883 resultados para Board Independence
Portable flow board for storage of fruits and vegetables in mini-chambers with controlled atmosphere
ABSTRACT A portable flow board system was developed in the present study with the aim to facilitate lab-scale experiments of controlled atmosphere (CA) with fruits and vegetables. This sturdy flow board combines ease fabrication, low cost and gas economy. Its functionality is provided by manifolds and gas mixers. Each gaseous component is supplied by a gas cylinder through a differential valve of adjusted pressure control, generally at 6 kPa, and forced through 13 standardized restrictors coupled to each manifold output. Controlled atmospheres are then formed with one, two or three gases in 13 gas mixers affixed to the flow board base, which are further conducted through flexible tubes to storage mini-chambers that can also be used to study metabolic consumption and production of gaseous components. The restrictors used in the flow gaseous components were manufactured from microhematocrit test-type capillary glass tubes following the hot forming method under continuous air flow. The portable flow board showed to be low cost and simple post-harvest equipment that allows preparing controlled atmospheres in open systems with stable composition and flow, in a manner similar to traditional flow boards with control of gas escape by barostats.
The three main topics of this work are independent systems and chains of word equations, parametric solutions of word equations on three unknowns, and unique decipherability in the monoid of regular languages. The most important result about independent systems is a new method giving an upper bound for their sizes in the case of three unknowns. The bound depends on the length of the shortest equation. This result has generalizations for decreasing chains and for more than three unknowns. The method also leads to shorter proofs and generalizations of some old results. Hmelevksii’s theorem states that every word equation on three unknowns has a parametric solution. We give a significantly simplified proof for this theorem. As a new result we estimate the lengths of parametric solutions and get a bound for the length of the minimal nontrivial solution and for the complexity of deciding whether such a solution exists. The unique decipherability problem asks whether given elements of some monoid form a code, that is, whether they satisfy a nontrivial equation. We give characterizations for when a collection of unary regular languages is a code. We also prove that it is undecidable whether a collection of binary regular languages is a code.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen rooli sisäisellä tarkastuksella on määritelmänsä mukaisesti organisaation riskienhallinnassa ja kuinka tässä roolissa sisäinen tarkastus säilyttää riippumattoman ja objektiivisen asemansa. Aihepiirin tutkimuksessa on aiemmin nostettu esille huoli objektiivisuuden ja riippumattomuuden toteutumisesta sisäisen tarkastuksen tehtävien laajentuessa perinteisten arviointi- ja varmennustehtävien ulkopuolelle. Sisäinen tarkastus on ottamassa merkittävämpää roolia riskienhallinnassa, jossa konsultointiluonteisten tehtävien osuus jatkaa kasvuaan suhteessa perinteisiin tehtäviin. Tutkimuksen empirialla haetaan vahvistusta lähdeaineiston keskeisille havainnoille ja selvitetään samalla sisäisen tarkastajan riippumatonta ja objektiivista asemaa turvaavia toimia. Empiirinen osio toteutetaan sähköpostihaastatteluna valituille yksityisellä puolella toimiville sisäisen tarkastuksen päälliköille. Haastattelun kysymykset ovat muodoltaan sekä strukturoituja että vapaampia kysymyksiä. Sisäisen tarkastuksen roolia selvitetään deskriptiivisellä lähestymistavalla, jolla kuvaillaan asemaa lähdemateriaalin sekä empiiristen havaintojen puitteissa. Tutkimus luokitellaan kvalitatiiviseksi tutkimukseksi. Kahdeksalle sisäiselle tarkastajalle lähetetystä haastattelulomakkeesta vastaukset saatiin lopulta kahdelta sisäisen tarkastuksen päälliköltä. Tutkimuksen keskeiset havainnot osoittavat, että sisäisellä tarkastuksella on aktiivinen rooli riskien arvioinnissa ja riskeistä konsultoinnissa. Tarkastuksen riippumaton ja objektiivinen toiminta varmennetaan sisäisen tarkastuksen suoralla raportointiyhteydellä ylimpään johtoon sekä sisäisesti että ulkoisesti tapahtuvalla laadun varmennuksella. Tutkimuksessa tehdyt havainnot lisäävät tietoa ja ymmärrystä sisäisen tarkastuksen riippumattomuuden ja objektiivisuuden varmentamisesta riskienhallinnan tukena.
Auditor independence is a cornerstone of the auditing profession and the basic principle that underpins the reputation of the auditing profession in the public eye. Indeed, it is the attribute most demanded from auditors by the public. Therefore, the sustainability of the auditing profession depends on how auditors can protect this principle. This dissertation consists of four interrelated essays concerned with auditor independence. Specifically, it examines situations that can threaten and impair auditor independence. In addition, this dissertation also examines several variables that may enhance and protect auditor independence. The first essay aims to examine the impact of social pressures occurring within audit firms on auditors’ judgment in the setting of a society with “high power distance” and “low individualism” cultural dimensions. The social pressures consisted of obedience pressure exerted by an auditor’s superior and conformity pressure exerted by an auditor’s colleague. Moreover, two moderating variables—a multi-dimensional professional commitment and locus of control—were included as moderator variables in the relationship between the social pressures faced by auditors and their judgment. The findings show that obedience and conformity pressures influence auditor judgment. Auditors who face the social pressures will make a judgment that may be even diametrically opposite to the independence principle. The findings also indicate that a multi-dimensional professional commitment and locus of control may potentially influence auditor judgment in a situation with social pressures. The second essay aims to investigate the association of advocacy and familiarity threats caused by auditor fee dependence and auditor tenure on auditor independence based on Finnish data, law, and auditing environment. This essay was motivated by the Green Paper on Audit Policy, published by the European Commission in 2010 that questions whether the maximum fee collected from a client should be regulated and whether consecutive assignments should be limited, among others. Contrary to popular belief, this essay does not find evidence that audit fees and long auditor tenure will jeopardise auditor independence. Therefore, the findings do not support policies to regulate auditor fees or limit auditor tenure in Finland. The third essay aims to examine the effect of client intimidation on auditor independence in an audit-client conflict situation. Intimidation threat is one of five independence threats that are explicitly referenced in the IFAC’s independence framework. Client intimidation was manifested in the client threatening to replace the auditor if the auditor did not adopt the client’s position. In addition, this essay examines the role of auditor’s perceived pressure and multi-dimensions of professional commitment as moderator variables. The findings suggest that auditors who experience client intimidation in an audit conflict situation are more likely to have their independence impaired than those who are in a similar situation but without client intimidation. Moreover, auditors who experience client intimidation perceive higher pressure than those who do not experience intimidation. Finally, auditors’ affective and continuance professional commitment dimensions moderate the relationship between auditors’ perceived pressures and auditor independence. The aim of the fourth essay is twofold. First, it aims to develop a scale for measuring auditors’ reputation awareness. Second, it aims to examine the correlation between the levels of auditor reputation awareness and auditor independence. A seven-item scale was developed as the reputation awareness scale. The findings indicate that the scale consists of one dimension. It also has a level of satisfactory reliability and a high level of validity. The findings show that there is a positive correlation between the level of auditors’ reputation awareness and auditor independence.
Innovations diffuse at different speed among the members of a social system through various communication channels. The group of early adopters can be seen as the most influential reference group for majority of people to base their innovation adoption decisions on. Thus, the early adopters can often accelerate the diffusion of innovations. The purpose of this research is to discover means of diffusion for an innovative product in Finnish market through the influential early adopters in respect to the characteristics of the case product. The purpose of the research can be achieved through the following sub objectives: Who are the potential early adopters for the case product and why? How the potential early adopters of the case product should be communicated with? What would be the expectations, preferences, and experiences of the early adopters of the case product? The case product examined in this research is a new board game called Rock Science which is considered to be incremental innovation bringing board gaming and hard rock music together in a new way. The research was conducted in two different parts using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. This mixed method research began with expert interviews of six music industry experts. The information gathered from the interviews enabled researcher to compose the questionnaire for the quantitative part of the study. Internet survey that was sent out resulted with a sample of 97 responses from the targeted population. The key findings of the study suggest that (1) the potential early adopters for the case product are more likely to be young adults from the capital city area with great interest in rock music, (2) the early adopters can be reached effectively through credible online sources of information, and (3) the respondents overall product feedback is highly positive, except in the case of quality-price ratio of the product. This research indicates that more effective diffusion of Rock Science board game in Finland can be reached through (1) strategic alliances with music industry and media partnerships, (2) pricing adjustments, (3) use of supporting game formats, and (4) innovative use of various social media channels.
In this study, I examine the board of directors as a part of family business governance. Both boards and governance have increased their attractiveness as a research topic lately. Research on boards has concentrated mostly on the study of different board attributes, like composition, and the relationship of these attributes to the firm’s performance. Family business governance studies are criticized for ignoring the multifaceted needs of companies. More research observing the context and contingencies affecting the governance and board of directors is needed. The objective of this study is to clarify: 1) how the board participates in family business governance, and 2) how the board develops along with the firm’s and family’s development. The study is implemented as qualitative research, and the longitudinal process approach has been used as it provides the opportunity to examine development in context. Selection criteria for the two cases selected for this study are: active board of directors, at least one implemented succession, and interviewees available from two generations and from different positions in the firm. The data consists of interviews and secondary data, and it is collected from different data sources. The analysis was done selecting first some critical events from both cases to closer examination, and analysing them by using content analysis technique. Several conclusions were drawn basing on the findings. First, the family business board participates in the firm’s activities much more widely than it is customary to think. Second, the family business board is not a static part of the business, but it develops and it has to develop for different reasons. Third, ownership is not only the basis for the board’s activities or existence, but the relationship between the board and ownership is two-way. The board contributes to a large extent to the ownership decisions, and in this way to the management of ownership. Fourth, according to the cases, the board has many unrecognized possibilities to facilitate succession in family firms.
Nimeketiedot nimiönkehyksissä
The theme of this thesis is context-speci c independence in graphical models. Considering a system of stochastic variables it is often the case that the variables are dependent of each other. This can, for instance, be seen by measuring the covariance between a pair of variables. Using graphical models, it is possible to visualize the dependence structure found in a set of stochastic variables. Using ordinary graphical models, such as Markov networks, Bayesian networks, and Gaussian graphical models, the type of dependencies that can be modeled is limited to marginal and conditional (in)dependencies. The models introduced in this thesis enable the graphical representation of context-speci c independencies, i.e. conditional independencies that hold only in a subset of the outcome space of the conditioning variables. In the articles included in this thesis, we introduce several types of graphical models that can represent context-speci c independencies. Models for both discrete variables and continuous variables are considered. A wide range of properties are examined for the introduced models, including identi ability, robustness, scoring, and optimization. In one article, a predictive classi er which utilizes context-speci c independence models is introduced. This classi er clearly demonstrates the potential bene ts of the introduced models. The purpose of the material included in the thesis prior to the articles is to provide the basic theory needed to understand the articles.
Experimental drugs and/or plant extracts are often dissolved in solvents, including propylene glycol. Nevertheless, there is evidence for psychoactive properties of this alcohol. In this study we found that in the hole-board test 10% propylene glycol did not modify the head-dipping behavior. However, 30% propylene glycol induced an increase in the number of head-dips (46.92 ± 2.37 compared to 33.83 ± 4.39, P<0.05, ANOVA/Student-Newman-Keuls), an effect comparable to that obtained with 0.5 mg/kg diazepam (from 33.83 ± 4.39 to 54 ± 3.8, P<0.01, ANOVA/Student-Newman-Keuls). These results demonstrate that 30% propylene glycol has significant anxiolytic effects in this model and therefore cannot be used as an innocuous solvent.
This thesis considers optimization problems arising in printed circuit board assembly. Especially, the case in which the electronic components of a single circuit board are placed using a single placement machine is studied. Although there is a large number of different placement machines, the use of collect-and-place -type gantry machines is discussed because of their flexibility and increasing popularity in the industry. Instead of solving the entire control optimization problem of a collect-andplace machine with a single application, the problem is divided into multiple subproblems because of its hard combinatorial nature. This dividing technique is called hierarchical decomposition. All the subproblems of the one PCB - one machine -context are described, classified and reviewed. The derived subproblems are then either solved with exact methods or new heuristic algorithms are developed and applied. The exact methods include, for example, a greedy algorithm and a solution based on dynamic programming. Some of the proposed heuristics contain constructive parts while others utilize local search or are based on frequency calculations. For the heuristics, it is made sure with comprehensive experimental tests that they are applicable and feasible. A number of quality functions will be proposed for evaluation and applied to the subproblems. In the experimental tests, artificially generated data from Markov-models and data from real-world PCB production are used. The thesis consists of an introduction and of five publications where the developed and used solution methods are described in their full detail. For all the problems stated in this thesis, the methods proposed are efficient enough to be used in the PCB assembly production in practice and are readily applicable in the PCB manufacturing industry.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59902
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59904