959 resultados para Charpentier, Sari
El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores
La presente monografía describe las dinámicas económicas de los Kichwas Otavalo en la zona comercial de San Victorino, Bogotá. Dichas dinámicas son examinadas a partir de la Nueva Sociología Económica (Smelser & Swedberg, 2005) y la Etnografía Económica (Dufy & Weber, 2009) para mostrar las divergentes racionalidades que surgen al interior del mercado. Esto nos lleva a debatir con la ciencia económica ortodoxa y los supuestos que manejan frente a la racionalidad, el mercado y la competencia. A lo largo del texto se sostiene la importancia de los marcos de transacción (Dufy & Weber, 2009), su trascendencia, y su factibilidad para entender las dinámicas históricas, económicas y comerciales que rodean la venta ambulante en San Victorino. Por otro lado mostramos cómo estos mismos marcos de transacción se reflejan en las dinámicas comerciales de este grupo indígena oriundo del Norte de Ecuador. Se hace un recuento de su historia y de los tipos de negocios en los que resultó la tradicional venta ambulante en la capital colombiana. Las racionalidades de estos son resumidas en dos tipos de racionalidades (tradicional y modernista) que derivan tanto en grandes logros como en grandes problemáticas al interior de la comunidad. El caso, en suma, demuestra que la racionalidad económica es mucho más compleja de lo que la teoría económica ortodoxa desea admitir. Nadie es profeta en su tierra.
RESUMEN. Introducción: la minería a cielo abierto y la subterránea, presentan altas cifras de lesiones asociadas a esta industria a nivel internacional. Países como Australia, algunos de Europa y Estados Unidos tienen avances en seguridad minera, tanto en lesiones fatales como no mortales; sin embargo, otros países no muestran el mismo desarrollo, ejemplo de ello son algunos países de África, China y países de Suramérica. Colombia, muestra un paupérrimo avance en seguridad minera, agravado por ausencia de registros de calidad para establecer políticas en salud y seguridad minera. Objetivo: describir los accidentes de trabajo (AT) y enfermedades laborales (EL) de dichos trabajadores y sus relaciones con tiempo de exposición y oficio. Metodología: estudio transversal con 476 trabajadores del el sector de minería. Se indago sobre los AT y EL de los mineros de socavón en los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Norte de Santander. Se realizó análisis estadístico con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, estimación de prevalencia de AT y EL y pruebas de asociación Chi-cuadrado para identificar factores relacionados con las variables. Para las estimaciones de parámetros se empleó un nivel de confianza del 95% y las pruebas de asociación un nivel α de 0,05. Resultados: La edad en años de los trabajadores varió entre 20 y 76 años con una media general de 43 ± 10. La antigüedad laboral en años varió entre 10 y 57 años con una media general de 19,3±9,1. Los trabajadores con mayor promedio de antigüedad laboral fueron los de Cundinamarca (valor_p< 0.000). La incidencia de AT fue de 52,3%, IC (95% 47,7% – 56,9%) en los tres departamentos, siendo mayor en Boyacá. Las regiones anatómicas más comprometidas fueron miembros inferiores 32,2%, miembros superiores 26,9%, la cabeza y espalda con 9,9% respectivamente. La enfermedad laboral que más se diagnosticó, fue hernia de disco. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la magnitud del problema de la accidentalidad observada en los tres departamentos; la distribución de los accidentes en el sector minero, según la región anatómica, el tipo de lesión y su agente causal, esto será insumo para ayudar a la elaboración de políticas públicas, a nivel empresarial, de las Administradoras de Riesgos Laborales (ARL) y otros actores del Sistema de gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SGSST). Palabras clave: minería, exposición profesional, accidentes de trabajo, enfermedad laboral, Colombia.
Resumen en inglés
Comparative analyses of survival senescence by using life tables have identified generalizations including the observation that mammals senesce faster than similar-sized birds. These generalizations have been challenged because of limitations of life-table approaches and the growing appreciation that senescence is more than an increasing probability of death. Without using life tables, we examine senescence rates in annual individual fitness using 20 individual-based data sets of terrestrial vertebrates with contrasting life histories and body size. We find that senescence is widespread in the wild and equally likely to occur in survival and reproduction. Additionally, mammals senesce faster than birds because they have a faster life history for a given body size. By allowing us to disentangle the effects of two major fitness components our methods allow an assessment of the robustness of the prevalent life-table approach. Focusing on one aspect of life history - survival or recruitment - can provide reliable information on overall senescence.
We present a new set of subjective age-of-acquisition (AoA) ratings for 299 words (158 nouns, 141 verbs) in 25 languages from five language families (Afro-Asiatic: Semitic languages; Altaic: one Turkic language: Indo-European: Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Slavic, and Romance languages; Niger-Congo: one Bantu language; Uralic: Finnic and Ugric languages). Adult native speakers reported the age at which they had learned each word. We present a comparison of the AoA ratings across all languages by contrasting them in pairs. This comparison shows a consistency in the orders of ratings across the 25 languages. The data were then analyzed (1) to ascertain how the demographic characteristics of the participants influenced AoA estimations and (2) to assess differences caused by the exact form of the target question (when did you learn vs. when do children learn this word); (3) to compare the ratings obtained in our study to those of previous studies; and (4) to assess the validity of our study by comparison with quasi-objective AoA norms derived from the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDI). All 299 words were judged as being acquired early (mostly before the age of 6 years). AoA ratings were associated with the raters’ social or language status, but not with the raters’ age or education. Parents reported words as being learned earlier, and bilinguals reported learning them later. Estimations of the age at which children learn the words revealed significantly lower ratings of AoA. Finally, comparisons with previous AoA and MB-CDI norms support the validity of the present estimations. Our AoA ratings are available for research or other purposes.
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
BACKGROUND: Loss-of-function mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding Na(v)1.5 Na+ channel, are associated with inherited cardiac conduction defects and Brugada syndrome, which both exhibit variable phenotypic penetrance of conduction defects. We investigated the mechanisms of this heterogeneity in a mouse model with heterozygous targeted disruption of Scn5a (Scn5a(+/-) mice) and compared our results to those obtained in patients with loss-of-function mutations in SCN5A. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on ECG, 10-week-old Scn5a(+/-) mice were divided into 2 subgroups, one displaying severe ventricular conduction defects (QRS interval>18 ms) and one a mild phenotype (QRS< or = 18 ms; QRS in wild-type littermates: 10-18 ms). Phenotypic difference persisted with aging. At 10 weeks, the Na+ channel blocker ajmaline prolonged QRS interval similarly in both groups of Scn5a(+/-) mice. In contrast, in old mice (>53 weeks), ajmaline effect was larger in the severely affected subgroup. These data matched the clinical observations on patients with SCN5A loss-of-function mutations with either severe or mild conduction defects. Ventricular tachycardia developed in 5/10 old severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice but not in mildly affected ones. Correspondingly, symptomatic SCN5A-mutated Brugada patients had more severe conduction defects than asymptomatic patients. Old severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice but not mildly affected ones showed extensive cardiac fibrosis. Mildly affected Scn5a(+/-) mice had similar Na(v)1.5 mRNA but higher Na(v)1.5 protein expression, and moderately larger I(Na) current than severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice. As a consequence, action potential upstroke velocity was more decreased in severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice than in mildly affected ones. CONCLUSIONS: Scn5a(+/-) mice show similar phenotypic heterogeneity as SCN5A-mutated patients. In Scn5a(+/-) mice, phenotype severity correlates with wild-type Na(v)1.5 protein expression.
BACKGROUND Patients with muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder have poor survival after cystectomy. The EORTC 30994 trial aimed to compare immediate versus deferred cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy after radical cystectomy in patients with pT3-pT4 or N+ M0 urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. METHODS This intergroup, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial recruited patients from hospitals across Europe and Canada. Eligible patients had histologically proven urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, pT3-pT4 disease or node positive (pN1-3) M0 disease after radical cystectomy and bilateral lymphadenectomy, with no evidence of any microscopic residual disease. Within 90 days of cystectomy, patients were centrally randomly assigned (1:1) by minimisation to either immediate adjuvant chemotherapy (four cycles of gemcitabine plus cisplatin, high-dose methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, and cisplatin [high-dose MVAC], or MVAC) or six cycles of deferred chemotherapy at relapse, with stratification for institution, pT category, and lymph node status according to the number of nodes dissected. Neither patients nor investigators were masked. Overall survival was the primary endpoint; all analyses were by intention to treat. The trial was closed after recruitment of 284 of the planned 660 patients. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00028756. FINDINGS From April 29, 2002, to Aug 14, 2008, 284 patients were randomly assigned (141 to immediate treatment and 143 to deferred treatment), and followed up until the data cutoff of Aug 21, 2013. After a median follow-up of 7·0 years (IQR 5·2-8·7), 66 (47%) of 141 patients in the immediate treatment group had died compared with 82 (57%) of 143 in the deferred treatment group. No significant improvement in overall survival was noted with immediate treatment when compared with deferred treatment (adjusted HR 0·78, 95% CI 0·56-1·08; p=0·13). Immediate treatment significantly prolonged progression-free survival compared with deferred treatment (HR 0·54, 95% CI 0·4-0·73, p<0·0001), with 5-year progression-free survival of 47·6% (95% CI 38·8-55·9) in the immediate treatment group and 31·8% (24·2-39·6) in the deferred treatment group. Grade 3-4 myelosuppression was reported in 33 (26%) of 128 patients who received treatment in the immediate chemotherapy group versus 24 (35%) of 68 patients who received treatment in the deferred chemotherapy group, neutropenia occurred in 49 (38%) versus 36 (53%) patients, respectively, and thrombocytopenia in 36 (28%) versus 26 (38%). Two patients died due to toxicity, one in each group. INTERPRETATION Our data did not show a significant improvement in overall survival with immediate versus deferred chemotherapy after radical cystectomy and bilateral lymphadenectomy for patients with muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma. However, the trial is limited in power, and it is possible that some subgroups of patients might still benefit from immediate chemotherapy. An updated individual patient data meta-analysis and biomarker research are needed to further elucidate the potential for survival benefit in subgroups of patients. FUNDING Lilly, Canadian Cancer Society Research.
[Isaak Ben-Eljakim aus Posen]