694 resultados para E-catalogs communities


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Exotic species are used to trigger facilitation in restoration plantings, but this positive effect may not be permanent and these species may have negative effects later on. Since such species can provide a marketable product (firewood), their harvest may represent an advantageous strategy to achieve both ecological and economic benefits. In this study, we looked at the effect of removal of a non-native tree species (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia) on the understory of a semideciduous forest undergoing restoration. We assessed two 14-year-old plantation systems (modified taungya agroforestry system; and mixed plantation using commercial timber and firewood tree species) established at two sites with contrasting soil properties in São Paulo state, Brazil. The experimental design included randomized blocks with split plots. The natural regeneration of woody species (height ≥0.2 m) was compared between managed (all M. caesalpiniifolia trees removed) and unmanaged plots during the first year after the intervention. The removal of M. caesalpiniifolia increased species diversity but decreased stand basal area. Nevertheless, the basal area loss was recovered after 1 year. The management treatment affected tree species regeneration differently between species groups. The results of this study suggest that removal of M. caesalpiniifolia benefited the understory and possibly accelerated the succession process. Further monitoring studies are needed to evaluate the longer term effects on stand structure and composition. The lack of negative effects of tree removal on the natural regeneration indicates that such interventions can be recommended, especially considering the expectations of economic revenues from tree harvesting in restoration plantings.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Parque das Neblinas (PN) is a 2,800 ha nature reserve contiguous with an Atlantic Forest fragment known as Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar located in the municipality of Bertioga, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The area originally contained Eucalyptus trees grown for paper pulp production. The aims of the study were the following: (1) to characterize the diversity of the bird community in PN; (2) to compare bird species observed in PN to species found in the Atlantic Forest; and (3) to list the percentages of species endemic to the Atlantic Forest and present in PN. Quantitative surveys used the point count method. The number of avian species recorded in PN totaled 222, of which 150 (66.4%) were associated with forest environments, 66 (29.3%) with open areas, and 10 (4.3%) with aquatic environments. The quantitative survey recorded 141 species and 2,527 contacts in 120 samples for an average of 21.05 contacts per sample. The general diversity index was H´=3.82. The study identified 15 bird species that actively participated in mixed flocks and 25 species endemic to Atlantic Forest, two of which present some kind of concern relating to conservation. Areas with Eucalyptus trees and a dense understory displayed the greatest bird species diversity, as opposed to areas with less developed or non-existent understories.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Solar heaters are an appropriate technology in tropical and sub-tropical climates to heat bath water by solar energy. Low-cost solar heaters meet the demand of low-income rural communities which currently do not have access to this technology. Current research analyzes the economic viability of solar heaters, built with recyclable materials, to reduce electric energy bill. A solar heating system was built consisting of recyclable materials in accordance with the manuals provided by the Secretariat of Environment of the state of Paraná (SEMA). Duration of use of electric showers by families of rural properties was determined to calculate expenses and billing of electricity. Simulation and material costs showed that the system was feasible. Commercial solar heaters could be replaced at a cost of R$ 22.61 per month during 13 months.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o impacto das atividades antropogênicas da cidade de Belém pela comparação da qualidade da água e das comunidades de larvas de peixes em dois igarapés que desembocam no rio Guamá. Um dos igarapés atravessa um subúrbio pobre e populoso de Belém, enquanto o outro é localizado em uma ilha de Belém, declarada Área de Proteção Ambiental desde 1997. Dois pontos de coletas foram definidos em cada igarapé e monitorados durante oito horas, a cada três meses e durante um ano. O igarapé em região urbana apresentou fortes alterações na qualidade da água, durante o ano todo e em todas as marés, e isto deve se essencialmente a presença de um elevado número de coliformes termotolerantes. Poucas larvas foram encontradas. A água foi considerada imprópria para uso e atividades humanas, assim como para a vida aquática. O igarapé da ilha apresentou primeiros sinais de contaminação por nutrientes e bactéria durante o período chuvoso, parcialmente decorrente de fontes de poluição difusa. Em ambos os córregos, as comunidades larvais foram quase exclusivamente compostas de clupeiformes. Todos os estágios de desenvolvimento larval foram encontrados. Densidades e proporções mais elevadas de larvas recém eclodidas foram registradas durante a estação seca e associadas à presença de nitrato. Resultados apontam a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema de drenagem urbano para esgoto e água pluvial na maior brevidade, e recomenda um estudo de monitoramento integrado do igarapé na Área de Proteção Ambiental.