968 resultados para Fulminant hepatitis
Aims: Recently, several clinical trials analyzed if extended duration of treatment with pegylated interferon-alfa and ribavirin over 48 weeks can improve sustained virologic response (SVR) rates in HCV genotype 1-infected patients with slow virologic response. Because results of these clinical trials are conflicting, we performed a metaanalysis to determine the overall impact of extended treatment compared to standard treatment on virologic response rates in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1 slow responders. Methods: Literature search was performed independently by two observers using Pub Med, EMBASE, CENTRAL and abstracts presented in English at international liver and gastroenterology meetings. Randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs; but studies that re-analyzed data retrospectively RCTs were also allowed) were considered if they included monoinfected treatment-naive HCV genotype 1 patients and compared treatment with pegIFN-alfa 2a or 2b in combination with ribavirin for 48 weeks versus extended treatment (up to 72 weeks) in slow responders. Primary and secondary end points were SVR rates and end-of-treatment (EOT) and relapse rates, respectively. In the present meta-analysis, study endpoints were summarized with a DerSimonian-Laird estimate for binary outcome basing on a random effects model. Results: Literature search yielded seven RTCs addressing the benefit of extended treatment with pegylated interferon-alfa and ribavirin in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1 slow responders. In total, 1330 slow responders were included in our meta-analysis. We show that extended treatment duration compared to the standard of care significantly improves SVR rates in HCV genotype 1 slow responders (12.4% improvement of overall SVR rate, 95% CI 0.055- 0.193, P = 0.0005). In addition, we show that rates of viral relapse were significantly reduced by extended treatment (24.1% reduction of relapse, 95% CI −0.3332 to −0.1487, P < 0.0001), whereas no significant impact of extended treatment on EOT response rates was found. Though extended treatment was burdened with an enhanced rate of premature treatment discontinuation due to interferonalfa- and ribavirin-related side effects, the frequency of serious adverse events was not increased. Conclusions: Treatment extension in HCV genotype 1 slow responders can improve SVR rates in difficult to treat patients and should be considered in patients who need to be treated before specific antivirals will be approved.
The progression of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C has long been considered to be independent from viral genotypes. However, recent studies suggest an association between Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 3 and accelerated liver disease progression. We completed a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating the association between HCV genotypes and fibrosis progression. PubMed, Embase and ISI Web of Knowledge databases were searched for cohort, cross-sectional and case-control studies on treatment-naïve HCV-infected adults in which liver fibrosis progression rate (FPR) was assessed by the ratio of fibrosis stage in one single biopsy to the duration of infection (single-biopsy studies) or from the change in fibrosis stage between two biopsies (paired biopsies studies). A random effect model was used to derive FPR among different HCV genotypes. Eight single-biopsy studies (3182 patients, mean/median duration of infection ranging from 9 to 21 years) and eight paired biopsies studies (mean interval between biopsies 2-12 years) met the selection criteria. The odds ratio for the association of genotype 3 with accelerated fibrosis progression was 1.52 (95% CI 1.12-2.07, P = 0.007) in single-biopsy studies and 1.37 (95% CI 0.87-2.17, P = 0.17) in paired biopsy studies. In conclusion, viral genotype 3 was associated with faster fibrosis progression in single-biopsy studies. This observation may have important consequences on the clinical management of genotype 3-infected patients. The association was not significant in paired biopsies studies, although the latter may be limited by important indication bias, short observation time and small sample size.
Aluminum-adsorbed hepatitis A vaccines are known to be highly efficient. We present here the case of a patient who was immunized against hepatitis A before leaving for Kenya and who contracted an acute symptomatic hepatitis A during travel.
Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genetic variations near the IL28B gene which are strongly associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Protective IL28B variations are strongly associated with on-treatment viral kinetics and approximately 2-fold increased sustained virologic response (SVR) rates in HCV genotype 1 and 4 patients. In HCV genotype 1 patients, IL28B variations were shown to be the strongest pre-treatment predictor of virologic response. In the treatment of HCV genotype 2 and 3 infected patients, IL28B variations play only a minor role. Preliminary data indicate that IL28B variations are also associated with treatment outcome of regimens, including directly acting antiviral (DAA) agents, though their impact seems to be attenuated compared to standard treatment. Here, we review these important findings and discuss possible implications for clinical decision making in the treatment of HCV infection.
Background and aim: Recurrent hepati tis C is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after li ver transpl ant ati on (LT), and optimal treatm ent algorithms have yet to be defined. Here, we present our experience of 22 patients with recurrent hepatitis C treated in our institution .Patients and methods: Twenty-two patients with hi stology-proven recurrent hepati tis Cafter LT were treated since 2003. Treatment was ini ti ated with pegylated interferon-a2a 135 IIg per week and ribavirin 400 mg per day in the majority of patients, and subsequent doses were adapted individllally based on on-treatment virologieal responses and c1inical and/or biochemical si de effeets.Results: On an intention-to-treat basis, ustained virological re ponse(SVR) was achieved in 12/21 (54.5%) patie nts (5/12 [41 .6%], 2/3 [67%], 4/5 [80%] and 1/2 [50%] of patients infected with genotypes 1,2,3 and 4, respectively). Two patients experieneed relap e and 6 did not respond to treatm ent (NR). Treatment duration ranged from 24 to 90 weeks. It was stopped prematurely due to adverse events in 6/22 (27.2%) patients (with SVR achieved in 2 patients, NR in 2 patients, and death of 2 patients: one patient awaiting retransplantation and a second patient with HCV-HJV co-infection and fibrosing cholestat ic hepatiti s, nine months after transplantation). Of note, SVR was achi eved in a patient \Vi th combined liver and kidney transplantation. Importantly, SVR \Vas ach ieved in some patients despite the lack ofan early virological response or HCV RNA negativity at week 24. Darbepoetin a and fil ~,'rasti m were used in 36% and 18%, respectively.Conclusion: Individually adapted treatment of recurrent hepatitis C canachieve SVR in a substantial proponion ofLT patients. Conventional stopping rules do not apply in this setting so that prolonged therapy may be useful in selected patients.
Chronic hepatitis C is a major healthcare problem. The response to antiviral therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C has previously been defined biochemically and by PCR. However, changes in the hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) may be considered as an adjunctive end point for the therapeutic evaluation of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C. It is a validated technique which is safe, well tolerated, well established, and reproducible. Serial HVPG measurements may be the best way to evaluate response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C.
Reliability of transient elastography for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C.
Background: There is little information about the effect of infliximab on the clinical course of liver disease in Crohn's disease patients with concomitant hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Theoretically, immunosuppression induced by infliximab will facilitate viral replication which could be followed by a flare or exacerbation of disease when therapy is discontinued. There are no specific recommendations on surveillance and treatment of HBV before infliximab infusion. Two cases of severe hepatic failure related to infliximab infusions have been described in patients with rheumatic diseases. Patients and methods: Hepatitis markers (C and B) and liver function tests were prospectively determined to 80 Crohn's disease patients requiring infliximab infusion in three hospitals in Spain. Results: Three Crohn¿s disease patients with chronic HBV infection were identified. Two of the three patients with chronic HBV infection suffered severe reactivation of chronic hepatitis B after withdrawal of infliximab therapy and one died. A third patient, who was treated with lamivudine at the time of infliximab therapy, had no clinical or biochemical worsening of liver disease during or after therapy. From the remaining 80 patients, six received the hepatitis B vaccine. Three patients had antibodies to both hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) and hepatitis B core protein (anti-HBc) with normal aminotransferase levels, and one patient had positive anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies, negative HCV RNA, and normal aminotransferase levels. Except for the patients with chronic HBV infection, no significant changes in hepatic function were detected. Conclusions: Patients with Crohn's disease who are candidates for infliximab therapy should be tested for hepatitis B serological markers before treatment and considered for prophylaxis of reactivation using antiviral therapy if positive.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in a large cohort of patients with primary Sjögren¿s syndrome (SS). PATIENTS AND METHODS The study included 100 consecutive patients (92 female and eight male), with a mean age of 62 years (range 31¿80) that were prospectively visited in our unit. All patients fulfilled the European Community criteria for SS and underwent a complete history, physical examination, as well as biochemical and immunological evaluation for liver disease. Two hundred volunteer blood donors were also studied. The presence of HGV-RNA was investigated in the serum of all patients and donors. Aditionally, HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis C virus were determined. RESULTS Four patients (4%) and six volunteer blood donors (3%) presented HGV-RNA sequences in serum. HGV infection was associated with biochemical signs of liver involvement in two (50%) patients. When compared with primary SS patients without HGV infection, no significant differences were found in terms of clinical or immunological features. HCV coinfection occurs in one (25%) of the four patients with HGV infection. CONCLUSION The prevalence of HGV infection in patients with primary SS is low in the geographical area of the study and HCV coinfection is very uncommon. HGV infection alone does not seen to be an important cause of chronic liver injury in the patients with primary SS in this area.
Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these, the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition, HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. With the aim to optimize its codon usage the virus was adapted to propagate in cells with impaired protein synthesis, in order to make tRNA pools more available for the virus. A significant loss of fitness was the immediate response to the adaptation process that was, however, later on recovered and more associated to a re-deoptimization rather than to an optimization of the codon usage specifically in the capsid coding region. These results exclude translation selection and instead suggest fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the underlying mechanism of the codon usage bias in this specific genome region. Additionally, the results provide clear evidence of the Red Queen dynamics of evolution since the virus has very much evolved to re-adapt its codon usage to the environmental cellular changing conditions in order to recover the original fitness.
Aim: We investigated the relationship between the magnitude of comprehensive hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses and the clinical course of acute HCV infection. Methods: Six consecutive patients with acute HCV infection were studied. Analysis of HCV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses was performed using an interferon-gamma-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay using peripheral CD8(+) T-cells, monocytes and 297 20-mer synthetic peptides overlapping by 10 residues and spanning the entire HCV sequence of genotype 1b. Results: Five patients presented detectable HCV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses against a single and different peptide, whereas 1 patient showed responses against three different peptides. Neither the magnitude of HCV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses nor the severity of hepatitis predicts the outcome of acute hepatitis. The maximum number of HCV-specific CD8(+) T-cells correlated with maximum serum alanine aminotransferase level during the course (r = 0.841, P = 0.036). Conclusions: HCV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses were detectable in all 6 patients with acute HCV infection, and 6 novel HCV-specific CTL epitopes were identified. Acute HCV infection can resolve with detectable HCV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses, but without development of antibody against HCV.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is an important health problem in kidney transplant recipients with a significantly higher prevalence than in the general population. Kidney transplantation remains the treatment of choice for most HCV-infected patients with end-stage kidney disease, in spite of lower patient and graft survival as compared to HCV-negative patients. Immunosuppression likely has significant consequences on HCV replication and/or disease after transplantation. However, determining the best immunosuppressive strategies after kidney transplantation in the presence of HCV infection remains challenging. The use of induction therapy is not contraindicated, and a short-course induction may actually be beneficial in HCV-infected kidney transplant recipients. Corticosteroid withdrawal may be an acceptable option in HCV-infected patients with specific comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus or osteoporosis. The best calcineurin inhibitor to be used in HCV-infected patients remains to be determined, as there is a lack of large controlled trials addressing this particular issue. Overall, immunosuppressive regimens need to be individualized according to clinical parameters other than HCV, such as the patient's immunological risk and other comorbidities. In conclusion, there is a need for prospective controlled studies to define the optimal immunosuppressive regimen in HCV-infected kidney transplant recipients.
Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for a ntiviral intervention but also a key player i n the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TCPTP). T he aim of this study was to identify novel cellular substrates o f the N S3-4A protease and to investigate their role in the replication and pathogenesis of HCV. Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing t he NS3-4A protease were analyzed in basal as well as interferon-α-stimulated states by stable isotopic l abeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. Candidates fulfilling stringent criteria for potential substrates or products of the NS3-4A protease were further i nvestigated in different experimental systems as well a s in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Results: SILAC coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry yielded > 5000 proteins of which 18 candidates were selected for further analyses. These allowed us to identify GPx8, a membrane-associated peroxidase involved in disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum, as a n ovel cellular substrate of the H CV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage occurs at cysteine in position 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Further functional studies, involving overexpression and RNA silencing, revealed that GPx8 is a p roviral factor involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or HCV RNA replication. Conclusions: GPx8 is a proviral host factor cleaved by the HCV NS3-4A protease. Studies investigating the consequences of GPx8 cleavage for protein function are underway. The identification of novel cellular substrates o f the HCV N S3-4A protease should yield new insights i nto the HCV life cycle and the pathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel targets for antiviral intervention.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection induces the endogenous interferon (IFN) system in the liver in some but not all patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Patients with a pre-activated IFN system are less likely to respond to the current standard therapy with pegylated IFN-alpha. Mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) is an important adaptor molecule in a signal transduction pathway that senses viral infections and transcriptionally activates IFN-beta. The HCV NS3-4A protease can cleave and thereby inactivate MAVS in vitro, and, therefore, might be crucial in determining the activation status of the IFN system in the liver of infected patients. We analyzed liver biopsies from 129 patients with CHC to investigate whether MAVS is cleaved in vivo and whether cleavage prevents the induction of the endogenous IFN system. Cleavage of MAVS was detected in 62 of the 129 samples (48%) and was more extensive in patients with a high HCV viral load. MAVS was cleaved by all HCV genotypes (GTs), but more efficiently by GTs 2 and 3 than by GTs 1 and 4. The IFN-induced Janus kinase (Jak)-signal transducer and activator of transcription protein (STAT) pathway was less frequently activated in patients with cleaved MAVS, and there was a significant inverse correlation between cleavage of MAVS and the expression level of the IFN-stimulated genes IFI44L, Viperin, IFI27, USP18, and STAT1. We conclude that the pre-activation status of the endogenous IFN system in the liver of patients with CHC is in part regulated by cleavage of MAVS.