880 resultados para Industrial policy--Canada.
Este artículo es producto de los avances de una investigación enmarcada en el proyecto "Territorio, Actividad Industrial y Mercado de Trabajo. Estudio de casos en el Gran La Plata", que tiene como principales objetivos analizar las relaciones entre territorio, políticas públicas, sector industrial y empleo del Gran La Plata en el ciclo de la posconvertibilidad. Dicha investigación atiende específicamente a las relaciones entre Estado, actores y territorio y parte de considerar a este último en toda su complejidad. En el presente trabajo pretendemos mostrar cómo las continuidades y rupturas que se dan en el sector industrial argentino a partir de la posconvertibilidad pueden observarse en el Gran La Plata y en la dinámica de las grandes industrias de la microrregión. En este territorio se expresa la puja de proyectos políticos estratégicos que identificamos a escala nacional, los cuales imponen diferentes lógicas y territorialidades, dando lugar a diversas situaciones en el sector industrial. Es decir, podemos observar una dualidad y un conjunto de contradicciones (que atraviesan al propio Estado) que producen en el territorio distintas configuraciones que se definen en cada situación de acuerdo con las correlaciones de fuerzas existentes
El presente trabajo pretende abordar los cambios de la industria manufacturera de la Microrregión Gran La Plata en el contexto de implementación de las políticas neoliberales y caracterizar al sector industrial resultante, sobre la base de información de los Censos Nacionales Económicos (cne) de 1974, 1994 y 2004/2005. Partiendo de una lectura de diferentes estudios sobre el tema, se presenta una caracterización general de las transformaciones del sector a escala nacional, con particular atención en la década de los años noventa. Desagregando el sector industrial y focalizándose en las variaciones intercensales del número de locales industriales, se observa que, en sintonía con la escala nacional, las actividades de las ramas metalmecánicas y textil presentan disminuciones significativas. Paralelamente, se mantuvo y/o creció el número de establecimientos dedicados a la fabricación de productos intermedios, como refinación de petróleo, productos petroquímicos, químicos y plásticos, y la de metales comunes. Esto se habría enmarcado en el aumento de estas ramas en el perfil productivo del país, que, en los años 90, se especializó en la elaboración de commodities
Este artículo es producto de los avances de una investigación enmarcada en el proyecto "Territorio, Actividad Industrial y Mercado de Trabajo. Estudio de casos en el Gran La Plata", que tiene como principales objetivos analizar las relaciones entre territorio, políticas públicas, sector industrial y empleo del Gran La Plata en el ciclo de la posconvertibilidad. Dicha investigación atiende específicamente a las relaciones entre Estado, actores y territorio y parte de considerar a este último en toda su complejidad. En el presente trabajo pretendemos mostrar cómo las continuidades y rupturas que se dan en el sector industrial argentino a partir de la posconvertibilidad pueden observarse en el Gran La Plata y en la dinámica de las grandes industrias de la microrregión. En este territorio se expresa la puja de proyectos políticos estratégicos que identificamos a escala nacional, los cuales imponen diferentes lógicas y territorialidades, dando lugar a diversas situaciones en el sector industrial. Es decir, podemos observar una dualidad y un conjunto de contradicciones (que atraviesan al propio Estado) que producen en el territorio distintas configuraciones que se definen en cada situación de acuerdo con las correlaciones de fuerzas existentes
El presente trabajo pretende abordar los cambios de la industria manufacturera de la Microrregión Gran La Plata en el contexto de implementación de las políticas neoliberales y caracterizar al sector industrial resultante, sobre la base de información de los Censos Nacionales Económicos (cne) de 1974, 1994 y 2004/2005. Partiendo de una lectura de diferentes estudios sobre el tema, se presenta una caracterización general de las transformaciones del sector a escala nacional, con particular atención en la década de los años noventa. Desagregando el sector industrial y focalizándose en las variaciones intercensales del número de locales industriales, se observa que, en sintonía con la escala nacional, las actividades de las ramas metalmecánicas y textil presentan disminuciones significativas. Paralelamente, se mantuvo y/o creció el número de establecimientos dedicados a la fabricación de productos intermedios, como refinación de petróleo, productos petroquímicos, químicos y plásticos, y la de metales comunes. Esto se habría enmarcado en el aumento de estas ramas en el perfil productivo del país, que, en los años 90, se especializó en la elaboración de commodities
El presente trabajo pretende abordar los cambios de la industria manufacturera de la Microrregión Gran La Plata en el contexto de implementación de las políticas neoliberales y caracterizar al sector industrial resultante, sobre la base de información de los Censos Nacionales Económicos (cne) de 1974, 1994 y 2004/2005. Partiendo de una lectura de diferentes estudios sobre el tema, se presenta una caracterización general de las transformaciones del sector a escala nacional, con particular atención en la década de los años noventa. Desagregando el sector industrial y focalizándose en las variaciones intercensales del número de locales industriales, se observa que, en sintonía con la escala nacional, las actividades de las ramas metalmecánicas y textil presentan disminuciones significativas. Paralelamente, se mantuvo y/o creció el número de establecimientos dedicados a la fabricación de productos intermedios, como refinación de petróleo, productos petroquímicos, químicos y plásticos, y la de metales comunes. Esto se habría enmarcado en el aumento de estas ramas en el perfil productivo del país, que, en los años 90, se especializó en la elaboración de commodities
Este artículo es producto de los avances de una investigación enmarcada en el proyecto "Territorio, Actividad Industrial y Mercado de Trabajo. Estudio de casos en el Gran La Plata", que tiene como principales objetivos analizar las relaciones entre territorio, políticas públicas, sector industrial y empleo del Gran La Plata en el ciclo de la posconvertibilidad. Dicha investigación atiende específicamente a las relaciones entre Estado, actores y territorio y parte de considerar a este último en toda su complejidad. En el presente trabajo pretendemos mostrar cómo las continuidades y rupturas que se dan en el sector industrial argentino a partir de la posconvertibilidad pueden observarse en el Gran La Plata y en la dinámica de las grandes industrias de la microrregión. En este territorio se expresa la puja de proyectos políticos estratégicos que identificamos a escala nacional, los cuales imponen diferentes lógicas y territorialidades, dando lugar a diversas situaciones en el sector industrial. Es decir, podemos observar una dualidad y un conjunto de contradicciones (que atraviesan al propio Estado) que producen en el territorio distintas configuraciones que se definen en cada situación de acuerdo con las correlaciones de fuerzas existentes
Re-Os and Pb-Pb isotopic analysis of reduced varved sediments cored in the deeper basin of Saanich Inlet (B.C.) are presented. From core top to 61 cm down-core, spanning approximately the last 100 yrs of sedimentation, 187Os/188Os ratio and Os concentration respectively increase from ~0.8 to ~0.9 and from 55 to 60 ppt, whereas Re concentration decreases from 3600 to 2600 ppt. Re correlates with Corg (R2=0.6) throughout the entire section, whereas Os follows Re and Corg trends deeper down-core, suggesting a decoupling of a Re- and Os-geochemistry during burial and/or very early diagenesis. No systematic compositional differences are observed between seasonal laminae. 204Pb-normalized lead isotope ratios increase from sediment surface down to 7 cm down-core, then decrease steadily to pre-industrial levels at ~50 cm down-core. This pattern illustrates the contamination from leaded gasoline until the recent past. The measured Pb isotopic ratios point primarily toward gasoline related atmospheric lead from the USA. The osmium isotopic values measured are significantly lower than those of modern seawater-Os. In comparison with other anoxic environments, the osmium content of Saanich Inlet sediments is low, and its Os isotopic composition suggests significant inputs from unradiogenic sources (detrital and/or dissolved). Ultramafic lithologies in the watershed of the Fraser River are suspected to contribute to sedimentary inputs as well as to the input of dissolved unradiogenic osmium in the water of Saanich Inlet. The presence of some unradiogenic Os from anthropogenic contamination cannot be discounted near the core top, but since deeper, pre-anthropogenic levels also yielded unradiogenic Os results, one is led to conclude that the overall low 187Os/188Os ratios result from natural geochemical processes. Thus, the bulk sediment of Saanich Inlet does not appear to record 187Os/188Os composition of the marine end-member of the only slightly below normal salinity, fjord water. The low seawater-derived Os content of the sediment, coupled with unradiogenic Os inputs from local sources, explains the overall low isotopic values observed. As a consequence, such near-shore anoxic sediments are unlikely to record changes in the past ocean Os isotopic composition.
Thailand has recently strengthened its economic policy toward its neighboring countries in coordination with domestic regional development. It is widely recognized that economic cooperation with neighboring countries is essential in preventing the inflow of illegal labor and effectively utilizing labor and resources through the relocation of production bases. This direction is strengthened by elaborating the GMS-EC and the ECS (Economic Cooperation Strategy). In addition, economic dependency of the neighboring countries on Thailand is generally high. In this report, firstly, Thai regional development policy will be made clear in relation to its economic policy toward neighboring countries as well as the status quo of the industrial estates. Secondly, Thai policy toward the neighboring countries is examined referring to the concept of wide-ranging economic zones, regional economic cooperation and special border economic zones. Thirdly, the paper will discuss how closely the economies between Thailand and the neighboring countries are related through trade and investment. Lastly, some implications on Japan's economic cooperation will also be explored.
The introduction of pharmaceutical product patents in India and other developing countries is expected to have a significant effect on public health and local pharmaceutical industries. This paper draws implications from the historical experience of Japan when it introduced product patents in 1976. In Japan, narrow patents and promotion of cross-licensing were effective tools to keep drug prices in check while ensuring the introduction of new drugs. While the global pharmaceutical market surrounding India today differs considerably from that of the 1970's, the Japanese experience offers a policy option that may profitably be considered by India today. The Indian patent system emphasizes the patentability requirement in contrast to the Japanese patent policy which relied on narrow patents and extensive licensing. R&D by local firms and the development of local products may be promoted more effectively under the Japanese model.
This study analyzes the patterns of agglomeration of some modern manufacturing sectors in India, and in particular the Indian automobile sector. It also examines and contrasts the factors that have led to different patterns of cluster development in two leading auto clusters in India-Chennai and the National Capital Region (NCR). Moreover, the study analyzes whether firms in clusters perform better than those that are excluded and whether the relative importance of variables that determine the behavior of firms differs among clusters. Our analyses, which employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, show that Indian industrial clusters are largely concentrated in the three clustered regions: NCR, Mumbai-Pune, and Chennai-Bangalore, across different manufacturing sectors. Our study of the auto clusters in Chennai and the NCR find considerable differences in the patterns of cluster formation, due partly to the historical and policy conditions under which firms, particularly, the lead firms must operate. Moreover, our econometric analyses confirmed that being part of a cluster positively influences the performance of the auto component firms and those belonging to a cluster perform better.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze innovations and the innovation system and its dynamics in the ethanol sector in the State of Sao Paulo. More specifically, this paper focuses on the development process in the sector, the public policies taken to promote the sector, and the organizations and key players involved in these policies and their responses to unforeseeable changes in economic, social and technological environments. To this end, this paper takes an historical perspective and reviews data on the cultivation of sugar cane, the production of ethanol, and on sugar cane yields as indicators of the innovations achieved in the sector. The geographical distribution of these indicators is also examined. Next, several cases in Piracicaba and Campinas in the State of Sao Paulo are presented; these give us a more concrete idea of the processes involved in innovation and technology transfer. Based on these observations, the ethanol cluster and the innovation system of the State of Sao Paulo are discussed from the viewpoint of the flowchart approach to industrial cluster policy.
Starting from almost null in the late 1990s, China's mobile phone handset industry has grown to account for more than 40 percent of the current world production. While export growth has been overwhelmingly led by multi-national corporations (MNCs), increasingly fierce competition in the domestic market ignited by the advent of local handset makers has induced unique industrial evolution: (1) outgrowth of independent design houses specialized in handset development and (2) emergence of IC fabless ventures that design core ICs for handsets. In the background of this evolutionary industrial growth there are factors such as, the scale and increasing diversity of China's domestic market that advantages local firms vis-a-vis MNCs; modularization of handset and semiconductor technologies; policy interventions that supports local startups. The emergence and evolution of China's handset industry is likely to have international implications as the growth of the global demand for low-cost and multi-function mobile phone handsets is expected to accelerate. Thus, our case suggests that the conventional view of latecomer industrialization and upgrading that emphasizes the key role of international production networks organized by MNCs needs to be modified in order to accommodate China's rise into perspective.
Using a Dynamic General Equilibrium (DGE) model, this study examines the effects of monetary policy in economies where minimum wages are bound. The findings show that the monetary-policy effect on a binding-minimum-wage economy is relatively small and quite persistent. This result suggests that these two characteristics of monetary policy in the minimum-wage model are rather different from those in the union-negotiation model which is often assumed to account for industrial economies.
Clustering small manufacturers are believed to attain various types of collective efficiency. A woodworking and furniture SME district in Uganda has created a learning environment for artisans to start up their own workshops. In the district workers can access various managerial information including business skills and input materials easily than outside. Hence it attracted new entrants to follow and district growth continued. On contrary large firms are locating separately and dispersedly from SME district and have a negative image to SME. This dichotomy has been created partly through spatial division of two sectors and partly through policy favouritism toward large firms.
Cambodia has experienced high economic growth in the last decade. Because most of its industries were destroyed during the Pol Pot regime and civil war, in the last 20 years the country has been working hard to liberalize its economy to attract foreign investors With its efforts to join the regional and international community and with changes in the international trade environment, Cambodia started to grow its economy in the late 1990s. Now, in the early 21st century, the Cambodian economy seems to be prepared to take off. We can observe a kind of industrial agglomeration occurring, even though still at a small scale. In this paper, first, I will review the history of Cambodia’s economic development since the late 1980s. Second, I will examine the economic policies, laws, rules, and other environmental factors which have influenced industrial development and industrial location in Cambodia. Third, I will introduce industrial location in the late 2000s. Lastly, I will introduce some statistical data for the future analysis of industrial location in Cambodia.