894 resultados para Helen C. Pierce School
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O tema desta tese é a lógica da premiação escolar, compreendida como uma estratégia de regulação da gestão escolar, sustentada na lógica gerencial, que quer tornar-se hegemônica nas escolas públicas brasileiras. Visando a compreensão do objeto, foram identificadas e analisadas as referências políticas e econômicas, sociológicas, psicológicas e filosóficas que lhes são constituintes, e seus significados fundamentais, e foi investigada uma experiência especfica de gestão escolar premiada. Na etapa inicial da pesquisa foram utilizadas a pesquisa bibliográfica, necessária para a compreensão das referências da lógica da premiação, e a pesquisa documental, que permitiu a análise de documentos da escola e dos organismos de premiação. Um Estudo de caso foi utilizado para a investigação da singularidade de uma escola de referência da lógica da premiação, a Escola de Ensino Fundamental e Médio em Regime de Convênio São Francisco Xavier, referência nacional em gestão escolar “democrática” em função de vários prêmios recebidos. Afirma-se que a escola efetiva uma gestão com características que a aproximam da gestão democrática, em função do uso de estratégias participativas que envolvem os diferentes sujeitos da escola e da comunidade, mas que, ao desenvolver ações consonantes com os editais de premiação a que concorrem, aproxima-se das características da gestão empresarial, valorizando a meritocracia, o individualismo, o pragmatismo e a análise sistêmica. Algumas das marcas da gestão da escola pesquisada são a ambigüidade, já que são evidentes práticas gestoras pautadas na democracia e na lógica do mercado, e o apelo participacionista. Concluiu-se que os editais de premiação ganham força para regular a vida da escola e os sentidos de público, qualidade e participação são ressignificados em função da perspectiva assumida.
Objective: Although previous studies have analyzed the association between cardiovascular risk factors and blood pressure in adolescents, few studies conducted in developing countries analyzed whether the aggregation of risk factors contributes to an increased risk of high blood pressure in adolescents. The objective of this study was to assess the association between cardiovascular risk factors (including general overweight, abdominal obesity, high consumption of foods rich in fats, and insufficient physical activity levels) and high blood pressure in adolescents.Methods: This study was carried out from 2007 to 2008 with 1021 adolescents (528 girls) from primary schools located in the city of Londrina- Brazil. Blood pressure was assessed using an oscillometric device. General overweight was obtained through body mass index, abdominal obesity was assessed using waist circumference, and the consumption of foods rich in fat and physical activity were assessed using a questionnaire. The sum of these risk factors was determined.Results: Adolescents with three or four aggregated risk factors were more likely to have higher values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure when compared with adolescents who did not have any cardiovascular risk factors (P = 0.001 for both). Logistic regression indicated that groups of adolescents with 2 (OR = 2.46 [1.11-5.42]; P = 0.026), 3 (OR = 4.97 [2.07-11.92]; P = 0.001) or 4 risk factors (OR = 6.79 [2.24-19.9]; P = 0.001) presented an increased likelihood of high blood pressure.Conclusions: The number of cardiovascular risk factors was found to be related to high blood pressure in adolescents. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A atualização dos currículos escolares e, em especial, a inserção de assuntos de física moderna e contemporânea já foram defendidos com justificativas satisfatórias, tanto por professores em atividade escolar como por pesquisadores da área de ensino de física. Entre os assuntos que deveriam ser discutidos encontramos a Física das Partículas Elementares. O ensino deste tópico é justificado pelo fato dele permitir a discussão: a) de uma nova visão de mundo; b) de uma visão mais adequada da ciência; c) da reinterpretação da Física Clássica; d) da dinâmica da Ciência e seu desenvolvimento; e) da contribuição dos diversos cientistas; f) do papel da experimentação; g) do investimento financeiro e cooperativo de diversos países e pesquisadores. No entanto, para que a inserção de assuntos de física moderna e contemporânea ocorra de maneira eficiente é necessária a atualização dos professores que já estão em docncia escolar, bem como uma formação adequada daqueles que estão em processo de formação inicial. Neste sentido, desde 2010 a Sociedade Brasileira de Física realiza anualmente a Escola de Física do CERN, na qual participam professores brasileiros de física de escolas públicas do Ensino Médio. Nesta escola são desenvolvidas aulas sobre física de partículas, sessões experimentais e visitas aos laboratórios do CERN. Perante isso, investigamos como os professores participantes da Escola de Física do CERN abordam a física de partículas em suas aulas após participarem dela.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This article analyzes the inclusion of the issue of “environmental management” in the department of Production Engineering of the “Alfa” School of Engineering. For this, a case study was conducted at the School of "Alpha" Engineering, with a focus on the area of Production Engineering. Professors were interviewed; documents were reviewed as well as information collected from direct observations by of one of the authors of this article. It was observed that the department of Production Engineering at the Alpha School of Engineering has been developing activities covering all those aspects proposed by Jabbour [8]. "Environmental management" has been included in the curriculums of: (a) Teaching: in the creation of undergraduate courses (obligatory) and graduate Master's degree (optional), (b) Research: formalization of research groups in environmental management for the creation of master’s post graduation research, formalization of environmental management as one of the subjects that should be chosen by candidates for a Professorship in the area of production engineering; (c) Extension: Course in Environmental Management, Symposium (which in recent years has been focusing on environmental issues), creation of sustainability indicators for universities, (d) University Management: initiatives to raise awareness, distribution of reusable mugs and installation of special bins for selective collection in the Campus.
Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a neoplasia that develops naturally in dogs. It can be easily transplanted, which demonstrates its ability to spread from animal to animal. Since the Linr-1/c-MYC rearrangement in TVT cells had not been studied at the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary School, Unesp in Botucatu, SP, this study aimed to detect this genetic alteration specific to this kind of tumor by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Twenty dogs with cytological diagnosis of TVT were used. Samples of neoplastic cells were collected to determine the presence of the Line-1/c-MYC marker. The rearrangement characterized by 340bp amplicons did not vary, in agreement with previous studies using the same methodology. This contributed to a more precise identification of persistent tumor cells in cases in which gross or microscopical detection was not possible.
This study aimed to discuss the recent contributions of History of Science to theteaching of chemistry. The theme of the teaching unit was on the accident of cesium-137 in Goiânia ? Goiás, Brazil (1987). This was a qualitative study in which researcherand professor use the methodology of teaching on research. Thus, students should seekinformation, organize the data collected and establish relationships. Students producedposters in an exhibition at the school on the twentieth anniversary of the accident.Results demonstrated the importance of this resource. It was possible to exploit theabundance of detail and illustrations utilized what themes they students considerimportant and which they exploited. A poster exhibition on the theme indicated thestrong interest of students to participate in all activities proposed. The study alsorevealed the importance of using elements of the History of Science in ChemicalEducation and its relationship to the daily life of students.Key words: history of science; radioactivity; cesium-137
Cooperation between individuals is an important requisite for the maintenance of social relationships. The purpose of this study was to investigate cooperation in children in the school environment, where individuals could cooperate or not with their classmates in a public goods game. We investigated which of the following variables influenced cooperation in children: sex, group size, and information on the number of sessions. Group size was the only factor to significantly affect cooperation, with small-group children cooperating significantly more than those in large groups. Both sex and information had no effect on cooperation. We suggest that these results reflect the fact that, in small groups, individuals were more efficient in controlling and retaliating theirs peers than in large groups. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To estimate the trachoma prevalence in school children in Embu das Artes - SP, aiming the implementation of the disease epidemiological surveillance. Methods: The city of Embu das Artes - SP, is 25 km far from the capital of the State. In the years of 2003-2004, a trachoma survey was conducted in a cluster sample of school children with the same methodology of the national trachoma student's survey of the Ministry of Health. Previously to the trachoma active search, activities of health education were performed in all schools. External ocular examinations were done in all students to detect trachoma according to the WHO criteria. All cases of trachoma were notified and their families were submitted to an external ocular examination. The cases were treated with 1% tetracycline ointment or systemic azithromycin. Results: 2,374 students from nine sampled selected public schools were examined. The prevalence of follicular inflammatory trachoma (TF) was 3.1% (IC 95%: 2.4-3.9), varying from 0.5% to 4.2% in the examined schools. The prevalence for males was 3.2% and for females was 3.0%. The greater prevalence (8.6%) was found in 6 year-old children. Conclusion: The disease showed a mild behavior in this city, because no cases of intense inflammatory trachoma or cicatricial trachoma were detected. However, the prevalence was greater than the one found in the city of Sao Paulo. Epidemiological surveillance activities of trachoma must be continuous, mainly in places where the greater prevalence had been found.