653 resultados para Heinimäki, Jaakko


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Valtatie 2 Helsingistä Poriin toimii Satakunnan maakunnan pääliikenneyhteytenä pääkaupunkiseudulle ja se kuuluu EU:n päättämään TEN-T-verkkoon. Yhteysvälin pituudesta puolet sijaitsee Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen alueella ulottuen Loimaan, Huittisten, Kokemäen, Harjavallan, Nakkilan, Ulvilan ja Porin alueelle. Valtatietä on vuosien saatossa parannettu kohteittain pienempinä kokonaisuuksina: on porrastettu liittymiä, on rakennettu eritasoliittymiä ja vilkkaimmille osuuksille on tehty nelikaistaistuksia ja ohituskaistoja. Nykyisen tien liikennemäärät ja palvelutaso vaihtelevat kuitenkin osuuksittain merkittävästi. Valtatien parantamiseksi on laadittu erillissuunnitelmia ja valtatien parantamista on sivuttu sekä liikennejärjestelmä- että kunnittaisissa liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelmissa. Koko valtatien 2 parantamiseksi on käynnistymässä vuonna 2016 palvelutasolähtöinen kehittämisselvitys. Nykytilanteen analyysin, maastokäyntien ja työryhmätyöskentelyn pohjalta valtatielle 2 on määritetty yhteensä yli 90 parantamiskohdetta, joihin on esitetty noin 250 toimenpidettä. Toimenpiteet on jaettu kolmeen kategoriaan: A) Ajoratamaalaukset, B) Liikennemerkkijärjestelyt ja C) Infratoimenpiteet. Suurin osa toimenpiteistä on pieniä, kustannustehokkaita ja nopeasti toteutettavissa olevia. Toimenpiteet on jaettu kahteen kiireellisyysluokkaan ja jokaiselle toimenpiteelle on esitetty vastuutaho ja karkea yksikkökustannusarvio. Kaikkien hankkeiden yhteenlaskettu kustannusarvio on 9,9 miljoonaa euroa (osa kustannusarvioista puuttuu, koska toimenpiteet vaativat jatkosuunnittelua). Selvityksessä esitettyjen toimenpiteiden yhteenlaskettu laskennallinen henkilövahinko-onnettomuuksien vähenemä on 1,6 henkilövahinkoon johtanutta onnettomuutta vuodessa (nykyisin 22 heva-onnettomuutta vuodessa). Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus pyrkii resurssiensa rajoissa toteuttamaan tulevina vuosina esitettyjä toimenpiteitä. Toimenpiteiden toteutusta tullaan seuraamaan ja ensimmäinen seurantapalaveri järjestetään kahden vuoden kuluttua vuoden 2018 lopussa.


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Russian FDI has a few peculiarities. One of them is round-tripping. Round-tripping is defined as transfer of funds abroad, usually to offshore financial centers (OFCs), and then bringing all or some of the investment back as foreign investment. Russian context was chosen for this study because the share of round-tripping investments from country’s total FDI is extensive. However, it needs to be addressed that this is not just a Russian phenomenon. Round-tripping is used by many developed and developing countries, and most of the countries have their own designated destinations for this kind of capital, much like Cyprus is the main destination for Russian capital. It is important to study this phenomenon further, since it falsifies FDI statistics and can lead to poor decisions on state level. Theoretical part of the study tries to determine weather traditional FDI and internationalization theories fit to explain the Russian round-tripping phenomenon. Traditional FDI and internationalization theories are first introduced in general terms, and then further examined in Russian context. In traditional endogenic FDI theories, when the capital is formed in one country it goes abroad to find better profits. At a first glance, this seemed not to be the case in round-tripping. However, during the study it became rather clear that with few adjustments and changes in perspective, traditional theories could be used to explain round-tripping phenomenon. For example, OLI paradigm can be further developed into OLIH paradigm with ‘H’ representing the important home country institutions. Transaction based view and resource seeking theories were also seen well equipped to explain round-tripping with a change in perspective. The latter part of the study focused on holistic understanding of Russian –Cyprian investment relationship. Study aims to shed light into the determinants and consequences of this phenomenon for both countries involved. The two share historical, cultural and political ties, but most importantly common financial interests. Russian companies seek security and financial knowledge to maneuver their assets and Cyprian economy largely is dependent on their disproportionally large financial sector. Consequences for Cyprian economy were seen in current economic crisis, when the need for their financial services diminished. Russian government on the other hand is losing vast amounts of tax money due to this phenomenon. A rather extreme view was also introduced in this study. Round-tripping phenomenon and OFCs are an important reason why corruption exists, since if one does not have a way to make ill-gained money legitimate why try to ill-gain the money at the first place. The most important finding of the study is that round-tripping companies are in a better competitive position than genuine and purely domestic investor due to their institutional knowledge.


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todistettu, että mitä suuremmat ajonopeudet, sitä useampia kuolonkolareita. Siksi pieniinkin ylinopeuksiin puututaan. Automaattivalvontakameroita tulisikin kutsua liikenneturvallisuuskameroiksi tai jopa hengenpelastajiksi, koska niiden liikenneturvallisuusvaikutukset ovat kiistattomia.


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Common variants at only two loci, FTO and MC4R, have been reproducibly associated with body mass index (BMI) in humans. To identify additional loci, we conducted meta-analysis of 15 genome-wide association studies for BMI (n > 32,000) and followed up top signals in 14 additional cohorts (n > 59,000). We strongly confirm FTO and MC4R and identify six additional loci (P < 5 x 10(-8)): TMEM18, KCTD15, GNPDA2, SH2B1, MTCH2 and NEGR1 (where a 45-kb deletion polymorphism is a candidate causal variant). Several of the likely causal genes are highly expressed or known to act in the central nervous system (CNS), emphasizing, as in rare monogenic forms of obesity, the role of the CNS in predisposition to obesity.


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The Helsinki Urban Boundary-Layer Atmosphere Network (UrBAN: http://urban.fmi.fi) is a dedicated research-grade observational network where the physical processes in the atmosphere above the city are studied. Helsinki UrBAN is the most poleward intensive urban research observation network in the world and thus will allow studying some unique features such as strong seasonality. The network's key purpose is for the understanding of the physical processes in the urban boundary layer and associated fluxes of heat, momentum, moisture, and other gases. A further purpose is to secure a research-grade database, which can be used internationally to validate and develop numerical models of air quality and weather prediction. Scintillometers, a scanning Doppler lidar, ceilometers, a sodar, eddy-covariance stations, and radiometers are used. This equipment is supplemented by auxiliary measurements, which were primarily set up for general weather and/or air-quality mandatory purposes, such as vertical soundings and the operational Doppler radar network. Examples are presented as a testimony to the potential of the network for urban studies, such as (i) evidence of a stable boundary layer possibly coupled to an urban surface, (ii) the comparison of scintillometer data with sonic anemometry above an urban surface, (iii) the application of scanning lidar over a city, and (iv) combination of sodar and lidar to give a fuller range of sampling heights for boundary layer profiling.


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Recurrent submicroscopic genomic copy number changes are the result of nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR). Nonrecurrent aberrations, however, can result from different nonexclusive recombination-repair mechanisms. We previously described small microduplications at Xq28 containing MECP2 in four male patients with a severe neurological phenotype. Here, we report on the fine-mapping and breakpoint analysis of 16 unique microduplications. The size of the overlapping copy number changes varies between 0.3 and 2.3 Mb, and FISH analysis on three patients demonstrated a tandem orientation. Although eight of the 32 breakpoint regions coincide with low-copy repeats, none of the duplications are the result of NAHR. Bioinformatics analysis of the breakpoint regions demonstrated a 2.5-fold higher frequency of Alu interspersed repeats as compared with control regions, as well as a very high GC content (53%). Unexpectedly, we obtained the junction in only one patient by long-range PCR, which revealed nonhomologous end joining as the mechanism. Breakpoint analysis in two other patients by inverse PCR and subsequent array comparative genomic hybridization analysis demonstrated the presence of a second duplicated region more telomeric at Xq28, of which one copy was inserted in between the duplicated MECP2 regions. These data suggest a two-step mechanism in which part of Xq28 is first inserted near the MECP2 locus, followed by breakage-induced replication with strand invasion of the normal sister chromatid. Our results indicate that the mechanism by which copy number changes occur in regions with a complex genomic architecture can yield complex rearrangements.


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Oxidative dissolution of chalcopyrite at ambient temperatures is generally slow and subject to passivation, posing a major challenge for developing bioleaching applications for this recalcitrant mineral. Chloride is known to enhance the chemical leaching of chalcopyrite, but much of this effect has been demonstrated at elevated temperatures. This study was undertaken to test whether 100-200 mM Na-chloride enhances the chemical and bacterial leaching of chalcopyrite in shake flasks and stirred tank bioreactor conditions at mesophilic temperatures. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and abiotic controls were employed for the leaching experiments. Addition of Na-chloride to the bioleaching suspension inhibited the formation of secondary phases from chalcopyrite and decreased the Fe(III) precipitation. Neither elemental S nor secondary Cu-sulfides were detected in solid residues by X-ray diffraction. Chalcopyrite leaching was enhanced when the solution contained bacteria, ferrous iron and Na-chloride under low redox potential (< 450 mV) conditions. Scanning electron micrographs and energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays revealed the presence of precipitates that were identified as brushite and jarosites in solid residues. Minor amounts of gypsum may also have been present. Electrochemical analysis of solid residues was in concurrence of the differential effects between chemical controls, chloride ions, and bacteria. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to characterize interfacial changes on chalcopyrite surface caused by different bioleaching conditions. In abiotic controls, the impedance signal stabilized after 28 days, indicating the lack of changes on mineral surface thereafter, but with more resistive behavior than chalcopyrite itself. For bioleached samples, the signal suggested some capacitive response with time owing to the formation of less conductive precipitates. At Bode-phase angle plots (middle frequency), a new time constant was observed that was associated with the formation of jarosite, possibly also with minor amount or elemental S, although this intermediate could not be verified by XRD. Real impedance vs. frequency plots indicated that the bioleaching continued to modify the chalcopyrite/solution interface even after 42 days. © 2013 The Authors.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We provide conservative translations from propositional modal logic KT (the simplest normal alethic logic) into propositional modal logic KD (the simplest normal deontic logic), and from this into the propositional modal logic K (the simplest normal logic simpliciter). Following an idea discussed by Jaakko Hintikka, these conservative translations are based on the third formulation of Kantian categorical imperative, the formulation of the Kingdom of Ends.