1000 resultados para Lemhi Range


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In this paper we provide a robust version of a linear Kalman filter for target tracking with nonlinear range and bearing measurements. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error is bounded in a probabilistic sense. We compare our approach with the current state of the art in converted radar measurement based linear filtering.


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Objective: To explore the relationship between family average income (FAI; an index of socio-economic status) and body mass index (BMI; a widely used, inexpensive indicator of weight status) above the healthy weight range in a region of Mainland China. Design: Population-based cross-sectional study, conducted between October 1999 and March 2000 on a sample of regular local residents aged 35 years or older who were selected by random cluster sampling. Setting: Forty-five administrative villages selected from three urban districts and two rural counties of Nanjing municipality, Mainland China, with a regional population of 5.6 million. Subjects: In total, 29 340 subjects participated; 67.7% from urban and 32.3% from rural areas; 49.8% male and 50.2% female. The response rate among eligible participants was 90.1%. Results: The proportion of participants classified as overweight was 30.5%, while 7.8% were identified as obese. After adjusting for possible confounding variables (age, gender, area of residence, educational level, occupational and leisure-time physical activity, daily vegetable consumption and frequency of red meat intake), urban participants were more likely to be overweight or obese relative to their rural counterparts, more women than men were obese, and participants in the lowest FAI tertile were the least likely to be above the healthy weight range. Conclusions: The proportion of adults with BMI above the healthy weight range was positively related to having a higher socio-economic status (indexed by FAI) in a regional Chinese population.


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To elicit descriptive data about limited joint range of motion (ROM) in subjects with type II or III spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and to examine the relation between the number of motions with limited range and both age and functional ability.
Descriptive cross-sectional study.
Neurologic pediatric outpatient clinic at a hospital in Taiwan.
Twenty-seven subjects with SMA type II (mean age, 9.8±6.5y) and 17 with SMA type III (mean age, 12.2±8.7y).
Measurement with transparent goniometers of joint ROM bilaterally of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle.
Main outcome measures
The proportion of participants with each ROM limitation compared with all participants with the same SMA type, age distribution of the participants with each ROM limitation, mean range loss of each motion limitation, and the contracture index (risk index of joint contracture).
Eighty-nine percent of the participants with SMA type II experienced knee extension limitation. Approximately 50% of the participants with both types of SMA had ankle dorsiflexion limitation. The motions of knee and hip extension and ankle dorsiflexion also had a relatively high contracture index. The number of motions with limited range positively correlated (P<.001) with age and upper-extremity functional grade (the higher the functional grade, the poorer the functional ability) for SMA type II.
We found varying degrees of joint ROM limitation. Certain motions were noted to be high risks for the development of contractures. This risk was higher mostly in younger children.


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Objective: To examine the test–retest reliability and construct validity of cervical active range of motion and isometric neck muscle strength as measured by the Multi Cervical Rehabilitation Unit (Hanoun Medical Inc., Ontario).
Design: A cross-sectional study.
Setting: Institutional practice.
Subjects: Twenty-one patients with neck pain and 25 healthy volunteers.
Methods: After a trial-run session, active range of motion (AROM) was measured in the subsequent two sessions, with 2–3 days in between. During each session, three measurements were taken for each direction (flexion, extension, lateral flexions and rotations). The measurement of isometric strength was after a 15-minute break following completion of the measurement of AROM. Three measurements were made for each of the six directions (flexion, extension, lateral flexions, protraction and retraction). The software of the Multi Cervical Rehabilitation Unit automatically recorded and calculated the maximum AROM and isometric strength.
Results: There was a good to high level of reliability in the measurement of AROM for both groups of subjects, with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranging from 0.81 to 0.96. Results also demonstrated very good to excellent reliability in isometric strength measurement (ICCs ranged from 0.92 to 0.99). Moreover, there was a significant difference in isometric neck muscle strength (p = 0.001) and in AROM (p = 0.034) between the two groups.
Conclusions: The Multi Cervical Rehabilitation Unit was found to be reliable and valid for testing the cervical active range of motion and isometric neck muscle strength for both normal and patient subjects.


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Patellar tendon injury, a chronic overuse injury characterised by pain during tendon loading, is common in volleyball players and may profoundly restrict their ability to compete. This cross-sectional study investigated the association between performance factors and the presence of patellar tendon injury. These performance factors (sit and reach flexibility, ankle dorsiflexion range, jump height, ankle plantarflexor strength, years of volleyball competition and activity level) were measured in 113 male and female volleyball players. Patellar tendon health was determined by measures of pain and ultrasound imaging. The association between these performance factors and patellar tendon health (normal tendon, abnormal imaging without pain, abnormal imaging with pain) was investigated using analysis of variance. Only reduced ankle dorsiflexion range was associated with patellar tendinopathy (p < 0.05). As coupling between ankle dorsiflexion and eccentric contraction of the calf muscle is important in absorbing lower limb force when landing from a jump, reduced ankle dorsiflexion range may increase the risk of patellar tendinopathy.


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Although soils are generally considered to wet readily, some are actually water repellent at the surface and in the rhizosphere. This phenomenon occurs at low to moderate moisture contents and has been reported from soils under a range of vegetation types and from many regions around the globe. Water repellency in soils can have serious environmental implications including reduced seed germination and plant growth as well as irrigation efficiency, accelerated soil erosion, and enhanced leaching of agrochemicals through preferential flow. it has been proposed that water repellency is caused by the accumulation of hydrophobic organic compounds released as root exudates, microbial byproducts or from decomposing organic matter, which are deposited on mineral or aggregate surfaces, or are present as interstitial matter, Few studies to date have attempted to isolate and characterize these compounds and their structure is therefore only poorly understood, These studies have generally focussed on only a single soil or a small range of samples, have not included non-repellent soils as a control and have not always been able to demonstrate that the substances isolated are indeed responsible for repellency formation.

This study reports on the first part (extraction procedures) of a research programme addressing these gaps in current knowledge by investigating a wide range of severely repellent and wettable ‘control’ samples from different countries, and by including assessments of extraction efficiency and ability of extracts to cause repellency. Analytical methods include DRIFT (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy) of soils and IR (Infrared) analysis of extracts.

Key findings are that (i) soil sample heating after extraction is valuable in assessing the effectiveness of the extraction procedure, (ii) Soxhlet extraction using isopropanol/ ammonia (70/30 v/v) was the most effective method in extracting hydrophobic compounds, while leaving the ability of extracted compounds to induce water repellency virtually unaffected, (iii) wettable control soils also contain hydrophobic substances capable of inducing water repellency, (iv) the amount of organic compounds extracted was poorly related to sample repellency, indicating that compounds responsible for repellency may only represent a small fraction of the extract, (v) differences in extraction efficiency between different samples indicate that the compounds responsible may differ generically and/or in terms of their bonding to minerals, and (vi) the combination of repellency assessments with DRIFT on soils and JR on extracts used with internal standards has considerable potential to allow quantification of CH bearing organic matter in the soil, the efficiency of extraction processes for its removal, and its significance in causing water repellency in soils.


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This article reports a range extension for the critically endangered Millewa Skink Hemiergis millewae in Victoria. An individual H. millewae was found approximately 85 km east of its former known range in mature mallee vegetation, near the eastern edge of the Murray-Sunset National Park on 27 March 2007. Site characteristics are described, and a list of other reptile species found at the same site is provided. Further research into the habitat associations and distribution of H. millewae is recommended in order to guide the management of this species.


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In this paper, we consider daily financial data from various sources (stock market indices, foreign exchange rates and bonds) and analyze their multiscaling properties by estimating the parameters of a Markov-switching multifractal (MSM) model with Lognormal volatility components. In order to see how well estimated models capture the temporal dependency of the empirical data, we estimate and compare (generalized) Hurst exponents for both empirical data and simulated MSM models. In general, the Lognormal MSM models generate "apparent" long memory in good agreement with empirical scaling provided that one uses sufficiently many volatility components. In comparison with a Binomial MSM specification [11], results are almost identical. This suggests that a parsimonious discrete specification is flexible enough and the gain from adopting the continuous Lognormal distribution is very limited.


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This paper proposes a new type of algorithm aimed at finding the traditional maximum-likelihood (TML) estimate of the position of a target given time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) information, contaminated by noise. The novelty lies in the fact that a performance index, akin to but not identical with that in maximum likelihood (ML), is a minimized subject to a number of constraints, which flow from geometric constraints inherent in the underlying problem. The minimization is in a higher dimensional space than for TML, and has the advantage that the algorithm can be very straightforwardly and systematically initialized. Simulation evidence shows that failure to converge to a solution of the localization problem near the true value is less likely to occur with this new algorithm than with TML. This makes it attractive to use in adverse geometric situations.


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The intraday high–low price range offers volatility forecasts similarly efficient to high-quality implied volatility indexes published by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) for four stock market indexes: S&P 500, S&P 100, NASDAQ 100, and Dow Jones Industrials. Examination of in-sample and out-of-sample volatility forecasts reveals that neither implied volatility nor intraday high–low range volatility consistently outperforms the other.


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In this paper, we consider daily financial data of a collection of different stock market indices, exchange rates, and interest rates, and we analyze their multi-scaling properties by estimating a simple specification of the Markov-switching multifractal (MSM) model. In order to see how well the estimated model captures the temporal dependence of the data, we estimate and compare the scaling exponents H(q) (for q=1,2) for both empirical data and simulated data of the MSM model. In most cases the multifractal model appears to generate ‘apparent’ long memory in agreement with the empirical scaling laws.