814 resultados para GAINNAS ALLOYS


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The thesis aims to exploit properties of thin films for applications such as spintronics, UV detection and gas sensing. Nanoscale thin films devices have myriad advantages and compatibility with Si-based integrated circuits processes. Two distinct classes of material systems are investigated, namely ferromagnetic thin films and semiconductor oxides. To aid the designing of devices, the surface properties of the thin films were investigated by using electron and photon characterization techniques including Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). These are complemented by nanometer resolved local proximal probes such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM), electric force microscopy (EFM), and scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the interplay between stoichiometry, morphology, chemical states, crystallization, magnetism, optical transparency, and electronic properties. Specifically, I studied the effect of annealing on the surface stoichiometry of the CoFeB/Cu system by in-situ AES and discovered that magnetic nanoparticles with controllable areal density can be produced. This is a good alternative for producing nanoparticles using a maskless process. Additionally, I studied the behavior of magnetic domain walls of the low coercivity alloy CoFeB patterned nanowires. MFM measurement with the in-plane magnetic field showed that, compared to their permalloy counterparts, CoFeB nanowires require a much smaller magnetization switching field , making them promising for low-power-consumption domain wall motion based devices. With oxides, I studied CuO nanoparticles on SnO2 based UV photodetectors (PDs), and discovered that they promote the responsivity by facilitating charge transfer with the formed nanoheterojunctions. I also demonstrated UV PDs with spectrally tunable photoresponse with the bandgap engineered ZnMgO. The bandgap of the alloyed ZnMgO thin films was tailored by varying the Mg contents and AES was demonstrated as a surface scientific approach to assess the alloying of ZnMgO. With gas sensors, I discovered the rf-sputtered anatase-TiO2 thin films for a selective and sensitive NO2 detection at room temperature, under UV illumination. The implementation of UV enhances the responsivity, response and recovery rate of the TiO2 sensor towards NO2 significantly. Evident from the high resolution XPS and AFM studies, the surface contamination and morphology of the thin films degrade the gas sensing response. I also demonstrated that surface additive metal nanoparticles on thin films can improve the response and the selectivity of oxide based sensors. I employed nanometer-scale scanning probe microscopy to study a novel gas senor scheme consisting of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires with functionalizing oxides layer. The results suggested that AFM together with EFM is capable of discriminating low-conductive materials at the nanoscale, providing a nondestructive method to quantitatively relate sensing response to the surface morphology.


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Iron-chromium alloys are used as a model to study the microstructural evolution of defects in irradiated structural steel components of a nuclear reactor. We examine the effects of temperature and chromium concentration on the defect evolution and segregation behavior in the early stages of damage. In situ irradiations are conducted in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 300°C and 450°C with 150keV iron ions in single crystal Fe14Cr and Fe19Cr bicrystal to doses of 2E15 ions/cm^2. The microstructures resulting from annealing and irradiation of the alloy are characterized by analysis of TEM micrographs and diffraction patterns and compared with those of irradiated pure iron. We found the irradiation temperature to have little effect on the microstructural development. We also found that the presence of chromium in the sample leads to defect populations with small average loop size and no extended or nested loop structures, in contrast to the populations of large extended loops seen in irradiated pure iron. A very weak dependence was found on the specific chromium content of the alloy. Chromium was shown to suppress defect growth by inhibiting defect mobility in the alloy. While defects in pure iron are highly mobile and able to grow, those in the FeCr alloys remained small and relatively motionless due to the pinning effect of the chromium.


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In this study, magnesium is alloyed with varying amounts of the ferromagnetic alloying element cobalt in order to obtain lightweight load-sensitive materials with sensory properties which allow an online-monitoring of mechanical forces applied to components made from Mg-Co alloys. An optimized casting process with the use of extruded Mg-Co powder rods is utilized which enables the production of magnetic magnesium alloys with a reproducible Co concentration. The efficiency of the casting process is confirmed by SEM analyses. Microstructures and Co-rich precipitations of various Mg-Co alloys are investigated by means of EDS and XRD analyses. The Mg-Co alloys' mechanical strengths are determined by tensile tests. Magnetic properties of the Mg-Co sensor alloys depending on the cobalt content and the acting mechanical load are measured utilizing the harmonic analysis of eddy-current signals. Within the scope of this work, the influence of the element cobalt on magnesium is investigated in detail and an optimal cobalt concentration is defined based on the performed examinations.


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Bimetallic alloys are increasingly used in heterogeneous catalysis. This interest is explained by the emergence of new features that are absent in the parent single metals. Synergistic effects between the two combined elements create a more efficient catalyst. One of the most challenging aspect of multicomponent materials in catalysis is the ability to fine-tune the catalytic properties of an alloy by controlling the nature and composition of the surface [1]. For example, the gold/silver alloy combines a high activity and a large selectivity for a broad range of oxidation reaction.It is well established that the surface composition of alloys may deviate from that of the bulk phase. Surface enrichment has also important consequences in some applications of heterogeneous catalysis. In some cases, the thermal and chemical treatments can lead to opposite trends regarding the nature of the metal prone to surface enrichment. Using atom probe tomography we aim to link the physicochemical conditions the composition of the very first atomic layers of bimetallic catalysts and eventually to fine-tune the catalytic features of the latter.


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Artigo licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


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Aluminum alloyed with small atomic fractions of Sc, Zr, and Hf has been shown to exhibit high temperature microstructural stability that may improve high temperature mechanical behavior. These quaternary alloys were designed using thermodynamic modeling to increase the volume fraction of precipitated tri-aluminide phases to improve thermal stability. When aged during a multi-step, isochronal heat treatment, two compositions showed a secondary room-temperature hardness peak up to 700 MPa at 450°C. Elevated temperature hardness profiles also indicated an increase in hardness from 200-300°C, attributed to the precipitation of Al3Sc, however, no secondary hardness response was observed from the Al3Zr or Al3Hf phases in this alloy.


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Magnesium alloys have been widely explored as potential biomaterials, but several limitations to using these materials have prevented their widespread use, such as uncontrollable degradation kinetics which alter their mechanical properties. In an attempt to further the applicability of magnesium and its alloys for biomedical purposes, two novel magnesium alloys Mg-Zn-Cu and Mg-Zn-Se were developed with the expectation of improving upon the unfavorable qualities shown by similar magnesium based materials that have previously been explored. The overall performance of these novel magnesium alloys has been assessesed in three distinct phases of research: 1) analysing the mechanical properties of the as-cast magnesium alloys, 2) evaluating the biocompatibility of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of in-vitro cellular studies, and 3) profiling the degradation kinetics of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization techqnique as well as gravimetric weight-loss methods. As compared to currently available shape memory alloys and degradable as-cast alloys, these experimental alloys possess superior as-cast mechanical properties with elongation at failure values of 12% and 13% for the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Se alloys, respectively. This is substantially higher than other as-cast magnesium alloys that have elongation at failure values that range from 7-10%. Biocompatibility tests revealed that both the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Cu alloys exhibit low cytotoxicity levels which are suitable for biomaterial applications. Gravimetric and electrochemical testing was indicative of the weight loss and initial corrosion behavior of the alloys once immersed within a simulated body fluid. The development of these novel as-cast magnesium alloys provide an advancement to the field of degradable metallic materials, while experimental results indicate their potential as cost-effective medical devices.


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The increasingly strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions make the fuel economy a pressing factor for automotive manufacturers. Lightweighting and engine downsizing are two strategies pursued to achieve the target. In this context, materials play a key role since these limit the engine efficiency and components weight, due to their acceptable thermo-mechanical loads. Piston is one of the most stressed engine components and it is traditionally made of Al alloys, whose weakness is to maintain adequate mechanical properties at high temperature due to overaging and softening. The enhancement in strength-to-weight ratio at high temperature of Al alloys had been investigated through two approaches: increase of strength at high temperature or reduction of the alloy density. Several conventional and high performance Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys have been characterized from a microstructural and mechanical point of view, investigating the effects of chemical composition, addition of transition elements and heat treatment optimization, in the specific temperature range for pistons operations. Among the Al-Cu alloys, the research outlines the potentialities of two innovative Al-Cu-Li(-Ag) alloys, typically adopted for structural aerospace components. Moreover, due to the increased probability of abnormal combustions in high performance spark-ignition engines, the second part of the dissertation deals with the study of knocking damages on Al pistons. Thanks to the cooperation with Ferrari S.p.A. and Fluid Machinery Research Group - Unibo, several bench tests have been carried out under controlled knocking conditions. Knocking damage mechanisms were investigated through failure analyses techniques, starting from visual analysis up to detailed SEM investigations. These activities allowed to relate piston knocking damage to engine parameters, with the final aim to develop an on-board knocking controller able to increase engine efficiency, without compromising engine functionality. Finally, attempts have been made to quantify the knock-induced damages, to provide a numerical relation with engine working conditions.


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The microstructure of 6XXX aluminum alloys deeply affects mechanical, crash, corrosion and aesthetic properties of extruded profiles. Unfortunately, grain structure evolution during manufacturing processes is a complex phenomenon because several process and material parameters such as alloy chemical composition, temperature, extrusion speed, tools geometries, quenching and thermal treatment parameters affect the grain evolution during the manufacturing process. The aim of the present PhD thesis was the analysis of the recrystallization kinetics during the hot extrusion of 6XXX aluminum alloys and the development of reliable recrystallization models to be used in FEM codes for the microstructure prediction at a die design stage. Experimental activities have been carried out in order to acquire data for the recrystallization models development, validation and also to investigate the effect of process parameters and die design on the microstructure of the final component. The experimental campaign reported in this thesis involved the extrusion of AA6063, AA6060 and AA6082 profiles with different process parameters in order to provide a reliable amount of data for the models validation. A particular focus was made to investigate the PCG defect evolution during the extrusion of medium-strength alloys such as AA6082. Several die designs and process conditions were analysed in order to understand the influence of each of them on the recrystallization behaviour of the investigated alloy. From the numerical point of view, innovative models for the microstructure prediction were developed and validated over the extrusion of industrial-scale profiles with complex geometries, showing a good matching in terms of the grain size and surface recrystallization prediction. The achieved results suggest the reliability of the developed models and their application in the industrial field for process and material properties optimization at a die-design stage.


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The atmospheric corrosion of modern and historic alloys used in cultural heritage has been investigated by applying specific accelerated ageing methods. Three main research lines were carried out, involving different materials. In the first part, the atmospheric corrosion of a modern Cu-3Si-1Mn bronze was investigated through accelerated ageing tests simulating outdoor runoff conditions. The corrosion processes were evaluated through different analyses, and the results obtained were compared to those of a traditional quaternary bronze. The second line was carried out to characterise historic aluminium alloys used in aeronautics to develop and apply innovative protection strategies for their conservation. Historic wrecks were identified and characterised through micro and macroscale observations. Moreover, accelerated ageing tests were performed on both historic and modern alloys to compare their behaviour and select the best modern substrate to be used for the development of effective coatings. The third research line aimed to develop accelerate sampling and ageing methods to investigate the role of particulate matter (PM) in the atmospheric corrosion of bronzes and metals in general. The first approach consisted in the fine-tuning of an efficient accelerated method for ambient PM sampling on bronze specimens followed by their accelerated ageing, in order to establish a correlation between the PM and the substrate’s corrosion. After the accelerated ageing of the specimens, the corrosion was evaluated by surface characterisation and correlated to the PM features. The second approach consisted in the development of a synthetic PM formulation and of an artificial deposition method, which was performed by spraying mixtures containing the main PM inorganic fractions on a G-85 bronze with an airbrush. The deposition efficiency was assessed, and the effect of synthetic PM on the bronze corrosion was evaluated. The results were compared to those obtained by ambient PM deposition.