966 resultados para Electromagnetic Phenomena


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The cardiovascular regulation undergoes wide changes in the different states of sleepwake cycle. In particular, the relationship between spontaneous fluctuations in heart period and arterial pressure clearly shows differences between the two sleep states. In non rapid-eye-movement sleep, heart rhythm is under prevalent baroreflex control, whereas in rapid-eye-movement sleep central autonomic commands prevail (Zoccoli et al., 2001). Moreover, during rapid-eye-movement sleep the cardiovascular variables show wide fluctuations around their mean value. In particular, during rapid-eyemovement sleep, the arterial pressure shows phasic hypertensive events which are superimposed upon the tonic level of arterial pressure. These phasic increases in arterial pressure are accompanied by an increase in heart rate (Sei & Morita, 1996; Silvani et al., 2005). Thus, rapid-eye-movement sleep may represent an “autonomic stress test” for the cardiovascular system, able to unmask pathological patterns of cardiovascular regulation (Verrier et al. 2005), but this hypothesis has never been tested experimentally. The aim of this study was to investigate whether rapid-eye-movement sleep may reveal derangements in central autonomic cardiovascular control in an experimental model of essential hypertension. The study was performed in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, which represent the most widely used model of essential hypertension, and allow full control of genetic and environmental confounding factors. In particular, we analyzed the cardiovascular, electroencephalogram, and electromyogram changes associated with phasic hypertensive events during rapid-eyemovement sleep in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and in their genetic Wistar Kyoto control strain. Moreover, we studied also a group of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats made phenotypically normotensive by means of a chronic treatment with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, the Enalapril maleate, from the age of four weeks to the end of the experiment. All rats were implanted with electrodes for electroencephalographic and electromyographic recordings and with an arterial catheter for arterial pressure measurement. After six days for postoperative recovery, the rats were studied for five days, at an age of ten weeks.The study indicated that the peak of mean arterial pressure increase during the phasic hypertensive events in rapid-eye-movement sleep did not differ significantly between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Wistar Kyoto rats, while on the other hand Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats showed a reduced increase in the frequency of theta rhythm and a reduced tachicardia with respect to Wistar Kyoto rats. The same pattern of changes in mean arterial pressure, heart period, and theta frequency was observed between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats do not differ from Wistar Kyoto rats only in terms of arterial hypertension, but also due to multiple unknown genetic differences. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats were developed by selective breeding of Wistar Kyoto rats based only on the level of arterial pressure. However, in this process, multiple genes possibly unrelated to hypertension may have been selected together with the genetic determinants of hypertension (Carley et al., 2000). This study indicated that Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats differ from Wistar Kyoto rats, but not from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate, in terms of arterial pH and theta frequency. This feature may be due to genetic determinants unrelated to hypertension. In sharp contrast, the persistence of differences in the peak of heart period decrease and the peak of theta frequency increase during phasic hypertensive events between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate demonstrates that the observed reduction in central autonomic control of the cardiovascular system in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats is not an irreversible consequence of inherited genetic determinants. Rather, the comparison between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate indicates that the observed differences in central autonomic control are the result of the hypertension per se. This work supports the view that the study of cardiovascular regulation in sleep provides fundamental insight on the pathophysiology of hypertension, and may thus contribute to the understanding of this disease, which is a major health problem in European countries (Wolf-Maier et al., 2003) with its burden of cardiac, vascular, and renal complications.


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The research activity carried out during the PhD course in Electrical Engineering belongs to the branch of electric and electronic measurements. The main subject of the present thesis is a distributed measurement system to be installed in Medium Voltage power networks, as well as the method developed to analyze data acquired by the measurement system itself and to monitor power quality. In chapter 2 the increasing interest towards power quality in electrical systems is illustrated, by reporting the international research activity inherent to the problem and the relevant standards and guidelines emitted. The aspect of the quality of voltage provided by utilities and influenced by customers in the various points of a network came out only in recent years, in particular as a consequence of the energy market liberalization. Usually, the concept of quality of the delivered energy has been associated mostly to its continuity. Hence the reliability was the main characteristic to be ensured for power systems. Nowadays, the number and duration of interruptions are the “quality indicators” commonly perceived by most customers; for this reason, a short section is dedicated also to network reliability and its regulation. In this contest it should be noted that although the measurement system developed during the research activity belongs to the field of power quality evaluation systems, the information registered in real time by its remote stations can be used to improve the system reliability too. Given the vast scenario of power quality degrading phenomena that usually can occur in distribution networks, the study has been focused on electromagnetic transients affecting line voltages. The outcome of such a study has been the design and realization of a distributed measurement system which continuously monitor the phase signals in different points of a network, detect the occurrence of transients superposed to the fundamental steady state component and register the time of occurrence of such events. The data set is finally used to locate the source of the transient disturbance propagating along the network lines. Most of the oscillatory transients affecting line voltages are due to faults occurring in any point of the distribution system and have to be seen before protection equipment intervention. An important conclusion is that the method can improve the monitored network reliability, since the knowledge of the location of a fault allows the energy manager to reduce as much as possible both the area of the network to be disconnected for protection purposes and the time spent by technical staff to recover the abnormal condition and/or the damage. The part of the thesis presenting the results of such a study and activity is structured as follows: chapter 3 deals with the propagation of electromagnetic transients in power systems by defining characteristics and causes of the phenomena and briefly reporting the theory and approaches used to study transients propagation. Then the state of the art concerning methods to detect and locate faults in distribution networks is presented. Finally the attention is paid on the particular technique adopted for the same purpose during the thesis, and the methods developed on the basis of such approach. Chapter 4 reports the configuration of the distribution networks on which the fault location method has been applied by means of simulations as well as the results obtained case by case. In this way the performance featured by the location procedure firstly in ideal then in realistic operating conditions are tested. In chapter 5 the measurement system designed to implement the transients detection and fault location method is presented. The hardware belonging to the measurement chain of every acquisition channel in remote stations is described. Then, the global measurement system is characterized by considering the non ideal aspects of each device that can concur to the final combined uncertainty on the estimated position of the fault in the network under test. Finally, such parameter is computed according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements, by means of a numeric procedure. In the last chapter a device is described that has been designed and realized during the PhD activity aiming at substituting the commercial capacitive voltage divider belonging to the conditioning block of the measurement chain. Such a study has been carried out aiming at providing an alternative to the used transducer that could feature equivalent performance and lower cost. In this way, the economical impact of the investment associated to the whole measurement system would be significantly reduced, making the method application much more feasible.


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The Ph.D. thesis describes the simulations of different microwave links from the transmitter to the receiver intermediate-frequency ports, by means of a rigorous circuit-level nonlinear analysis approach coupled with the electromagnetic characterization of the transmitter and receiver front ends. This includes a full electromagnetic computation of the radiated far field which is used to establish the connection between transmitter and receiver. Digitally modulated radio-frequency drive is treated by a modulation-oriented harmonic-balance method based on Krylov-subspace model-order reduction to allow the handling of large-size front ends. Different examples of links have been presented: an End-to-End link simulated by making use of an artificial neural network model; the latter allows a fast computation of the link itself when driven by long sequences of the order of millions of samples. In this way a meaningful evaluation of such link performance aspects as the bit error rate becomes possible at the circuit level. Subsequently, a work focused on the co-simulation an entire link including a realistic simulation of the radio channel has been presented. The channel has been characterized by means of a deterministic approach, such as Ray Tracing technique. Then, a 2x2 multiple-input multiple-output antenna link has been simulated; in this work near-field and far-field coupling between radiating elements, as well as the environment factors, has been rigorously taken into account. Finally, within the scope to simulate an entire ultra-wideband link, the transmitting side of an ultrawideband link has been designed, and an interesting Front-End co-design technique application has been setup.


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The upgrade of the CERN accelerator complex has been planned in order to further increase the LHC performances in exploring new physics frontiers. One of the main limitations to the upgrade is represented by the collective instabilities. These are intensity dependent phenomena triggered by electromagnetic fields excited by the interaction of the beam with its surrounding. These fields are represented via wake fields in time domain or impedances in frequency domain. Impedances are usually studied assuming ultrarelativistic bunches while we mainly explored low and medium energy regimes in the LHC injector chain. In a non-ultrarelativistic framework we carried out a complete study of the impedance structure of the PSB which accelerates proton bunches up to 1.4 GeV. We measured the imaginary part of the impedance which creates betatron tune shift. We introduced a parabolic bunch model which together with dedicated measurements allowed us to point to the resistive wall impedance as the source of one of the main PSB instability. These results are particularly useful for the design of efficient transverse instability dampers. We developed a macroparticle code to study the effect of the space charge on intensity dependent instabilities. Carrying out the analysis of the bunch modes we proved that the damping effects caused by the space charge, which has been modelled with semi-analytical method and using symplectic high order schemes, can increase the bunch intensity threshold. Numerical libraries have been also developed in order to study, via numerical simulations of the bunches, the impedance of the whole CERN accelerator complex. On a different note, the experiment CNGS at CERN, requires high-intensity beams. We calculated the interpolating Hamiltonian of the beam for highly non-linear lattices. These calculations provide the ground for theoretical and numerical studies aiming to improve the CNGS beam extraction from the PS to the SPS.


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The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to put the basis of an all-embracing link analysis procedure that may form a general reference scheme for the future state-of-the-art of RF/microwave link design: it is basically meant as a circuit-level simulation of an entire radio link, with – generally multiple – transmitting and receiving antennas examined by EM analysis. In this way the influence of mutual couplings on the frequency-dependent near-field and far-field performance of each element is fully accounted for. The set of transmitters is treated as a unique nonlinear system loaded by the multiport antenna, and is analyzed by nonlinear circuit techniques. In order to establish the connection between transmitters and receivers, the far-fields incident onto the receivers are evaluated by EM analysis and are combined by extending an available Ray Tracing technique to the link study. EM theory is used to describe the receiving array as a linear active multiport network. Link performances in terms of bit error rate (BER) are eventually verified a posteriori by a fast system-level algorithm. In order to validate the proposed approach, four heterogeneous application contexts are provided. A complete MIMO link design in a realistic propagation scenario is meant to constitute the reference case study. The second one regards the design, optimization and testing of various typologies of rectennas for power generation by common RF sources. Finally, the project and implementation of two typologies of radio identification tags, at X-band and V-band respectively. In all the cases the importance of an exhaustive nonlinear/electromagnetic co-simulation and co-design is demonstrated to be essential for any accurate system performance prediction.


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In dieser Arbeit aus dem Bereich der Wenig-Nukleonen-Physik wird die neu entwickelte Methode der Lorentz Integral Transformation (LIT) auf die Untersuchung von Kernphotoabsorption und Elektronenstreuung an leichten Kernen angewendet. Die LIT-Methode ermoeglicht exakte Rechnungen durchzufuehren, ohne explizite Bestimmung der Endzustaende im Kontinuum. Das Problem wird auf die Loesung einer bindungzustandsaehnlichen Gleichung reduziert, bei der die Endzustandswechselwirkung vollstaendig beruecksichtigt wird. Die Loesung der LIT-Gleichung wird mit Hilfe einer Entwicklung nach hypersphaerischen harmonischen Funktionen durchgefuehrt, deren Konvergenz durch Anwendung einer effektiven Wechselwirkung im Rahmem des hypersphaerischen Formalismus (EIHH) beschleunigt wird. In dieser Arbeit wird die erste mikroskopische Berechnung des totalen Wirkungsquerschnittes fuer Photoabsorption unterhalb der Pionproduktionsschwelle an 6Li, 6He und 7Li vorgestellt. Die Rechnungen werden mit zentralen semirealistischen NN-Wechselwirkungen durchgefuehrt, die die Tensor Kraft teilweise simulieren, da die Bindungsenergien von Deuteron und von Drei-Teilchen-Kernen richtig reproduziert werden. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt fur Photoabsorption an 6Li zeigt nur eine Dipol-Riesenresonanz, waehrend 6He zwei unterschiedliche Piks aufweist, die dem Aufbruch vom Halo und vom Alpha-Core entsprechen. Der Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten zeigt, dass die Addition einer P-Wellen-Wechselwirkung die Uebereinstimmung wesentlich verbessert. Bei 7Li wird nur eine Dipol-Riesenresonanz gefunden, die gut mit den verfuegbaren experimentellen Daten uebereinstimmt. Bezueglich der Elektronenstreuung wird die Berechnung der longitudinalen und transversalen Antwortfunktionen von 4He im quasi-elastischen Bereich fuer mittlere Werte des Impulsuebertrages dargestellt. Fuer die Ladungs- und Stromoperatoren wird ein nichtrelativistisches Modell verwendet. Die Rechnungen sind mit semirealistischen Wechselwirkungen durchgefuert und ein eichinvarianter Strom wird durch die Einfuehrung eines Mesonaustauschstroms gewonnen. Die Wirkung des Zweiteilchenstroms auf die transversalen Antwortfunktionen wird untersucht. Vorlaeufige Ergebnisse werden gezeigt und mit den verfuegbaren experimentellen Daten verglichen.


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Spannungsumlagerungen in Mineralen und Gesteinen induzieren in geologisch aktiven Bereichen mikromechanische und seismische Prozesse, wodurch eine schwache natürliche elektromagnetische Strahlung im Niederfrequenzbereich emittiert wird. Die elektromagnetischen Emissionen von nichtleitenden Mineralen sind auf dielektrische Polarisation durch mehrere physikalische Effekte zurückzuführen. Eine gerichtete mechanische Spannung führt zu einer ebenso gerichteten elektromagnetischen Emission. Die Quellen der elektromagnetischen Emissionen sind bekannt, jedoch können sie noch nicht eindeutig den verschiedenen Prozessen in der Natur zugeordnet werden, weshalb im Folgenden von einem seismo-elektromagnetischen Phänomen (SEM) gesprochen wird. Mit der neuentwickelten NPEMFE-Methode (Natural Pulsed Electromagnetic Field of Earth) können die elektromagnetischen Impulse ohne Bodenkontakt registriert werden. Bereiche der Erdkruste mit Spannungsumlagerungen (z.B. tektonisch aktive Störungen, potenzielle Hangrutschungen, Erdfälle, Bergsenkungen, Firstschläge) können als Anomalie erkannt und abgegrenzt werden. Basierend auf dem heutigen Kenntnisstand dieser Prozesse wurden Hangrutschungen und Locker- und Festgesteine, in denen Spannungsumlagerungen stattfinden, mit einem neuentwickelten Messgerät, dem "Cereskop", im Mittelgebirgsraum (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) und im alpinen Raum (Vorarlberg, Österreich, und Fürstentum Liechtenstein) erkundet und die gewonnenen Messergebnisse mit klassischen Verfahren aus Ingenieurgeologie, Geotechnik und Geophysik in Bezug gesetzt. Unter Feldbedingungen zeigte sich großenteils eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen den mit dem "Cereskop" erkundeten Anomalien und den mit den konventionellen Verfahren erkundeten Spannungszonen. Auf Grundlage der bisherigen Kenntnis und unter Einbeziehung von Mehrdeutigkeiten werden die Messergebnisse analysiert und kritisch beurteilt.


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The cooperative motion algorithm was applied on the molecular simulation of complex chemical reactions and macromolecular orientation phenomena in confined geometries. First, we investigated the case of equilibrium step-growth polymerization in lamellae, pores and droplets. In such systems, confinement was quantified as the area/volume ratio. Results showed that, as confinement increases, polymerization becomes slower and the average molecular weight (MW) at equilibrium decreases. This is caused by the sterical hindrance imposed by the walls since chain growth reactions in their close vicinity have less realization possibilities. For reactions inside droplets at surfaces, contact angles usually increased after polymerization to compensate conformation restrictions imposed by confinement upon growing chains. In a second investigation, we considered monodisperse and chemically inert chains and focused on the effect of confinement on chain orientation. Simulations of thin polymer films showed that chains are preferably oriented parallel to the surface. Orientation increases as MW increases or as film thickness d decreases, in qualitative agreement with experiments with low MW polystyrene. It is demonstrated that the orientation of simulated chains results from a size effect, being a function of the ratio between chain end-to-end distance and d. This study was complemented by experiments with thin films of pi-conjugated polymers like MEH-PPV. Anisotropic refractive index measurements were used to analyze chain orientation. With increasing MW, orientation is enhanced. However, for MEH-PPV, orientation does not depend on d even at thicknesses much larger than the chain contour length. This contradiction with simulations was discussed by considering additional causes for orientation, for instance the appearance of nematic-like ordering in polymer films. In another investigation, we simulated droplet evaporation at soluble surfaces and reproduced the formation of wells surrounded by ringlike deposits at the surface, as observed experimentally. In our simulations, swollen substrate particles migrate to the border of the droplet to minimize the contact between solvent and vacuum, which costs the most energy. Deposit formation in the beginning of evaporation results in pinning of the droplet. When polymer chains at the substrate surface have strong uniaxial orientation, the resulting pattern is no longer similar to a ring but to a pair of half-moons. In a final stage, as an extension for the model developed for polymerization in nanoreactors, we studied the effect of geometrical confinement on a hypothetical oscillating reaction following the mechanism of the so called periodically forced Brusselator. It was shown that a reaction which is chaotic in the bulk may be driven to periodicity by confinement and vice-versa, opening new perspectives for chaos control.


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For the detection of hidden objects by low-frequency electromagnetic imaging the Linear Sampling Method works remarkably well despite the fact that the rigorous mathematical justification is still incomplete. In this work, we give an explanation for this good performance by showing that in the low-frequency limit the measurement operator fulfills the assumptions for the fully justified variant of the Linear Sampling Method, the so-called Factorization Method. We also show how the method has to be modified in the physically relevant case of electromagnetic imaging with divergence-free currents. We present numerical results to illustrate our findings, and to show that similar performance can be expected for the case of conducting objects and layered backgrounds.


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We consider a simple (but fully three-dimensional) mathematical model for the electromagnetic exploration of buried, perfect electrically conducting objects within the soil underground. Moving an electric device parallel to the ground at constant height in order to generate a magnetic field, we measure the induced magnetic field within the device, and factor the underlying mathematics into a product of three operations which correspond to the primary excitation, some kind of reflection on the surface of the buried object(s) and the corresponding secondary excitation, respectively. Using this factorization we are able to give a justification of the so-called sampling method from inverse scattering theory for this particular set-up.


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The electric dipole response of neutron-rich nickel isotopes has been investigated using the LAND setup at GSI in Darmstadt (Germany). Relativistic secondary beams of 56−57Ni and 67−72Ni at approximately 500 AMeV have been generated using projectile fragmentation of stable ions on a 4 g/cm2 Be target and subsequent separation in the magnetic dipole fields of the FRagment Separator (FRS). After reaching the LAND setup in Cave C, the radioactive ions were excited electromagnetically in the electric field of a Pb target. The decay products have been measured in inverse kinematics using various detectors. Neutron-rich 67−69Ni isotopes decay by the emission of neutrons, which are detected in the LAND detector. The present analysis concentrates on the (gamma,n) and (gamma,2n) channels in these nuclei, since the proton and three-neutron thresholds are unlikely to be reached considering the virtual photon spectrum for nickel ions at 500 AMeV. A measurement of the stable 58Ni isotope is used as a benchmark to check the accuracy of the present results with previously published data. The measured (gamma,n) and (gamma,np) channels are compared with an inclusive photoneutron measurement by Fultz and coworkers, which are consistent within the respective errors. The measured excitation energy distributions of 67−69Ni contain a large portion of the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) strength predicted by the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn energy-weighted sum rule, as well as a significant amount of low-lying E1 strength, that cannot be attributed to the GDR alone. The GDR distribution parameters are calculated using well-established semi-empirical systematic models, providing the peak energies and widths. The GDR strength is extracted from the chi-square minimization of the model GDR to the measured data of the (gamma,2n) channel, thereby excluding any influence of eventual low-lying strength. The subtraction of the obtained GDR distribution from the total measured E1 strength provides the low-lying E1 strength distribution, which is attributed to the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR). The extraction of the peak energy, width and strength is performed using a Gaussian function. The minimization of trial Gaussian distributions to the data does not converge towards a sharp minimum. Therefore, the results are presented by a chi-square distribution as a function of all three Gaussian parameters. Various predictions of PDR distributions exist, as well as a recent measurement of the 68Ni pygmy dipole-resonance obtained by virtual photon scattering, to which the present pygmy dipole-resonance distribution is also compared.