847 resultados para Italian novels of the 20th century
Több mint száz éve született meg Henry Gantt (Gantt, 1910) sávos ütemterve, Kelley (Kelley, 1961) és Walker (Walker, 1959) is több mint hatvan éve publikálta kritikus út módszerét. Az ezekre épülő költség- és erőforrás- tervezési módszerek vajon alkalmasak-e a ma kihívásaira? Az olvasó ebben a tanulmányban többéves kutatómunka gyümölcsét láthatja. A kutatás során az egyik legfontosabb cél annak vizsgálata volt, hogy a meglévő projekttervezési eszközök mennyiben felelnek meg a mai projektek kihívásainak; hol és milyen területen van szükség e módszerek továbbfejlesztésére, esetleg meghaladására. Ebben a tanulmányban a szerző olyan módszereket mutat be, amelyek messze túlvezetnek bennünket a projekttervezés eddig elsősorban operatív feladatokra szorítkozó módszereitől, és olyan kérdések megválaszolására fordítja figyelmünket, mint pl. milyen tevékenységeket, projekteket valósítsunk meg; melyeket hagyjuk el vagy ütemezzük be egy későbbi projektbe; hogyan rangsoroljuk, priorizáljuk a projektek megvalósítását, fontosságát? ______ Gantt chart (Gantt, 1910) was born by Henry Gantt more than a hundred years ago. Kelley and Walker published their critical planning method more than a 60 years ago (see i.e. Kelley-Walker, 1959). Can we use methods based on network planning methods for the challenges of 21st century? In this paper the author can see the results of the recent researches. In this study with their colleagues he investigated which project planning methods can be used in challenges of the 21st century and where and how to improve them. In these researches new matrix-based project planning methods are specified, where they can deal not only operative but strategic questions: which subprojects/tasks should be completed, how to treat priorities of completion in case of defining logic planning, how to support not only traditional but agile project management approaches.In this paper he introduces a new matrix-based method, which can be used for ranking project or multi project scenarios with different kinds of target functions. The author shows methods that are used in an expert module. He shows how to integrate this expert module into the traditional PMS system.
The Balmis expedition, sent to America by the Spanish monarch Charles IV in 1803, was a watershed in the history of Medicine as it made smallpox vaccination available for the first time, effectively prevented the disease from spreading, and saved thousands of lives. Immunization required complex administrative measures and political decisions including the creation of Vaccination Boards, all of which involved different sectors of Spanish American society. This dissertation argues that at the beginning of the nineteenth century the Spanish American colonial state had reached some level of maturity and cohesion that made it capable of executing this complex project in public health. The significance of this mobilization and the every-day experience in implementing this new public health measure is the center of this work. It is situated geographically in Venezuela and Cuba, entities which took different evolutionary paths in the nineteenth century. The organization and functioning of Vaccination Boards in these two areas are used to illustrate the state formation process, and sharp political differences in this critical period.
Many buildings constructed during the middle of the 20th century were constructed with criteria that fall short of current requirements. Although shortcomings are possible in all aspects of the design, the inadequacies in terms of seismic design present a more pressing issue to human life. This risk has been seen in various earthquakes that have struck Italy recently, and subsequently, the codes have been altered to account for this underestimated danger. Structures built after these changes remain at risk and must be retrofitted depending on their use. This report centers around the Giovanni Michelucci Institute of Mathematics at the University of Bologna and the work required to modify the building so that it can withstand 60% of the current design requirements. The goal of this particular report is to verify the previous reports written in Italian and present an accurate analysis along with intervention suggestions for this particular building. The work began with an investigation into the previous sources and work to find out how the structure had been interpreted. After understanding the building, corrections were made where required, and the failing elements were organized graphically to more easily show where the building needed the most work. Once the critical zones were mapped, remediation techniques were tested on the top floor, and the modeling techniques and effects of the interventions were presented to assist in further work on the structure.
A high-resolution study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was performed on a ca. eight metre long sediment core from Gullmar Fjord on the west coast of Sweden. The results of 210Pb- and AMS 14C-datings show that the record includes the two warmest climatic episodes of the last 1500 years: the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the recent warming of the 20th century. Both periods are known to be anomalously warm and associated with positive NAO winter indices. Benthic foraminiferal successions of both periods are compared in order to find faunal similarities and common denominators corresponding to past climate changes. During the MWP, Adercotryma glomerata, Cassidulina laevigata and Nonionella iridea dominated the assemblages. Judging from dominance of species sensitive to hypoxia and the highest faunal diversity for the last ca. 2400 years, the foraminiferal record of the MWP suggests an absence of severe low oxygen events. At the same time, faunas and d13C values both point to high primary productivity and/or increased input of terrestrial organic carbon into the fjord system during the Medieval Warm Period. Comparison of the MWP and recent warming revealed different trends in the faunal record. The thin-shelled foraminifer N. iridea was characteristic of the MWP, but became absent during the second half of the 20th century. The recent Skagerrak-Kattegat fauna was rare or absent during the MWP but established in Gullmar Fjord at the end of the Little Ice Age or in the early 1900s. Also, there are striking differences in the faunal diversity and absolute abundances of foraminifera between both periods. Changes in primary productivity, higher precipitation resulting in intensified land runoff, different oxygen regimes or even changes in the fjord's trophic status are discussed as possible causes of these faunal differences.
Martin Heidegger is generally regarded as one of the most significant—if also the most controversial—philosophers of the 20th century. Most scholarly engagement with Heidegger’s thought on Modernity approaches his work with a special focus on either his critique of technology, or on his more general critique of subjectivity. This dissertation project attempts to elucidate Martin Heidegger’s diagnosis of modernity, and, by extension, his thought as a whole, from the neglected standpoint of his understanding of mathematics, which he explicitly identifies as the essence of modernity.
Accordingly, our project attempts to work through the development of Modernity, as Heidegger understands it, on the basis of what we call a “mathematical dialectic.“ The basis of our analysis is that Heidegger’s understanding of Modernity, both on its own terms and in the context of his theory of history [Seinsgeschichte], is best understood in terms of the interaction between two essential, “mathematical” characteristics, namely, self-grounding and homogeneity. This project first investigates the mathematical qualities of these components of Modernity individually, and then attempts to trace the historical and philosophical development of Modernity on the basis of the interaction between these two components—an interaction that is, we argue, itself regulated by the structure of the mathematical, according to Heidegger’s understanding of the term.
The project undertaken here intends not only to serve as an interpretive, scholarly function of elucidating Heidegger’s understanding of Modernity, but also to advance the larger aim of defending the prescience, structural coherence, and relevance of Heidegger’s diagnosis of Modernity as such.
The discussions about social justice date from ancient times, but despite the enduring interest in the topic and the progress made, we are still witnessing injustices throughout the world. Thus, the search for social justice, under some form, is an inseparable part of our lives. In general, social justice may be considered as a critical idea that challenges us to reform our institutions and practices in the name of greater fairness (Miller 1999, p. x). In political and policy debates, social justice is often related to fair access (Brown, 2013) but at the same time its meanings seem to vary when we consider different definitions, perspectives and social theories (Zajda, Majhanovich, & Rust, 2006). When seen in the context of higher education, social justice appears in relevant literature as a buzzword (Patton, Shahjahan, Riyad, & Osei-Kofi, 2010). Within the recent studies of higher education and public debates related to the development of higher education, more emphasis is placed on the link between higher education and the economic growth and how higher education could be more responsive to the labour market demands, and little emphasis has been put on social justice. Given this, the present study attempts to at least partially fill the gap with regard to this apparently very topical issue, especially in the context of the unprecedented worldwide expansion of higher education in the last century (Schofer & Meyer, 2005), an expansion that is expected to continue in the next decades. More specifically, the expansion of higher education intensified in the second part of the 20th century, especially after World War II. It was seen as a result of the intertwined dynamics related to demographic, economic and political pressures (Goastellec, 2008a). This trend undoubtedly contributed to the increase of the size of the student body. To illustrate this trend, we may point out that in the period between 2000 and 2007, the number of tertiary students in the world increased from 98,303,539 to 150,656,459 (UNESCO, 2009, p. 205). This growth occurred in all regions of the world, including Central and Eastern Europe, North America and Western Europe, and contributed to raising the number of tertiary graduates. Thus, in the period between 2000 and 2008, the total number of tertiary graduates in the European Union (EU) 27 increased by a total of 35 percent (or 4.5 percent per year). However, this growth was very uneven, ranging from 21.1 percent in Romania to 0.7 percent in Hungary (European Commission working staff document, 2011). The increase of the number of students and graduates was seen as enhancing the social justice in higher education, since it is assumed that expansion “extends a valued good to a broader spectrum of the population” (Arum, Gamoran, & Shavit, 2007, p. 29). However, concerns for a deep contradiction for 21st-century higher education also emerged with regard to its expansion.
Abstract It was in the first decade of the twentieth century that the first white china Factory was implemented in Brazil. Fruit of the association between the Sao Paulo Aristocracy and the Italian Romeo Ranzini, this factory was responsible for producing significant amounts of crockery in industrial moulds in sao Paulo, Brazil. It was also the first factory to produce decorative tiles that would be part of the architecture of the public buildings built between 1919 and 1922 in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Brazilian Independence. Known as The Santa Catharina Factory, this factory was inaugurated in 1913 with the participation of Italian immigrants and German technologies for the development of its first manufacturing activities. As a result of a number of economic, political and social matters that started in the previous century in the city of Sao Paulo, The Santa Catharina factory played an important role in industrial development as regards the production of national white china and was used as a model for the construction of new ceramic factories in Sao Paulo. After acquired by Matarazzo industries in 1927, had closed their activities in 1937. This research is based on the identification and analysis of the first tiles produced in Brazil by the Santa Catharina Factory, which were part of the architectural decorations of the buildings built in Sao Paulo to the celebration of the Centennial of the Brazilian Independence. Designed by Victor Dubugras, The Largo da Memoria (located in the city of Sao Paulo) and the buildings located in the "Paths of the Sea" road marked the beginning of Brazilian industrialization and the emergence of Neocolonial Movement in architecture of Sao Paulo. Studies of the first national patterns of decorative tiles approach a subject poorly researched by experts in tiled studies in Brazil, although in this case these tiles have represented not only an important milestone in the national industrialization, but also have demarcated the significant changes in architectural and decorative practices in the country in the early twentieth century; RESUMÈ: C'est durant la premiere decennie du XXe siecle que la premiere usine de porcelaine blanche fut implant& au Bresil. Elle fut le fruit de l'association entre l'aristocratie de Sao Paulo et l'italien Romeo Ranzini. L'usine produisait une quantite signifiante de porcelaine sur le territoire industriel de Sao Paulo. Ce fut egalement la premiere usine a produire des carreaux decoratifs qui sont aujourd'hui visibles dans l'architecture des batiments publics construit entre 1919 et 1922, pour la commemoration du centenaire de l'independance bresilienne. Connue sous le nom de Santa Catharina, cette usine fut inaugure en 1912. Elle fut construite par des émigrés Italiens, et utilisa pour la technologie allemande pour so production. En tant que resultat d'un certain nombre de questions economiques, politiques et sociales qui ont &butes durant le siecle precedent dans la ville de Sao Paulo, l'usine Santa Catharina a joue un role important dans le developpement industriel de la production de porcelaine blanche nationale et a ete utilise comme modele pour la construction de nouvelles usines de ceramique a Sao Paulo. Apres avoir ete achete par l'industrie Matarazzo en 1927, elle cessa ses activites en 1937. Cette recherche est basee sur l'identification et l'analyse des premiers carreaux decoratifs fabriques au Bresil par l'usine Santa Catharina, qui etait une partie des decorations architecturales des batiments construits a Sao Paulo pour la celebration du centenaire de l'Independance Bresilienne. Connue par Victor Dubugras, le "Largo da Memoria" (situe dans la ville de Sao Paulo), et les batiments situes sur le "Path of the Sea", ont marque le debut de l'industrialisation bresilienne et l'emergence d'un mouvement neocolonialiste dans l'architecture de Sao Paolo. L'etude des premiers modeles nationaux de carreaux decoratifs est un sujet peut etudie par les experts bresiliens, bien qu'ils furent un jalon importante pour l'industrialisation nationale. Its ont egalement entrains des changements importants dans les pratiques architecturales, et decoratives au sein du pays au XXe siecle. Mots-cles: Ceramique - carreaux decoratifs — L'usine Santa Catharina, Bresil - Production de carreaux; RIASSUNTO: Nel primo decennio del Novecento vide luce la prima fabbrica di ceramica di porcellana in Brasile. Frutto dell'associazione tra l'aristocrazia Paulista e l'italiano Romeo Ranzini, questa fabbrica fu responsabile della produzione di notevoli quantita di ceramica di porcellana mediante stampi industriali nella citta di San Paolo, Brasile. Fu anche la prima fabbrica a produrre azulejos che avrebbero poi fatto parte dell'architettura degli edifici pubblici costruiti tra it 1919 ed it 1922, per la commemorazione del Centenario dell'indipendenza Brasiliana. Conosciuta come Fabbrica di Santa Catharina, questa fu inaugurata nel 1913, con la partecipazione di immigrati italiani e con l'impiego di tecnologie tedesche per lo sviluppo delle sue prime attivita produttive. Risultato di una serie di cambiamenti economici, politici e sociali, che ebbero inizio nel secolo precedente nella citta di San Paolo, la Fabbrica di Santa Catharina svolse un ruolo importante nello sviluppo industriale per quanto riguarda la produzione di ceramica di porcellana nazionale e fu adottata come modello per la costruzione di nuove fabbriche a San Paolo. Successivamente, fu acquisita dalle industrie Matarazzo nel 1927, vedendo poi chiudersi le sue attivita nel 1937. Questa ricerca si basa sull'identificazione e l'analisi dei primi azulejos prodotti in Brasile dalla Fabbrica di Santa Catharina che fecero parte delle decorazioni architettoniche degli edifici costruiti a San Paolo per la commemorazione del Centenario dell'indipendenza Brasiliana. Progettati da Victor Dubugras, it Largo da Mem(Via (situato nella citta di San Paolo) e gli edifici che si trovano nei Caminhos do Mar marcarono l'inizio dell'industrializzazione brasiliana e la nascita del Movimento Neocolonial dell'architettura Paulista. Gli studi dei primi modelli di azulejos nazionali affrontano un argomento poco studiato dagli esperti in azulejaria in Brasile, nonostante rappresentino un importante avvenimento dell'industrializzazione nazionale, ma segnano anche i cambiamenti di significative pratiche architettoniche e decorative nel Paese nel primo Novecento. Parole chiave: Ceramica - porcellana - La fabbrica di Santa Catharina - Produzione di ceramica .
L’émergence du postmodernisme aux Etats-unis, mouvement esthétique rejetant les dogmes modernistes, date des années 1960. En s’imposant, durant les dernières décennies du 20ème siècle, comme le paradigme esthétique de l’architecture, des arts et de la littérature, le postmodernisme a également créé les conditions propres à une renaissance du roman historique. Cependant, la fiction historique postmoderne constitue maintenant une nouvelle forme du genre basée sur la parodie, l’ironie et le scepticisme envers les discours dominants. Cette nouvelle forme ne se limite plus à la présentation des récits dans un cadre historique réaliste. Elle remet plutôt en question la validité et par conséquent la nature même du discours historique, problématisant et mettant ainsi à l’avant le processus d’interprétation et de reconstruction du passé. Dans cette optique, la fiction historique contemporaine reflète les débats actuels sur les formes de l’historiographie, débats lancés par Hayden White. Dans les années 1980, la fiction historique a de nouveau fleuri dans l'espace culturel allemand tout comme ailleurs. Le présent mémoire analyse des formes postmodernes de la fiction historique en se basant sur trois romans historiques de langue allemande parus entre 1981 et 2005: Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis de Christoph Ransmayr, Die Vermessung der Welt de Daniel Kehlmann et Marbot : Eine Biographie de Wolfgang Hildesheimer. L’analyse s'appuie sur divers modèles de la fiction postmoderne, en particulier sur le schéma de catégorisation du roman historique élaboré par Ansgar Nünning. Le mémoire montre dans quelle mesure ces romans appliquent des moyens stylistiques typiques pour le postmodernisme et portent un regard critique ou comique sur l’histoire et la culture allemande et autrichienne.
L’émergence du postmodernisme aux Etats-unis, mouvement esthétique rejetant les dogmes modernistes, date des années 1960. En s’imposant, durant les dernières décennies du 20ème siècle, comme le paradigme esthétique de l’architecture, des arts et de la littérature, le postmodernisme a également créé les conditions propres à une renaissance du roman historique. Cependant, la fiction historique postmoderne constitue maintenant une nouvelle forme du genre basée sur la parodie, l’ironie et le scepticisme envers les discours dominants. Cette nouvelle forme ne se limite plus à la présentation des récits dans un cadre historique réaliste. Elle remet plutôt en question la validité et par conséquent la nature même du discours historique, problématisant et mettant ainsi à l’avant le processus d’interprétation et de reconstruction du passé. Dans cette optique, la fiction historique contemporaine reflète les débats actuels sur les formes de l’historiographie, débats lancés par Hayden White. Dans les années 1980, la fiction historique a de nouveau fleuri dans l'espace culturel allemand tout comme ailleurs. Le présent mémoire analyse des formes postmodernes de la fiction historique en se basant sur trois romans historiques de langue allemande parus entre 1981 et 2005: Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis de Christoph Ransmayr, Die Vermessung der Welt de Daniel Kehlmann et Marbot : Eine Biographie de Wolfgang Hildesheimer. L’analyse s'appuie sur divers modèles de la fiction postmoderne, en particulier sur le schéma de catégorisation du roman historique élaboré par Ansgar Nünning. Le mémoire montre dans quelle mesure ces romans appliquent des moyens stylistiques typiques pour le postmodernisme et portent un regard critique ou comique sur l’histoire et la culture allemande et autrichienne.
Citrus are native to southeastern Asia, but are present in the Mediterranean basin for centuries. This group of species has reached great importance in some of the Mediterranean countries and, in the case of orange, mandarin and lemon trees, they found here soil and climatic conditions which allows them to achieve a high level of fruit quality, even better than in the regions where they came from. Citrus fruits are present in the diet of the peoples living on the Mediterranean basin, at least since the time of the Roman Empire. In the 20th century they became the main crop in various agricultural areas of the Mediterranean, playing an important role in the landscape, in the diet of the overall population, and also in international trade. They are present in the gardens of palaces and monasteries, but also in the courtyards and orchards of the poorest families. Their fruits are not only a refreshing dessert, but also a condiment, or even a major component of many dishes. Citrus fruits have well-documented nutritional and health benefits. They can actually help prevent and cure some diseases and, above all, they are essential in a balanced and tasty diet.
The preservation of modern and contemporary art and costume collections in museums requires a complete understanding of their constituent materials which are often synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers. An extraordinary amount of quality information can be gained from instrumental techniques, but some of them have the disadvantage of being destructive. This paper presents a new totally integrated non-invasive methodology, for the identification of polymers and their additives, on plastic artefacts in museums. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and in-situ FTIR-ATR (attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy) combination allowed the full characterization of the structure of thesematerials and correct identification of each one. The NMR technique applied to leached surface exudates identified unequivocally a great number of additives, exceeding the Py–GC–MS analysis of micro-fragments in number and efficiency. Additionally, in-situ FTIR-ATR provided exactly the same information of the destructive μ-FTIR about the polymer structure and confirmed the presence of some additives. Eight costume pieces (cosmetic boxes and purses), dating to the beginning of the 20th century and belonging to the Portuguese National Museum of Costume and Fashion, were correctly identified with this new integrated methodology, as beingmade of plastics derived fromcellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate polymers, contradicting the initial information that these pieces were made of Bakelite. The identification of a surprisingly large number of different additives forms an added value of this methodology and opens a perspective of a quick and better characterization of plastic artefacts in museum environments.
The present study aims at presenting a metalinguistic analysis of one of the Brazilian scientific dissemination architectonics aspects of the 19th century, materialized in the concrete utterance of the Conferências Populares da Glória: the issue of dialogic relations. For such, it adopts as a theoretical-methodological support the discourse analysis and dialogic theory proposed by Bakhtin, aiming to show how the scientific dissemination utterance establishes dialogic-semantic relations with utterances from other ideological spheres, as example of scientific, philosophic and religious utterances in circulation in sociodiscursive context of the nineteenth century.
This article intends to revisit the issue of national genesis of grammar, from the analysis of a corpus of five unpublished documents that was writing in the region of Diamantina (MG) in the second half of the eighteenth century. The data analyzed here according to the assumptions sociolinguistic endorse the hypothesis that destabilization of pronominal framework and the consequent weakening of the agreement of the Portuguese system were already established in this region in the late eighteenth century. From this result, we speculate about the socio-historical role of the Minas Gerais region in implementing linguistic changes determinants for the establishment of a national grammar.
In this paper, we discuss important echoes of Galician-Portuguese lyric that remain in the 17th-century love lyric poetry produced in Portugal. In order to achieve this main objective, we highlight some specificities of the troubadours’ lyric and of the 17th-century poetry, particularly the fundamentally musical character of the troubadours’ songs as opposed to the fundamentally written character of the 17th-century poems. This contrast indicates that they are compositions from different times (predominantly the 13th and the 17th centuries) and produced according to distinct poetic conceptions. However, they are compositions which are also similar in many ways, and whose similarities, especially regarding the lyrical genre, point to similar quests for perfect practice of love, outlining “arts of love” understood as unsystematic precepts of loving which are practiced in poetry. In this article, we intend to show that these poetic loves are technically conceived and, as historical constructs, they differ from each other, since they are characterized by their peculiar moments of achievement. However, they are not isolated in the time. As mentioned above, the troubadours’ songs are essentially musical while the 17th-century poems, as indicated by the prevalent poetic preceptive in their time, are essentially written. Nevertheless, those trobar songs reverberate in these poems (“written songs”) and in both kinds we read and listen to similar precepts of love, as though we were in labyrinths of love echoes with no way out.
In the 90s of the 20th century, Brazil has undergone significant changes in its development model, with the withdrawal of the state from economic activities. We consider how the discourse on privatization constitutes a relevant place for observation of recent Brazilian history. In this period, the privatization of state companies, among them telecommunications ones are performed. This article analyzes, based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discourse analysis in the tradition opened by Michel Pecheux, as the press feeds the imagination of future in the discourse on privatization of telecommunications companies. To do so, in order to understand the discursive relationships established in dominant commercial media, we devote our analysis to a corpus of reports and articles extracted from newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, which, in general, have taken a position in favor of privatization and changes in the Brazilian development model. The analysis shows that the future benefits are designed for the whole society. Thus, the past is represented negatively, because it would have produced bad effects on society and must therefore be rejected and denied in its historical continuity. In this discursive practice, privatization is introduced as a symbolic milestone period related to modernity and the construction of citizenship prosperity that will fall in the future to be built from this event. Positive meanings are focused in the future, which is directly related to privatization. Thus, the privatist position of the analyzed newspapers try to crystallize the sense of 'privado' as something beneficial and desirable, stabilizing a memory for the discursive event of privatization. This management of historical time, therefore, produces a line of continuity between present and future and a rupture between past and present, whose links are deleted to produce positive meaning for the privatization of the telecommunications.