L’osso è un tessuto target per estrogeni ed androgeni ma l’azione singola e la sinergia tra i due non sono compresi interamente. Le donne affette da Sindrome da Insensititvità Completa agli Androgeni (CAIS) hanno un cariotipo 46XY ma presentano una completa inattività del recettore degli androgeni. Nello studio abbiamo valutato la densità minerale ossea (BMD) in un gruppo di donne adulte CAIS sottoposte a gonadectomia al momento della prima visita e dopo almeno 12 mesi di terapia estrogenica. Il principale obiettivo è stato di valutare se, nelle donne CAIS, una ottimale estrogenizzazione fosse sufficiente a mantenere/ripristinare una adeguata BMD. 24 donne CAIS sono state sottoposte a DXA lombare e femorale all'arruolamento nello studio (t1), dopo terapia estrogenica di 12mesi(t2) e oltre (t>2). Sono state valutate: BMD(g/cm2) e Zscore lombare e femorale (a t1,t2 e t>2) E’ stato considerato se fossero rilevanti l’essere (gruppo1) o meno (gruppo 2) in terapia ormonale al t1 e l’età della gonadectomia. Risultati: Al t1 BMD e Zscore lombari e femorale erano significativamente ridotti rispetto alla popolazione controllo nel campione totale (lombare 0,900+0,12; -1,976+0,07, femorale 0,831 + 0,14; -1,385+0,98), nel gruppo 1 (lombare 0,918+0,116;-1,924+0,79, femorale 0,824+0,13;-1,40+1,00) e nel gruppo 2 (lombare 0.845+0,11 -2,13+1,15, femorale 0,857+0,17;-1,348+1,05) Al t2 e t>2 la BMD lombare è risultata significativamente aumentata (p=0,05 e p=0,02). Zscore lombare, BMD e Zscore femorale non hanno dimostrato variazioni significative. L’aver effettuato la gonadectomia in età post puberale è associato a Zscore lombare e femorale più elevati al t1. Nelle donne CAIS la terapia estrogenica è indispensabile per prevenire un'ulteriore perdita di BMD ma, da sola, non sembra in grado di ripristinare normali valori di BMD.I risultati del nostro studio supportano la tesi che gli androgeni, mediante l’azione recettoriale, abbiano un' azione diretta nel raggiungere e mantenere la BMD.
Derivation of stem cell lines from domesticated animals has been of great interest as it benefits translational medicine, clinical applications to improve human and animal health and biotechnology. The main types of stem cells studied are Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs), induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) and Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells (MSCs). This thesis had two main aims: (I) The isolation of bovine MSCs from amniotic fluid (AF) at different trimesters of pregnancy and their characterization to study pluripotency markers expression. Stemness markers were studied also in MSCs isolated from equine AF, Wharton’s jelly (WJ) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) as continuation of the characterization of these cells previously performed by our research group; (II) The establishment and characterization of iPSCs lines in two attractive large animal models for biomedical and biotechnology research such as the bovine and the swine, and the differentiation into the myogenic lineage of porcine iPSCs. It was observed that foetal tissues in domestic animals such as the bovine and the horse represent a source of MSCs able to differentiate into the mesodermal lineage but they do not proliferate indefinitely and they lack the expression of many pluripotency markers, making them an interesting source of cells for regenerative medicine, but not the best candidate to elucidate pluripotency networks. The protocol used to induce pluripotency in bovine fibroblasts did not work, as well as the chemical induction of pluripotency in porcine fibroblasts, while the reprogramming protocol used for porcine iPSCs was successful and the line generated was amenable to being differentiated into the myogenic lineage, demonstrating that they could be addressed into a desired lineage by genetic modification and appropriated culture conditions. Only a few cell types have been differentiated from domestic animal iPSCs to date, so the development of a reliable directed-differentiation protocol represents a very important result.
L’elaborato propone una riflessione rispetto all’atto giuridico del consenso informato quale strumento garante dell’esercizio del diritto alla salute per i migranti. Attraverso una riflessione antropologica rispetto alla natura, alla costruzione e alla logica dei diritti universali, verranno analizzate le normative nazionali, europee ed internazionali a tutela del diritto alla salute per i migranti; l’obiettivo della ricerca è indagare l’eventuale scarto tra normative e politiche garantiste nei confronti della salute migrante e l’esistenza di barriere strutturali che impediscono un pieno esercizio del diritto alla salute. L’ipotesi di ricerca si basa sulla reale capacità performativa del consenso informato, proposto solitamente sia come strumento volto ad assicurare la piena professionalità dell’operatore sanitario nell’informare il paziente circa i rischi e i benefici di un determinato trattamento sanitario, sia come garante del principio di autonomia. La ricerca, attraverso un’analisi quanti-qualitativa, ha interrogato il proprio campo, rappresentato da un reparto di ginecologia ed ostetrica, rispetto alle modalità pratiche di porre in essere la firma nei moduli del consenso informato, con particolare attenzione alle specificità proprie delle pazienti migranti. Attraverso l’osservazione partecipante è stato quindi possibile riflettere su aspetti rilevanti, quali le dinamiche quotidiane che vengono a crearsi tra personale sanitario e pazienti, le caratteristiche e i limiti del servizio di mediazione sanitaria, le azioni pratiche della medicina difensiva. In questo senso il tema del “consenso informato”, indagato facendo interagire discipline quali l’antropologia, la bioetica, la filosofia e la sociologia, si è posto sia come lente di lettura privilegiata per comprendere le dinamiche relazionali ad oggi esistenti tra professionisti sanitari e popolazione migrante, ancora vittima di diseguaglianze strutturali, ma altresì come “innesco potenziale” di nuove modalità di intendere la relazione medico-paziente.
OBIETTIVI: Valutazione del rischio di trasmissione verticale e delle conseguenze dell’infezione congenita da cytomegalovirus (CMV) in caso di infezione non primaria versus l’outcome delle gravidanze complicate da infezione primaria. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio retrospettivo di coorte di gravide con infezione recente da CMV diagnosticata c/o il nostro centro negli anni 2000-2013. Le pazienti sono state suddivise in 2 gruppi in base al risultato delle indagini sierologiche (avidità IgG e immunoblot): il primo con profilo sierologico compatibile con infezione non primaria e l'altro compatibile con infezione primaria da CMV. Sono stati confrontati il rischio di trasmissione e di infezione congenita sintomatica nei due gruppi. RISULTATI: Il follow-up è risultato disponibile in 1122 casi di cui 182 con infezione materna non-primaria e 940 con infezione primaria materna. L’infezione congenita è stata diagnosticata in 7 (3.86%) feti/neonati nei casi di infezione non primaria e in 217 (23%) feti/neonati nei casi di infezione primaria (p<0.001). Tra gli infetti, erano sintomatici 43 (19,8%) e 3 (42,8%) rispettivamente nell’infezione primaria e non primaria. COMMENTO: La preesistente immunità materna offre una protezione contro la trasmissione intrauterina nell’infezione da CMV ma non protegge dalla malattia congenita sintomatica.
Adiponectin is an adipokine, present in the circulation in comparatively high concentrations and different molecular weight isoforms. For the first time, the distribution of these isoforms in serum and follicular fluid (FF) and their usefulness as biological markers for infertility investigations was studied.
Although some patients may benefit from reduced follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) application, in-vitro maturation (IVM) belongs to the rare treatment options in assisted reproduction. We summarize our five-year IVM experience.
Follicle flushing has been proved to be ineffective in polyfollicular in vitro fertilization. To analyze the effect of flushing in monofollicular in vitro fertilization we aspirated and then flushed the follicles in 164 cycles. Total oocyte yield/aspiration was 44.5% in the aspirate, 20.7% in the 1(st) flush, 10.4% in the 2(nd) flush and 4.3% in the 3(rd) flush. By flushing, the total oocyte yield increased (p < 0.01) by 80.9%, from 44.5 to 80.5%. The total transfer rate increased (p < 0.01) by 91.0%, from 20.1 to 38.4%. The results indicate that the oocyte yield and the number of transferable embryos can be increased significantly by flushing.
BACKGROUND: It is known that endometriosis is an inflammatory disease and those patients seem to have lower pregnancy rates. The aim of the study was to investigate the concentrations of chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines in the follicular fluid of patients with and without endometriosis. METHODS: Follicular aspiration, recovering follicular fluid during assisted reproductive treatment, follicular fluid storage and analysis of chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines were carried out. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, interleukin-15, leukemia inhibitory factor, epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide 78, regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted, and growth-regulated oncogene-alpha were analyzed in the follicular fluid and compared between women with (n =47) and without endometriosis (n = 279). RESULTS: The above cytokines were detected in the follicular fluid samples. Epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide 78 levels were significantly higher in follicular fluid from endometriosis patients than from controls (p = 0.008). Increases (to twice the control level) were also observed for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and for interleukin-6. CONCLUSIONS: Increased follicular fluid levels of epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide 78, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 indicate that these cytokines may influence oocyte quality and fecundability of women with endometriosis by deteriorating the microenvironment in the human follicle.
OBJECTIVE: Glycodelin (PP14) is produced by the epithelium of the endometrium and its determination in the serum is used for functional evaluation of this tissue. Given the complex regulation and the combined contraceptive and immunosuppressive roles of glycodelin, the current lack of normal values for its serum concentration in the physiological menstrual cycle, derived from a large sample number, is a problem. We have therefore established reference values from over 600 sera. DESIGN: Retrospective study using banked serum samples. SETTING: University hospital. METHODS: Measurement of blood samples daily or every second day during one full cycle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum concentrations of glycodelin and normal values for every such one- or two-day interval were calculated. Late luteal phase glycodelin levels were compared with ovarian hormones. Follicular phase levels were compared with stimulated cycles from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. RESULTS: Glycodelin concentrations were low around ovulation. Highest levels were observed at the end of the luteal phase; the glycodelin serum peak was reached 6-8 days after the one for progesterone. Late luteal glycodelin levels correlated negatively with the body mass index and positively with the progesterone level earlier in the secretory (mid-luteal) phase in the same woman. No associations with other ovarian hormones were observed. Follicular phase glycodelin levels were higher in the spontaneous than in the in vitro fertilization cycles. CONCLUSIONS: Normal values taken at two- or one-day intervals demonstrate the very late appearance of high serum glycodelin levels during the physiological menstrual cycle and their correlation with progesterone occurring earlier in the cycle.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate possible predictive factors for recurrence after laparoscopic segmental bowel resection for bowel endometriosis. DESIGN Cohort study. SETTING Academic tertiary referral center. METHODS 95 symptomatic women with bowel endometriosis who underwent laparoscopic segmental bowel resection at the Endometriosis clinic, University of Berne, between 2002 and 2012 were enrolled. Since 14 women were lost to follow-up, 81 formed the final cohort. Clinical and histological characteristics were examined as possible predictive factors for disease recurrence. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Recurrence, defined as a subsequent operation due to recurrent endometriosis-associated pain with a histologically confirmed endometriotic lesion. RESULTS Recurrence was observed in 13 (16%) patients. Variables that were significantly associated to recurrence by the Cox regression analysis were positive bowel resection margins (hazard ratio 6.5, 95% confidence interval 1.8-23.5, p = 0.005), age <31 years (hazard ratio 5.6, 95% confidence interval 1.7-18.6, p = 0.005) and body mass index ≥23 kg/m(2) (hazard ratio 11.0, 95% confidence interval 2.7-44.6, p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Positive bowel resection margins as well as age <31 years and body mass index ≥23 kg/m(2) appear to be independent predictors of disease recurrence.
INTRODUCTION Our aim was to investigate the prognostic value of first-trimester glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in pregnant women with risk factors for developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). MATERIAL AND METHODS This is an observational retrospective cohort study conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland. We included pregnant women at high risk for GDM (n = 208), who had an HbA1c measurement in the first trimester. We compared HbA1c values of women who later developed GDM with those who did not develop GDM. Diagnosis of GDM was made on the basis of a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test performed between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. We further examined the prevalence of GDM in relation to the first-trimester HbA1c value. RESULTS The prevalence of GDM in our high-risk group was 14.7%. Women who developed GDM had significantly higher first-trimester HbA1c values [5.43 ± 0.31% (36 ± 3 mmol/mol) vs. 5.23 ± 0.28% (34 ± 3 mmol/mol); p = 0.0026]. Moreover, all pregnant women with HbA1c ≥6.0% (42 mmol/mol) developed GDM, whereas those with <4.5% (26 mmol/mol) did not. CONCLUSIONS Women at risk for GDM have higher first-trimester HbA1c levels and values ≥6.0% (42 mmol/mol) are predictive of GDM. This information may be useful for counseling these women and providing appropriate advice on diet and lifestyle modification early in pregnancy.
Fil: Grzona, María Estela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Pediatría, Gineco-Obstetricia y Salud Pública
La presente tesis de Violencia Obstétrica fue realizada con la intención de generar un nuevo y útil conocimiento para la carrera y la facultad en su totalidad, debido a que dicha problemática nos atañe a todos y todas. Actualmente es de gran importancia llevar a cabo una investigación sobre violencia obstétrica en el sistema de sanitario súblico de Mendoza, debido a que es un tema poco estudiado. Este tipo de Violencia contra la mujer fue reconocido recientemente en el año 2009 con la ley nacional 26485, en el mismo año que se promulgó en la provincia la ley 8130 que establece cuales son los derechos de los padres e hijos/as en el proceso de nacimiento (adaptación de la ley nacional 25929 del 2004). En este sentido, la Violencia Obstétrica implica la existencia de la vulneración de una serie de derechos que en los últimos años han empezado a reconocerse legalmente. Sin embargo, en las prácticas rutinarias de los profesionales y personal de salud pública no existen datos de su garantía, ni tampoco sobre la real existencia o no de violencia obstétrica. Se entiende que sólo existen algunos relatos aislados que darían cuenta de la existencia de este tipo de violencia, los que provienen del ámbito privado de ciertas mujeres que expresan sus experiencias y las transmiten a otras. Ésto genera la necesidad de llevar a cabo una investigación que dé como resultado información y conocimiento certero sobre el funcionamiento del sistema sanitario de Mendoza, en cuanto a prácticas violentas y cumplimiento de las leyes, desde una perspectiva de género, a fin de concientizar y analizar futuros cambios o propuestas sobre un tema tan importante.
Los objetivos propuestos en la investigación han posibilitado identificar y documentar las barreras de acceso y los factores de riesgo en los cuidados de salud en ginecología y obstetricia y evaluar la situación sociofamiliar en la población migrante instrumentando acciones de inclusión en el sistema de salud de la provincia en aquellas pacientes que requirieron una atención de mayor complejidad. La experiencia de trabajo interdisciplinario en una comunidad ha posibilitado estudiar a 99 mujeres en edad fértil, en un 45% de origen boliviano, con alta vulnerabilidad social que habitan en el Distrito Belgrano de Guaymallén. Se realizó un estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional con entrevistas semiestructuradas y control ginecológico, con toma de muestras para Papanicolaou y colposcopía en un consultorio que se instaló en el jardín maternal. Se aplicó un consentimiento informado a todas las mujeres antes de la realización de los estudios. La lectura de las muestras y los estudios específicos incluyeron mamografías y ecografías que se realizaron en los servicios de anatomía patológica y rayos del Hospital Universitario. El equipo del Hospital Universitario que concurrió a terreno estuvo formado por ginecólogos, trabajadores sociales, enfermeros y alumnos de las carreras de grado.
El presente trabajo ha sido realizado en el Hospital público, Teodoro J. Schestakow, ubicado en el departamento de San Rafael. Los datos para realizar la investigación se tomaron de las consultas al servicio de obstetricia de todas las adolescentes embarazadas de 12 a 19 años. Se indagó acerca de este fenómeno, que es claramente un problema social, ya que a afecta un considerable número de mujeres adolescentes. La sexualidad es una importante dimensión en la vida humana, fuente permanente en la gestión, comunicación, afecto y satisfacción, que influye de manera diferente en el modo y la forma en que se establezca. Sin embargo, los adolescentes no están preparados para asumir una relación responsable y llegan a esta sin haber adquirido los conocimientos y valores suficientes que le aseguren una vida equilibrada y responsable. Estos jóvenes son portadores de una conducta sexual de riesgo, promiscuidad o embarazos no deseados y por último propensos a las infecciones de transmisión sexual entre otras consecuencias, de hecho se convierten en personas inestables tanto emocional como sexualmente. La adolescencia se define como una etapa entre la niñez y la edad adulta que se inicia con cambios pubertades y se caracteriza por profundas transformaciones biológicas, psicológicas y sociales. Etapa que transcurre entre los 10 y 19 años, concretándose en tres etapas, adolescencia temprana, adolescencia media y adolescencia tardía. La maternidad adolescente, es cuando ésta se presenta en dichas etapas considerada también como maternidad precoz. Esta investigación tuvo como finalidad indagar sobre aspectos personales, generales y además sobre los conocimientos sexuales de cada adolescente encuestada. Los puntos principales versaron sobre su situación educativa, religión, estado civil, lugar de procedencia, dependencia económica, lugar de atención médica, edad de la primera regla y relación sexual y conocimientos de métodos anticonceptivos. El impacto del embarazo en la adolescencia es psicosocial y se traduce en deserción escolar en su gran mayoría, desempleo, fracaso en las relaciones de pareja, mayor cantidad de niños prematuros al nacer, bajo peso y/o desnutrición. En San Rafael el incremento del embarazo y partos en edades tempranas, demuestran una creciente evolución que pasa de un 21,9% del total de nacidos en el 2011, al 36,6% en el 2012, según estadísticas cedidas por el hospital Teodoro J. Schestakow, lo que demostró un aumento de un 14,7% a año terminado.