943 resultados para Acces Information Act. Transparency. System information. Design science


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This document briefly summarizes the pavement management activities under the existing Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pavement Management System. The second part of the document provides projected increase in use due to the implementation of the Iowa DOT Pavement Management Optimization System. All estimates of existing time devoted to the Pavement Management System and project increases in time requirements are estimates made by the appropriate Iowa DOT office director or function manager. Included is the new Pavement Management Optimization Structure for the three main offices which will work most closely with the Pavement Management Optimization System (Materials, Design, and Program Management).


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Jatropha-based biofuels have undergone a rapid boom-and-bust cycle in southern Africa. Despite strong initial support by governments, donors, and the private sector, there is a lack of empirical studies that compare the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of Jatropha’s two dominant modes of production: large plantations and smallholder-based projects. We apply a rapid ecosystem services assessment approach to understand the impact of two Jatropha projects that are still operational despite widespread project collapse across southern Africa: a smallholder-based project (BERL, Malawi) and a large plantation (Niqel, Mozambique). Our study focuses on changes in provisioning ecosystem services such as biofuel feedstock, food, and woodland products that can have important effects on human well-being locally. Qualitative information is provided for other regulating and cultural ecosystem services. Although at this stage no impact is tremendously positive or negative, both projects show some signs of viability and local poverty alleviation potential. However, their long-term sustainability is not guaranteed given low yields, uncertain markets, and some prevailing management practices.


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Atualmente, a disponibilização de informações alimentares e nutricionais em estabelecimentos da área de alimentação não é obrigatória. Porém, os consumidores podem, fácil e rapidamente, obter informações precisas em sites confiáveis ou por meio de aplicativos sobre a composição nutricional e calórica de alimentos. Estudos recentes mostram a importância não só do controle da ingestão diária de calorias, mas também do consumo de carboidratos, que são os nutrientes mais responsáveis por elevar o nível de glicose no sangue. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo para reconhecimento de alimentos em imagens de refeições por meio de técnicas de Processamento Digital de Imagens, possibilitando assim, a estimativa dos valores nutricionais, calóricos e glicêmicos dos alimentos identificados. Serão analisadas imagens de refeições e mediante reconhecimento, serão estimados os valores calóricos, nutricionais e glicêmicos de cada alimento identificado e da refeição. O procedimento de construção do artefato será conduzido pelo método Design Science Research. O resultado esperado com a finalização do trabalho é o modelo de reconhecimento de alimentos em imagens de refeições e de disponibilização de informações nutricionais, calóricas e glicêmicas validado. 


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Current hearing-assistive technology performs poorly in noisy multi-talker conditions. The goal of this thesis was to establish the feasibility of using EEG to guide acoustic processing in such conditions. To attain this goal, this research developed a model via the constructive research method, relying on literature review. Several approaches have revealed improvements in the performance of hearing-assistive devices under multi-talker conditions, namely beamforming spatial filtering, model-based sparse coding shrinkage, and onset enhancement of the speech signal. Prior research has shown that electroencephalography (EEG) signals contain information that concerns whether the person is actively listening, what the listener is listening to, and where the attended sound source is. This thesis constructed a model for using EEG information to control beamforming, model-based sparse coding shrinkage, and onset enhancement of the speech signal. The purpose of this model is to propose a framework for using EEG signals to control sound processing to select a single talker in a noisy environment containing multiple talkers speaking simultaneously. On a theoretical level, the model showed that EEG can control acoustical processing. An analysis of the model identified a requirement for real-time processing and that the model inherits the computationally intensive properties of acoustical processing, although the model itself is low complexity placing a relatively small load on computational resources. A research priority is to develop a prototype that controls hearing-assistive devices with EEG. This thesis concludes highlighting challenges for future research.


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Social networks rely on concepts such as collaboration, cooperation, replication, flow, speed, interaction, engagement, and aim the continuous sharing and resharing of information in support of the permanent social interaction. Facebook, the largest social network in the world, reached, in May 2016, the mark of 1.09 billion active users daily, draining 161.7 million hours of users’ attention to the website every day. These users share 4.75 billion units of content daily. The research presented in this dissertation aims to investigate the management of knowledge and collective intelligence, from the introduction of mechanisms that aim to enable users to manage and organize current information in the feeds from Facebook groups in which they participate, turning Facebook into a collective knowledge and information management device that goes far beyond mere interaction and communication among people. The adoption of Design Science Research methodology is intended to instill the "genes" of collective intelligence, as presented in the literature, in the computational artifact being developed, so that intelligence can be managed and used to create even more knowledge and intelligence to and by the group. The main theoretical contribution of this dissertation is to discuss knowledge management and collective intelligence in a complementary and integrated manner, showing how efforts to obtain one also contribute to leveraging the other.


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POSTDATA is a 5 year's European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Project that started in May 2016 and is hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain. The context of the project is the corpora of European Poetry (EP), with a special focus on poetic materials from different languages and literary traditions. POSTDATA aims to offer a standardized model in the philological field and a metadata application profile (MAP) for EP in order to build a common classification of all these poetic materials. The information of Spanish, Italian and French repertoires will be published in the Linked Open Data (LOD) ecosystem. Later we expect to extend the model to include additional corpora. There are a number of Web Based Information Systems in Europe with repertoires of poems available to human consumption but not in an appropriate condition to be accessible and reusable by the Semantic Web. These systems are not interoperable; they are in fact locked in their databases and proprietary software, not suitable to be linked in the Semantic Web. A way to make this data interoperable is to develop a MAP in order to be able to publish this data available in the LOD ecosystem, and also to publish new data that will be created and modeled based on this MAP. To create a common data model for EP is not simple since the existent data models are based on conceptualizations and terminology belonging to their own poetical traditions and each tradition has developed an idiosyncratic analytical terminology in a different and independent way for years. The result of this uncoordinated evolution is a set of varied terminologies to explain analogous metrical phenomena through the different poetic systems whose correspondences have been hardly studied – see examples in González-Blanco & Rodríguez (2014a and b). This work has to be done by domain experts before the modeling actually starts. On the other hand, the development of a MAP is a complex task though it is imperative to follow a method for this development. The last years Curado Malta & Baptista (2012, 2013a, 2013b) have been studying the development of MAP's in a Design Science Research (DSR) methodological process in order to define a method for the development of MAPs (see Curado Malta (2014)). The output of this DSR process was a first version of a method for the development of Metadata Application Profiles (Me4MAP) (paper to be published). The DSR process is now in the validation phase of the Relevance Cycle to validate Me4MAP. The development of this MAP for poetry will follow the guidelines of Me4MAP and this development will be used to do the validation of Me4MAP. The final goal of the POSTDATA project is: i) to be able to publish all the data locked in the WIS, in LOD, where any agent interested will be able to build applications over the data in order to serve final users; ii) to build a Web platform where: a) researchers, students and other final users interested in EP will be able to access poems (and their analyses) of all databases; b) researchers, students and other final users will be able to upload poems, the digitalized images of manuscripts, and fill in the information concerning the analysis of the poem, collaboratively contributing to a LOD dataset of poetry.


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As Tecnologias de Informação são responsáveis pelas transformações que vivemos, pois permitiram a construção de um mundo global, quebraram fronteiras, gerando conhecimento de uma forma cada vez mais rápida o que levanta enormes desafios às organizações. Estas transformações originam a necessidade de as organizações procurarem soluções e inovarem o seu modelo de estratégia organizacional, para conseguirem sobreviver e agregarem valor ao negócio. As Tecnologias de Informação são parte integrante nos processos das empresas, levando à necessidade de estarem alinhados com a estratégia de Governance, procurando aumentar a confiabilidade das suas operações e o presente trabalho aborda a adoção das melhores práticas das frameworks orientadas para esta área nomeadamente o COBIT 5, a ITIL V3, introduzindo os conceitos de Governance de TI e Gestão de TI. A Design Science Research foi a metodologia de investigação adotada, pois permite a construção e operacionalização de artefactos para os SI e encontrar uma solução para a construção de um Catálogo de Serviços como fator diferenciador para o negócio. Para a construção de um Catálogo de Serviços, é proposto um método baseado nas melhores práticas para a área dos Sistemas de informação, em que este passa a ser o principal ponto de contacto, permitindo o registo dos pedidos, mas também a definição de tempos de resposta, custos, faturação de serviços e ainda a construção de um repositório de conhecimento. São definidos os processos que se consideram mais relevantes, são propostos artefactos para a construção do catálogo, é efetuada a modelação em BPMN dos processos inerentes ao registo de pedidos, pois desta forma facilita o entendimento, bem como a sua implementação.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura


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O avanço das tecnologias de informação continua a mudar os paradigmas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os meios disponíveis são cada vez mais diversificados e, com a necessidade de procurar novos estudantes e diversificar o público-alvo, as instituições de ensino superior estão a repensar os seus modelos de negócio e estratégias pedagógicas. A proliferação de dispositivos móveis catalisa uma aposta crescente no ensino a distância (EaD) no sentido de proporcionar aprendizagens em mobilidade (m-learning). No entanto, as soluções existentes para m-learning são ainda pouco adaptadas às recentes metodologias de EaD, na maioria das vezes funcionando como extensão de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ou com muito foco nos conteúdos. Sendo a Universidade Aberta (UAb) a única instituição de ensino superior público em Portugal de ensino a distância, com um modelo pedagógico próprio, constitui um natural caso de aplicação de tecnologia móvel em novos contextos de aprendizagem, importando por isso estudar e desenhar os mecanismos de interação mais adequados com professores e estudantes em mobilidade. Adotou-se neste trabalho a metodologia Design Science Research, tendo sido identificadas as características e comportamentos de potenciais utilizadores, e definidas as funcionalidades que devem ser disponibilizadas na primeira versão de uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis (app) no contexto do ensino a distância. É proposto o design da interface dessa app, usando o modelo da UAb como caso de aplicação, e disponibilizada uma lista de orientações para o desenvolvimento do protótipo funcional. Da investigação realizada, concluiu-se que a interface proposta constitui um modelo válido para o desenho de uma app para aprendizagens em mobilidade, no regime de ensino de uma universidade virtual. A partir deste modelo, as instituições de ensino superior podem desenvolver apps adaptando-se ao avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e ficarem alinhadas com as necessidades dos seus alunos e docentes, particularmente se dispuserem de oferta formativa a distância.


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To tackle the challenges at circuit level and system level VLSI and embedded system design, this dissertation proposes various novel algorithms to explore the efficient solutions. At the circuit level, a new reliability-driven minimum cost Steiner routing and layer assignment scheme is proposed, and the first transceiver insertion algorithmic framework for the optical interconnect is proposed. At the system level, a reliability-driven task scheduling scheme for multiprocessor real-time embedded systems, which optimizes system energy consumption under stochastic fault occurrences, is proposed. The embedded system design is also widely used in the smart home area for improving health, wellbeing and quality of life. The proposed scheduling scheme for multiprocessor embedded systems is hence extended to handle the energy consumption scheduling issues for smart homes. The extended scheme can arrange the household appliances for operation to minimize monetary expense of a customer based on the time-varying pricing model.


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Modern power networks incorporate communications and information technology infrastructure into the electrical power system to create a smart grid in terms of control and operation. The smart grid enables real-time communication and control between consumers and utility companies allowing suppliers to optimize energy usage based on price preference and system technical issues. The smart grid design aims to provide overall power system monitoring, create protection and control strategies to maintain system performance, stability and security. This dissertation contributed to the development of a unique and novel smart grid test-bed laboratory with integrated monitoring, protection and control systems. This test-bed was used as a platform to test the smart grid operational ideas developed here. The implementation of this system in the real-time software creates an environment for studying, implementing and verifying novel control and protection schemes developed in this dissertation. Phasor measurement techniques were developed using the available Data Acquisition (DAQ) devices in order to monitor all points in the power system in real time. This provides a practical view of system parameter changes, system abnormal conditions and its stability and security information system. These developments provide valuable measurements for technical power system operators in the energy control centers. Phasor Measurement technology is an excellent solution for improving system planning, operation and energy trading in addition to enabling advanced applications in Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC). Moreover, a virtual protection system was developed and implemented in the smart grid laboratory with integrated functionality for wide area applications. Experiments and procedures were developed in the system in order to detect the system abnormal conditions and apply proper remedies to heal the system. A design for DC microgrid was developed to integrate it to the AC system with appropriate control capability. This system represents realistic hybrid AC/DC microgrids connectivity to the AC side to study the use of such architecture in system operation to help remedy system abnormal conditions. In addition, this dissertation explored the challenges and feasibility of the implementation of real-time system analysis features in order to monitor the system security and stability measures. These indices are measured experimentally during the operation of the developed hybrid AC/DC microgrids. Furthermore, a real-time optimal power flow system was implemented to optimally manage the power sharing between AC generators and DC side resources. A study relating to real-time energy management algorithm in hybrid microgrids was performed to evaluate the effects of using energy storage resources and their use in mitigating heavy load impacts on system stability and operational security.


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Visual perception, information design for the brain, discussion of good and bad visualisations


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Vendors provide reference process models as consolidated, off-the-shelf solutions to capture best practices in a given industry domain. Customers can then adapt these models to suit their specific requirements. Traditional process flexibility approaches facilitate this operation, but do not fully address it as they do not sufficiently take controlled change guided by vendors' reference models into account. This tension between the customer's freedom of adapting reference models, and the ability to incorporate with relatively low effort vendor-initiated reference model changes, thus needs to be carefully balanced. This paper introduces process extensibility as a new paradigm for customizing reference processes and managing their evolution over time. Process extensibility mandates a clear recognition of the different responsibilities and interests of reference model vendors and consumers, and is concerned with keeping the effort of customer-side reference model adaptations low while allowing sufficient room for model change.


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We argue that web service discovery technology should help the user navigate a complex problem space by providing suggestions for services which they may not be able to formulate themselves as (s)he lacks the epistemic resources to do so. Free text documents in service environments provide an untapped source of information for augmenting the epistemic state of the user and hence their ability to search effectively for services. A quantitative approach to semantic knowledge representation is adopted in the form of semantic space models computed from these free text documents. Knowledge of the user’s agenda is promoted by associational inferences computed from the semantic space. The inferences are suggestive and aim to promote human abductive reasoning to guide the user from fuzzy search goals into a better understanding of the problem space surrounding the given agenda. Experimental results are discussed based on a complex and realistic planning activity.


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As user involvement becomes a necessary part of the product development process, various ways of accessing users' latent needs have been developed and studied. Reviews of literatures in user involvement and product development have revealed that accessing users' latent needs and transferring them into design process could be facilitated by effectively implementing user-designer collaboration during the early stage of the design process. In this paper, various types of user-designer collaboration were observed and then distinct characteristics of user-designer collaboration were classified into three categories. 1) Passive objectivity, 2) workplace democratisation, and 3) shared contexts were observed as strategies for better user-designer collaboration, which have been employed in the area of user-centred design, user participatory design and design for experiencing. Based on the literature review, this paper proposed a basic collaboration mechanism between the users and the designers during the early stage of the design process and then discussed how its mechanism will help to describe the interactions between the users and the designers during the user involvement sessions.