966 resultados para High-level languages


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This paper has three principal objectives. First, to review the level of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Tanzania over the last two to three decades, and to place this into an economic context. This review includes some comparisons with the experience of Ghana and Uganda. Second, to discuss three major issues for the Tanzanian aid: the position of ODA as budget support, corruption, and alignment with the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Third, to review the literature on the Tanzanian aid experience, including a range of official evaluation reports produced by the Tanzanian government and by the donor community. The conclusions, broadly, are that ODA has been at a sustained high level for most of the period reviewed, funding a significant amount of government development expenditure, and that economic growth has been strong, with poverty reduction ‘flat-lining’ in Tanzania but being significant in Ghana and Uganda. Experience with budget support in Tanzania has been mixed, corruption continues as a major concern, and improvements to public finance management have been difficult to achieve. In this context governance adjustments come slowly, requiring patience on the part of both recipient governments and the ODA donor community.


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A new serological assay dot-dye-immunoassay (dot-DIA) was evaluated for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni. This method consist of four steps: (a) biding of antigens to a nitrocellulose membrane (NC); (b) blocking of free sites of the NC; (c) incubation in specific primary antibody; (d) detection of primary antibody reactivity by color development using second antibody coupled to textile dyes. Sera from 82 individuals, 61 with Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the stool and 21 stool negative were tested by ELISA, dot-ELISA, and dotDIA. A high level of agreement between the methods tested was observed for all sera tested: ELISA x dot-ELISA: 95.1%, ELISA x dot-DIA: 92.7% and dot-ELISA x dot-DIA: 97.6%. In this study, dot-DIA proved to be a feasible, sensitive, rapid and practical test for the diagnosis of shcistosomiasis.


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Aging is commonly associated with a loss of muscle mass and strength, resulting in falls, functional decline, and the subjective feeling of weakness. Exercise modulates the morbidities of muscle aging. Most studies, however, have examined muscle-loss changes in sedentary aging adults. This leaves the question of whether the changes that are commonly associated with muscle aging reflect the true physiology of muscle aging or whether they reflect disuse atrophy. This study evaluated whether high levels of chronic exercise prevents the loss of lean muscle mass and strength experienced in sedentary aging adults. A cross-section of 40 high-level recreational athletes ("masters athletes") who were aged 40 to 81 years and trained 4 to 5 times per week underwent tests of health/activity, body composition, quadriceps peak torque (PT), and magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral quadriceps. Mid-thigh muscle area, quadriceps area (QA), subcutaneous adipose tissue, and intramuscular adipose tissue were quantified in magnetic resonance imaging using medical image processing, analysis, and visualization software. One-way analysis of variance was used to examine age group differences. Relationships were evaluated using Spearman correlations. Mid-thigh muscle area (P = 0.31) and lean mass (P = 0.15) did not increase with age and were significantly related to retention of mid-thigh muscle area (P < 0.0001). This occurred despite an increase in total body fat percentage (P = 0.003) with age. Mid-thigh muscle area (P = 0.12), QA (P = 0.17), and quadriceps PT did not decline with age. Specific strength (strength per QA) did not decline significantly with age (P = 0.06). As muscle area increased, PT increased significantly (P = 0.008). There was not a significant relationship between intramuscular adipose tissue (P = 0.71) or lean mass (P = 0.4) and PT. This study contradicts the common observation that muscle mass and strength decline as a function of aging alone. Instead, these declines may signal the effect of chronic disuse rather than muscle aging. Evaluation of masters athletes removes disuse as a confounding variable in the study of lower-extremity function and loss of lean muscle mass. This maintenance of muscle mass and strength may decrease or eliminate the falls, functional decline, and loss of independence that are commonly seen in aging adults.


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Congenitally athymic nude Balb/c (nu/nu) and their phenothypically normal adult and neonate littermates (nu/+), the C3H/HeN as well, were intraperitoneally infected with two strains (Y or CL) of Trypanossoma cruzi. The nude mice and the neonates developed a severe parasitaemia, the susceptible C3H/HeN also presented high level and adult Balb/c mice presented parasitaemia similar to that observed in outbred mice. Erythematous skin lesions were observed initially in infected athymic nude and neonates, being charactherized by nests of amastigotes in the dermis; in C3H/HeN infected mice no nest of parasite was observed but a low-grade inflammatory reaction was seen. In adult Balb/c or OF1 outbred mice nest was found but discreet inflammatory reaction was observed in severe infections.


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Aquest projecte es centra en el disseny d’una antena microstrip per a GNSS. Una antena per a GNSS ha de tenir adaptació de impedància d’entrada i polarització circular a dretes, com a principals especificacions, en el rang de 1.15-1.6 GHz. El tipus d’alimentació d’una antena microstrip amb el major ample de banda d’adaptació és l’alimentació mitjançant acoblament per apertura. Si a l’antena s’introdueixen dos apertures de forma ortogonal, alimentades amb un desfasament de 90º entre elles, s’aconsegueix polarització circular. L’opció de separar les apertures redueix la transferència de potència entre elles, i disminueix el guany de polarització creuada. La xarxa d’alimentació dissenyada és un divisor de Wilkinson amb una línia de λ/4 a la freqüència central, encara que el desfasament als extrems de la banda no sigui de 90º. Com a xarxa d’alimentació es va provar un hibrid de 90º, però l’elevat valor del paràmetre S21 de l’antena impossibilita l’adaptació a l’entrada del hibrid.


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Developments in the field of neuroscience have created a high level of interest in the subject of adolescent psychosis, particularly in relation to prediction and prevention. As the medical practice of adolescent psychosis and its treatment is characterised by a heterogeneity which is both symptomatic and evolutive, the somewhat poor prognosis of chronic development justifies the research performed: apparent indicators of schizophrenic disorders on the one hand and specific endophenotypes on the other are becoming increasingly important. The significant progresses made on the human genome show that the genetic predetermination in current psychiatric pathologies is complex and subject to moderating effects and there is therefore significant potential for nature-nurture interactions (between the environment and the genes). The road to be followed in researching the phenotypic expression of a psychosis gene is long and winding and is susceptible to many external influences at various levels with different effects. Neurobiological, neurophysiological, neuropsychological and neuroanatomical studies help to identify endophenotypes, which allow researchers to create identifying "markers" along this winding road. The endophenotypes could make it possible to redefine the nosological categories and enhance understanding of the physiopathology of schizophrenia. In a predictive approach, large-scale retrospective and prospective studies make it possible to identify risk factors, which are compatible with the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia. However, the predictive value of such markers or risk indicators is not yet sufficiently developed to offer a reliable early-detection method or possible schizophrenia prevention measures. Nonetheless, new developments show promise against the background of a possible future nosographic revolution, based on a paradigm shift. It is perhaps on the basis of homogeneous endophenotypes in particular that we will be able to understand what protects against, or indeed can trigger, psychosis irrespective of the clinical expression or attempts to isolate the common genetic and biological bases according to homogeneous clinical characteristics, which have to date, proved unsuccessful


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The gene encoding the cAMP-responsive transcription factor CREB consists of multiple small exons some of which undergo alternative RNA splicing. We describe the finding of a novel transcript of the CREB gene expressed at high levels in the germ cells of the rat testis. The transcript contains an alternatively spliced exon inserted within the sequence encoding the transcriptional transactivation domain of CREB and this exon contains multiple in-frame stop codons. Furthermore, the exon is conserved in both rat and human genes (75% nucleotide identity). Although the function(s) of this RNA or the truncated CREB protein predicted to result from the translation of this unusual transcript is unknown, the high level of expression in the testicular germ cells and remarkable conservation of sequences in rat and human suggests that it may have a unique biological function in these cells.


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El canvi climàtic és una realitat i té efectes, tant directes com indirectes, sobre la salut. Són necessàries actuacions concertades per abordar aquestes qüestions de salut pública plantejades pel canvi climàtic, així com també disposar de mecanismes per predir quina serà la seva evolució. En aquest projecte es discuteixen les malalties infeccioses adquirides a través de diferents vies (artròpodes vectors, rosegadors, aigua, aliments i aire) en referència al canvi climàtic al món i també a Catalunya. Basat en una extensa revisió dels treballs i articles publicats, i de comentaris d’experts, es presenta una avaluació dels canvis de les malalties infeccioses: incidència, prevalença i distribució dels patògens i vehicles transmissors en un entorn canviant. En el present estudi es detallen alguns dels casos més estudiats i demostrats d’emergència i reemergència de brots infecciosos a diferents zones del planeta associats a certes variacions en les variables climàtiques. Degut a l’alt nivell d’incertesa sobre el ritme del canvi climàtic i el seu impacte sobre les malalties infeccioses, es proposa un seguit de línies de futur. Una de les propostes és crear una xarxa integrada de dades ambientals i epidemiològiques, amb capacitat de connectar aquestes dades amb la vigilància dels patògens, vectors i de la qualitat de l’aigua, entre d’altres factors. Aquestes anàlisis podrien orientar les estratègies d’actuació en un futur per la protecció de la salut de la població.


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Analysis of the genomes of schistosomes and one of their intermediate hosts, Biomphalaria glabrata, using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) demonstrated that intraspecific genetic polymorphism in the parasite is limited but in the snail is highly pronounced. This suggests an important role for the snail in the determination of the epidemiology of the disease. In addition to their intraspecific stability, schistosome derived RAPDs exhibit a high level of interspecific polymorphism and are thus ideal for the construction of phylogenetic trees. For the detection of intraspecific polymorphisms extensive variation in the mitochondrial DNA is being exploited for the development of a PCR based test for Schistosoma mansoni. Gene level polymorphisms are being analyzed by Low Stringency Single Specific Primer PCR.


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BACKGROUND: frailty is a concept used to describe older people at high risk of adverse outcomes, including falls, functional decline, hospital or nursing home admission and death. The associations between frailty and use of specific health and community services have not been investigated. METHODS: the cross-sectional relationship between frailty and use of several health and community services in the last 12 months was investigated in 1,674 community-dwelling men aged 70 or older in the Concord Health and Ageing in Men study, a population-based study conducted in Sydney, Australia. Frailty was assessed using a modified version of the Cardiovascular Health Study criteria. RESULTS: overall, 158 (9.4%) subjects were frail, 679 (40.6%) were intermediate (pre-frail) and 837 (50.0%) were robust. Frailty was associated with use of health and community services in the last 12 months, including consulting a doctor, visiting or being visited by a nurse or a physiotherapist, using help with meals or household duties and spending at least one night in a hospital or nursing home. Frail men without disability in activities of daily living were twice more likely to have seen a doctor in the previous 2 weeks than robust men (adjusted odds ratio 2.04, 95% confidence interval 1.21-3.44), independent of age, comorbidity and socio-economic status. CONCLUSION: frailty is strongly associated with use of health and community services in community-dwelling older men. The high level of use of medical services suggests that doctors and nurses could play a key role in implementation of preventive interventions.


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A glucocorticoid-responsive vector is described which allows for the highly inducible expression of complementary DNAs (cDNAs) in stably transfected mammalian cell lines. This vector, pLK-neo, composed of a variant mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat promoter, containing a hormone regulatory element, a Geneticin resistance-encoding gene in a simian virus 40 transcription unit, and a polylinker insertion site for heterologous cDNAs, was used to express the polymeric immunoglobulin (poly-Ig) receptor and the thymocyte marker, Thy-1, in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and in murine fibroblast L cells. A high level of poly-Ig receptor or Thy-1 mRNA accumulation was observed in MDCK cells in response to dexamethasone with a parallel ten- to 200-fold increase in protein synthesis depending on the recombinant protein and the transfected cell clone.


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BACKGROUND: The value of adenovirus plasma DNA detection as an indicator for adenovirus disease is unknown in the context of T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation, of which adenovirus disease is an uncommon but serious complication. METHODS: Three groups of 62 T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplant recipients were selected and tested for adenovirus in plasma by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Adenovirus was detected in 21 (87.5%) of 24 patients with proven adenovirus disease (group 1), in 4 (21%) of 19 patients who shed adenovirus (group 2), and in 1 (10.5%) of 19 uninfected control patients. The maximum viral load was significantly higher in group 1 (median maximum viral load, 6.3x10(6) copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.0x10(9) copies/mL) than in group 2 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.7x10(8) copies/mL; P<.001) and in group 3 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range 0-40 copies/mL; P<.001). All patients in group 2 who developed adenoviremia had symptoms compatible with adenovirus disease (i.e., possible disease). A minimal plasma viral load of 10(3) copies/mL was detected in all patients with proven or possible disease. Adenoviremia was detectable at a median of 19.5 days (range, 8-48 days) and 24 days (range, 9-41 days) before death for patients with proven and possible adenovirus disease, respectively. CONCLUSION: Sustained or high-level adenoviremia appears to be a specific and sensitive indicator of adenovirus disease after T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation. In the context of low prevalence of adenovirus disease, the use of polymerase chain reaction of plasma specimens to detect virus might be a valuable tool to identify and treat patients at risk for viral invasive disease.


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En aquest Projecte de Millora de la Qualitat Docent es descriu el disseny, la construcció i la utilització d’un robot mòbil com a eina docent en titulacions d’Enginyeria. El robot mòbil té com a element de control un PC portàtil convencional per tal de facilitar el procés d’aprenentatge de l’alumnat estigui centrat en l’objectiu de les pràctiques i no en el funcionament i control del robot. A més a més, el robot disposa d’un elevat nombre de sensors i actuadors per tal d’oferir un elevat grau d’interdisciplinaritat.


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Aquest projecte descriu la fusió de les necessitats diaries de monitorització del experiment ATLAS des del punt de vista del cloud. La idea principal es desenvolupar un conjunt de col·lectors que recullin informació de la distribució i processat de les dades i dels test de wlcg (Service Availability Monitoring), emmagatzemant-la en BBDD específiques per tal de mostrar els resultats en una sola pàgina HLM (High Level Monitoring). Un cop aconseguit, l’aplicació ha de permetre investigar més enllà via interacció amb el front-end, el qual estarà alimentat per les estadístiques emmagatzemades a la BBDD.


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En aquest projecte es proposa i s’implementa una nova forma de crear xarxes DTN (Delay-Tolerant Networks) mitjançant agents mòbils. Aquestes xarxes tenen la peculiaritat de ser tolerants a endarreriments i interrupcions, podent ser utilitzades en entorns on les xarxes actuals no es poden aplicar. Hem dissenyat mecanismes que permeten prendre decisions d’encaminament a nivell d’aplicació i mecanismes de priorització d’agents mitjançant informació d’alt nivell. Aquests mecanismes milloren les DTN fent-les més flexibles i efectives.