829 resultados para Frames and Locales
The parasitoid Chelonus inanitus (Braconidae, Hymenoptera) oviposits into eggs of Spodoptera littoralis (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera) and, along with the egg, also injects polydnaviruses and venom, which are prerequisites for successful parasitoid development. The parasitoid larva develops within the embryonic and larval stages of the host, which enters metamorphosis precociously and arrests development in the prepupal stage. Polydnaviruses are responsible for the developmental arrest and interfere with the host's endocrine system in the last larval instar. Polydnaviruses have a segmented genome and are transmitted as a provirus integrated in the wasp's genome. Virions are only formed in female wasps and no virus replication is seen in the parasitized host. Here it is shown that very small amounts of viral transcripts were found in parasitized eggs and early larval instars of S. littoralis. Later on, transcript quantities increased and were highest in the late last larval instar for two of the three viral segments tested and in the penultimate to early last larval instar for the third segment. These are the first data on the occurrence of viral transcripts in the host of an egg-larval parasitoid and they are different from data reported for hosts of larval parasitoids, where transcript levels are already high shortly after parasitization. The analysis of three open reading frames by RT-PCR revealed viral transcripts in parasitized S. littoralis and in female pupae of C. inanitus, indicating the absence of host specificity. For one open reading frame, transcripts were also seen in male pupae, suggesting transcription from integrated viral DNA.
The genetic variability of milk protein genes may influence the nutritive value or processing and functional properties of the milk. While numerous protein variants are known in ruminants, knowledge about milk protein variability in horses is still limited. Mare's milk is, however, produced for human consumption in many countries. Beta-lactoglobulin belonging to the protein family of lipocalins, which are known as common food- and airborne allergens, is a major whey protein. It is absent from human milk and thus a key agent in provoking cow's milk protein allergy. Mare's milk is, however, usually better tolerated by most affected people. Several functions of β-lactoglobulin have been discussed, but its ultimate physiological role remains unclear. In the current study, the open reading frames of the two equine β-lactoglobulin paralogues LGB1 and LGB2 were re-sequenced in 249 horses belonging to 14 different breeds in order to predict the existence of protein variants at the DNA-level. Thereby, only a single signal peptide variant of LGB1, but 10 different putative protein variants of LGB2 were identified. In horses, both genes are expressed and in such this is a striking previously unknown difference in genetic variability between the two genes. It can be assumed that LGB1 is the ancestral paralogue, which has an essential function causing a high selection pressure. As horses have very low milk fat content this unknown function might well be related to vitamin-uptake. Further studies are, however, needed, to elucidate the properties of the different gene products.
Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) is a medium-sized deciduous tree with large compound leaves that develop relatively late in spring. It flowers before leaf-buds burst and trees can carry male, female, or hermaphrodite flowers, or different combinations of the flower types. It grows throughout the European temperate zone, but is absent from the driest Mediterranean areas because it does not tolerate extended summer drought, and from the northern boreal regions, with its seedlings in particular being vulnerable to late spring frost. Soils exert a strong control on common ash distribution locally. The species grows best on fertile soils where soil pH exceeds 5.5. It rarely forms pure stands, more often it is found in small groups in mixed stands. Ash trees produce high quality timber that combines light weight, strength, and flexibility. Before the mass use of steel, it was used for a wide range of purposes, from agricultural implements to construction of boat and car frames. Today
The objective of this retrospective study is to follow up on a previous Dynamic Smile Analysis and videographically analyze and develop averages for soft tissue norms with respect to the display of dentition during speech. These values would then be compared cross-sectionally across different age groups to see whether changes attributable to the aging process could be seen. A secondary objective was to compare averages for soft tissue norms in the display of dentition during speech to averages for soft tissue norms in the display of dentition during the smile. Materials and Method: Records from a previous study in which video equipment was used to capture video for 26 1 subjects were re-evaluated to find appropriate frames to analyze for speech. Two frames for each subject were selected; one frame representing the maximal display of maxillary incisors during speech and the second representing the widest transverse display of dentition during speech. After excluding 40 subjects the data for the remaining 221 subjects was analyzed. These averages were then compared to averages attained in the previous study to compare the display of the dentition during speech to the display of the dentition during smile. Results: On average, a difference in 1.29 mm was seen in the display of the maxillary incisors during speech at maximal display and during the smile. An average of 7.23 mm of maxillary incisors is readily visible during maximum display of maxillary incisors during speech, as compared to 8.52 mm during the smile. The constructed smile index was also smaller when measured during the speech when compared to the smile index by an average of 2.58 units. Conclusion: This study helps to establish age-related dynamic norms for the display of dentition during speech. The dynamic measures indicate that the display of dectition is greater, on average, during the smile than at speech.
The purpose of this investigation was to develop a reliable scale to measure the social environment of hospital nursing units according to the degree of humanistic and dehumanistic behaviors as perceived by nursing staff in hospitals. The study was based on a conceptual model proposed by Jan Howard, a sociologist. After reviewing the literature relevant to personalization of care, analyzing interviews with patients in various settings, and studying biological, psychological, and sociological frames of reference, Howard proposed the following necessary conditions for humanized health care. They were the dimensions of Irreplaceability, Holistic Selves, Freedom of Action, Status Equality, Shared Decision Making and Responsibility, Empathy, and Positive Affect.^ It was proposed that a scale composed of behaviors which reflected Howard's dimensions be developed within the framework of the social environment of nursing care units in hospitals. Nursing units were chosen because hospitals are traditionally organized around nursing care units and because patients spend the majority of their time in hospitals interacting with various levels of nursing personnel.^ Approximately 180 behaviors describing both patient and nursing staff behaviors which occur on nursing units were developed. Behaviors which were believed to be humanistic as well as dehumanistic were included. The items were classified under the dimensions of Howard's model by a purposively selected sample of 42 nurses representing a broad range of education, experience, and clinical areas. Those items with a high degree of agreement, at least 50%, were placed in the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 169 items including six items from the Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Short Form).^ The questionnaire, the Social Environment Scale, was distributed to the entire 7 to 3 shift nursing staff (603) of four hospitals including a public county specialty hospital, a public county general and acute hospital, a large university affiliated hospital with all services, and a small general community hospital. Staff were asked to report on a Likert type scale how often the listed behaviors occurred on their units. Three hundred and sixteen respondents (52% of the population) participated in the study.^ An item analysis was done in which each item was examined in relationship to its correlation to its own dimension total and to the totals of the other dimensions. As a result of this analysis, three dimensions, Positive Affect, Irreplaceability, and Freedom of Action were deleted from the scale. The final scale consisted of 70 items with 26 in Shared Decision Making and Responsibility, 25 in Holistic Selves, 12 in Status Equality, and seven in Empathy. The alpha coefficient was over .800 for all scales except Empathy which was .597.^ An analysis of variance by hospital was performed on the means of each dimension of the scale. There was a statistically significant difference between hospitals with a trend for the public hospitals to score lower on the scale than the university or community hospitals. That the scale scores should be lower in crowded, understaffed public hospitals was not unexpected and reflected that the scale had some discriminating ability. These differences were still observed after adjusting for the effect of Social Desirability.^ In summary, there is preliminary evidence based on this exploratory investigation that a reliable scale based on at least four dimensions from Howard's model could be developed to measure the concept of humanistic health care in hospital settings. ^
Exposure to air pollutants in urban locales has been associated with increased risk for chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and pulmonary diseases in epidemiological studies. The exact mechanism explaining how air pollution affects chronic disease is still unknown. However, oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways have been posited as likely mechanisms. ^ Data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the Mexican-American Cohort Study (2003-2009) were used to examine the following aims, respectively: 1) to evaluate the association between long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) (PM10 and PM2.5) and nitrogen oxides (NO x) and telomere length (TL) among approximately 1,000 participants within MESA; and 2) to evaluate the association between traffic-related air pollution with self-reported asthma, diabetes, and hypertension among Mexican-Americans in Houston, Texas. ^ Our results from MESA were inconsistent regarding associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and shorter telomere length based on whether the participants came from New York (NY) or Los Angeles (LA). Although not statistically significant, we observed a negative association between long-term air pollution exposure and mean telomere length for NY participants, which was consistent with our hypothesis. Positive (statistically insignificant) associations were observed for LA participants. It is possible that our findings were more influenced by both outcome and exposure misclassification than by the absence of a relationship between pollution and TL. Future studies are needed that include longitudinal measures of telomere length as well as focus on effects of specific constituents of PM and other pollutant exposures on changes in telomere length over time. ^ This research provides support that Mexican-American adults who live near a major roadway or in close proximity to a dense street network have a higher prevalence of asthma. There was a non-significant trend towards an increased prevalence of adult asthma with increasing residential traffic exposure especially for residents who lived three or more years at their baseline address. Even though the prevalence of asthma is low in the Mexican-origin population, it is the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. and we would expect a growing number of Mexican-Americans who suffer from asthma in the future. Future studies are needed to better characterize risks for asthma associated with air pollution in this population.^
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación de carácter descriptivo, cuyo objetivo ha sido comparar las coincidencias y diferencias de las normas constitucionales de ambos países referidas a los gobiernos locales, para establecer correspondencias con los regimenes políticos (democracia-dictadura) que los originaron. Utilizamos en este caso el método del estudio comparativo entre naciones (cross-national), propuesto por Jördi Cais, según el cual «El análisis entre países es un tipo de análisis comparativo que posee un margen amplio de comparaciones posibles." Se utilizó además el método de análisis de contenido y la exégesis de los textos constitucionales para establecer los términos objeto de comparación. Las conclusiones señalan que las diferencias mas importantes se centran en la amplia potestad reglamentaria que eI texto de la constitución chilena otorga al poder central. Palabras clave: Constitución. Gobierno local. Régimen político. Forma de Estado. Autonomía. Descentralización. Participación.
El objetivo de esta ponencia es analizar el funcionamiento del mercado de tierras privadas ejidales y de colonias cuando la provincia de Buenos Aires estaba impulsando la mayor expansión territorial del siglo y recibía un importante flujo de inmigrantes, entre 1860 y la primera guerra mundial. Enfocaremos nuestra indagación en los partidos de Chascomús y Junín. Ya hemos estudiado el mercado de tierras de campos y estancias en los partidos elegidos y también hemos comparado esos datos con el único trabajo que se ocupa de un ejido en la provincia (Mercedes), cuyos resultados nos indican un comportamiento diferente en los actores y en la conformación del mercado, nos parece pertinente estudiar el impacto que tuvieron en las transacciones y en la formación del precio el crecimiento demográfico, los cambios institucionales, las políticas públicas sobre tierras (especialmente las relacionadas con las colonias y la expansión de los ejidos). De esta manera podremos estimar las interrelaciones entre los mercados en campos de grandes dimensiones y los más reducidos de los ejidos y colonias
La propuesta de revisar cuestiones vinculadas al papel de la Universidad en las políticas territoriales, a sus compromisos para una gestión asociada y a sus responsabilidades en la construcción y aplicación de la información en municipios de su área de influencia; ha impulsado la formulación de dos proyectos de investigación: uno 'INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL (2da etapa). Construcción de agendas de ordenamiento ambiental desde criterios múltiples' y otro 'INDICADORES DE SUSTENTABILIDAD TERRITORIAL. Contenidos de aplicación multicriterio y presupuestos filosóficos de base'
En la presente ponencia nos proponemos analizar la situación jurídica y política de algunos extranjeros que ocupaban cargos públicos o realizaban oficios civiles en el Rio de la Plata. En este contexto, los criterios para definir quién era un vecino-ciudadano dependían de la posibilidad de mantener o perder cargos públicos, o de ejercer ciertos oficios en los pueblos de la campaña. Se estudiarán dos casos en los cuales se presentaron situaciones análogas para los que no eran reconocidos pertenecientes a la comunidad política, es decir para los extranjeros. Aquellos que no lograban la obtención de una carta de ciudadanía se veían obligados a dejar sus cargos u oficios. Sin embargo, los reglamentos y las decisiones del gobierno en estos casos se vieron superados por las prácticas y situaciones concretas. Otro de los casos estudiados en esta ponencia se corresponde con un litigio en Chascomús un fuerte y pueblo de la campaña de Buenos Aires, en la frontera con el mundo indígena. Allí, un hombre de origen catalán le es impedido ejercer su oficio de panadero, limitándolo a la producción de pastelería fina. La decisión fue tomada por el comandante del fuerte ante un pedido de un grupo de panaderas que se consideraban 'patricias', señalando el origen español de dicho panadero para limitarlo en el ejercicio del oficio. El conflicto nos ofrece varias aristas interesantes sobre los mecanismos del ejercicio del poder que estamos viendo en otros trabajos, pero aquí nos detendremos en la definición del grupo de pertenencia y en la utilización de los conceptos de patria y patriotas
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone analizar la arquitectura de información (AI) de sitios Web de bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Se analizaron 17 bibliotecas y se aplicó una grilla para recabar 10 aspectos relevantes. Los resultados fueron: 1. Ubicación del sitio Web de la biblioteca: 9 sitios incluidos en la página principal de la facultad. 2. Etiquetado de contenidos: terminología simple, sin jergas; no hay homogeneidad entre las bibliotecas. 3. Capacidad de búsqueda: 62 por ciento positiva, 38 por ciento negativa. 4. Sistema de búsqueda: simple 43 por ciento, compleja 10 por ciento, con ayudas 10 por ciento, ninguno 38 por ciento. 5. Sistemas de navegación: globales 5 por ciento, jerárquicos 79 por ciento, locales 5 por ciento, ninguno 11 por ciento. 6. Herramientas de navegación: barras 16 por ciento, frames o marcos 30 por ciento, índices 2 por ciento, mapas de sitio 7 por ciento, menús horizontales 9 por ciento, menús verticales 35 por ciento. 7. Sindicación de contenidos RSS: 3 sitios. 8. Otros servicios: chat 7 por ciento, descarga de documentos 16 por ciento, envío de formularios 14 por ciento, instructivos 21 por ciento, links a otras páginas 23 por ciento, tutoriales 5 por ciento, otros 14 por ciento. 9. Accesibilidad Web: 1 sitio. 10. Otras observaciones: ninguna. Se concluye que el desarrollo de los sitios es dispar y se recomienda considerar pautas de AI como parte de la cooperación en la red de bibliotecas de la UNLP
El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de incorporación de diezmos e iglesias al episcopado a partir de mediados del siglo XII. Éste constituye el punto de partida de la organización de los señoríos episcopales de la Extremadura castellano-leonesa. Se demuestra que la reorganización eclesiástica promovida desde la reforma gregoriana no se produjo sin conflictos y no puede comprenderse cabalmente si no se consideran las condiciones de base sobre las que se desarrolló. Los casos de Zamora, Salamanca y Ávila permitirán establecer observaciones comparativas entre áreas de feudalización más temprana, similar a las del norte peninsular, y otras posteriores, pertenecientes a la Extremadura histórica
El trabajo se propone la reconstrucción y el análisis de la movilización popular conocida como el Trelewazo, prestando especial atención a las mediaciones y redes locales que le dieron forma y sentidos específicos. Consideramos que la dimensión local en el análisis de las movilizaciones populares de los años setenta, especialmente en el caso de aquellas conocidas como puebladas o azos, resulta de fundamental importancia no sólo para una mejor comprensión de estas protestas en sí mismas, sino también para avanzar en el análisis de los mecanismos que articularon y resignificaron procesos de carácter general, como la radicalización política y el creciente autoritarismo de la Revolución Argentina, con la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de las distintas regiones del país.
Se describe el camino recorrido por los temas de investigación abordados por el equipo desde 1995 hasta 2008, camino en el cual se sitúa el Proyecto de construcción de normas para la técnica Rorschach, Sistema Comprehensivo(1999-2004) El Objetivo se origina en la actual gran difusión internacional y en nuestro país, del Sistema Comprehensivo de Exner (1974) para la Técnica Rorschach, lo que planteó la necesidad de contar con normas de nuestro contexto cultural para analizar e interpretar los resultados. Luego de destinar un año completo a la capacitación del equipo en el Sistema Comprehensivo y de obtener mediante información del INDEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos) la distribución de los rangos de género y edad demográficamente representativos de la población, se obtuvo la muestra de 506 casos, estratificados según rangos de edad de 18-25 años; 26-35 años; 36-45 años; 46 a 55 años y 56 a 65 años, En la muestra normativa se excluyeron todos los casos que estuvieran o hubieran estado en tratamiento psicoterapéutico o psiquiátrico. Se describe el proyecto y comentan resultados
Este trabajo tiene el propósito de analizar la dinámica interna y las pautas de funcionamiento de las Juntas de Comercio en el Río de la Plata en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. A través de ellas se puede analizar las estrategias de los actores locales para la defensa de sus intereses colectivos ante la Corona y el resto de los actores corporativos. Las Juntas como recurso de acción colectiva fueron conocidas desde 1749 y conformarían una institución semiformal con sus autoridades permanentes desde 1779. En este sentido, las Juntas conformarían una organización mercantil compleja con sus propias particularidades y pautas de comportamiento y no meramente el origen del Consulado de Comercio fundado en 1794. Así, y en el contexto de los cambios impulsados por los Borbones en el siglo XVIIII, las Juntas conformarían un ámbito específico de elaboración de estrategias controlado por una elite mercantil que a cambio de beneficios mercantiles aseguraba a la Corona la obtención de ingresos.