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Agitation rate is an important parameter in the operation of Anaerobic Sequencing Biofilm Batch Reactors (ASBBRs), and a proper agitation rate guarantees good mixing, improves mass transfer, and enhances the solubility of the particulate organic matter. Dairy effluents have a high amount of particulate organic matter, and their anaerobic digestion presents inhibitory intermediates (e. g., long-chain fatty acids). The importance of studying agitation in such batch systems is clear. The present study aimed to evaluate how agitation frequency influences the anaerobic treatment of dairy effluents. The ASBBR was fed with wastewater from milk pasteurisation process and cheese manufacture with no whey segregation. The organic matter concentration, measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD), was maintained at approximately 8,000 mg/L. The reactor was operated with four agitation frequencies: 500 rpm, 350 rpm, 200 rpm, and no agitation. In terms of COD removal efficiency, similar results were observed for 500 rpm and 350 rpm (around 90%) and for 200 rpm and no agitation (around 80%). Increasing the system`s agitation thus not only improved the global efficiency of organic matter removal but also influenced volatile acid production and consumption and clearly modified this balance in each experimental condition.
Oocyte maturation is a long process during which oocytes acquire their intrinsic ability to support the subsequent stages of development in a stepwise manner, ultimately reaching activation of the embryonic genome. This process involves complex and distinct, although linked, events of nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. Nuclear maturation mainly involves chromosomal segregation, whereas cytoplasmic maturation involves organelle reorganization and storage of mRNAs, proteins and transcription factors that act in the overall maturation process, fertilization and early embryogenesis. Thus, for didactic purposes, we subdivided cytoplasmic maturation into: (1) organelle redistribution, (2) cytoskeleton dynamics, and (3) molecular maturation. Ultrastructural analysis has shown that mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cortical granules and the Golgi complex assume different positions during the transition from the germinal vesicle stage to metaphase II. The cytoskeletal microfilaments and microtubules present in the cytoplasm promote these movements and act on chromosome segregation. Molecular maturation consists of transcription, storage and processing of maternal mRNA, which is stored in a stable, inactive form until translational recruitment. Polyadenylation is the main mechanism that initiates protein translation and consists of the addition of adenosine residues to the 3` terminal portion of mRNA. Cell cycle regulators, proteins, cytoplasmic maturation markers and components of the enzymatic antioxidant system are mainly transcribed during this stage. Thus, the objective of this review is to focus on the cytoplasmic maturation process by analyzing the modifications in this compartment during the acquisition of meiotic competence for development. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Auriculo-condylar syndrome (ACS), an autosomal dominant disorder of first and second pharyngeal arches, is characterized by malformed ears (`question mark ears`), prominent cheeks, microstomia, abnormal temporomandibular joint, and mandibular condyle hypoplasia. Penetrance seems to be complete, but there is high inter-and intra-familial phenotypic variation, with no evidence of genetic heterogeneity. We herein describe a new multigeneration family with 11 affected individuals (F1), in whom we confirm intra-familial clinical variability. Facial asymmetry, a clinical feature not highlighted in other ACS reports, was highly prevalent among the patients reported here. The gene responsible for ACS is still unknown and its identification will certainly contribute to the understanding of human craniofacial development. No chromosomal rearrangements have been associated with ACS, thus mapping and positional cloning is the best approach to identify this disease gene. To map the ACS gene, we conducted linkage analysis in two large ACS families, F1 and F2 (F2; reported elsewhere). Through segregation analysis, we first excluded three known loci associated with disorders of first and second pharyngeal arches (Treacher Collins syndrome, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, and Townes-Brocks syndrome). Next, we performed a wide genome search and we observed evidence of linkage to 1p21.1-q23.3 in F2 (LOD max 3.01 at theta = 0). Interestingly, this locus was not linked to the phenotype segregating in F1. Therefore, our results led to the mapping of a first locus of ACS (ACS1) and also showed evidence for genetic heterogeneity, suggesting that there are at least two loci responsible for this phenotype.
The diffusion of astrophysical magnetic fields in conducting fluids in the presence of turbulence depends on whether magnetic fields can change their topology via reconnection in highly conducting media. Recent progress in understanding fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of turbulence reassures that the magnetic field behavior in computer simulations and turbulent astrophysical environments is similar, as far as magnetic reconnection is concerned. This makes it meaningful to perform MHD simulations of turbulent flows in order to understand the diffusion of magnetic field in astrophysical environments. Our studies of magnetic field diffusion in turbulent medium reveal interesting new phenomena. First of all, our three-dimensional MHD simulations initiated with anti-correlating magnetic field and gaseous density exhibit at later times a de-correlation of the magnetic field and density, which corresponds well to the observations of the interstellar media. While earlier studies stressed the role of either ambipolar diffusion or time-dependent turbulent fluctuations for de-correlating magnetic field and density, we get the effect of permanent de-correlation with one fluid code, i.e., without invoking ambipolar diffusion. In addition, in the presence of gravity and turbulence, our three-dimensional simulations show the decrease of the magnetic flux-to-mass ratio as the gaseous density at the center of the gravitational potential increases. We observe this effect both in the situations when we start with equilibrium distributions of gas and magnetic field and when we follow the evolution of collapsing dynamically unstable configurations. Thus, the process of turbulent magnetic field removal should be applicable both to quasi-static subcritical molecular clouds and cores and violently collapsing supercritical entities. The increase of the gravitational potential as well as the magnetization of the gas increases the segregation of the mass and magnetic flux in the saturated final state of the simulations, supporting the notion that the reconnection-enabled diffusivity relaxes the magnetic field + gas system in the gravitational field to its minimal energy state. This effect is expected to play an important role in star formation, from its initial stages of concentrating interstellar gas to the final stages of the accretion to the forming protostar. In addition, we benchmark our codes by studying the heat transfer in magnetized compressible fluids and confirm the high rates of turbulent advection of heat obtained in an earlier study.
In the nonlinear phase of a dynamo process, the back-reaction of the magnetic field upon the turbulent motion results in a decrease of the turbulence level and therefore in a suppression of both the magnetic field amplification (the alpha-quenching effect) and the turbulent magnetic diffusivity (the eta-quenching effect). While the former has been widely explored, the effects of eta-quenching in the magnetic field evolution have rarely been considered. In this work, we investigate the role of the suppression of diffusivity in a flux-transport solar dynamo model that also includes a nonlinear alpha-quenching term. Our results indicate that, although for alpha-quenching the dependence of the magnetic field amplification with the quenching factor is nearly linear, the magnetic field response to eta-quenching is nonlinear and spatially nonuniform. We have found that the magnetic field can be locally amplified in this case, forming long-lived structures whose maximum amplitude can be up to similar to 2.5 times larger at the tachocline and up to similar to 2 times larger at the center of the convection zone than in models without quenching. However, this amplification leads to unobservable effects and to a worse distribution of the magnetic field in the butterfly diagram. Since the dynamo cycle period increases when the efficiency of the quenching increases, we have also explored whether the eta-quenching can cause a diffusion-dominated model to drift into an advection-dominated regime. We have found that models undergoing a large suppression in eta produce a strong segregation of magnetic fields that may lead to unsteady dynamo-oscillations. On the other hand, an initially diffusion-dominated model undergoing a small suppression in eta remains in the diffusion-dominated regime.
Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis were investigated using light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine the chromosomal characteristics and disclose the mechanisms responsible for intraspecific variability in chromosome number and for the presence of complex chromosome association during meiosis. This species is endemic to Brazilian fauna and belongs to the family Buthidae, which is considered phylogenetically basal within the order Scorpiones. In the sample examined, four sympatric and distinct diploid numbers were observed: 2n = 5, 2n = 6, 2n = 9, and 2 = 10. The origin of this remarkable chromosome variability was attributed to chromosome fissions and/or fusions, considering that the decrease in chromosome number was concomitant with the increase in chromosome size and vice versa. The LM and TEM analyses showed the presence of chromosomes without localised centromere, the lack of chiasmata and recombination nodules in male meiosis, and two nucleolar organiser regions carrier chromosomes. Furthermore, male prophase I cells revealed multivalent chromosome associations and/or unsynapsed or distinctly associated chromosome regions (gaps, less-condensed chromatin, or loop-like structure) that were continuous with synapsed chromosome segments. All these data permitted us to suggest that the chromosomal rearrangements of T. bahiensis occurred in a heterozygous state. A combination of various factors, such as correct disjunction and balanced segregation of the chromosomes involved in complex meiotic pairing, system of achiasmate meiosis, holocentric nature of the chromosomes, population structure, and species dispersion patterns, could have contributed to the high level of chromosome rearrangements present in T. bahiensis.
The order Scorpiones is one of the most cytogenetically interesting groups within Arachnida by virtue of the combination of chromosome singularities found in the 59 species analyzed so far. In this work, mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of 2 species of the family Bothriuridae were detailed. This family occupies a basal position within the superfamily Scorpionoidea. Furthermore, review of the cytogenetic data of all previously studied scorpions is presented. Light microscopy chromosome analysis showed that Bothriurus araguayae and Bothriurus rochensis possess low diploid numbers compared with those of species belonging to closely related families. Gonadal cells examined under light and in transmission electron microscopy revealed, for the first time, that the Bothriuridae species possess typical monocentric chromosomes, and male meiosis presented chromosomes with synaptic and achiasmatic behavior. Moreover, in the sample of B. araguayae studied, heterozygous translocations were verified. The use of techniques to highlight specific chromosomal regions also revealed additional differences between the 2 Bothriurus species. The results herein recorded and the overview elaborated using the available cytogenetic information of Scorpiones elucidated current understanding regarding the processes of chromosome evolution that have occurred in Bothriuridae and in Scorpiones as a whole.
We tested the hypothesis that microhabitat variables, abundance of terrestrial rodents, and microhabitat selection patterns of terrestrial rodents vary between the cool-dry and warm-wet season in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. We selected variables associated with ecological factors potentially important to terrestrial rodents (physical structure of litter and woody debris, and arthropod availability) and established 25 small, independent sampling units covering 36 ha of a homogenous, mature Atlantic forest patch. Litter humidity and height, amount of small woody debris, arthropod availability, and terrestrial rodent abundance increased, whereas the quantity of large woody debris decreased in the warm-wet season. Greater spatial segregation among terrestrial rodents also was observed in this season, especially between morphologically similar species. The distribution of 3 of the 4 most common terrestrial rodents was influenced by microhabitat variables in at least I of the seasons, and these species also differed in their pattern of microhabitat selection between seasons. In general, the amount of small woody debris and litter humidity were more important for the microscale distribution of terrestrial rodents in the cool-dry season, whereas in the mild warm-wet season species distributions were associated with food availability or were not clearly influenced by the measured variables. The patterns of microhabitat selection by 3 common terrestrial rodents, which were associated with features that characterize old-growth forest, may be responsible for their vulnerability to forest fragmentation.
Split-hand/foot malformation (SHFM) associated with aplasia of long bones, SHFLD syndrome or Tibial hemimelia-ectrodactyly syndrome is a rare condition with autosomal dominant inheritance, reduced penetrance and an incidence estimated to be about 1 in 1,000,000 liveborns. To date, three chromosomal regions have been reported as strong candidates for harboring SHFLD syndrome genes: 1q42.2-q43, 6q14.1 and 2q14.2. We characterized the phenotype of nine affected individuals from a large family with the aim of mapping the causative gene. Among the nine affected patients, four had only SHFM of the hands and no tibial defects, three had both defects and two had only unilateral tibial hemimelia. In keeping with previous publications of this and other families, there was clear evidence of both variable expression and incomplete penetrance, the latter bearing hallmarks of anticipation. Segregation analysis and multipoint Lod scores calculations (maximum Lod score of 5.03 using the LINKMAP software) using all potentially informative family members, both affected and unaffected, identified the chromosomal region 17p13.1-17p13.3 as the best and only candidate for harboring a novel mutated gene responsible for the syndrome in this family. The candidate gene CRK located within this region was sequenced but no pathogenic mutation was detected.
Mandibular prognathism typically shows familial aggregation. Various genetic models have been described and it is assumed to be a multifactorial and polygenic trait, with a threshold for expression. Our goal was to examine specific genetic models of the familial transmission of this trait. The study sample comprised of 2,562 individuals from 55 families. Complete family histories for each proband were ascertained and the affection status of relatives were confirmed by lateral cephalograms, photographs, and dental models. Pedigrees were drawn using PELICAN and complex segregation analysis was performed using POINTER. Parts of some pedigrees were excluded to create one founder pedigrees, so the total N was 2,050. Analysis showed more affected females than males (P = 0.030). The majority of the pedigrees suggest autosomal dominant inheritance. Incomplete penetrance was demonstrated by the ratio of affected/unaffected parents and siblings. The heritability of mandibular prognathism was estimated to be 0.316. We conclude that there is a major gene that influences the expression of mandibular prognathism with clear signs of Mendelian inheritance and a multifactorial component. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The crystallization of laser glasses in the system (B(2)O(3))(0.6){(Al(2)O(3))(0.4-y)(Y(2)O(3))(y)} (0.1 <= y <= 0.25) doped with different levels of ytterbium oxide has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal analysis, and various solid-state NMR techniques. The homogeneous glasses undergo major phase segregation processes resulting in crystalline YBO(3), crystalline YAI(3)(BO(3))(4), and residual glassy B(2)O(3) as the major products. This process can be analyzed in a quantitative fashion by solid-state (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR spectroscopies as well as (11)B{(27)Al} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) experiments. The Yb dopants end up in both of the crystalline components, producing increased line widths of the corresponding (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR resonances that depend linearly on the Yb/Y substitution ratio. A preliminary analysis of the composition dependence suggests that the Yb(3+) dopant is not perfectly equipartitioned between both crystalline phases, suggesting a moderate preference of Yb to substitute in the crystalline YBO(3) component.
Cell division in bacteria is carried out by an elaborate molecular machine composed of more than a dozen proteins and known as the divisome. Here we describe the characterization of a new divisome protein in Bacillus subtilis called YpsB. Sequence comparisons and phylogentic analysis demonstrated that YpsB is a paralog of the division site selection protein DivIVA. YpsB is present in several gram-positive bacteria and likely originated from the duplication of a DivIVA-like gene in the last common ancestor of bacteria of the orders Bacillales and Lactobacillales. We used green fluorescent protein microscopy to determine that YpsB localizes to the divisome. Similarly to that for DivIVA, the recruitment of YpsB to the divisome requires late division proteins and occurs significantly after Z-ring formation. In contrast to DivIVA, however, YpsB is not retained at the newly formed cell poles after septation. Deletion analysis suggests that the N terminus of YpsB is required to target the protein to the divisome. The high similarity between the N termini of YpsB and DivIVA suggests that the same region is involved in the targeting of DivIVA. YpsB is not essential for septum formation and does not appear to play a role in septum positioning. However, a ypsB deletion has a synthetic effect when combined with a mutation in the cell division gene ftsA. Thus, we conclude that YpsB is a novel B. subtilis cell division protein whose function has diverged from that of its paralog DivIVA.
Intermolecular associations between a cationic lipid and two model polymers were evaluated from preparation and characterization of hybrid thin films cast on silicon wafers. The novel materials were prepared by spin-coating of a chloroformic solution of lipid and polymer on silicon wafer. Polymers tested for miscibility with the cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) were polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). The films thus obtained were characterized by ellipsometry, wettability, optical and atomic force microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and activity against Escherichia coli. Whereas intermolecular ion-dipole interactions were available for the PMMA-DODAB interacting pair producing smooth PMMA-DODAB films, the absence of such interactions for PS-DODAB films caused lipid segregation, poor film stability (detachment from the silicon wafer) and large rugosity. In addition, the well-established but still remarkable antimicrobial DODAB properties were transferred to the novel hybrid PMMA/DODAB coating, which is demonstrated to be highly effective against E. coli.
Co/Al(2)O(3) Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts promoted with different quantities of Group 11 metals (Cu, Ag, Au) were characterized and tested. The presence of relatively small quantities of such metals enhanced Co reducibility and, in the cases of Ag and Au, improved the surface Co metal active site densities. EXAFS experiments with the most loaded catalyst samples show that only Co-Co and Me-Me (Me = Cu, Ag and Au) coordination could be observed. This suggests that the greater fraction of the metals form different phases. However, the reduction promoting effect of the Group 11 metal is severely hampered once the catalyst receives a mild passivation treatment following primary reduction. An explanation in terms of promoter segregation during primary reduction is proposed. At lower promoter levels (0.83%Ag and 1.51%Au) and higher Ag levels (2.76%), significant gains in Co active site densities were achieved resulting in improved CO conversion levels relative to the unpromoted catalyst. Moreover, slight decreases in light product (e.g., CH(4)) selectivity and slight increases in C(5)+ selectivity were achieved. At high Au loading (5.05%), however, too much Au was loaded which, although significantly increasing the fraction of Co reduced, blocked Co surface sites and resulted in decreased Co conversion rates. While Cu facilitated Co reduction, the increased fraction of reduced Co did not translate to improved active site densities. It appears that a fraction of Cu tended to cover the rim of Co clusters, resulting in decreases in CO conversion rates and detrimental increases in light product selectivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work describes the evaluation of several parameters for the preparation of a tuna fish candidate as a reference material (RM) in order to measure the total As mass fraction by slurry sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (SLS-GF AAS) and slurry sampling hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (SLS-HG AAS). The main parameters investigated were the homogeneity, analyte segregation and composition during material production. For candidate RM preparation, tuna fish was collected at a local market, cleaned, freeze-dried and treated using different procedures as follows: (1) ground in a cutting mill and separated in different particle sizes (2) ground in cryogenic mill. The mass fraction of As in the cryogenically ground sample was (4.77 +/- A 0.19) mu g g(-1) for SLS-GF AAS and (4.61 +/- A 0.34) mu g g(-1) for SLS-HG AAS. The accuracy of the procedures was checked with tuna fish certified reference material (BCR 627) with recoveries of 102 and 94% for SLS-GF AAS and SLS-HG AAS, respectively. The homogeneity factor was calculated for different pretreatment procedures and for particle sizes in the range of 500-150 mu g, indicating good homogeneity, except for raw fish. There was no observed analyte segregation and no losses, no contamination and no changes in the microdistribution of material during preparation.