894 resultados para Israeli spotted fever
Fjord estuaries are common along the northeast Pacific coastline, but little information is available on fish assemblage structure and its spatiotemporal variability. Here, we examined changes in diversity metrics, species biomasses, and biomass spectra (the distribution of biomass across body size classes) over three seasons (fall, winter, summer) and at multiple depths (20 to 160 m) in Puget Sound, Washington, a deep and highly urbanized fjord estuary on the U.S. west coast. Our results indicate that this fish assemblage is dominated by cartilaginous species (spotted ratfish [Hydrolagus colliei] and spiny dogfish [Squalus acanthias]) and therefore differs fundamentally from fish assemblages found in shallower estuaries in the northeast Pacific. Diversity was greatest in shallow waters (<40 m), where the assemblage was composed primarily of flatfishes and sculpins, and lowest in deep waters (>80 m) that are more common in Puget Sound and that are dominated by spotted ratf ish and seasonally (fall and summer) by spiny dogfish. Strong depth-dependent variation in the demersal fish assemblage may be a general feature of deep fjord estuaries and indicates pronounced spatial variability in the food web. Future comparisons with less impacted fjords may offer insight into whether cartilaginous species naturally dominate these systems or only do so under conditions related to human-caused ecosystem degradation. Information on species distributions is critical for marine spatial planning and for modeling energy flows in coastal food webs. The data presented here will aid these endeavors and highlight areas for future research in this important yet understudied system.
Biomedical companies catch and bleed horseshoe crabs for the production of Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL), a product used for protecting public health (Berkson and Shuster, 1999). LAL is a clotting agent, derived solely from horseshoe crab blood cells, which is used to detect the presence of pathogenic gramnegative bacteria in injectable drugs and implantable medical and dental devices (Mikkelsen, 1988; Novitsky, 1991). In addition, LAL is used in many diagnostic tests for such illnesses as gram-negative bacterial meningitis and typhoid fever (Ding and Ho, 2001). Because the LAL test allows one to detect femtogram levels of endotoxin (Ding and Ho, 2001), it is the most effective test for detecting endotoxin contamination, and its increasing use in medical and pharmaceutical laboratories makes it a highly valued product.
A ideia central da pesquisa foi promover uma aproximação das narrativas visuais de Getúlio Damado e Roger Mello e a partir daí evidenciar os processos cognitivos e as estratégias que envolveram a estruturação de suas identidades sociais e linguagens artísticas contemporâneas, bem como destacar o ludismo e o acesso ao universo da infância e a cultura popular que ambos ressignificam em suas obras. Além disso, buscou-se comentar e avaliar momentos específicos de desprestígio e repúdio versus consagração ocorridos com os artistas. Para tal, essas produções foram contextualizadas como produções culturais em constante processo de mutação, do qual participam tanto eventos históricos como de inovação tecnológica, em contínua construção. Essas linguagens estão submetidas a uma grande velocidade e a superposição de influências. Outro ponto destacado nas analises foi o caráter de subjetividade dessas produções, identificadas como práticas estéticas promotoras de transformação política; de mobilização; ou também por sua capacidade de operar com o uso simbólico dos brinquedos e livros infantojuvenis recuperando-lhes o uso original. Os devaneios, o ludismo infantil e a cultura popular presentes nos objetos feitos de sucata e livros ilustrados foram confrontados com práticas consoantes, ou de discursos abrangentes, correntes no mundo da arte ou outras vezes aproximados de enfoques locais. Além da possibilidade de convergência entre as produções foram destacadas também muitas diferenças, e, sobretudo evidenciadas as potencialidades que podem advir da cultura popular como campo exploratório de pesquisa, bem como de sua ressignificação
[ES] Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto en el que se estudian dos poblaciones de cárabo común (Strix aluco); una en Durango (Bizkaia) y otra en Burceña (Burgos). Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en Burceña y en él se muestran los primeros resultados del uso del espacio de estas rapaces nocturnas y su disponibilidad de alimento en los bosques de esta zona. Para ello hemos obtenido localizaciones de diez cárabos durante un año para conocer los territorios de cada uno y hemos capturado en vivo la dieta principal de esta ave, micromamíferos. Estos resultados los hemos relacionado entre sí para saber si influye el uso del espacio en las capturas de micromamíferos. Estas dos variables también las hemos relacionado con el tipo y la edad de los bosques muestreados. Según los resultados obtenidos podemos afirmar que sí existe una influencia del uso en las capturas, demostrando una relación negativa; es decir, donde se han capturado más micromamíferos es en los bosques que menos frecuentan los cárabos, que a su vez, son los bosques menos accesibles para estas rapaces. ABSTRACT This investigation is part of a work project whereby two Tawny owl (Strix aluco) populations are studied. One of them lives in Durango, Biscay and the other one in Burceña, Burgos. This specific work took place in Burceña and lasted one year. It shows the first results of the study on the use of the space of the Tawny owls and the food availability in their woodland range area. We spotted and traced the home range of ten different tawny owls, and also trapped small mammals which are the staple diet of these owls. We compared both the results obtained in order to know if the use of the area is related to the capture of small mammals. These two variables (space-capture) were also related to the type and age of the sampled forests. The results obtained show that it is true there is an influence of the use of space upon the captures proving to be a negative relation, that is, the largest numbers of micromammals were captured in the woodlands where there are fewer owls, because they are the least accessible forests for these birds of prey.
O objetivo da tese de doutorado consistirá na defesa de uma alternativa para os dilemas políticos concernentes à incomparabilidade no interior de uma comunidade específica ou entre comunidades distintas, presente nas discussões em torno do pluralismo contemporâneo. Esta via é inspirada nos conceitos de bens constitutivos, avaliações fortes e articulação, desenvolvidos pelo filósofo canadense Charles Taylor, e é também uma tentativa de se pensar acerca de um projeto de crítica política que leve em consideração a motivação como elemento incontornável para a filosofia prática. A incomparabilidade, isto é, impossibilidade de critérios no julgamento entre práticas específicas, mas com repercussões públicas, levanta a questão de até que ponto é possível avaliar e deliberar racionalmente sobre modos de vida distintos e, às vezes, auto-excludentes. Tal problemática pode ser vista fortemente no chamado debate liberal-comunitarista, na década de 1980, bem como em seus desdobramentos nas discussões acerca do multiculturalismo, na década seguinte. E ainda, mais recentemente, nos impasses em torno do papel da religião na esfera pública. Mais do que pontos divergentes acerca da questão do julgamento, os que essas discussões também evidenciam é um debate mais central acerca do lugar que pode ocupar a política diante de nossa situação bem como as categorias pelas quais compreendemos o fenômeno do pluralismo. Sob a alcunha de comunitarista, o pensamento de Taylor aparece como uma forma atrativa por não se submeter ao relativismo (a impossibilidade de critério) e tampouco a um universalismo forte (baseado em critérios gerais e anteriores às práticas), ao desenvolver uma ontologia fundada em um conflito de bens constitutivos em disputa, sem desconsiderar o fenômeno do pluralismo. Com efeito, isto se dá na medida em que diante de práticas divergentes e concorrentes há implícita ou explicitamente uma posição acerca de como e a partir de onde podemos nos posicionar criticamente frente ao pluralismo vigente, uma vez que movimentos, discursos e relações são construídos em nome daquilo que se apresenta efetivamente como valioso ou digno de respeito e admiração. Neste sentido, qualquer tentativa de avaliação já diz respeito a nossa compreensão: de nós, do mundo e de nossa relação com o mundo. Um projeto crítico, levando em consideração nossas fontes que impulsionam a ação, requer um olhar detalhado que o pensamento de Taylor pode oferecer, especialmente a partir da relação entre os conceitos supracitados.
The charter boat industry in U. S. Gulf of Mexico provides access to offshore fishing opportunities for about 570,000 passengers per year on 971 boats. A 25% random sample of charter boat operators was interviewed during 1987-88 to determine species targeted, percent time committed to targeting each species, and reactions to existing catch restrictions. Three-fourths of the charter boat fleet was in Florida, 13% in Texas, 5% in Louisiana, 4% in Alabama, and 2% in Mississippi. Responses were diverse regarding species focus within the region. Species of dominant importance included groupers, Epinephelus sp. and Mycteroperca sp. (Fla.); snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Ala., Fla., Miss., and La.); king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla (Miss., Tex., Ala. and Fla.); spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Tex. and La.); and red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Tex. and La). Catch restrictions were generally supported with higher levels of opposition to restricted high effort fish and/or one fish or closed fishery limits.
O processo de tentativa de emancipação do Alcântara, transcorrido em finais de 1995 sem que o município fosse criado, é um dos casos de fracasso em pleno período denominado Febre Emancipatória, em que diversos municípios foram criados. Para compreender o insucesso deste caso analisaremos, por meio da Geopolítica Crítica e da análise dos discursos, os diferentes grupos representados, bem como sua argumentação para a divisão ou a manutenção do território. A identificação dos grupos representados, bem como dos argumentos mobilizados por estes grupos, nos permitiram inferir, em comparação com aqueles que tiveram êxito na emancipação, as razões do exemplo em estudo não ser exitoso. Adicionalmente foram discutidas a regulamentação da escala local no Brasil, bem como a dinâmica social recente do município de São Gonçalo, para apontar as possibilidades de um novo movimento em prol da emancipação, apontando-se a potencialidade de um novo movimento emancipatório, seja pela construção de um aparato jurídico que regulamente a restrição imposta a criação de novos municípios, seja pelas disparidades entre as áreas que foram alvo deste movimento.
O objetivo central deste estudo é examinar as novas formas de subjetivação e de mal-estar engendradas pelas exigências da sociedade do trabalho no contexto do capitalismo contemporâneo. A emergência de uma nova e perversa forma de sociabilidade e de uma subjetividade ligada a ela está intrinsecamente associada às transformações estruturais da sociedade capitalista e suas atuais condições da acumulação de capital. Considerando o caráter social e histórico da sociedade capitalista, do sujeito e da subjetividade, o foco deste trabalho deve ser o sujeito interpelado pela ideologia, clivado pelo inconsciente e individualizado pelo mercado. Busco, portanto, articular pontos teóricos entre os conceitos de ideologia, fetiche e inconsciente referenciados no materialismo histórico e na psicanálise. Ao apresentar o Capital como droga e o Trabalho como vicio, pretende-se de forma alegórica desvelar os impasses e sintomas de um sistema em crise que, apesar das sucessivas tentativas de recuperação, colapsa historicamente, levando sua dinâmica perversa aos limites do insuportável. Ao subordinar a reprodução da vida ao trabalho assalariado, ao mesmo tempo em que para se reproduzir tem sistematicamente de aboli-lo, o capitalismo engendra, na sua crise estrutural, uma das mais sofisticadas formas de dominação, sujeição e exploração: a utilização dos componentes do psiquismo e da subjetivação em nome dos interesses da ordem mercantil. No mundo globalizado pelo mercado, vem aumentando o uso de drogas lícitas, fruto ou não de prescrição médica, como um recurso para inibir todo tipo de mal-estar e impasse psíquico ou reações indesejáveis que possam comprometer a adequação dos indivíduos aos padrões da produtividade, a permanência no ambiente de trabalho, bem como o enfrentamento de conflitos e frustrações inerentes à condição humana. Essa manipulação química da subjetividade potencializa-se na atualidade, expandindo globalmente a drogadicção, no sentido amplo do termo, privando o sujeito da capacidade de pensar. Ela aponta também para as impossibilidades de o sujeito desenvolver suas faculdades ativas e criativas, assim como o diálogo com o outro, o que nos conduz cada vez mais a atitudes de intolerância e violência ou estados compulsivos e depressivos. Ao contrário do que o capitalismo podia propiciar em seu período de ascensão, os modos de inclusão imaginária engendrados pelo capitalismo pós-moderno estão baseados no consumo conspícuo e no gozo imediato, implicando novos contornos para o sofrimento psíquico, agora marcado por transtornos narcísico-identitários e saídas não-representacionais. A partir dessa reflexão, busco a crítica do conceito de sujeito configurado pelo trabalho e pelo psicologismo, que tem contribuído para práticas legitimadoras de exclusão no interior da própria psicologia. Esta crítica representa um compromisso ético-político pela desalienação do sujeito e pela superação do capitalismo, aqui entendido como um sistema que produz mercadorias e viciados em drogas.
The Gulf of Mexico (GMx) is a subtropical marginal sea of the western North Atlantic Ocean with a diverse cetacean community. Ship-based, line-transect abundance surveys were conducted in oceanic waters (>200 m deep) of the northern GMx within U.S. waters (380,432 square km) during summer 2003 and spring 2004. Data from these surveys were pooled and minimum abundance estimates were based on 10,933 km of effort and 433 sightings of at least 17 species.The most commonly sighted species (number of groups) were pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata (115); sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus (85); dwarf/pygmy sperm whale, Kogia sima/breviceps (27); Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus (26); and bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (26). The most abundant species (number of individuals; coefficient of variation) were S. attenuata (34,067; 0.18); Clymene dolphin, S. clymene (6,575; 0.36); T. truncatus (3,708; 0.42); and striped dolphin, S. coeruleoalba (3,325; 0.48). The only large whales sighted were P. macrocephalus (1,665; 0.20) and Bryde’s whale, Balaenoptera edeni (15; 1.98). Abundances for other species or genera ranged from 57 to 2,283 animals. Cetaceanswere sighted throughout the oceanic northern GMx, and whereas many species were widely distributed, some had more regional distributions. Compared to abundance estimates for this area based on 1996-2001 surveys, the estimate for S. attenuata was significantly smaller (P <0.05) and that for the spinner dolphin, S. longirostris, appeared much smaller. Also, P. macrocephalus estimates were based on less negatively biased estimates of group-size using 90-minute counts during 2003 and 2004.
We examined movement patterns of sportfish that were tagged in the northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida, between 1990 and 1999 to assess the degree of fish exchange between an estuarine no-take zone (NTZ) and surrounding waters. The tagged f ish were from seven species: red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus); black drum (Pogonias cromis); sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus); common snook (Centropomus undecimalis); spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus); bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas); and crevalle jack (Caranx hippos). A total of 403 tagged fish were recaptured during the study period, including 65 individuals that emigrated from the NTZ and 16 individuals that immigrated into the NTZ from surrounding waters of the lagoon. Migration distances between the original tagging location and the sites where emigrating fish were recaptured were from 0 to 150 km, and these migration distances appeared to be influenced by the proximity of the NTZ to spawning areas or other habitats that are important to specific life-history stages of individual species. Fish that immigrated into the NTZ moved distances ranging from approximately 10 to 75 km. Recapture rates for sportfish species that migrated across the NTZ boundary suggested that more individuals may move into the protected habitats than move out. These data demonstrated that although this estuarine no-take reserve can protect species from fishing, it may also serve to extract exploitable individuals from surrounding fisheries; therefore, if the no-take reserve does function to replenish surrounding fisheries, then increased egg production and larval export may be more important mechanisms of replenishment than the spillover of excess adults from the reserve into fishable areas.
拟南芥ast (anthocyanin spotted testa) 突变体是由碳离子束诱导产生的与花青苷生物合成有关的突变体,受单隐性核基因控制。由于花青苷的异常积累,突变体未成熟种子的种皮呈现紫红色的斑点;野生型植株幼嫩的种皮没有花青苷的异常积累,呈淡绿色。初步作图分析表明,AST基因定位于拟南芥第I号染色体上,并且位于SSLP分子标记nga280和CAPS分子标记PAB5之间。 AST基因与SSLP分子标记nga280紧密连锁,遗传距离为3.2cM;与CAPS分子标记PAB5相距较远,遗传距离为21.1cM。 采用DDRT-PCR的策略,分析野生型与突变型植株未成熟角果中基因表达的差异。通过调整DDRT-PCR中总RNA、锚定引物、随机引物、cDNA和dNTP等关键试剂的用量,优化了适用于银染检测的DDRT-PCR方法。PCR扩增产物经6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直电泳分离后,银染能检测到多而清晰的条带。泳道中的条带数最少为40个,最多达80个,平均为60个,条带大小分布在100bp-900bp范围,银染的灵敏度为5pg/mm2。此方法操作简便快速,灵敏度高,重复性好。采用这个改良的的方法,分析了拟南芥野生型和ast突变型植株未成熟角果中16,000个cDNA扩增产物条带,从中筛选出28个差异条带。二次PCR扩增后,进一步筛选出10个差异表达的cDNA条带,其中6个是野生型特异表达的,4个是突变型特异表达的。对这10个差异片段进行测序。BLASTN分析表明,这10个差异表达的cDNA片段与数据库中花青苷生物合成途径中的结构基因和调节基因序列没有同源性,表明用DDRT-PCR的方法克隆特定的AST基因有一定的局限性。 利用图位克隆(map-based cloning)的策略,对拟南芥AST 基因进行克隆。根据拟南芥数据库中的SNPs (simple nucleotide polymophisms) 序列和插入/缺失多态性(insertion/deletion polymorphisms)序列,设计了一系列分子标记。利用这些分子标记,对600个F2代有突变表型的植株进行重组子筛选,完成了对拟南芥AST基因的精细作图,成功地将AST 基因定位到BAC克隆T13M11上。初步确定该BAC克隆中的基因T13M11.8 可能是AST基因。该基因的DNA序列长1432bp,含有6个外显子和5个内含子,编码的蛋白与花青苷生物合成途径中的二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶有较高的同源性。功能互补实验正在进行当中。
The U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act requires that the abundance of marine mammals in U.S. waters be assessed. Because this requirement had not been met for a large portion of the North Atlantic Ocean (U.S. waters south of Maryland), a ship-based, line-transect survey was conducted with a 68 m research ship between Maryland (38.00°N) and central Florida (28.00°N) from the 10-m isobath to the boundary of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. The study area (573,000 km2) was surveyed between 8 July and 17 August 1998. Minimum abundance estimates were based on 4163 km of effort and 217 sightings of at least 13 cetacean species and other taxonomic categories. The most commonly sighted species (number of groups) were bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus (38); sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus (29); Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis (28); and Risso’s dolphins, Grampus griseus (22). The most abundant species (abundance; coeffi cient of variation) were Atlantic spotted dolphins (14,438; 0.63); bottlenose dolphins (13,085; 0.40); pantropical spotted dolphins, S. attenuate (12,747; 0.56); striped dolphins, S. coeruleoalba (10,225; 0.91); and Risso’s dolphins (9533; 0.50). The abundance estimate for the Clymene dolphin, S. clymene (6086; 0.93), is the first for the U.S. Atlantic Ocean. Sperm whales were the most abundant large whale (1181; 0.51). Abundances for other species or taxonomic categories ranged from 20 to 5109. There were an estimated 77,139 (0.23) cetaceans in the study area. Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins were encountered primarily in continental shelf (<200 m) and continental slope waters (200−2000 m). All other species were generally sighted in oceanic waters (>200 m). The distribution of some species varied north to south. Striped dolphins, Clymene dolphins, and sperm whales were sighted primarily in the northern part of the study area; whereas pantropical spotted dolphins were sighted primarily in the southern portion.
Multidirectional comparative chromosome painting was used to investigate the karyotypic relationships among representative species from three Feliformia families of the order Carnivora ( Viverridae, Hyaenidae and Felidae). Complete sets of painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of the domestic dog, American mink, and human were hybridized onto metaphases of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta, 2n = 40) and masked palm civet (Paguma larvata, 2n = 44). Extensive chromosomal conservation is evident in these two species when compared with the cat karyotype, and only a few events of chromosome fusion, fission and inversion differentiate the karyotypes of these Feliformia species. The comparative chromosome painting data have enabled the integration of the hyena and palm civet chromosomes into the previously established comparative map among the domestic cat, domestic dog, American mink and human and improved our understanding on the karyotype phylogeny of Feliformia species. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
While conducting experiments to investigate antimicrobial peptides of amphibians living in the Yunnan-Sichuan region of southwest China, a new family of antimicrobial peptides was identified from skin secretions of the rufous-spotted torrent frog, Amolops loloensis. Members of the new peptide family named amolopins are composed of 18 amino acids with a unique sequence, for example, NILSSIVNGINRALSFFG. By BLAST search, amolopins did no show similarity to any known peptides. Among the tested microorganisms, native and synthetic peptides only showed antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC2592 and Bacillus pumilus, no effects on other microorganisms. The CD spectroscopy showed that it adopted a structure of random combined with beta-sheet in water, Tris-HCl or Tris-HCl-SDS. Several cDNAs encoding amolopins were cloned from the skin cDNA library of A. loloensis. The precursors of amolopin are composed of 62 amino acid residues including predicted signal peptides, acidic propieces, and mature antimicrobial peptides. The preproregion of amolopin precursor comprises a hydrophobic signal peptide of 22 residues followed by an 18 residue acidic propiece which terminates by a typical prohormone processing signal Lys-Arg. The preproregions of precursors are very similar to other amphibian antimicrobial peptide precursors but the mature amolopins are different from other antimicrobial peptide families. The remarkable similarity of preproregions of precursors that give rise to very different antimicrobial peptides in distantly related frog species suggests that the corresponding genes form a multigene family originating from a common ancestor. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A socio-economic survey was conducted round the year in three fish markets at Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The selected markets were categorized as rural market (Sutiakhali market), a peri-urban market (Kamal Ranjeet market, BAU) and an urban market (Notun Bazar market, Mymensingh town). It was learnt from the survey that the availability of Small Indigenous Fish Species (SIS) declined to a great extent over the last few years and at presently many of such fish species are either threatened or at the edge of extinction. The supply of SIS was highest in KR market (37% of total) and more or less similar in Notun Bazar and Sutiakhali fish market (25 and 27% respectively). The total supply of SIS fluctuated from 25% to 35% throughout the year in these markets. About 48 SIS were found in the sampled markets over the survey period. The highest number of species (45) was found in KR market followed by Notun Bazar (42) and Sutiakhali (37) fish markets. During the survey, three critically endangered species namely, schilbid catfish, garua catfish and rita were found in these markets. Beside these, other 11 and 10 species were listed to be endangered and vulnerable respectively. The biodiversity of 21 SIS found in three markets were no threat at all. Three species (guntea loach, Indian glass barb and flying barb) were 'data deficient' as reported by the IUCN Red Book (IUCN-Bangladesh 2000). From the supply point of view small prawn, spotted snakehead, stinging catfish, pool barb, striped dwarf catfish, Gangetic mystus, walking catfish and tank goby were the prominent fish. The least available species found in this survey were lesser spiny eel, barred spiny eel, Gangetic ailia, freshwater garfish, zig-zag eel, flying barb, Ganges river sprat, freshwater river shad and dwarf gourami. The weight of SIS available in Notun bazar was highest and nearly double than other two markets. There was no significant difference recorded in the supply of SIS in Sutiakhali and KR markets. The average monthly SIS supply was 185, 192 and 467 kg in KR, Sutiakhali and Notun Bazar, respectively; therefore, the cumulative average supply was 844 kg per month in three markets. The price of SIS ranged widely from taka 50-450/kg depending on species, location of market, time of purchase and the condition of fish. In general small prawn, ticto barb, dwarf gourami, Gangetic leaffish, and Annandale loach were sold at a lower price (ranged taka 50-100/kg) and these species could be considered at the bottom of the market-price list. Other SIS like walking catfish, climbing parch, butter catfish, cotio and schilbid catfish valued as highest price (ranged taka 150-450/kg). There was no specific marketing chain for SIS in Mymensingh region. The components of marketing channels and their expansion varied with seasons and locations. The general pattern, however, was as this - after buying fish from fish farmer/fishermen, middlemen (locally known as Foria) used to buy fish to wholesale market and sell to the wholesalers. The retailers used to buy fish from wholesaler through auction to the highest bidders. The retailers then send the fish to particular market where the fish reached the consumers. The livelihood strategy of SIS retailers in three fish markets showed that socio-economic constraints such as low income, poor educational background, low economic status and lack of capital are the main constrains [sic]. Most of the retailers proposed that government should control the fish price throughout the year, so that the producers can get reasonable and stable price. Construction of cold storage and preservation facilities at market sites, improvement of road and communication, improvement of physical market facilities and reduction of market chain is essential. Credit facilities, improvement of their standard of living, health and sanitary condition, housing condition, children education and access to drinking water facilities were identified as additional aspects to improve socio-economic condition of SIS retailers.