998 resultados para Formação Rio Maria


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências de Educação – Intervenção na Área Educativa


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In Brazil relatively little attention is being paid to the study of the features of the spread of the AIDS epidemic towards small cities and rural areas. We report a descriptive study on the epidemiological features of HIV infection among 208 adult patients seen between July 1999 and May 2006 in the municipal HIV/AIDS Programs of three cities of inner Rio de Janeiro State: Saquarema, Santo Antonio de Pádua and Miracema. A portrait of a heterosexual epidemic emerged, with an overall male to female ratio of 1.1. More than 90% were residents of the studied cities, demonstrating a local demand for HIV-related assistance and the importance of municipal HIV/AIDS Programs. Past or current use of snorted cocaine was reported by a quarter of the patients. Older age and male gender were independent predictors of having a diagnosis of AIDS at presentation. The latter is in accordance with a more recent wave of epidemic spread towards female gender. A low frequency of male circumcision, an important determinant of heterosexual HIV transmission, was recorded. Almost 60% of the patients first presented in advanced stages of HIV infection, suggesting the existence of a large pool of undiagnosed cases in the community.


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A 73 year-old male farm laborer from a rural area presented a 15 year history of extensive tumoral lesions over his left leg. Histological studies of skin biopsy showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and granulomatous chronic inflammatory process with muriform cells, confirming chromoblastomycosis (CBM). Cladophialophora carrionii was isolated in culture. Treatment with itraconazole 400 mg/day for 12 months resulted in complete remission of lesions. As far we aware, this is the first case report of CBM caused by Cladophialophora carrionii in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.


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This research aimed to describe the frequency of parasites in stool samples in the environment of Ilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One hundred and five stool samples were collected and processed by the coproparasitological techniques ethyl acetate sedimentation and centrifuge-flotation using saturated sugar solution. Parasites were detected in 81.9% of the samples, hookworm being the most prevalent, followed by Trichuris vulpis. Ascaris sp. eggs were also found. A high level of evolutive forms of parasites with public health risk was found in stool samples of the environment studied. We propose that health education programs, allied to an improvement of human and animal health care, must be employed to reduce the environmental contamination.


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The frequency of viral pathogens causing respiratory infections in children in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Teresópolis was investigated. Nasal swabs from children with acute respiratory illnesses were collected between March 2006 and October 2007. Specimens were tested for viral detection by conventional (RT)-PCR and/or real time PCR. Of the 205 nasal swabs tested, 64 (31.2%) were positive for at least one of the viral pathogens. Single infections were detected in 56 samples, 50 of those were caused by RNA viruses: 33 samples tested positive for rhinovirus, five for influenza A, five for metapneumovirus, four for coronavirus and, three for respiratory syncytial virus. For the DNA viruses, five samples were positive for bocavirus and one for adenovirus. Co-infections with these viruses were detected in eight samples. Our data demonstrate a high frequency of viral respiratory infections, emphasizing the need for a more accurate diagnosis particularly for the emerging respiratory viruses. The fact that the emerging respiratory viruses were present in 9.2% of the tested samples suggests that these viruses could be important respiratory pathogens in the country.


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A Educação não deixa de suscitar perplexidade aos decisores políticos e à Comunidade Educativa (professores, pais, alunos...) sobretudo nas duas úhimas décadas, por três razões principais: A primeira advém da própria circunstância histórica que nos revela a ausência de horizonte temporal (incerteza e imprevisibilidade) na pós- -modemidade que pode estar na origem da crise de sentido e de uma profunda mudança na sociedade. A segunda radica no próprio estatuto do trabalho - como Princípio Organizador e Estruturante da Sociedade Industrializada - que vem sendo o centro do debate político, social e econômico e educativo visto que a sociedade sofre profundas transformações, emergindo na precaridade do trabalho e no desemprego. A terceira assenta nas críticas imputadas à Educação, críticas essas centradas no desajustamento entre as competências requeridas pela sociedade do conhecimento e os saberes da Escola. Deste modo, a relação entre Educação e Trabalho, por um lado está marcada pelo imperativo da mudança que implica inovação/criatividade, flexibilidade e competências; e, por outro lado, releva da necessidade de elevar o nível de formação para melhor inserção do indivíduo no mundo do trabalho.


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Visceral Leishmaniasis has been showing remarkable epidemiological changes in recent decades, with marked expansion and an emergence of cases in urban areas of the North, Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. The Kala-azar cases reported here, despite being very characteristic, presented a great difficulty of diagnosis, because the disease is not endemic in Volta Redonda. The child underwent two hospitalizations in different hospitals, but got the correct diagnosis only after 11 months of symptom onset. In this report we discuss the main differential diagnoses and call attention to the suspected symptoms of visceral leishmaniasis in patients with prolonged fever, hepatosplenomegaly and pancytopenia, even in areas not traditionally endemic for the disease.


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The present study conducted a toxoplasmosis-related knowledge level survey with 400 pregnant and puerperal women attended in public health units in the municipality of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Only 111 (27.8%) women claimed to know about the disease. Most of them (n = 289; 72.2%) had never heard about toxoplasmosis nor knew how to prevent the infection by Toxoplasma gondii. A significant difference (p = 0.013) regarding the presence of anti-T. gondii IgG was observed between women who claimed to know about the disease and those who had never heard about it. These results highlight the importance of a systematic serological screening process for toxoplasmosis, as well as the importance of primary prevention by accurate information during prenatal care, an important Public Health action to be implemented.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação


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SUMMARY American visceral leishmaniasis is a vector-borne zoonosis in expansion in Brazil. Dogs are the main urban reservoir. Departing from a case of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in Jacaré, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro State, an epidemiological canine and entomological study was performed to assess the extension of the disease at the location. Sample was collected around the case and the dogs identified by serological tests (rapid double platform immunochromatographic exams, immunoenzymatic assay/ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence/IFAT). The parasitological diagnosis was performed in animals positive in at least one of these tests. The entomological study was carried out by using light traps and manual collection. The associations between canine variables and outcome (ELISA and IFAT reagents) were assessed by the chi-square test and adjusted by multivariate logistic regression for those associations with p < 0.1 in the bivariate analysis. Seventeen cases of CVL were detected among 110 evaluated dogs (prevalence of 15.5%). Presence of ectoparasites (OR 6.5; 95% CI 1.1-37.4), animals with clinical signs (OR 9.5; 95% CI 1.2-76.6), and previous cases of CVL in the same house (OR 17.9; 95% CI 2.2-147.1) were associated with the outcome. Lutzomyia longipalpiswas not detected. Our results are indicative of an ongoing transmission in the area.


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SUMMARY Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is a vector-borne disease that affects humans, and domestic and wild animals. It is caused by the protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum (syn = Leishmania chagasi). The domestic dog (Canis familiaris) is considered the main reservoir of the etiologic agent of VL in domestic and peridomestic environments. In the past three years, although control actions involving domestic dogs are routinely performed in endemic areas of the Rio de Janeiro State, new cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) have been reported in several municipalities. The objective of this short communication was to describe the geographical expansion of CVL in the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, through its reports in the scientific literature and studies performed by our group. From 2010 to 2013, autochthonous and allochthonous cases of CVL were reported in the municipalities of Mangaratiba, Marica, Niteroi, Barra Mansa, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Volta Redonda, Resende and Rio de Janeiro. These reports demonstrate that CVL is in intense geographical expansion around the state; therefore, a joint effort by public agencies, veterinarians and researchers is needed in order to minimize and/or even prevent the dispersion of this disease.


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SUMMARY American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is an infectious disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, and transmitted by sandflies. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, almost all of the cases of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) are caused by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, while cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) are caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi. The resurgence of autochthonous VL cases in Rio de Janeiro is related to the geographic expansion of the vector Lutzomyia longipalpis and its ability to adapt to urban areas. We report the first case of leishmaniasis with exclusively cutaneous manifestations caused by L. (L.) infantum chagasi in an urban area of Rio de Janeiro. An eighty-one-year-old woman presented three pleomorphic skin lesions that were not associated with systemic symptoms or visceromegalies. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis identified L. (L.) infantum chagasi, but direct smear and PCR of bone narrow were negative for Leishmania sp. (suggesting exclusively cutaneous involvement). We discuss the different dermatological presentations of viscerotropic leishmaniasis of the New and Old World, and the clinical and epidemiological importance of the case. Etiologic diagnosis of ATL based upon exclusive clinical criteria may lead to incorrect conclusions. We should be aware of the constant changes in epidemiological patterns related to leishmaniases.


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Os autores descrevem, os resultados obtidos em um programa de avaliação sorológica da vacina oral, tipo Sabin, contra a poliomielite, em uma comunidade semi-rural, próxima a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Em condições controladas 114 crianças, com idades entre 3 meses a 3 anos (Tabela 1) foram vacinadas, com vacinas trivalentes (500.000, 200.000, e 300.000 TCD50 por dose, dos tipos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente), usando-se três doses, com intervalos de 8 semanas entre as doses. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por punção venosa ou discos de papel de filtro, juntamente com a 1.ª e a 3.ª dose de vacina e 9 semanas após esta última dose de vacina. As taxas de conversão alcançaram (diluição de sôro 1/8) 82,7%, 98,5% e 75,4% para os tipos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente, após três doses de vacina (Tabela 2). A distribuição de idade de indivíduos sem anticorpos após a vacinação (Tabela 3) mostra o grupo etário de 1 a 2 anos como o que apresenta a mais baixa taxa de conversão. Os autores acentuam que as condições de vida da população estudada correspondem àquelas de grandes partes da população brasileira, nas áreas rurais do país; e uma avaliação semelhante da vacina em áreas urbanas, seria desejável. Os autores sugerem ainda o aumento da quantidade de vírus do tipo 1 na vacina como medida provàvelmente eficaz na melhora das taxas de conversão em populações como a estudada. Estudos quantitativos sôbre anticorpos para Enterovírus, presentes na população estudada, estão sendo realizados e serão pròximamente apresentados.