995 resultados para Crime story - Luiz Lopes Coelho


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Definite hyperplasia of cells occurs in the skin lesions of the infectious myxoma of rabbits, more visible in such stages in which the intercellular basophilic substance is rather scanty (fig. 2). The increase in number of cells is the result of simplified forms of mitosis (modified type of mitosis, pseudoamitosis) which might readily be mistaken for amitosis in their final stages. Budding (figs. 20, 28, 29, 30) as well as constriction of the nucleus (figs. 18, 31, 32), and the formation of giant-cells (figs. 33, 34) are not rare. During the entire process the nuclear membrane does not desintegrate as in typical mitosis. Division of the cytoplasm following division of the nucleus has been demonstrated (fig. 17). Typical mitosis is practically absent. The cells which undergo hyperplasia present remarkable changes in their dimension, shape, and structure. The nucleus and cell-body are considerably enlarged (figs. 6, 7, 8). The shape of the nucleus is modified (figs. 8, 10, 15). Hypertrophy of nuclein, either as an intranuclear network (spireme?, figs. 9, 23), or in the form conspicuous, deeply staining masses which appear not to be homogeneous but to be composed of small particles closely clumped ("mulberries"?, figs. 12, 13, 14, 25, 26) occurs in most cells. While some of these pictures are probably related to necrosis of the cells as started by most of the previous workers, it is lekely that some of them may represent developmental stages of the modified mitosis (pseudoamitosis) here reported. In fact, fine cytological details not ordinarily preserved in necrotic cells (figs. 35, 36, 37) may be demonstrated in the socalled myxoma-cells subtted to approved cytological methods of study (fixation in B-15 and P. F. A.-3, staining in iron-hematoxylin).


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Mammalian cancer as well as the Rous chicken sarcoma has been successfully transplanted into the anterior chamber of the eyes of guinea pigs. It was of interest, therefore, to see if the infectious myxomatosis of rabbits, another representative of the infectious tumors, could be grown in the anterior chamber of the guinea pig eye, and, if growth occurred, to compare the tumor's behaviour with that of growths of the above mentioned etiology. Forty-three full-grown guinea pigs from mixed stocks were used throughout, and seventy-eight heterologous transplantation experiments were performed. The grafts measuring less than 2 mm. in diameter were cut from the subcutaneous tissue in skin lesions of rabbits with infectious myxomatosis recently killed. The transfer to the anterior chamber was performed after the usual technique. Some degree of partial survival was found in 23,8% of the grafts, in which typical myxoma cells could be demonstrated fifteen days after the transplantation. The transplant apparently does not increase in size, differing in that respect from that of the Rous chicken sarcoma, which increases in size by 2 or 3 diameters in 2 weeks (Shrigley, Greene & Duran-Reynals, 1945). The virus was still alive in 26% of the grafts 21 days after transplantation, and was able to induce a typical disease when injected to normal rabbits. No alteration in the properties of the virus after growth in the guinea pig was noticed, and this also is different from what happens with the Rous chicken sarcoma.


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O autor procurou estabelecer os dados relativos ao hemograma de coelho normal, do biotério do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, encontrando as seguintes médias: hematias 5.186.000 por mm3, leucócitos 10.419 por mm3, e na contagem específica os seguintes valores para Heterófilos 40%, basófilos 2.5%, eosinófilos 0.2%, monócitos 6.5% e linfócitos 50%, e células de Tuerk 0.8%. Pode o autor confirmar o achado de AGOSIN, referente à presença de células morfológicamente semelhantes ás de TUERK, no sangue periférico dos coelhos normais. Realizou ainda, uma revisão bibliográfica do assunto.


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Heterotranplantability of myxoma of rabbits was formely demonstrated when grafts from subcutaneous tissue in skin were used (MARGARINOS TÔRRES & RITA CARDOSOS, 1949). Better results are reported in this paper when grafts from the spleen of infected rabbits were employed. While grafts from normal spleen are almost completely absorbed in sixteen days, those from infected rabbits give origin to full-grown and vascularised tissue in which typical myxoma cells are predominant elements. Progressive growth of heterotransplantated myxoma cells is another similarity between infectious myxoma and malignant tumors. Formation of clear areas of circular contour (interference of a diffusible substance?) associated to myxomatous degeneration is very conspicuous. Peculiar changes of the ground substance, reticular and collagenous fibers (globular swelling, rosary and bulb formation) apparently related to myxomatous degeneration are described. An unexpected finding was the presence of typical intranuclear inclusion bodies in five among forty-eight grafts examined in the sixth day.


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Stress, molecular crowding and mutations may jeopardize the native folding of proteins. Misfolded and aggregated proteins not only loose their biological activity, but may also disturb protein homeostasis, damage membranes and induce apoptosis. Here, we review the role of molecular chaperones as a network of cellular defenses against the formation of cytotoxic protein aggregates. Chaperones favour the native folding of proteins either as "holdases", sequestering hydrophobic regions in misfolding polypeptides, and/or as "unfoldases", forcibly unfolding and disentangling misfolded polypeptides from aggregates. Whereas in bacteria, plants and fungi Hsp70/40 acts in concert with the Hsp100 (ClpB) unfoldase, Hsp70/40 is the only known chaperone in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells that can forcibly unfold and neutralize cytotoxic protein conformers. Owing to its particular spatial configuration, the bulky 70 kDa Hsp70 molecule, when distally bound through a very tight molecular clamp onto a 50-fold smaller hydrophobic peptide loop extruding from an aggregate, can locally exert on the misfolded segment an unfolding force of entropic origin, thus destroying the misfolded structures that stabilize aggregates. ADP/ATP exchange triggers Hsp70 dissociation from the ensuing enlarged unfolded peptide loop, which is then allowed to spontaneously refold into a closer-to-native conformation devoid of affinity for the chaperone. Driven by ATP, the cooperative action of Hsp70 and its co-chaperone Hsp40 may thus gradually convert toxic misfolded protein substrates with high affinity for the chaperone, into non-toxic, natively refolded, low-affinity products. Stress- and mutation-induced protein damages in the cell, causing degenerative diseases and aging, may thus be effectively counteracted by a powerful network of molecular chaperones and of chaperone-related proteases.


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En Crónica da Rua 513.2 (2006), Borges Coelho construye un nuevo lugar de escritura en la literatura mozambiqueña. Se trata del espacio del ethos intermedio, constituyendo la indicianidad el culminar de esta configuración. En este estudio es analizado, a partir de una metodología interdisciplinar, el conjunto de estrategias utilizadas por el narrador que cristaliza la constitución de este ethos: la onomástica y el espacio-temporalidad. Estos aspectos serán estudiados en el conjunto de la novela y en el caso específico del personaje de origen indio, Valgy, añadiéndose el estudio de la voz y los grados de alteridad que emergen del texto


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Coelhos com infecções maciças (20.000 cercárias) pelo Schistosoma mansoni desenvolvendo dentro de três a dez meses intensas e peculiares lesões no sistema porta intrahepático; estas consisten en endoflebite poliposa e endoflebite granulomatosa oclusiva, que evoluem para a cicatrização, com hialinização dos polipos endoteliais e com ectasia vascular, ou com trombose, organização e recanalização. Nos períodos tardios, estas lesões se acompanham de fibrose periportal, septal e de espessamento da trama reticular intra-parenquimal. Embora podendo ser bem intensas, tais lesões têm um caráter focal, pois se relacionam com grupos de vermes alojados em alguns segmentos da veia porta, não determinam hipertensão porta, nem têm semelhanças com as lesões da esquistossomose humana. Os granulomas periovulares quase não aparecem no fígado, mas se formam bem nos intestinos, especialmetne nos dois ou três primeiros meses após a infecção. A patologia da esquistossomose no coelho tem, portanto, aspectos peculiares, os quais merecem ser bem conhecidos, uma vez que este modelo pode se revelar de interesse para estudantes dos imunológicos e imunopatológicos.


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This paper presents a stylised framework to examine how skill-biased technological change and labour market frictions affect the relationship between economic expansion and unskilled unemployment. The first part of the analysis focuses on the investment decisions in skill-acquisition and technology adoption activities faced by workers and firms in response to the introduction of an innovative technology. The second part examines how endogenous two-sided heterogeneity in the labour market affects the macroeconomic outcomes in terms of unemployment, technological diffusion, and economic expansion. To conclude, the framework is used to discuss the effects of alternative forms of policy intervention on agents' investment decisions and on the macroeconomic outcomes.


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A new species of a very small land snail (Endodontidae) occurring in São José de Itaboraí limestone basin, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is described in honour of zoologist Hugo de Souza Lopes. Austrodiscus Parodiz, 1957 is registered in the paleontological records, for the first time.