996 resultados para First integral


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Background: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains the leading cause of chronic pulmonary morbidity among preterm neonates. However, the exact pathophysiology is still unknown. Here we present the first results from a new model inteAbstracts, 25th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement 400 Neonatology 2010;97:395-400 grating the most common risk factors for BPD (lung immaturity, inflammation, mechanical ventilation (MV), oxygen), which allows long-term outcome evaluation due to a non-traumatic intubation procedure. Objectives: To test the feasibility of a new rat model by investigating effects of MV, inflammation and oxygen applied to immature lungs after a ventilation-free interval. Methods: On day 4, 5, or 6 newborn rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharides to induce a systemic inflammation. 24 h later they were anesthetized, endotracheally intubated and ventilated for 8 h with 60% oxygen. After weaning of anesthesia and MV the newborn rats were extubated and returned to their mothers. Two days later they were killed and outcome measurements were performed (histology, quantitative RT-PCR) and compared to animals investigated directly after MV. Results: Directly after MV, histological signs of ventilator-induced lung injury were found. After 48 h, the first signs of early BPD were seen with delayed alveolar formation. Expression of inflammatory genes was only transiently increased. After 48 h genes involved in alveolarization, such as matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tropoelastin, showed a significant change of their expression. Conclusion: For the first time we can evaluate in a newborn rat model the effects of MV after a ventilation-free interval. This allows discrimination between immediate response genes and delayed changes of expression of more structural genes involved in alveolarization.


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Nomimoscolex touzeti n. sp. is described from one Ceratophrys cornuta (L.) caught in Amazonian Ecuador. Its taxonomic relationships to the others species are discussed. This new species is characterized by a cortical position of vitellaria; by the presence in the uteroduct of conglomerates of 20-40 eggs; by a weak ovary width/proglottis width ratio; by ventral excretory canals anastomosed; by a powerful vaginal sphincter and by a long cirrus. N. touzeti is the first record of Monticellidae in an amphibian host.


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Macvicaria crassigula (Linton, 1910) (Opecoelidae) is referred from the intestine of Micropogonias furnieri and from Stellifer rastrifer; and from Stellifer rastrifer, and Saturnius maurepasi Overstreet, 1977 (Bunocotylidae) from the stomach of Mugil liza. This is the first report of these species in Brazil, and a new host records are presented.


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Background and Aims: Recently, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IL28B were shown to correlate with response to pegylated interferon-a (IFN) and ribavirin therapy of chronic HCV infection. However, the cause for the SNPs effect on therapy response and its application for direct anti-viral (DAV) treatment are not clear. Here, we analyze early HCV kinetics as function of IL28B SNPs to determine its specific effect on viral dynamics. Methods: IL28B SNPs rs8099917, rs12979860 and rs12980275 were genotyped in 252 chronically HCV infected Caucasian naïve patients (67% HCV genotype 1, 28% genotype 2-3) receiving peginterferonalfa- 2a (180 mg/qw) plus ribavirin (1000-1200 mg/qd) in the DITTO study. HCV-RNA was measured (LD = 50 IU/ml) frequently during first 28 days. Results: RVR was achieved in 33% of genotype 1 patients with genotype CC at rs12979860 versus 12-16% for genotypes TT and CT (P < 0.03). Significant (P < 0.001) difference in viral decline was observed already at day 1 (see Figure). First phase decline was significantly (P < 0.001) larger in patients with genotype CC (2.0 log) than for TT and CT genotypes (0.6 and 0.8), indicating IFN anti-viral effectiveness in blocking virion production of 99% versus 75-84%. There was no significant association between second phase slope and rs12979860 genotype in patients with a first phase decline larger than 1 log. HCV kinetics as function of IL28b SNP. The same trend (not shown) was observed for HCV genotype 2-3 patients with different SNP genotype distribution that may indicate differential selection pressure as function of HCV genotype. Similar results were observed for SNPs rs8099917 and rs12980275, with a strong linkage disequilibrium among the 3 loci allowing to define the composite haplotype best associated with IFN effectiveness. Conclusions: IFN effectiveness in blocking virion production/ release is strongly affected by IL28B SNPs, but not other viral dynamic properties such as infected cell loss rate. Thus, IFN based therapy, as standard-of-care or in combination with DAV, should consider IL28B SNPs for prediction and personalized treatment, while response to pure DAV treatment may be less affected by IL28B SNPs. Additional analyses are undergoing to pinpoint the SNP effect on IFN anti-viral effectiveness.


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OBJECTIVE: Past traumatic events have been associated with poorer clinical outcomes in people with bipolar disorder. However, the impact of these events in the early stages of the illness remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate whether prior traumatic events were related to poorer outcomes 12 months following a first episode of psychotic mania. METHODS: Traumatic events were retrospectively evaluated from patient files in a sample of 65 participants who had experienced first episode psychotic mania. Participants were aged between 15 and 28 years and were treated at a specialised early psychosis service. Clinical outcomes were measured by a variety of symptomatic and functioning scales at the 12-month time-point. RESULTS: Direct-personal traumatic experiences prior to the onset of psychotic mania were reported by 48% of the sample. Participants with past direct-personal trauma had significantly higher symptoms of mania (p=0.02), depression (p=0.03) and psychopathology (p=0.01) 12 months following their first episode compared to participants without past direct-personal trauma, with medium to large effects observed. After adjusting for baseline scores, differences in global functioning (as measured by the Global Assessment of Functioning scale) were non-significant (p=0.05); however, participants with past direct-personal trauma had significantly poorer social and occupational functioning (p=0.04) at the 12-month assessment with medium effect. CONCLUSIONS: Past direct-personal trauma may predict poorer symptomatic and functional outcomes after first episode psychotic mania. Limitations include that the findings represent individuals treated at a specialist early intervention centre for youth and the retrospective assessment of traumatic events may have been underestimated.


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A cohort of 100 eggs of Triatoma mazzottii Usinger was studied to obtain information on its life cycle. Egg incubation took 24 days; mean duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th instar nymphs was 27, 36, 39, 46 and 64 days respectively; mean time from egg to adult was 236 days. The total duration of the nymphal stages was 212 days. The total nymph mortality in cohort was 16.3% and the embryonic egg mortality was 14.0%. The grater mortality occured in the 2nd instar. The average number of eggs/female/week was 9.8 during 15 weeks of observation. Of the total eggs laid (2,514), only 58.7% hatched. The total of insects that achieved the adult stage (72), 38 were females (52.8%), and 34 were males (47.2%). The influence of age and feeding on the first mating of T. mazzottii were also studied. It was found that the first mating depended on the male's age and it was on the average 30 days after the last imaginal molt. The female could be mating since 2nd days after the imaginal life. The nutritional status did not play an important role in the capacity of the insect for the first mating.


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The work in this paper concerns the study of conventional and refined heat balance integral methods for a number of phase change problems. These include standard test problems, both with one and two phase changes, which have exact solutions to enable us to test the accuracy of the approximate solutions. We also consider situations where no analytical solution is available and compare these to numerical solutions. It is popular to use a quadratic profile as an approximation of the temperature, but we show that a cubic profile, seldom considered in the literature, is far more accurate in most circumstances. In addition, the refined integral method can give greater improvement still and we develop a variation on this method which turns out to be optimal in some cases. We assess which integral method is better for various problems, showing that it is largely dependent on the specified boundary conditions.


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La República francesa se ofende por los burkas y de los niqab deambulando por las calles. Ve a sus principios rectores de Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité mofados, a su democracia desafiada, a su convivencia arriesgada. Por ello, el Gobierno francés ha impulsado desde hace un año una política pública que persigue la prohibición del velo integral -llámese burka o niqab- en el conjunto del espacio público. Años atrás, Francia, país que tanto aprecia los debates, se vio inmersa en la cuestión más general de la identidad nacional desde las reacciones de las banlieues en el 2005. Y por ello, Nicolas Sarkosy, en su programa electoral camino de las presidenciales en el 2007, ya incluía como una prioridad el tema de los valores y principios genuinamente franceses y europeos. Y en esta perspectiva, el Ministerio de Inmigración añadió sus calificativos de Integración e Identidad Nacional. El burka en el espacio público ha asaltado los medios de comunicación y la sociedad en su conjunto, especialmente desde hace dos o tres años. Es un problema sin precedentes en las democracias asentadas -aunque podríamos recordar el motín de Esquilache en 1766 bajo el reinado de Carlos III- sin una Jurisprudencia asentada al respecto, ni un marco normativo que lo prevea directamente. Y por ello, la élite política se divide estos días entre los prudentes y los atrevidos, los que se conforman con una prohibición parcial y los que persiguen una prohibición absoluta. Se trata de una política pública atípica, pues los bienes afectados son en realidad valores, principios y conceptos abstractos. Es la República francesa y la cohesión social los que se ven desafiados. Veremos en un primer momento, la etapa de identificación como problema público y su inclusión en la agenda política, por ende desde un punto de vista técnico, analizaremos brevemente esta política pública Top down limitada, y en el último apartado compararemos los argumentos de las dos alternativas que dispone actualmente el Parlamento para aprobar o no una ley al respecto. Por su parte, la Comisión Parlamentaria alegará principios de índole más filosófica que pragmática, mientras que el Consejo de Estado se centrará exclusivamente en los términos jurídicos y en la Jurisprudencia reduciendo en gran medida el impulso inicial del Gobierno. Quedará por ver estos días de debate en l’Assemblée Nationale1 si la prohibición será total o parcial.


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Despite advertising for NOTES in 2009, single trocart laparoscopic surgery is about to become a new standard in selected indications. As other important topics, the limits of oncological surgery are extended due to a systematic multidisciplinary approach. To discuss every publication would be difficult and our review will focus on a selected number of papers of importance for daily practice. As examples, the management of acute calculous cholecystitis, gastro-esophageal reflux, inguinal and incisional hernia repair as well as colorectal surgery are presented.


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We obtain a new series of integral formulae for symmetric functions of curvature of a distribution of arbitrary codimension (an its orthogonal complement) given on a compact Riemannian manifold, which start from known formula by P.Walczak (1990) and generalize ones for foliations by several authors: Asimov (1978), Brito, Langevin and Rosenberg (1981), Brito and Naveira (2000), Andrzejewski and Walczak (2010), etc. Our integral formulae involve the co-nullity tensor, certain component of the curvature tensor and their products. The formulae also deal with a number of arbitrary functions depending on the scalar invariants of the co-nullity tensor. For foliated manifolds of constant curvature the obtained formulae give us the classical type formulae. For a special choice of functions our formulae reduce to ones with Newton transformations of the co-nullity tensor.


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To analyze whether electrocardiographic alterations (ECGA) in patients with antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi showed a patttern of familial aggregation, a sample of 379 young adults (166 men and 213 women) distributed in sibships, were assessed for the presence of anti-T.cruzi antibodies, and subjected to a complete clinical examination and a standard resting electrocardiogram (ECG). Positive T. cruzi serology was detected in 165 individuals, 48 of them showing an abnormal ECG (overall prevalence 29 por cento). One hundred and eleven seropositive individuals were distributed in 45 sibships, each of them constituted by more than one seropositive sib, with ECGA being present in 34 out of these patients. Seropositive subjects with ECGA were detected in 27 sibships. Since the index case within each sibship is counted exactly once, affected individuals selected at random as propositi were extracted to calculate the prevalence of ECGA among first degree relatives of probands. Abnormal ECGs were recorded in 7 out of 45 sibs yielding a prevalence that did not differ from estimations registered in the general population or seropositive sibs. Data from the present sample show no familial aggregation for the occurrence of ECGA in patients with T.cruzi infection.