802 resultados para Creative Workforce


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Interviews with more than 40 leaders in the Boston area health care industry have identified a range of broadly-felt critical problems. This document synthesizes these problems and places them in the context of work and family issues implicit in the organization of health care workplaces. It concludes with questions about possible ways to address such issues. The defining circumstance for the health care industry nationally as well as regionally at present is an extraordinary reorganization, not yet fully negotiated, in the provision and financing of health care. Hoped-for controls on increased costs of medical care – specifically the widespread replacement of indemnity insurance by market-based managed care and business models of operation--have fallen far short of their promise. Pressures to limit expenditures have produced dispiriting conditions for the entire healthcare workforce, from technicians and aides to nurses and physicians. Under such strains, relations between managers and workers providing care are uneasy, ranging from determined efforts to maintain respectful cooperation to adversarial negotiation. Taken together, the interviews identify five key issues affecting a broad cross-section of occupational groups, albeit in different ways: Staffing shortages of various kinds throughout the health care workforce create problems for managers and workers and also for the quality of patient care. Long work hours and inflexible schedules place pressure on virtually every part of the healthcare workforce, including physicians. Degraded and unsupportive working conditions, often the result of workplace "deskilling" and "speed up," undercut previous modes of clinical practice. Lack of opportunities for training and advancement exacerbate workforce problems in an industry where occupational categories and terms of work are in a constant state of flux. Professional and employee voices are insufficiently heard in conditions of rapid institutional reorganization and consolidation. Interviewees describe multiple impacts of these issues--on the operation of health care workplaces, on the well being of the health care workforce, and on the quality of patient care. Also apparent in the interviews, but not clearly named and defined, is the impact of these issues on the ability of workers to attend well to the needs of their families--and the reciprocal impact of workers' family tensions on workplace performance. In other words, the same things that affect patient care also affect families, and vice versa. Some workers describe feeling both guilty about raising their own family issues when their patients' needs are at stake, and resentful about the exploitation of these feelings by administrators making workplace policy. The different institutions making up the health care system have responded to their most pressing issues with a variety of specific stratagems but few that address the complexities connecting relations between work and family. The MIT Workplace Center proposes a collaborative exploration of next steps to probe these complications and to identify possible locations within the health care system for workplace experimentation with outcomes benefiting all parties.


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Begin with a call to action. Present evidence on the dimensions of an employment crisis in the Aerospace Industry. Understand the links to issues of instability and lean. Focus dialogue on high leverage, mutual gains options for all stakeholders in the industry. Identify specific next steps. Under the auspices of LAI. In other forums as appropriate.


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When discussing the traditional and new missions of higher education (1996 Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century) Jacques Delors stated that "Excessive attraction to social sciences has broken equilibrium of available graduates for workforce, thus causing doubts of graduates and employers on the quality of knowledge provided by higher education". Likewise, when discussing the progress of science and technology, the 1998 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education concluded that "Another challenge concerts the latest advancements of Science, the sine qua non of sustainable development"; and that “with Information Technology, the unavoidable invasion of virtual reality has increased the distance between industrial and developing countries". Recreational Science has a long tradition all over the Educational World; it aims to show the basic aspects of Science, aims to entertain, and aims to induce thinking. Until a few years ago, this field of knowledge consisted of a few books, a few kits and other classical (yet innovative) ways to popularize the knowledge of Nature and the laws governing it. In Spain, the interest for recreational science has increased in the last years. First, new recreational books are being published and found in bookstores. Second the number of Science-related museums and exhibits is increasing. And third, new television shows are produced and new short science-based, superficial sketches are found in variety programs. However, actual programs in Spanish television dealing seriously with Science are scarce. Recreational Science, especially that related to physical phenomena like light or motion, is generally found at Science Museums because special equipment is required. On the contrary, Science related mathematics, quizzes and puzzles use to gather into books, e.g. the extensive collections by Martin Gardner. However, lately Science podcasts have entered the field of science communication. Not only traditional science journals and television channels are providing audio and video podcasts, but new websites deal exclusively with science podcasts, in particular on Recreational Science. In this communication we discuss the above mentioned trends and show our experience in the last two years in participating at Science Fairs and university-sponsored events to attract students to science and technology careers. We show a combination of real examples (e.g., mathemagic), imagination, use of information technology, and use of social networks. We present as well an experience on designing a computational, interactive tool to promote chemistry among high school, prospective students using computers ("Dancing with Bionanomolecules"). Like the concepts related to Web 2.0, it has been already proposed that a new framework for communication of science is emerging, i.e., Science Communication 2.0, where people and institutions develop new innovative ways to explain science topics to diverse publics – and where Recreational Science is likely to play a leading role


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El uso de las licencias Creative Commons es muy amplio, puede darse respecto de cualquiera de las obras protegidas por el derecho de autor y por tanto ser aplicado por artistas, escritores, científicos, profesores, estudiantes, oficinistas, etc. Sin embargo, el ejercicio de análisis y comparación que proponemos respecto al uso de licencias Creative Commons es para un escenario más cerrado que pueda atender a los intereses propios del sector al que va dirigida esta publicación en particular, es decir, al objeto de trabajo de las Editoriales Universitarias en América Latina, a las publicaciones académicas. Por tanto, este documento se ocupará concretamente del uso de las licencias Creative Commons[1] en las publicaciones académicas en línea, mirándolas desde la óptica del acceso abierto (Labastida i Juan; Iglesias, 2006) y pensándolas desde la filosofía que las perfila, su penetración, las oportunidades que generan, las ventajas que hacen evidentes, e incluso los retos y desventajas que afrontan.


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This is the first part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation.


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This is the second part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation. Here I am talking about the Making of Doljer


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My profile page on creative commons network


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Slides for a Level 3 Digital Practice and Theory lecture on using CC, promoting your work and ways to get it out there, some demonstration on the economic value of sharing.


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Durante la crisis financiera global de 2008 muchas organizaciones y mercados financieros tuvieron que terminar sus operaciones o replantearlas debido a los choques que golpearon el bienestar de sus empresas. A pesar de esta grave situación, en la actualidad se pueden encontrar empresas que se recuperaron y salieron del terrible panorama que les presentó la crisis, incluso encontrando nuevas oportunidades de negocio y fortaleciendo su futuro. Esta capacidad que algunas organizaciones tuvieron y que permitió su salida victoriosa de la crisis se denomina resiliencia, la cual es la capacidad de sobreponerse a los efectos negativos de choques internos o externos (Briguglio, Cordina, Farrugia & Vella 2009). Por tanto en el presente trabajo se estudiará esta capacidad tanto en la organización como en los líderes para hallar factores que mejoren el desempeño de las empresas en crisis como la que ocurrió en el 2008 – 2009. Primero se realizará un estudio sobre los sucesos y el desarrollo de la crisis subprime del año 2008 para tener un entendimiento claro de sus antecedentes, desarrollo, magnitud y consecuencias. Posteriormente se realizará un estudio profundo sobre la teoría de la resiliencia organizacional y la resiliencia en el líder como individuo y los estilos de liderazgo. Finalmente teniendo un sustento teórico tanto de la crisis como del concepto de resiliencia se tomarán casos de estudio de empresas que lograron perdurar en la crisis financiera del 2008 y empresas que no lograron sobrevivir para posteriormente hallar características del líder y del liderazgo que puedan aumentar o afectar la capacidad de resiliencia de las organizaciones con el objetivo de brindar herramientas a los líderes actuales para que manejen de forma eficiente y eficaz las empresas en un mundo complejo y variable como el actual.


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Talk given for Filmelab April 2008


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The resource set of info2009 coursework 2 is produced by group22. it contains: 1. poster 2. internet link of a set of multiple questions 3. a pdf file of a set of multiple questions 4. reference list 5. lecture slides 6. lecture notes ps: Edward Payne (ejp1x07@ecs.soton.ac.uk) has not contributed to any part of the activities.


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Actividades que se proponen a los alumnos para aumentar su capacidad de hacer preguntas y desarrollar varias habilidades en el contexto de respuestas creativas de geografía.


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Es un recurso integral pues presenta técnicas de enseñanza eficaces que pueden utilizar los profesores de todas las materias en las lecciones diarias de su clase pero, también, incluye experiencias para un aprendizaje efectivo que involucra a los estudiantes y aumenta su motivación. Todas estas estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje son prácticas y se han probado con éxito en las aulas. Una sección especial se ocupa del desarrollo a nivel personal y profesional de los docentes para mejorar sus habilidades de enseñanza.