999 resultados para EDUCAÇÃO DE TEMPO INTEGRAL


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Undocked institutions widely dilate the scope of time-space distancing, since the separation between these elements is crucial for the extreme dynamism of modernity. This separation is the prime condition of the process of disembedding, in which the displacement of social relations of local contexts of interaction and its redesign through indefinite extensions of time and space are favored. Therefore, there are two types of dislocated mechanisms intrinsically involved in the development of social modern institutions: symbolic tokens and expert systems. These mechanisms depend on reliability. Within this context, this present paper sees the professional life cycle of the teacher in the perspective of the expert system. It also sees the work stability of public servants in the symbolic token perspective, more specifically public teachers in Brazil. This paper also attempts to propose some reflections on what a disembedding in Brazilian education would mean and on how an eventual impasse between teachercentrism and studentcentrism would affect this process if necessary or desired, from one would understand by modernity.


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This paper provides an overview of the reality of Colonial Corps created in the early twentieth century, in São Paulo, based on a cut of the genesis of the municipality of Peixoto Hawk when he was one of the centers for the accommodation of European immigrants; well as in parallel to the phase coronelismo intensified in the area. From this historical assumption, following a brief contemporary approach, already in the XXI century, in order to provoke a debate that can aggregate relevant contribution to the strategic purposes of the locality, including inserting the new reality imposed by the deployment of the Aerospace Hub in the town, represented by installation of Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S / A - Embraer. It takes into account, thus the set of their social and cultural phenomena occurred and developed over time (diachronic); based on an analysis for educational planning, particularly in developing and implementing public policies and projects to new propositions for improvement Local education at different levels.


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Since when nurseries and pre-schools were established to serve educationally Brazilian children by Federal Constitution of 1988, advances were taken up claiming the improvement of early childhood education, such as raising the professional training, transfer of funds, construction of schools, as well as legal provisions have been drafted to guide and define the pedagogical practices of early childhood education. This paper intends to discuss the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, which define how they should be organized teaching practice, and examine how the activities should be developed in early childhood education institutions, to objectify the holistic development of children in seeking quality care this stage of basic education.


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This work carried through an exploratory study with nine students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that had passed for the scholarship in last the ten years and who were registered in the modality of Education for Young people and Adults (EYA). The objective was to identify the effect of the inclusive education, with regard to access and equity in education, in relation to the acquisition of reading, writing and calculation, having as reference the initial cycle of literacy. The research was developed with students aged between 16 and 46 years, in a city in interior of São Paulo (Brazil). About the participants, three were attended the Term I: (1ª and 2ª series), three the Term II (3ª e 4ª series) and three the Term III: (5ª series). An Instrument of Evaluation was elaborated, with specific questions of Portuguese language and mathematics. The study found that in the last ten years, of the investigated group, few students had frequented regular school and those who attended were for a short period of time. The great majority studied, in recent years, only in special school, against the current legislation of inclusive education policy in the Brazilian educational system. Although the students receive the classification of students with SEN, the scholar system demonstrate difficulties in taking care of these students in theirs specific demands of learning and remain, still, the necessity of adequate training of teachers to work in the inclusive schools and to attend the diversity present in the classroom.


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The new educational context requires the prospect of a more playful and pedagogic practices more flexible, and that meets promote child development, which includes the child in her singularity and allows her to read display that features the world, that stimulates exercise and allow the creative act that respects the feelings and emotions she has, which values ​​the different forms of infantile expression. The child needs and is entitled to promote his integral development potential. Therefore, it is necessary to have professional commitment to promote a quality educational services for children.


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The purpose of this work and to provide education professionals regarding the way a reflection of how the body has been seen and treated at school. In view of embodiment and sexuality education body and movement performed by him has received a new treatment in our time, overcoming the dichotomy inherited from the mechanistic paradigm and structured by Newton and Descartes and predominant in recent centuries. We know that these changes are consequences of the emergence of AIDS and the advancement of the incidence of unwanted pregnancies among young people of school age. Therefore, this discussion reinforces the need for training of teachers in promoting discussions about sexuality and corporeality with broader focus, dialogues, be traced paths to address the biopsychosocial aspects from a sociohistorical context of gender equity, respect for sexual diversity, the reduction of prejudice and violence against the so-called “minorities” sex.


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This paper developed a reflection about problems related to the establishment of ethical principles that guide the sexual education aiming at emancipation. Our theoretical framework is the Critical Theory of Society, in particular texts by T. W. Adorno on training, prejudice and education. It is understood that numerous difficulties are related to the achievement of an emancipatory education, and such difficulties are even greater when it comes to sex education since it is an issue that still raises irrational fears on educators, and is absent from the training they received. Following Adorno, it is understood that the current formation favors the development of subjects inclined to prejudice, and that an emancipatory sexual education involves a critique to the conditions under which such formation occurs and, at the same time, a continuous reflection about the relations between the desires and the social possibilities of their realization.


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El objetivo de este estudio es discutir el nacimiento del individuo moderno y el contexto de la "sociedad administrada" tomando como referencia los estudios realizados por el sociólogo polaco Zygmunt Bauman. A partir de estos dos puntos, se debate las relaciones con la institución escolar, mientras un dispositivo que pone en práctica la administración de la vida. Por último, se discute sobre el tema de la libertad, concibiéndola como un discurso contradictorio que, al mismo tiempo que toma al individuo como ser libre de determinaciones, lo inserta en nuevas formas de control, como práctica presentes en la sociedad de consumo.


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The goal of this article is to introduce the Gestalt Psychology as an alternative approach to be applied in the present pedagogic practice of education of brasilian youngsters and adults (EYA) starting with researchs done to introduce the short hystory of EYA in Brazil demonstrating its discussion among us since a long time, at least, since the transition from the Imperial to the Republican period, wich comes from the end of the XIX Century up to the begining of the XX Century. This history also shows different organizational moves of EYA already developed in this country in the public and private fields, as well its present reality in the large spectrum of brazilian education. Right after, it approachs and explains shortly the rising of the theory and the main concepts and laws of the Gestalt Psychology in an atempt to demonstrate and enlight its proposed applicability. The author finishs the article introducing the possible relation among concepts, Gestalt laws and education of youngsters and adults to be applyed day by day in the classroom to optimise the process of teaching and learning in the Education of Youngsters and Adults in Brazil.


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The kindergarten has as main objective the development of the child from zero to five years in their physical, emotional, cognitive and social domains. This is also the goal of the Centers for Children Living from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) that caters to children of teachers, technical and administrative staff and students. In this work we report some of the action of the Technical Commission of the CCIs with reflections on the construction of children's knowledge through observations of the CCIs in different campuses of Unesp, conducted through technical visits. As a theoretical contribution we adopt the Genetic Epistemology of Jean Piaget. Partial results show that, although there are efforts to understand and assist the process of constructing knowledge of children, many challenges remain to be overcome in the realization of an excellent service to children.


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This article argues for the existence of a nomadic way of thinking, in accord with Deleuze and Guattari’s proposals throughout their “nomadology”. I will look forward to develop such an argument through of four points: the epistemological, the political, the historical and the ontological one. These four points, in set, describe what we call nomadic thought. Such reflection is defined in the observation of a dominant process that constitutes subjectivities ruled by a “capitalist axiomatic”, in our time. Such process is understood as a nomadic device involving, as its main by-product, what is called of narcissism of the difference. However, if the dominant way of becoming subjects ruled by capitalist society, in our time, is nomadic, is it still worthwhile thinking as a nomad, as pursued Deleuze and Guattari?


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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The present study represents a qualitative thesis, characterized as a case study, which uses the method of the present approach. In addressing the academic home in physical education, there is the constancy of the discussions regarding the curriculum and professional formatting. In view of the curriculum modifications to fit the new legislation, and the fact they are few studies related to private institutions that offer such courses, which offer even greater number of courses when compared to public institutions aimed to investigate and analyze the professional profiles, curricular goals and flows contained in the pedagogical projects of courses bachelor degree in physical education and a private institution of higher education of the State of São Paulo, as well as verifying the existence and adequacy of articulation to the institutional educational project and the institutional development plan. Compounding the literature review discussed the key historical facts relating to courses in physical education in our country, and its path to the current model. Also presented was the law of physical education courses in force in Brazil and some concepts about teaching course projects and their relationship to other institutional documents. Techniques were used to review and document analysis, with primary source documents of their own and other government institution. It found a lack of interest of some private institutions of higher education in official documents available for this type of research, which is bad since there are more courses offered by them compared to public institutions. As for the degree course for training teachers of physical education, found lack of specificity regarding the differentiation between content and the bachelor, which ends up deviating from the expectations contained in the course to the one presented in the curriculum. Thus, it becomes a need for greater collaboration of private institutions of higher education...


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Vivemos em uma época em que a Educação Inclusiva é amplamente enfatizada. No que concerne à legislação brasileira, ela possuí inúmeros artigos e leis que citam a educação inclusiva em esfera nacional, que se movimentaram ao longo do tempo. Essa pesquisa procura trabalhar com as leis que tratam da inclusão desde 1988 até hoje, seus aspectos sociais analisadas em seu movimento histórico. Abordando referências bibliográficas que deem suporte teórico para a compreensão do tema


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Care practices have raised some questions concerning the attention given to women, specifically when it comes to issues of extreme importance in Public Health's approach of pre-natal care. The present study intends to discuss the scope and challenges of the integral care in maternal health, taking into consideration the experiences of one of the authors in the health scenarios from both Brazil and Portugal. A comparative analysis was conducted on the format of the pre-natal classes offered to groups of pregnant women, a frequent practice of Primary Care in both countries. The method of participant observation of two groups of pregnant women, one in each country was used. The organization of each group is presented and evaluated regarding its methodological and practical settings. The analysis of the experiences indicates that both groups can be considered as informative or educative, since the chosen methodology and structure was formed by lectures with predefined themes; there was reduced reflection and empowerment possibilities, due to the fragmented presentation form, and this could also mean diminished reflection on the changes of the feminine role. It is thus concluded that the need for offering care for women in different periods of their lives should include a continuous fight for an amplified and integral approach, with emphasis in the care network and in health promotion.