1000 resultados para Chronic aphasia


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SAMHD1 is a deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase and a nuclease that restricts HIV-1 in noncycling cells. Germ-line mutations in SAMHD1 have been described in patients with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), a congenital autoimmune disease. In a previous longitudinal whole genome sequencing study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we revealed a SAMHD1 mutation as a potential founding event. Here, we describe an AGS patient carrying a pathogenic germ-line SAMHD1 mutation who developed CLL at 24 years of age. Using clinical trial samples, we show that acquired SAMHD1 mutations are associated with high variant allele frequency and reduced SAMHD1 expression and occur in 11% of relapsed/refractory CLL patients. We provide evidence that SAMHD1 regulates cell proliferation and survival and engages in specific protein interactions in response to DNA damage. We propose that SAMHD1 may have a function in DNA repair and that the presence of SAMHD1 mutations in CLL promotes leukemia development.


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Catopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme, was given orally during cardiac catheterisation to 6 normotensive patients with refractory congestive heart-failure. 60--180 minutes after administration of 25 mg captopril, arterial pressure fell by 25%, cardiac index rose by 38%, and left-ventricular pressure and right-atrial pressure fell by 25% and 40% respectively. Plasma-renin activity rose while plasma noradrenaline and aldosterone fell. These data suggest that, in the short term, captopril can reduce both preload and afterload, and improve cardiac function, in refractory congestive heart-failure.


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L`electrocardiograma és la primera eina diagnòstica fàcilment disponible per la detecció de l´infart a la práctica clínica. El seu valor va ser donat principalment amb estudis antics anatomopatològics. La ressonància magnètica cardíaca actualment és la tècnica d`elecció per la detecció de l`infart. Aquest estudi investiga el valor de l`electrocardiograma ( sensibilitat i especificitat) per detectar infarts de la zona anteroseptal. Conclusiò: la sensibilitat y la especificitat de quatre patents electrocardiogràfiques de la zona anteroseptal va ser valorada. Així mateix, encara que s`observin extenses ones Q en les derivacions anteriors la necrosis és usualment limitada si VL no está afectat. 3


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L’objectiu es determinar si el tractament amb azitromicina a llarg termini redueix la freqüència d’exacerbacions respiratòries en pacients amb malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC) greu. Estudi retrospectiu observacional que avalua els beneficis clínics del tractament amb azitromicina a llarg termini (500 mg per via oral tres vegades per setmana) durant 12 mesos en pacients amb MPOC greu amb un mínim de 4 exacerbacions agudes (EAMPOC) per any o colonitzats per Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Es comparen amb els 12 mesos previs a l’introducció de l’azitromicina: nombre de EAMPOC, hospitalitzacions i dies d'estada hospitalària. L’azitromicina a llarg termini s’associa a una reducció significativa de EAMPOC, hospitalitzacions i dies d’estada hospitalària en pacients amb EPOC greu independentment de la colonització basal.


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Recent data indicate that bradykinin participates in the regulation of neonatal glomerular function and also acts as a growth regulator during renal development. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of bradykinin in the maturation of renal function. Bradykinin beta2-receptors of newborn rabbits were inhibited for 4 days by Hoe 140. The animals were treated with 300 microg/kg s.c. Hoe 140 (group Hoe, n = 8) or 0.9% NaCl (group control, n = 8) twice daily. Clearance studies were performed in anesthetized rabbits at the age of 8-9 days. Bradykinin receptor blockade did not impair kidney growth, as demonstrated by similar kidney weights in the two groups, nor did it influence blood pressure. Renal blood flow was higher, while renal vascular resistance and filtration fraction were lower in Hoe 140-treated rabbits. No difference in glomerular filtration rate was observed. The unexpectedly higher renal perfusion observed in group Hoe cannot be explained by the blockade of the known vasodilator and trophic effect of bradykinin. Our results indicate that in intact kallikrein-kinin system is necessary for the normal functional development of the kidney.


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In the present communication we analyzed the levels of IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4 and IgE isotypes to soluble egg antigen of Schistosoma mansoni by ELISA in individuals from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Northeast Brazil. The analysis was performed before and after treatment to evaluate the age-dependent pattern, and to identify differences in the reactivities to antigens. Our results suggest that schistosomiasis treatment would not interfere with this sort of immune response.


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Tackling Chronic Disease – A Policy Framework for the Management of Chronic Diseases Chronic diseases are recognised as a major health challenge. In the healthcare system, they represent the major component of service activity and expenditure, as well as the major contributor to mortality and ill-health in this country. Given the population projections which predict a doubling of the elderly population over the next 30 years, this will give rise to a significant increase in chronic diseases with the consequent burden on society, the healthcare system and individuals. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb


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Background and aim: H epatitis E v irus (HEV) infection has emerged as a c ause o f travel-related a nd autochthonous a cute hepatitis as well as chronic hepatitis in immunosuppressed patients. While t ravel-related cases a re c aused primarily b y infections w ith HEV of g enotype 1 ( HEV-1), autochthonous c ases a nd chronic cases a re d ue t o genotype 3 (HEV-3), which is s hared between humans and diverse animal species. The aim of this study was to establish HEV RNA detection assays f or q uantitative v iral load testing and genotyping. Methods: V iral RNA was p urified from plasma or s erum a nd converted to cDNA prior to (1) multiplex real-time PCR for HEV RNA quantification and (2) multiplex PCR coupled to DNA sequencing for HEV genotype determination. Real-time PCR was d esigned to match a ll known HEV genotypes available i n Genbank while PCR was designed using conserved primers flanking a variable region of the HEV RNA. Results: In a validation panel, the newly developed assays allowed for the reliable detection and genotyping of HEV-1 or HEV-3. Cases of t ravel-related and a utochthonous a cute h epatitis E a s well a s chronic hepatitis E i n immunosuppressed patients have b een identified using t hese a ssays a nd will be p resented in detail. Anti- HEV antibodies were n egative i n three well-characterized patients with chronic hepatitis E after organ transplantation. Conclusions: We developed and validated a quantitative HEV RNA detection assay that c an now be o ffered on a r outine basis (www.chuv.ch/imul/imu-collaborations-viral_hepatitis). Genotyping can also be offered on selected cases. HEV RNA detection is key in diagnosing chronic hepatitis E i n immunosuppressed patients with unexplained transaminase elevations, as serology can be negative in these patients.


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BACKGROUND: Human systemic antibody responses to commensal microbiota are not well characterised during health and disease. Of particular interest is the analysis of their potential modulation caused by chronic HIV-1 infection which is associated with sustained enteropathy and systemic B cell disturbances reflected by impaired B cell responses and chronic B cell hyperactivity. The mechanisms underlying B cell hyperactivation and the specificities of the resulting hypergammaglobulinaemia are only poorly understood. METHODS: By a technique referred to as live bacterial FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting), the present study investigated systemic antibody responses to several gut and skin commensal bacteria as well as Candida albicans in longitudinal plasma and serum samples from healthy donors, chronic HIV-1-infected individuals with or without diarrhoea and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). RESULTS: The data show that systemic antibody responses to the commensal microbiota were abundantly present in humans and remained remarkably stable over years. Overall systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria were not affected during chronic HIV-1 infection, with titres decreasing when normalised to elevated plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels found in patients with HIV. In contrast, increases in the titres of high affinity antimicrobiota antibodies were detected in patients with IBD, demonstrating that conditions with known increased intestinal permeability and aberrant mutualism can induce changes in antibody titres observed in these assays. CONCLUSION: Neither HIV-associated enteropathy nor B cell dysfunction impact on the high-affinity systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria. HIV-associated hypergammaglobulinaemia is therefore unlikely to be driven by induction of antimicrobiota antibodies.


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In Chagas disease, during the acute phase, the establishment of inflammatory processes is crucial for Trypanosoma cruzi control in target tissues and for the establishment of host/parasite equilibrium. However, in about 30% of the patients, inflammation becomes progressive, resulting in chronic disease, mainly characterized by myocarditis. Although several hypothesis have been raised to explain the pathogenesis of chagasic myocardiopathy, including the persistence of the parasite and/or participation of autoimmune processes, the molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment of the inflammatory process leading to parasitism control but also contributing to the maintenance of T. cruzi-elicited chronic myocarditis remain unsolved. Trying to shed light on these questions, we have for several years been working with murine models for Chagas disease that reproduce the acute self-resolving meningoencephalitis, the encephalitis resulting of reactivation described in immunodeficient individuals, and several aspects of the acute and chronic myocarditis. In the present review, our results are summarized and discussed under the light of the current literature. Furthermore, rational therapeutic intervention strategies based on integrin-mediated adhesion and chemokine receptor-driven recruitment of leukocytes are proposed to control T. cruzi-elicited unbalanced inflammation.


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BACKGROUND: Recent clinical recommendations still propose active exercises (AE) for CNSLBP. However, acceptance of exercises by patients may be limited by pain-related manifestations. Current evidences suggest that manual therapy (MT) induces an immediate analgesic effect through neurophysiologic mechanisms at peripheral, spinal and cortical levels. The aim of this pilot study was first, to assess whether MT has an immediate analgesic effect, and second, to compare the lasting effect on functional disability of MT plus AE to sham therapy (ST) plus AE. METHODS: Forty-two CNSLBP patients without co-morbidities, randomly distributed into 2 treatment groups, received either spinal manipulation/mobilization (first intervention) plus AE (MT group; n = 22), or detuned ultrasound (first intervention) plus AE (ST group; n = 20). Eight therapeutic sessions were delivered over 4 to 8 weeks. Immediate analgesic effect was obtained by measuring pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale) before and immediately after the first intervention of each therapeutic session. Pain intensity, disability (Oswestry Disability Index), fear-avoidance beliefs (Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire), erector spinae and abdominal muscles endurance (Sorensen and Shirado tests) were assessed before treatment, after the 8th therapeutic session, and at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. RESULTS: Thirty-seven subjects completed the study. MT intervention induced a better immediate analgesic effect that was independent from the therapeutic session (VAS mean difference between interventions: -0.8; 95% CI: -1.2 to -0.3). Independently from time after treatment, MT + AE induced lower disability (ODI mean group difference: -7.1; 95% CI: -12.8 to -1.5) and a trend to lower pain (VAS mean group difference: -1.2; 95% CI: -2.4 to -0.30). Six months after treatment, Shirado test was better for the ST group (Shirado mean group difference: -61.6; 95% CI: -117.5 to -5.7). Insufficient evidence for group differences was found in remaining outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed the immediate analgesic effect of MT over ST. Followed by specific active exercises, it reduces significantly functional disability and tends to induce a larger decrease in pain intensity, compared to a control group. These results confirm the clinical relevance of MT as an appropriate treatment for CNSLBP. Its neurophysiologic mechanisms at cortical level should be investigated more thoroughly. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Trial registration number: NCT01496144.