900 resultados para Constraint solving


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Os sistemas biológicos são surpreendentemente flexíveis pra processar informação proveniente do mundo real. Alguns organismos biológicos possuem uma unidade central de processamento denominada de cérebro. O cérebro humano consiste de 10(11) neurônios e realiza processamento inteligente de forma exata e subjetiva. A Inteligência Artificial (IA) tenta trazer para o mundo da computação digital a heurística dos sistemas biológicos de várias maneiras, mas, ainda resta muito para que isso seja concretizado. No entanto, algumas técnicas como Redes neurais artificiais e lógica fuzzy tem mostrado efetivas para resolver problemas complexos usando a heurística dos sistemas biológicos. Recentemente o numero de aplicação dos métodos da IA em sistemas zootécnicos tem aumentado significativamente. O objetivo deste artigo é explicar os princípios básicos da resolução de problemas usando heurística e demonstrar como a IA pode ser aplicada para construir um sistema especialista para resolver problemas na área de zootecnia.


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A sociedade contemporânea ocidental estendeu o período da adolescência, que não é mais encarada apenas como uma preparação para a vida adulta, mas passou a adquirir sentido em si mesma, como um estágio do ciclo vital. O presente artigo procura descrever como os adolescentes eram vistos e tratados, desde a antiguidade até os dias de hoje, a partir de textos literários ou filosóficos e estudos científicos. O material bibliográfico a respeito da adolescência caracteriza-se por três etapas distintas: a descrição dos padrões de comportamento, ajustamento pessoal e relacionamento; a resolução de problemas reais por meio do conhecimento científico; e o desenvolvimento positivo do indivíduo, considerando os adolescentes como o futuro da humanidade.


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Saber planejar expressa uma forma de antecipação com pré-correção de erros e uso de inferências. Esta questão foi aqui analisada em 60 matrizes de labirintos (20 A, 20 B e 20 C), resolvidas por 20 alunos da Escola Fundamental, entre 7 e 11 anos. Deste total, 31 matrizes foram resolvidas com um único traçado. As 29 restantes foram analisadas, considerando-se, dentre outros, procedimentos indicadores de planejamento: (1) começar do final, (2) aproveitar o traçado anterior e (3) interromper o traçado. O procedimento (1) foi utilizado pelos sujeitos em 7 matrizes; o procedimento (2) em 9; e o procedimento (3) em 5. Na discussão, apoiada em estudos comparáveis realizados por Piaget, destacaram-se três níveis de resolução das matrizes utilizadas. E, nas considerações finais, foram descritas algumas formas de intervenção, visando favorecer, em um contexto educacional, o desenvolvimento da habilidade de antecipação em crianças.


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Os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) possuem uma missão de grande importância na implementação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família: devem criar o vínculo entre a população e os serviços de atenção básica, combinando ações de promoção da saúde, assistência básica e prevenção. A equipe do Cerest de Piracicaba realizou, no período de 2004-2006, análise ergonômica do trabalho em uma unidade de saúde de família cujos objetivos foram compreender a relação entre queixas de sofrimento e as condições de trabalho das ACS e propor medidas para modificá-las. Os resultados da AET mostram que, a despeito do engajamento visando resolver os problemas de saúde das famílias, o limitado “poder de agir” das ACS, devido às limitações da unidade e da rede de serviços, expunham-nas a situações nas quais se encontravam incapazes de adotar ações efetivas e nas quais não podiam se prevenir do sofrimento


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In recent years, we have experienced increasing interest in the understanding of the physical properties of collisionless plasmas, mostly because of the large number of astrophysical environments (e. g. the intracluster medium (ICM)) containing magnetic fields that are strong enough to be coupled with the ionized gas and characterized by densities sufficiently low to prevent the pressure isotropization with respect to the magnetic line direction. Under these conditions, a new class of kinetic instabilities arises, such as firehose and mirror instabilities, which have been studied extensively in the literature. Their role in the turbulence evolution and cascade process in the presence of pressure anisotropy, however, is still unclear. In this work, we present the first statistical analysis of turbulence in collisionless plasmas using three-dimensional numerical simulations and solving double-isothermal magnetohydrodynamic equations with the Chew-Goldberger-Low laws closure (CGL-MHD). We study models with different initial conditions to account for the firehose and mirror instabilities and to obtain different turbulent regimes. We found that the CGL-MHD subsonic and supersonic turbulences show small differences compared to the MHD models in most cases. However, in the regimes of strong kinetic instabilities, the statistics, i.e. the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of density and velocity, are very different. In subsonic models, the instabilities cause an increase in the dispersion of density, while the dispersion of velocity is increased by a large factor in some cases. Moreover, the spectra of density and velocity show increased power at small scales explained by the high growth rate of the instabilities. Finally, we calculated the structure functions of velocity and density fluctuations in the local reference frame defined by the direction of magnetic lines. The results indicate that in some cases the instabilities significantly increase the anisotropy of fluctuations. These results, even though preliminary and restricted to very specific conditions, show that the physical properties of turbulence in collisionless plasmas, as those found in the ICM, may be very different from what has been largely believed.


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This work develops a method for solving ordinary differential equations, that is, initial-value problems, with solutions approximated by using Legendre's polynomials. An iterative procedure for the adjustment of the polynomial coefficients is developed, based on the genetic algorithm. This procedure is applied to several examples providing comparisons between its results and the best polynomial fitting when numerical solutions by the traditional Runge-Kutta or Adams methods are available. The resulting algorithm provides reliable solutions even if the numerical solutions are not available, that is, when the mass matrix is singular or the equation produces unstable running processes.


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Context. The turbulent pumping effect corresponds to the transport of magnetic flux due to the presence of density and turbulence gradients in convectively unstable layers. In the induction equation it appears as an advective term and for this reason it is expected to be important in the solar and stellar dynamo processes. Aims. We explore the effects of turbulent pumping in a flux-dominated Babcock-Leighton solar dynamo model with a solar-like rotation law. Methods. As a first step, only vertical pumping has been considered through the inclusion of a radial diamagnetic term in the induction equation. In the second step, a latitudinal pumping term was included and then, a near-surface shear was included. Results. The results reveal the importance of the pumping mechanism in solving current limitations in mean field dynamo modeling, such as the storage of the magnetic flux and the latitudinal distribution of the sunspots. If a meridional flow is assumed to be present only in the upper part of the convective zone, it is the full turbulent pumping that regulates both the period of the solar cycle and the latitudinal distribution of the sunspot activity. In models that consider shear near the surface, a second shell of toroidal field is generated above r = 0.95 R(circle dot) at all latitudes. If the full pumping is also included, the polar toroidal fields are efficiently advected inwards, and the toroidal magnetic activity survives only at the observed latitudes near the equator. With regard to the parity of the magnetic field, only models that combine turbulent pumping with near-surface shear always converge to the dipolar parity. Conclusions. This result suggests that, under the Babcock-Leighton approach, the equartorward motion of the observed magnetic activity is governed by the latitudinal pumping of the toroidal magnetic field rather than by a large scale coherent meridional flow. Our results support the idea that the parity problem is related to the quadrupolar imprint of the meridional flow on the poloidal component of the magnetic field and the turbulent pumping positively contributes to wash out this imprint.


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In this Letter, we propose a new and model-independent cosmological test for the distance-duality (DD) relation, eta = D(L)(z)(1 + z)(-2)/D(A)(z) = 1, where D(L) and D(A) are, respectively, the luminosity and angular diameter distances. For D(L) we consider two sub-samples of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) taken from Constitution data whereas D(A) distances are provided by two samples of galaxy clusters compiled by De Filippis et al. and Bonamente et al. by combining Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray surface brightness. The SNe Ia redshifts of each sub-sample were carefully chosen to coincide with the ones of the associated galaxy cluster sample (Delta z < 0.005), thereby allowing a direct test of the DD relation. Since for very low redshifts, D(A)(z) approximate to D(L)(z), we have tested the DD relation by assuming that. is a function of the redshift parameterized by two different expressions: eta(z) = 1 + eta(0)z and eta(z) = 1 +eta(0)z/(1 + z), where eta(0) is a constant parameter quantifying a possible departure from the strict validity of the reciprocity relation (eta(0) = 0). In the best scenario (linear parameterization), we obtain eta(0) = -0.28(-0.44)(+0.44) (2 sigma, statistical + systematic errors) for the De Filippis et al. sample (elliptical geometry), a result only marginally compatible with the DD relation. However, for the Bonamente et al. sample (spherical geometry) the constraint is eta(0) = -0.42(-0.34)(+0.34) (3 sigma, statistical + systematic errors), which is clearly incompatible with the duality-distance relation.


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The mechanism of incoherent pi(0) and eta photoproduction from complex nuclei is investigated from 4 to 12 GeV with an extended version of the multicollisional Monte Carlo (MCMC) intranuclear cascade model. The calculations take into account the elementary photoproduction amplitudes via a Regge model and the nuclear effects of photon shadowing, Pauli blocking, and meson-nucleus final-state interactions. The results for pi(0) photoproduction reproduced for the first time the magnitude and energy dependence of the measured rations sigma(gamma A)/sigma(gamma N) for several nuclei (Be, C, Al, Cu, Ag, and Pb) from a Cornell experiment. The results for eta photoproduction fitted the inelastic background in Cornell's yields remarkably well, which is clearly not isotropic as previously considered in Cornell's analysis. With this constraint for the background, the eta -> gamma gamma. decay width was extracted using the Primakoff method, combining Be and Cu data [Gamma(eta ->gamma gamma) = 0.476(62) keV] and using Be data only [Gamma(eta ->gamma gamma) = 0.512(90) keV]; where the errors are only statistical. These results are in sharp contrast (similar to 50-60%) with the value reported by the Cornell group [Gamma(eta ->gamma gamma). = 0.324(46) keV] and in line with the Particle Data Group average of 0.510(26) keV.


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The double helicity asymmetry in neutral pion production for p(T) = 1 to 12 GeV/c was measured with the PHENIX experiment to access the gluon-spin contribution, Delta G, to the proton spin. Measured asymmetries are consistent with zero, and at a theory scale of mu 2 = 4 GeV(2) a next to leading order QCD analysis gives Delta G([0.02,0.3]) = 0.2, with a constraint of -0.7 < Delta G([0.02,0.3]) < 0.5 at Delta chi(2) = 9 (similar to 3 sigma) for the sampled gluon momentum fraction (x) range, 0.02 to 0.3. The results are obtained using predictions for the measured asymmetries generated from four representative fits to polarized deep inelastic scattering data. We also consider the dependence of the Delta G constraint on the choice of the theoretical scale, a dominant uncertainty in these predictions.


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The PHENIX experiment has measured the suppression of semi-inclusive single high-transverse-momentum pi(0)'s in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The present understanding of this suppression is in terms of energy loss of the parent (fragmenting) parton in a dense color-charge medium. We have performed a quantitative comparison between various parton energy-loss models and our experimental data. The statistical point-to-point uncorrelated as well as correlated systematic uncertainties are taken into account in the comparison. We detail this methodology and the resulting constraint on the model parameters, such as the initial color-charge density dN(g)/dy, the medium transport coefficient <(q) over cap >, or the initial energy-loss parameter epsilon(0). We find that high-transverse-momentum pi(0) suppression in Au+Au collisions has sufficient precision to constrain these model-dependent parameters at the +/- 20-25% (one standard deviation) level. These constraints include only the experimental uncertainties, and further studies are needed to compute the corresponding theoretical uncertainties.


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We investigate bouncing solutions in the framework of the nonsingular gravity model of Brandenberger, Mukhanov and Sornborger. We show that a spatially flat universe filled with ordinary matter undergoing a phase of contraction reaches a stage of minimal expansion factor before bouncing in a regular way to reach the expanding phase. The expansion can be connected to the usual radiation-and matter-dominated epochs before reaching a final expanding de Sitter phase. In general relativity (GR), a bounce can only take place provided that the spatial sections are positively curved, a fact that has been shown to translate into a constraint on the characteristic duration of the bounce. In our model, on the other hand, a bounce can occur also in the absence of spatial curvature, which means that the time scale for the bounce can be made arbitrarily short or long. The implication is that constraints on the bounce characteristic time obtained in GR rely heavily on the assumed theory of gravity. Although the model we investigate is fourth order in the derivatives of the metric (and therefore unstable vis-a-vis the perturbations), this generic bounce dynamics should extend to string-motivated nonsingular models which can accommodate a spatially flat bounce.


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Cosmological analyses based on currently available observations are unable to rule out a sizeable coupling between dark energy and dark matter. However, the signature of the coupling is not easy to grasp, since the coupling is degenerate with other cosmological parameters, such as the dark energy equation of state and the dark matter abundance. We discuss possible ways to break such degeneracy. Based on the perturbation formalism, we carry out the global fitting by using the latest observational data and get a tight constraint on the interaction between dark sectors. We find that the appropriate interaction can alleviate the coincidence problem.