666 resultados para Inspiration
La información es un recurso trascendental en las economías actuales y los museos empiezan a darse cuenta de la importancia de difundir el conocimiento de sus colecciones a través del potente canal de comunicación que es la web. El saber acumulado por años de investigación, trasmitido mediante publicaciones en papel, empieza a fluir a través de la red, acercando al museo a los miles de usuarios que no van a poder visitarlo físicamente. El desprendimiento generoso de esa información tiene su lógica en el modelo del “potlatch digital”, en el que la visibilidad de la información hace aumentar su valor y proporciona prestigio a la institución que la ha puesto en circulación sin restricciones. El futuro de los servicios documentales de los museos, incluidas las bibliotecas y los archivos, está en facilitar esa apertura, pensar y trabajar para la comunidad global, obteniendo así su reconocimiento.
Georg Jellinek is known as one of the most prominent representative of German legal positivism. This article aims at identifying and discussing the more theoretical- political connotation of Jellinek’s thought with a particular focus on his liberal inspiration. According to the perspective of the history of political thought, this article shows how some intellectual premises to Jellinek’s liberalism take shape and emerge from a series of young Jellinek’s writings on history of philosophy and history of ideas.
This article propose to analyse the theoretical sources which constitutes the political culture of the Brazilian authoritarianism in the 20th century, principally in the work of Francisco Campos and his connection with the “integralismo” and its catholic conservatism ways. The hypothesis is that the mentioned connection which had inspired the ideological political culture which make possible all the sources and historical conditions to the implementation of the Brazilian dictatorship in the year 1964. This article has analysed the facist inspiration of the Campos´s theory and how it has happened, his hidden dialogue with Carl Schmitt, settling issuing lines of understanding on contemporary authoritarianism whose spreading still proceed, but now standing under new figures, discourses, rhetorics, symbologies and enemies.
The Game is On! is a series of short animated films that put copyright and creativity under the magnifying glass of Sherlock Holmes, providing a unique, research-led and open access resource for school-aged learners and other creative users of copyright. Drawing inspiration from well-known copyright and public domain work, as well as recent copyright litigation, these films provide a springboard for exploring key principles and ideas underpinning copyright law, creativity, and the limits of lawful appropriation and reuse.
Each episode comes accompanied by a number of related Case Files: supplementary educational materials aimed at suggesting points of discussion about copyright for teachers and students.
Background: Previous research has highlighted an ambiguity in understanding cooking related terminology and a number of barriers and facilitators to home meal preparation. However, meals prepared in the home still include convenience products (typically high in sugars, fats and sodium) which can have negative effects on health. Therefore, this study aimed to qualitatively explore: (1) how individuals define cooking from ‘scratch’, and (2) their barriers and facilitators to cooking with basic ingredients.
Methods: 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants (aged 18-58 years) living on the island of Ireland, eliciting definitions of ‘cooking from scratch’ and exploring the reasons participants cook in a particular way. The interviews were professionally transcribed verbatim and Nvivo 10 was used for an inductive thematic analysis.
Results: Our results highlighted that although cooking from ‘scratch’ lacks a single definition, participants viewed it as optimal cooking. Barriers to cooking with raw ingredients included: 1) time pressures; (2) desire to save money; (3) desire for effortless meals; (4) family food preferences; and (5) effect of kitchen disasters. Facilitators included: 1) desire to eat for health and well-being; (2) creative inspiration; (3) ability to plan and prepare meals ahead of time; and (4) greater self-efficacy in one’s cooking ability.
Conclusions: Our findings contribute to understanding how individuals define cooking from ‘scratch’, and barriers and facilitators to cooking with raw ingredients. Interventions should focus on practical sessions to increase cooking self-efficacy; highlight the importance of planning ahead and teach methods such as batch cooking and freezing to facilitate cooking from scratch.
At the outset of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Rights of the Child identified four of its provisions (non-discrimination; best interests of the child as a primary consideration; life, survival and development; and participation) as ‘general principles’. This approach has shaped implementation of, advocacy for and the scholarship on the Convention. The use of general principles has the potential to make a significant contribution in other areas of human rights law provided that the principles are selected carefully and address the distinct issues at the root of potential rights violations for particular rights-holders.
The Game is On! is a series of short animated films that put copyright and creativity under the magnifying glass of Sherlock Holmes, providing a unique, research-led and open access resource for school-aged learners and other creative users of copyright. Drawing inspiration from well-known copyright and public domain work, as well as recent copyright litigation, these films provide a springboard for exploring key principles and ideas underpinning copyright law, creativity, and the limits of lawful appropriation and reuse.
Each episode comes accompanied by a number of related Case Files: supplementary educational materials aimed at suggesting points of discussion about copyright for teachers and students.
Bakgrund Denna uppsats behandlar de nya EU-kraven som föreslås träda i kraft från och med det räkenskapsår som inleds närmast efter den 31 december 2016. Uppsatsen har undersökt hur Stora Enso arbetar med hållbarhetsrapportering enligt Global Reporting Initiatives riktlinjer. Detta eftersom att Stora Enso var det första börsnoterade företaget i Sverige vars hållbarhetsrapportering granskats av en tredje part. Vidare siktar denna uppsats på att ge de företag som ej tidigare har erfarenhet från hållbarhetsrapportering en inspirationskälla, som stöd i upprättningen av egna hållbarhetsrapporter. Syfte Syftet med den här fallstudien är att beskriva hur ett företag som redan innan EU-kraven börjat tillämpats rapporterat i enlighet med dessa, och hur de aktivt arbetar med hållbarhetsrapportering. Metod Fallstudie: intervjuer och dokumentanalys. Slutsats Det är viktigt att hela tiden fortsätta förbättra företagets hållbara utveckling och dess mål. Stora Ensos hållbarhetsrapportering kopplades ihop med den hållbara utvecklingen i stort, och här sågs att rapporteringen har hjälpt Stora Enso att uppnå och utveckla sina hållbarhetsmål. Utan hållbarhetsrapporteringen skulle Stora Ensos positiva utveckling inte varit lika omfattande. Utifrån de intervjuer som genomfördes konstaterades det att GRI:s riktlinjer medför både en fördel och en nackdel: de är väldigt omfattande.
«Halal/ » : une prescription de la religion musulmane qui circonscrit ce qui est permis, mais surtout un marché en croissance exponentielle. Le marché du halal pèse près de 700 milliards de dollars de chiffre d’affaires annuel et intéresse 1,6 milliard de musulmans dans le monde (Bel Hadj, 2015). Entre 2014 et 2015, les dépenses alimentaires du monde musulman ont affiché une progression de 4,3% en atteignant 1158 milliards de dollars soit 16,7% des dépenses alimentaires de la planète . Ces dépenses dépasseront la barre symbolique des 2000 milliards de dollars d’ici 2025. En France, le marché est en constante croissance à deux chiffres (entre 17 à 20 % les cinq dernières années), il est estimé à 5,5 et 7 milliards d’euros par an .Face à l’évidence de l’ampleur et du potentiel du marché du halal dans le monde et en particulier en France, plusieurs tentatives d’élucidation du phénomène sont avancées. En observant de près les pratiques marketing, nous constatons un «déni» total des origines religieuses et une préférence pour la carte du purement ethnique. La recherche, quant à elle, reste fragmentée. Si dans certaines disciplines on préfère encore parler d’un phénomène purement religieux, d’autres tiennent encore à l’étiquette communautaire. Ce flou persiste avec la vision monochrome et surtout cloisonnée entre plusieurs domaines d’études. La recherche dans la discipline du comportement du consommateur, qu’elle s’intéresse à l’essence de la proscription religieuse ou qu’elle se focalise sur la dimension ethnique, n’investigue pas automatiquement toutes les raisons pour lesquelles un individu respecte les règles du halal. La sociologie semble être la discipline qui a su arpenter les chemins les plus sinueux pour tenter d’apporter plus de compréhension à ce phénomène qui ne cesse de prendre de l’envergure et d’attirer les controverses les plus acerbes. C’est aussi la discipline qui a su capturer l’évolution des générations d’immigrants et a su exprimer la complexité de l’expression alimentaire de la deuxième génération mais aussi le défi que relève la communauté maghrébine à cohabiter avec la stigmatisation. Cette deuxième génération d’«immigrants» maghrébins qui n’ont jamais immigré, décide de «manger pour croire » en «se nourrissant de nostalgie » pour une culture qu’ils vivent par procuration à défaut de pouvoir s’intégrer entièrement dans la société française. Il devenait pour nous fondamental de considérer cette pratique alimentaire dans une perspective plus large qui favorise l’élan de l’engagement et de la revendication identitaire affichée. Dans cette voie, et dans la ligne directrice des travaux en sociologie qui ont été notre principale inspiration tout au long de ce travail, notre projet s’inscrit dans une volonté de saisir cette consommation à travers un héritage à la fois culturel, migratoire, familial et une trajectoire propre à chaque individu. Pour arriver à cette fin, nous avons privilégié l’enquête par questionnaire (432 observations) auprès des immigrants de deuxième génération habitant la région parisienne. Pour l’analyse, nous avons opté pour les méthodes des équations structurelles, avec l’ambition de démêler la toile d’araignée à la fois culturelle, sociale et personnelle sans s’enliser dans les a priori, les polémiques et les partis pris. Pour ce faire, nous avons, tout au long de ce travail abordé le halal sous l’angle d’un fait religieux comportant de multiples facettes, à la fois collectives et individuelles, conservatrices et modernistes, désintéressées ou engagées. Nos résultats confirment cette relation de conviction étroite avec la consommation halal. Outre la religion, construit de prédilection des principales recherches en comportement du consommateur, le présent travail doctoral confirme les apports de certaines valeurs (sécurité, stimulation/hédonisme) de l’acculturation mais aussi de la socialisation alimentaire. Cette dernière a cristallisé l’impact de la composante comportementale de l’apprentissage sur la consommation, mais a surtout révélé l’impact de la composante affective sur cet apprentissage. Du côté de l’acculturation, seul l’attachement à la culture hôte a prouvé son influence négative sur la consommation alimentaire halal. Les polémiques récurrentes qui collent au halal nous ont également suggéré la voie de la confiance en la certification, qui a elle aussi confirmé qu’il s’agit désormais d’un phénomène de conscience, de revendication mais aussi d’un engagement responsable du consommateur pour harmoniser ce qu’il incorpore avec ce qu’il est.
Professional Practice in Learning and Development: How to Design and Deliver Plans for the Workplace
Introduction The world is changing! It is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. As cliché as it may sound the evidence of such dynamism in the external environment is growing. Business-as-usual is more of the exception than the norm. Organizational change is the rule; be it to accommodate and adapt to change, or instigate and lead change. A constantly changing environment is a situation that all organizations have to live with. What makes some organizations however, able to thrive better than others? Many scholars and practitioners believe that this is due to the ability to learn. Therefore, this book on developing Learning and Development (L&D) professionals is timely as it explores and discusses trends and practices that impact organizations, the workforce and L&D professionals. Being able to learn and develop effectively is the cornerstone of motivation as it helps to address people’s need to be competent and to be autonomous (Deci & Ryan, 2002; Loon & Casimir, 2008; Ryan & Deci, 2000). L&D stimulates and empowers people to perform. Organizations that are better at learning at all levels; the individual, group and organizational level, will always have a better chance of surviving and performing. Given the new reality of a dynamic external environment and constant change, L&D professionals now play an even more important role in their organizations than ever before. However, L&D professionals themselves are not immune to the turbulent changes as their practices are also impacted. Therefore, the challenges that L&D professionals face are two-pronged. Firstly, in relation to helping and supporting their organization and its workforce in adapting to the change, whilst, secondly developing themselves effectively and efficiently so that they are able to be one-step ahead of the workforce that they are meant to help develop. These challenges are recognised by the CIPD, as they recently launched their new L&D qualification that has served as an inspiration for this book. L&D plays a crucial role at both strategic (e.g. organizational capability) and operational (e.g. delivery of training) levels. L&D professionals have moved from being reactive (e.g. following up action after performance appraisals) to being more proactive (e.g. shaping capability). L&D is increasingly viewed as a driver for organizational performance. The CIPD (2014) suggest that L&D is increasingly expected to not only take more responsibility but also accountability for building both individual and organizational knowledge and capability, and to nurture an organizational culture that prizes learning and development. This book is for L&D professionals. Nonetheless, it is also suited for those studying Human Resource Development HRD at intermediate level. The term ‘Human Resource Development’ (HRD) is more common in academia, and is largely synonymous with L&D (Stewart & Sambrook, 2012) Stewart (1998) defined HRD as ‘the practice of HRD is constituted by the deliberate, purposive and active interventions in the natural learning process. Such interventions can take many forms, most capable of categorising as education or training or development’ (p. 9). In fact, many parts of this book (e.g. Chapters 5 and 7) are appropriate for anyone who is involved in training and development. This may include a variety of individuals within the L&D community, such as line managers, professional trainers, training solutions vendors, instructional designers, external consultants and mentors (Mayo, 2004). The CIPD (2014) goes further as they argue that the role of L&D is broad and plays a significant role in Organizational Development (OD) and Talent Management (TM), as well as in Human Resource Management (HRM) in general. OD, TM, HRM and L&D are symbiotic in enabling the ‘people management function’ to provide organizations with the capabilities that they need.
This paper outlines the development of a crosscorrelation algorithm and a spiking neural network (SNN) for sound localisation based on real sound recorded in a noisy and dynamic environment by a mobile robot. The SNN architecture aims to simulate the sound localisation ability of the mammalian auditory pathways by exploiting the binaural cue of interaural time difference (ITD). The medial superior olive was the inspiration for the SNN architecture which required the integration of an encoding layer which produced biologically realistic spike trains, a model of the bushy cells found in the cochlear nucleus and a supervised learning algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that biologically inspired sound localisation achieved using a SNN can compare favourably to the more classical technique of cross-correlation.
Cubane is a peculiar cube-shaped alkane molecule with a rigid, regular structure. This makes it a good scaffold, i.e. a molecular platform to which the substituents are arranged in a specific and fixed orientation. Moreover, cubane has a body diagonal of 2.72 Å, very similar to the distance across the benzene ring, i.e. 2.79 Å. Thus, it would be possible to use cubane as a scaffold in medicinal and material chemistry as a benzene isostere 1,2. This could lead to advantages in terms of solubility and toxicity and could provide novel properties. For this purpose, the possibility of performing “modern organic chemistry” on the cubane scaffold has to be studied. This project was entirely carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ mobility programme at the Trinity College (Dublin, IRL) under the supervision of prof. M. O. Senge. The main goal of this project was to widen the knowledge on cubane chemistry. In particular, it was decided to test reactions that were never applied to the scaffold before, such as metathesis of 4-iodo-1-vinylcubane and Stetter reaction of 1-iodocubane-4-carboxaldehyde. These two molecules were synthesized in 10 and 9 steps respectively from commercially available cyclopentanone, following a known procedure. Unfortunately, metathesis with different olefins, such as styrene, α,β unsaturated compounds and linear α-olefins failed under different conditions, highlighting cubane behaves as a Type IV, challenging olefin under metathesis conditions. Even the employment of a specific catalyst for hindered olefins failed in the cross-coupling with linear α-olefins. On the other hand, two new molecules were synthesized via Stetter reaction and benzoin condensation respectively. Even if the majority of the reactions were not successful, this work can be seen as an inspiration for further investigation on cubane chemistry, as new questions were raised and new opportunities were envisioned.
Les chercheurs spécialisés en droit ont souvent pris pour modèle la méthodologie de la recherche inspirée des différentes sciences humaines. Or, les réflexions élaborées par certains historiens sur leur propre méthodologie, plus particulièrement celles qui ont été livrées par Paul Veyne dans son ouvrage "Comment on écrit l’histoire", sont aussi très éclairantes pour toute personne qui s’interroge sur la méthodologie de la recherche en droit. Selon cet auteur, et paradoxalement, "l’histoire n’a pas de méthode" et les historiens "racontent des événements vrais qui ont l’homme pour acteur". Transposées au domaine du droit, ces affirmations libéreraient en quelque sorte le chercheur d’une quête d’une méthodologie "scientifique" tout en le soumettant à une exigence, celle de décrire des événements vrais. La transposition est-elle possible? L’épistémologie historique est-elle pertinente pour les juristes? Voilà les questions que l’auteur abordera dans l’article qui suit.
There are a great number of evidences showing that education is extremely important in many economic and social dimensions. In Brazil, education is a right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution; however, in the Brazilian legislation the right to the three stages of basic education: Kindergarten, Elementary and High School is better promoted and supported than the right to education at College level. According to educational census data (INEP, 2009), 78% of all enrolments in College education are in private schools, while the reverse is found in High School: 84% of all matriculations are in public schools, which shows a contradiction in the admission into the universities. The Brazilian scenario presents that public universities receive mostly students who performed better and were prepared in elementary and high school education in private schools, while private universities attend students who received their basic education in public schools, which are characterized as low quality. These facts have led researchers to raise the possible determinants of student performance on standardized tests, such as the Brazilian Vestibular exam, to guide the development of policies aimed at equal access to College education. Seeking inspiration in North American models of affirmative action policies, some Brazilian public universities have suggested rate policies to enable and facilitate the entry of "minorities" (blacks, pardos1, natives, people of low income and public school students) to free College education. At the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the first incentives for candidates from public schools emerged in 2006, being improved and widespread during the last 7 years. This study aimed to analyse and discuss the Argument of Inclution (AI) - the affirmative action policy that provides additional scoring for students from public schools. From an extensive database, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique was used as well as a Quantile Regression considering as control the variables of personal, socioeconomic and educational characteristics of the candidates from the Brazilian Vestibular exam 2010 of the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results demonstrate the importance of this incentive system, besides the magnitude of other variables
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the comply-or-explain principle in Sweden to determine if the flexible approach is functioning as in-tended. Research design: This paper scrutinizes the quality of the explanations with respect to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. A quantitative research with a cross-sectional design has been performed and the data collection covers 241 companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm for the fiscal year of 2014. The secondary data has been gathered from corporate governance reports of the researched companies and analysed by using a tax-onomy of explanations. Findings: The report demonstrates that the comply-or-explain principle in Sweden is effective. A clear majority of the explanations, 71,8%, were deemed as informative, mean-ing that a large proportion of the Swedish firms are utilizing the flexible approach in an effective manner. However, one out of four explanations were classified as insufficient and we have thus provided recommendations in order for the code to become even more effective. Contribution: Our findings provide insights on how the comply-or-explain principle works in a country that is supposed to be a leading example of how the comply-or-explain approach should be implemented. This study should be of significance for policy makers considering that we have outlined how the principle works and provided recommenda-tions on how the Swedish Corporate Governance Code can be improved. Value: Our findings demonstrate that companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm pro-vide high quality explanations that can serve as an inspiration for companies listed in other countries. Furthermore, the results indicate that managers are likely to act within ethically desired norm. Considering the social implications, as Swedish firms are informative in terms of explanations, it minimizes the risk of firms acting dishonestly.