996 resultados para Lieko, Anneli: Finnish for translators


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Fifteen iron oxide accumulations from the bottoms of two Finnish lakes ("lake ores") were found to contain as much as 50% Fe. Differential X-ray powder diffraction and selective dissolution by oxalate showed that the samples consisted of poorly crystallized goethite and ferrihydrite. The crust ores of one lake had higher ferrihydrite to goethite ratios than the nodular ores of the other lake. The higher ferrihydrite proportion was attributed to a higher rate of Fe2+ supply from the ground water and/or a higher rate of oxidation as a function of water depth and bottom-sediment permeability. Values of Al-for-Fe substitution of the goethites determined from unit-cell dimensions agreed with those obtained from chemical extraction if the unit-cell volume rather than the c dimension was used. In very small goethite crystals a slight expansion of the a unit-cell dimension is probaby compensated by a corresponding contraction of the c dimension, so that a contraction of the c dimension need not necessarily be caused by Al substitution. The goethites of the two lakes differed significantly in their Al-for-Fe substitutions and hence in their unit-cell sizes, OH-bending characteristics, dehydroxylation temperatures, dissolution kinetics, and Mössbauer parameters. The difference in Al substitution (0 vs. 7 mole %) is attributed to the Al-supplying power of the bottom sediments: the silty-clayey sediments in one lake appear to have supplied A1 during goethite formation, whereas the gravelly-sandy sediments in the other lake did not. The compositions of the goethites thus reflect their environments of formation.


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We are conducting a genome scan at an average resolution of 10 centimorgans (cM) for type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes in 716 affected sib pairs from 477 Finnish families. To date, our best evidence for linkage is on chromosome 20 with potentially separable peaks located on both the long and short arms. The unweighted multipoint maximum logarithm of odds score (MLS) was 3.08 on 20p (location, x̂ = 19.5 cM) under an additive model, whereas the weighted MLS was 2.06 on 20q (x̂ = 57 cM, recurrence risk, λ̂s = 1.25, P = 0.009). Weighted logarithm of odds scores of 2.00 (x̂ = 69.5 cM, P = 0.010) and 1.92 (x̂ = 18.5 cM, P = 0.013) were also observed. Ordered subset analyses based on sibships with extreme mean values of diabetes-related quantitative traits yielded sets of families who contributed disproportionately to the peaks. Two-hour glucose levels in offspring of diabetic individuals gave a MLS of 2.12 (P = 0.0018) at 9.5 cM. Evidence from this and other studies suggests at least two diabetes-susceptibility genes on chromosome 20. We have also screened the gene for maturity-onset diabetes of the young 1, hepatic nuclear factor 4-a (HNF-4α) in 64 affected sibships with evidence for high chromosomal sharing at its location on chromosome 20q. We found no evidence that sequence changes in this gene accounted for the linkage results we observed.


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Familial amyloidosis–Finnish type (FAF) results from a single mutation at residue 187 (D187N or D187Y) within domain 2 of the actin-regulating protein gelsolin. The mutation somehow allows a masked cleavage site to be exposed, leading to the first step in the formation of an amyloidogenic fragment. We have performed NMR experiments investigating structural and dynamic changes between wild-type (WT) and D187N gelsolin domain 2 (D2). On mutation, no significant structural or dynamic changes occur at or near the cleavage site. Areas in conformational exchange are observed between β-strand 4 and α-helix 1 and within the loop region following β-strand 5. Chemical shift differences are noted along the face of α-helix 1 that packs onto the β-sheet, suggesting an altered conformation. Conformational changes within these areas can have an effect on actin binding and may explain why D187N gelsolin is inactive. {1H-15N} nuclear Overhauser effect and chemical shift data suggest that the C-terminal tail of D187N gelsolin D2 is less structured than WT by up to six residues. In the crystal structure of equine gelsolin, the C-terminal tail of D2 lies across a large cleft between domains 1 and 2 where the masked cleavage site sits. We propose that the D187N mutation destabilizes the C-terminal tail of D2 resulting in a more exposed cleavage site leading to the first proteolysis step in the formation of the amyloidogenic fragment.


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Mutations at position 187 in secreted gelsolin enable aberrant proteolysis at the 172–173 and 243–244 amide bonds, affording the 71-residue amyloidogenic peptide deposited in Familial Amyloidosis of Finnish Type (FAF). Thermodynamic comparisons of two different domain 2 constructs were carried out to study possible effects of the mutations on proteolytic susceptibility. In the construct we consider to be most representative of domain 2 in the context of the full-length protein (134–266), the D187N FAF variant is slightly destabilized relative to wild type (WT) under the conditions of urea denaturation, but exhibits a Tm identical to WT. The D187Y variant is less stable to intermediate urea concentrations and exhibits a Tm that is estimated to be ≈5°C lower than WT (pH 7.4, Ca2+-free). Although the thermodynamic data indicate that the FAF mutations may slightly destabilize domain 2, these changes are probably not sufficient to shift the native to denatured state equilibrium enough to enable the proteolysis leading to FAF. Biophysical data indicate that these two FAF variants may have different native state structures and possibly different pathways of amyloidosis.


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An analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotypes in several European populations reveals an almost monomorphic pattern in the Finns, whereas Y-chromosomal diversity is significantly higher in other populations. Furthermore, analyses of nucleotide positions in the mitochondrial control region that evolve slowly show a decrease in genetic diversity in Finns. Thus, relatively few men and women have contributed the genetic lineages that today survive in the Finnish population. This is likely to have caused the so-called "Finnish disease heritage"-i.e., the occurrence of several genetic diseases in the Finnish population that are rare elsewhere. A preliminary analysis of the mitochondrial mutations that have accumulated subsequent to the bottleneck suggests that it occurred about 4000 years ago, presumably when populations using agriculture and animal husbandry arrived in Finland.


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This paper discusses the impact of machine translation on the language industry, specifically addressing its effect on translators. It summarizes the history of the development of machine translation, explains the underlying theory that ties machine translation to its practical applications, and describes the different types of machine translation as well as other tools familiar to translators. There are arguments for and against its use, as well as evaluation methods for testing it. Internet and real-time communication are featured for their role in the increase of machine translation use. The potential that this technology has in the future of professional translation is examined. This paper shows that machine translation will continue to be increasingly used whether translators like it or not.


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This project examines what an ethical code of conduct would look like in Afghanistan through analysis of historical, cultural and linguistic aspects found within its regions, as well as an examination of ethical codes of conduct for translators and interpreters in other countries. While numerous ethical guidelines and codes of conduct for translators and interpreters exist throughout global communities, it seems that creating a successful standardized ethical code of conduct in Afghanistan may be difficult to achieve given cultural and linguistic complexities. An ethical code of conduct for translators and interpreters in Afghanistan should include particular focus on: cultural sensitivity and courtesy, impartiality, conflict of interest, options for withdrawal, as well as reflect the importance of Pashtunwali.


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This article is the English version of “Traductoras gallegas del siglo XX: Reescribiendo la historia de la traducción desde el género y la nación” by Olga Castro. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.


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The aim of this paper is to describe the use that professional translators make of corpora as translation resources. First, we briefly review the literature on translation practitioners’ use of corpora in the contexts of both translation training and professional translation. Then we present our survey-based study, analyse the uptake of corpora among Spanish translators and describe the use of this kind of translation resource. The results show that even if corpora are not as frequently used as other kinds of resources, such as dictionaries, there are professional translators who do use corpora, in a variety of ways, in their work. Additionally, non-users do not seem entirely sceptical about corpora. Against that backdrop, translator trainers are invited to continue to report on how corpora can be used as translation resources.