923 resultados para Devaney chaos
Organo-clay complex of ligand-hexadecyltrimethylammonium with montmorillonite was made for the purpose of application as a preconcentration agent in a chemically modified carbon paste electrode for determination of mercury (II) in aqueous solution. It was found out that the adsorption of Hg(II) by organo-clay complex is independent of the pH of the solution. It was also found out that the adsorption of the remaining metals Cd(II), Ps(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II) was dependent on the changes in pH solutions and increased when it varies from 1 to 8. The resultant material was characterized by cyclic and differential pulse anodic voltammetry using a modified graphite paste electrode in different supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, possible interferences and other variables.
In this paper we study the local codimension one, two and three Hopf bifurcations which occur in the classical Chua's differential equations with cubic nonlinearity. A detailed analytical description of the regions in the parameter space for which multiple small periodic solutions bifurcate from the equilibria of the system is obtained. As a consequence, a complete answer for the challenge proposed in [Moiola & Chua, 1999] is provided. © 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company.
We present a non-linear symplectic map that describes the alterations of the magnetic field lines inside the tokamak plasma due to the presence of a robust torus (RT) at the plasma edge. This RT prevents the magnetic field lines from reaching the tokamak wall and reduces, in its vicinity, the islands and invariant curve destruction due to resonant perturbations. The map describes the equilibrium magnetic field lines perturbed by resonances created by ergodic magnetic limiters (EMLs). We present the results obtained for twist and non-twist mappings derived for monotonic and non-monotonic plasma current density radial profiles, respectively. Our results indicate that the RT implementation would decrease the field line transport at the tokamak plasma edge. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the dynamical response of a coupled oscillator is investigated, taking in consideration the nonlinear behavior of a SMA spring coupling the two oscillators. Due to the nonlinear coupling terms, the system exhibits both regular and chaotic motions. The Poincaré sections for different sets of coupling parameters are verified. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.
The location of invariant tori for a two-dimensional Hamiltonian mapping exhibiting mixed phase space is discussed. The phase space of the mapping shows a large chaotic sea surrounding periodic islands and limited by a set of invariant tori. Given the mapping considered is parameterised by an exponent γ in one of the dynamical variables, a connection with the standard mapping near a transition from local to global chaos is used to estimate the position of the invariant tori limiting the size of the chaotic sea for different values of the parameter γ. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In last decades, control of nonlinear dynamic systems became an important and interesting problem studied by many authors, what results the appearance of lots of works about this subject in the scientific literature. In this paper, an Atomic Force Microscope micro cantilever operating in tapping mode was modeled, and its behavior was studied using bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, time history, Poincare maps and Lyapunov exponents. Chaos was detected in an interval of time; those phenomena undermine the achievement of accurate images by the sample surface. In the mathematical model, periodic and chaotic motion was obtained by changing parameters. To control the chaotic behavior of the system were implemented two control techniques. The SDRE control (State Dependent Riccati Equation) and Time-delayed feedback control. Simulation results show the feasibility of the bothmethods, for chaos control of an AFM system. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.
Copper Pentacyanonitrosylferrate (NCuNP) nanoparticles were prepared in formamide solvent. The material was characterized by Infrared (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy. The Cyclic Voltammogram (CV) the modified graphite paste electrode with NCuNP exhibits two redox couples with (Eθ,)1 = 0.29 and (E θ,)2 = 0.86 V attribute at Cu(I)/Cu (II) and Fe(II)(CN)5NO/Fe(III)(CN) 5NO processes, respectively (KCl = 1.0 mol L-1; v = 20 mV s-1). The redox couple with (Eθ,)2 presents an electrocatalytic response for sulfite. The modified graphite paste electrode gives a linear response of 7.0 × 10-4 to 3.0 × 10-2 mol L-1 (r = 0.998), for sulfite determination with Detection Limit (DL) of 1.76 × 10-3 mol L-1 and an amperometric sensitivity of 3.38 mA/mol L-1 and relative standard desviations ± 3% (n=3). ©The Electrochemical Society.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper, we deal with the research of a proposed mathematical model of energy harvesting, including nonlinearities in the piezoelectric coupling and a non-ideal force of excitation. We showed using numerical simulations to analysis of the dynamic responses that, the power harvested was influenced by the nonlinear vibrations of the structure, as well as by the influence of the non-linearities in the piezoelectric coupling. We concluded through of the numerical results that the limited energy source was interacting with the system. Thus, the increasing of the voltage in DC motor led the system produce a good power response, especially in high-energy orbits in the resonance region, but the Sommerfeld effect occurs in the system and a chaotic behavior was found in the post-resonance region. So the power harvested along the time decreases because occurs loses of energy due the interaction between energy source and structure. Keeping the energy harvested constant over time is essential to make possible the use of energy harvesting systems in real applications. To achieve this objective, we applied a control technique in order to stabilize the chaotic system in a periodic stable orbit. We announced that the results were satisfactory and the control maintained the system in a stable condition. © 2012 Foundation for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation.
This paper, a micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) with parametric uncertainties is considered. The non-linear dynamics in MEMS system is demonstrated with a chaotic behavior. We present the linear optimal control technique for reducing the chaotic movement of the micro-electromechanical system with parametric uncertainties to a small periodic orbit. The simulation results show the identification by linear optimal control is very effective. © 2013 Academic Publications, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Local attractors, degeneracy and analyticity: Symmetry effects on the locally coupled Kuramoto model
In this work we study the local coupled Kuramoto model with periodic boundary conditions. Our main objective is to show how analytical solutions may be obtained from symmetry assumptions, and while we proceed on our endeavor we show apart from the existence of local attractors, some unexpected features resulting from the symmetry properties, such as intermittent and chaotic period phase slips, degeneracy of stable solutions and double bifurcation composition. As a result of our analysis, we show that stable fixed points in the synchronized region may be obtained with just a small amount of the existent solutions, and for a class of natural frequencies configuration we show analytical expressions for the critical synchronization coupling as a function of the number of oscillators, both exact and asymptotic. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Some dynamical properties for a bouncing ball model are studied. We show that when dissipation is introduced the structure of the phase space is changed and attractors appear. Increasing the amount of dissipation, the edges of the basins of attraction of an attracting fixed point touch the chaotic attractor. Consequently the chaotic attractor and its basin of attraction are destroyed given place to a transient described by a power law with exponent -2. The parameter-space is also studied and we show that it presents a rich structure with infinite self-similar structures of shrimp-shape. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We explore the idea that chaos concepts might be useful for understanding the thermalization in gauge theories. The SU(2) Higgs model is discussed as a prototype of system with gauge fields coupled to matter fields. Through the numerical solution of the equations of motion, we are able to characterize chaotic behavior via the corresponding Lyapunov exponent. Then it is demonstrated that the system's approach to equilibrium can be understood through direct application of the principles of Statistical Mechanics. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
The performance of the optimal linear feedback control and of the state-dependent Riccati equation control techniques applied to control and to suppress the chaotic motion in the atomic force microscope are analyzed. In addition, the sensitivity of each control technique regarding to parametric uncertainties are considered. Simulation results show the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.