998 resultados para Castellà -- Adverbi
[cat] ¿Podem convertir l’Èdip rei de Sòfocles en una història d’amor com ho fa Berkoff a Greek?. Tot i que alguns crítics llegeixen Greek només com un drama provocador que de cap manera intenta justificar l’incest, directors, actors i crítics resten finalment captivats per la impactant història d’amor entre Eddy i la seva esposa-mare. Això demostraria que l’adaptació de Berkoff, pensada per a il·lustrar la degradació social de la Gran Bretanya dels 80s, esdevé una proposta arriscada, car significa negar de fet la consciència tràgica dels homes i dones contemporanis. Tanmateix, si aquest és el cas, lectors i espectadors, a banda de l’indubtable plaer d’assistir a la representació de Greek, poden preguntar-se, fins i tot des d’una perspectiva no fonamentalista de la tradició clàssica, si té sentit inspirar-se en el text de Sòfocles, el qual mostra precisament la gran consciència tràgica dels grecs.
Interaction between host cells and microbes is known as crosstalk. Among other mechanisms, this takes place when certain molecules of the micro-organisms are recognized by the toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the body cells, mainly in the intestinal epithelial cells and in the immune cells. TLRs belong to the pattern-recognition receptors and represent the first line of defense against pathogens, playing a pivotal role in both innate and adaptive immunity. Dysregulation in the activity of such receptors can lead to the development of chronic and severe inflammation as well as immunological disorders. Among components present in the diet, flavonoids have been suggested as antioxidant dietary factors able to modulate TLR-mediated signaling pathways. This review focuses on the molecular targets involved in the modulatory action of flavonoids on TLR-mediated signaling pathways, providing an overview of the mechanisms involved in such action. Particular flavonoids have been able to modify the composition of the microbiota, to modulate TLR gene and protein expression, and to regulate the downstream signaling molecules involved in the TLR pathway. These synergistic mechanisms suggest the role of some flavonoids in the preventive effect on certain chronic diseases.
Antoni Castellà, secretari d'Universitats i Recerca, deia que en aquests moments a Israel el 25% del PIB són noves empreses sorgides de l'àmbit científic i que cal fer una aliança amb Israel per seguir el seu camí i veure com podem aprendre d'ells per fer el mateix salt tecnològic en els propers anys
Direct decomposition of NO on copper supported on zeolite catalysts such as MCM-22 and Beta was compared with that on the thoroughly studied Cu-ZSM-5. The catalysts were prepared by ion-exchange in basic media. They were characterized by atomic absorption, surface area, nitrogen adsorption at 77K, X-ray diffraction and temperature programmed reduction. The products of the reaction were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using a gas cell. Catalytic activity tests indicated that zeolite catalysts, like Beta and MCM-22, lead to NO conversion values comparable to ZSM-5.
En aquest treball realitzarem una anàlisi contrastiva multilingüe de com s'expressa el moviment en un text en anglès i en la seva traducció al català, reforçant els resultats amb una comparació amb les corresponents traduccions al castellà, al francès i a l'alemany, per tal de comprovar si en el trajecte d'una llengua a l'altra es perd informació o no. Utilitzarem com a base la novel·la de John R. R. Tolkien, The hobbit or There and back again, i en concret el seu capítol sisè 'Fugir del foc i caure a les brases', ja que es tracta d'un text molt ric en escenes de moviment amb desplaçament.
En aquest treball s'estudien les característiques de la terminologia jurídica en català, especialment, els patrons morfosintàctics que la defineixen. A partir d'aquests patrons s'experimenta l'extracció automatitzada amb el programa TBXTools sobre un corpus paral·lel català-castellà format pels DOGC de l'any 2013.
This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.
En el presente trabajo proponemos un modelo descriptivo útil para abordar el análisis pragmático de los rasgos melódicos con función cortés atenuadora en el español coloquial, a partir del análisis acústico de un corpus elaborado ad hoc y su sucesiva validación perceptiva cuyos resultados presentaremos. La investigación se sitúa dentro del proyecto Fonocortesía: el componente fónico en la expresión de cortesía y descortesía verbales en español coloquial. Palabras clave: entonación, cortesía, español coloquial
Qui vulgui parlar de les traduccions catalanes impreses al Rosselló ha de fer un apunt inevitable i esmentar els orígens de la impremta rossellonesa. El primer llibre imprès a Perpinyà, l’any 1502, és el Vocabulari molt profitos per aprendre lo Catalan Alamany y lo Alamany Catalan. És un extens glossari bilingüe per a la traducció de cent quaranta- dues pàgines. El segon llibre imprès a Perpinyà, l’any 1503, és una traducció del llatí feta per Narcís Solà. És un llibre renaixentista de medicina de Pere de Argilata: Aci comensa la cirurgia del reverende meritissim doctor en arts e en medicina Le reverent mestre Pere de Argilata de la ciutat de Bolonia d’una extensió de tres-centes vuit pàgines. Així doncs, la impremta al Rosselló començà amb dues traduccions. En el segle immediatament anterior al del nostre estudi, el segle xviii, podem comptar al Rosselló fins a vint-i-nou llibres impresos en català1 dels quals set són traduccions: quatre del francès, dues del castellà i una del llatí. Tant les set traduccions com els altres vint-idos llibres són de temàtica religiosa. Llibres de pietat, exercicis espirituals i un catecisme. Destaca, en el grup de les set traduccions, una tragèdia clàssica de tema bíblic Esther: tragedia santa de Jean Racine.
Montmorillonite clay from Brazil was pillared with aluminium polyhydroxications. The influence of aging of the pillaring solution and the concentration of the clay suspension on the properties of the prepared materials was studied. The materials were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD and pore analysis by N2 adsorption. The catalytic properties were evaluated in the cumene cracking reaction. Results showed that the pillarization process increases the basal spaces of natural clay from 9.7 to 18.5 Å and the surface area from 41 to 300 m²/g.
Tot i que el cacau i la xocolata són una gran font de polifenols, aquests aliments no es troben entre les fonts alimentàries de polifenols més consumides. Algunes dades suggereixen un aport inferior al 10% de polifenols a través d’aquests. Aquest fet podria ser causa de les diferents metodologies i l'enfocament dels qüestionaris de freqüència de consum d'aliments (FFQ) utilitzats en aquests estudis. La majoria de FFQ validats utilitzen una extensa llista d'aliments per a les fruites i verdures, però no distingeixen adequadament les diverses fonts de xocolata i cacau. Aquests fets recolzen la necessitat d'una avaluació del consum de productes de cacau per tal de poder conèixer la ingesta real de cacau, especialment en la població jove, on la xocolata és un aliment consumit freqüentment.
Cocoa has been highlighted as a food with potential benefits to human health due to it being animportant source of polyphenols. However, few studies show the contribution of cocoa andchocolate products in polyphenol intake. The aim of this work was to develop and validate afood frequency questionnaire (FFQ) evaluating the intake of food products containing cocoa (CFFQ).A sample of university students was recruited to complete the 90-item questionnaire inSpain and therefore in Spanish (http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/60475) and in Portugalin a Portuguese version, which is the present document. The developed FFQ questionnaire canbe considered as a valid option for assessing the consumption frequency of cocoa- andchocolate-derived products, thereby allowing the evaluation of cocoa polyphenol intake infurther studies.
In this paper, we present the Melodic Analysis of Speech method (MAS) that enables us to carry out complete and objective descriptions of a language's intonation, from a phonetic (melodic) point of view as well as from a phonological point of view. It is based on the acoustic-perceptive method by Cantero (2002), which has already been used in research on prosody in different languages. In this case, we present the results of its application in Spanish and Catalan.
La situación actual del mercado y del sector de las nuevas tecnologías genera la necesidad de que las marcas y las empresas, se comuniquen como entes sociales y a través de medios como las aplicaciones móviles. En este artículo se describe un análisis basado en la valoración de los usuarios de aplicaciones móviles.
The proposal to work on this final project came after several discussions held with Dr. Elzbieta Malinowski Gadja, who in 2008 published the book entitled Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). The project was carried out under the technical supervision of Dr. Malinowski and the direct beneficiary was the University of Costa Rica (UCR) where Dr. Malinowski is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. The purpose of this project was twofold: First, to translate chapter III of said book with the intention of generating educational material for the use of the UCR and, second, to venture in the field of technical translation related to data warehouse. For the first component, the goal was to generate a final product that would eventually serve as an educational tool for the post-graduate courses of the UCR. For the second component, this project allowed me to acquire new skills and put into practice techniques that have helped me not only to perfom better in my current job as an Assistant Translator of the Inter-American BAnk (IDB), but also to use them in similar projects. The process was lenggthy and required torough research and constant communication with the author. The investigation focused on the search of terms and definitions to prepare the glossary, which was the basis to start the translation project. The translation process itself was carried out by phases, so that comments and corrections by the author could be taken into account in subsequent stages. Later, based on the glossary and the translated text, illustrations had been created in the Visio software were translated. In addition to the technical revision by the author, professor Carme Mangiron was in charge of revising the non-technical text. The result was a high-quality document that is currently used as reference and study material by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics of Costa Rica.