TEM, SEM, XRD, FTLR, UV spectroscopy, TGA, DSC etc.The second object of the study is to prepare composites using nano ZnO. It has been undertaken to explore the potential of nano ZnO as reinforcement in engineering as well as commodity thermoplastics to widen their application spectra. We selected three engineering thermoplastics like [poly ethylene terephthalate, polyamide 6, and polycarbonate] and three commodity plastics like [polypropylene, high density polyethylene, and polystyrene] for the study. To date one of the few disadvantages associated with nanoparticle incorporation has concerned toughness and impact performance. Modification of polymers could reduce impact performance. The present study also focused on whether nano ZnO can act as a modifier for thennoplastics, without sacrificing their impact strength.


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The dielectric properties of vacuum-deposited europium oxide films have been investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz at various temperatures (300-543 K). The dielectric constant is found to depend on film thickness and it attains a constant value beyond 1000 Å. Films deposited at higher substrate temperatures (above 423 K) exhibit improved dielectric properties owing to the recovery of stoichiometry. The frequency variation of the loss factor exhibits a minimum which increases with rise in temperature. The breakdown field strength (about 106V cm-1) is found to be thickness dependent and it varies in accordance with the Forlani-Minnaja relation. The films exhibit ohmic conduction with an activation energy of 0.86 eV at low electric fields but at higher fields the conductivity becomes space charge limited. X-ray studies show that the films are amorphous in nature. The a.c. conductivity is proportional to ω at low frequency, whereas a square law dependence is observed at higher frequencies. The optical constants n, α and k and optical band gap are calculated from the UV-visible-near-IR spectra.


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Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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New mathematical methods to analytically investigate linear acoustic radiation and scattering from cylindrical bodies and transducer arrays are presented. Three problems of interest involving cylinders in an infinite fluid are studied. In all the three problems, the Helmholtz equation is used to model propagation through the fluid and the beam patterns of arrays of transducers are studied. In the first problem, a method is presented to determine the omni-directional and directional far-field pressures radiated by a cylindrical transducer array in an infinite rigid cylindrical baffle. The solution to the Helmholtz equation and the displacement continuity condition at the interface between the array and the surrounding water are used to determine the pressure. The displacement of the surface of each transducer is in the direction of the normal to the array and is assumed to be uniform. Expressions are derived for the pressure radiated by a sector of the array vibrating in-phase, the entire array vibrating in-phase, and a sector of the array phase-shaded to simulate radiation from a rectangular piston. It is shown that the uniform displacement required for generating a source level of 220 dB ref. μPa @ 1m that is omni directional in the azimuthal plane is in the order of 1 micron for typical arrays. Numerical results are presented to show that there is only a small difference between the on-axis pressures radiated by phased cylindrical arrays and planar arrays. The problem is of interest because cylindrical arrays of projectors are often used to search for underwater objects. In the second problem, the errors, when using data-independent, classical, energy and split beam correlation methods, in finding the direction of arrival (DOA) of a plane acoustic wave, caused by the presence of a solid circular elastic cylindrical stiffener near a linear array of hydrophones, are investigated. Scattering from the effectively infinite cylinder is modeled using the exact axisymmetric equations of motion and the total pressures at the hydrophone locations are computed. The effect of the radius of the cylinder, a, the distance between the cylinder and the array, b, the number of hydrophones in the array, 2H, and the angle of incidence of the wave, α, on the error in finding the DOA are illustrated using numerical results. For an array that is about 30 times the wavelength and for small angles of incidence (α<10), the error in finding the DOA using the energy method is less than that using the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α; and in some cases, the error increases when b increases; and the errors in finding the DOA using the energy method and the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α vary approximately as a7 / 4 . The problem is of interest because elastic stiffeners – in nearly acoustically transparent sonar domes that are used to protect arrays of transducers – scatter waves that are incident on it and cause an error in the estimated direction of arrival of the wave. In the third problem, a high-frequency ray-acoustics method is presented and used to determine the interior pressure field when a plane wave is normally incident on a fluid cylinder embedded in another infinite fluid. The pressure field is determined by using geometrical and physical acoustics. The interior pressure is expressed as the sum of the pressures due to all rays that pass through a point. Numerical results are presented for ka = 20 to 100 where k is the acoustic wavenumber of the exterior fluid and a is the radius of the cylinder. The results are in good agreement with those obtained using field theory. The directional responses, to the plane wave, of sectors of a circular array of uniformly distributed hydrophones in the embedded cylinder are then computed. The sectors are used to simulate linear arrays with uniformly distributed normals by using delays. The directional responses are compared with the output from an array in an infinite homogenous fluid. These outputs are of interest as they are used to determine the direction of arrival of the plane wave. Numerical results are presented for a circular array with 32 hydrophones and 12 hydrophones in each sector. The problem is of interest because arrays of hydrophones are housed inside sonar domes and acoustic plane waves from distant sources are scattered by the dome filled with fresh water and cause deterioration in the performance of the array.


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Present work deals with the Preparation and characterization of high-k aluminum oxide thin films by atomic layer deposition for gate dielectric applications.The ever-increasing demand for functionality and speed for semiconductor applications requires enhanced performance, which is achieved by the continuous miniaturization of CMOS dimensions. Because of this miniaturization, several parameters, such as the dielectric thickness, come within reach of their physical limit. As the required oxide thickness approaches the sub- l nm range, SiO 2 become unsuitable as a gate dielectric because its limited physical thickness results in excessive leakage current through the gate stack, affecting the long-term reliability of the device. This leakage issue is solved in the 45 mn technology node by the integration of high-k based gate dielectrics, as their higher k-value allows a physically thicker layer while targeting the same capacitance and Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT). Moreover, Intel announced that Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) would be applied to grow these materials on the Si substrate. ALD is based on the sequential use of self-limiting surface reactions of a metallic and oxidizing precursor. This self-limiting feature allows control of material growth and properties at the atomic level, which makes ALD well-suited for the deposition of highly uniform and conformal layers in CMOS devices, even if these have challenging 3D topologies with high aspect-ratios. ALD has currently acquired the status of state-of-the-art and most preferred deposition technique, for producing nano layers of various materials of technological importance. This technique can be adapted to different situations where precision in thickness and perfection in structures are required, especially in the microelectronic scenario.


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This thesis Entitled INVESTIGATIONS ON THE STRUCTURAL, OPTICAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF NANOSTRUCTURED CERIUM OXIDE IN PURE AND DOPED FORMS AND ITS POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES.Synthesis and processing of nanomatelials and nanostmctures are the essential aspects of nanotechnology. Studies on new physical properties and applications of nanomaterials and nanostructures are possible only when nanostructured materials are made available with desired size, morphology,crystal structure and chemical composition.Recently, several methods have been developed to prepare pure and doped CeO2 powder, including wet chemical synthesis, thermal hydrolysis, flux method, hydrothermal synthesis, gas condensation method, microwave technique etc. In all these, some special reaction conditions, such as high temperature, high pressure, capping agents, expensive or toxic solvents etc. have been involved.Another hi gh-li ght of the present work is room temperature ferromagnetism in cerium oxdie thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique.The observation of self trapped exciton mediated PL in ceria nanocrystals is another important outcome of the present study. STE mediated mechanism has been proposed for CeO2 nanocrystals based on the dependence of PL intensity on the annealing temperature. It would be interesting to extent these investigations to the doped forms of cerium oxide and cerium oxide thin films to get deeper Insight into STE mechanism.Due to time constraints detailed investigations could not be canied out on the preparation and properties of free standing films of polymer/ceria nanocomposites. It has been observed that good quality free standing films of PVDF/ceria, PS/C61‘l8, PMMA/ceria can be obtained using solution casting technique. These polymer nanocomposite films show high dielectric constant around 20 and offer prospects of applications as gate electrodes in metal-oxide semiconductor devices.


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PP has been getting much attention over the years because it is a very durable polymer commonly used in aggressive environments including automotive battery casings, fuel containers etc. They are used to make bottles, fibers for clothing, components in cars etc. However, it has some shortcomings such as low dimensional and thermal stability. Materials such as metal oxides with sizes of the order 1–50 nm have received a great deal of attention because of their versatile applications in polymer/ inorganic nanocomposites, optoelectronic devices, biomedical materials, and other areas. They are stable under harsh process conditions and also regarded as safe materials to human beings and animals. In the present investigation, PP is modified by incorporating metal oxide nanoparticles such as ZnO and TiO2 by simple melt mixing method. Melt spinning method was used to prepare PP/metal oxide nanocomposite fibers. Various studies have been carried out on these composites and fibers. In the first part of the study, ZnO nanoparticles were prepared from ZnCl2 and NaOH in presence of chitosan, PVA, ethanol and starch. This is a simple and inexpensive method compared to other methods. Change in morphology and particle size of ZnO were studied. Least particle size was obtained in chitosan medium. The particles were characterized by using XRD, SEM, TEM, TGA and EDAX. Antibacterial properties of ZnO prepared in chitosan medium (NZO) and commercial zinc oxide (CZO) were evaluated using a gram positive and a gram negative bacteria


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The thesis presented here includes the designing of underwater transducer arrays, taking into account the ‘interaction effects’ [30] among the closely packed radiators. Methods of minimizing the ‘interaction effects‘ by modifying the radiating aperture, are investigated. The need for this study arises as it is one of the important peculiar limitations that stands in the way of achieving maximum range of transmission of acoustic signals. Application of the modified array format for the generation of narrow beam low frequency sound waves, through nonlinear interactions, is discussed. Other techniques that can be advantageously exploited in array synthesis are also investigated