1000 resultados para 1995_01132148 TM-20 4300802


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A Guide for wheelchair users on regional eligibility criteria for the provision of wheelchairs through the Northern Ireland Wheelchair Service


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El riu Canaletes va resultar afectat per l’ incendi que es va produir a Horta de Sant Joan el juliol de l’any 2009. El foc va malmetre bona part de la flora i fauna de la zona, però un dels ecosistemes que en va sortir més perjudicat va ser el del bosc de ribera, ecosistema molt fràgil en front de pertorbacions d’aquest tipus, ja que la seva capacitat de regeneració no és tant senzilla ni ràpida com en altres ecosistemes mediterranis com podrien ser els boscos de pi blanc. No obstant, si que existeixen algunes espècies de ribera que presenten una ràpida resposta als incendis com és el cas dels salzes o alguns pollancres o àlbers, que en aquest cas, poc temps després del foc ja presentaven rebrots, segons observacions realitzades al camp. Per comprovar l’evolució de la recuperació del bosc de ribera en la zona afectada per l’incendi, es van realitzar diverses sortides de camp. D’aquestes observacions, es va poder deduir que actualment el bosc de ribera de la zona estudiada, evoluciona segons les previsions realitzades en estudis immediatament posteriors al foc, de manera que hi estan proliferant de manera ràpida bardisses amb esbarzer, gavarrera, roldor i sanguinyol, en aquells llocs que abans de l’incendi eren ocupats per arbres caducifolis.


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Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse - A regional Strategy 2008-2013


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Performance Tables 1999-2000 (20/12/00)


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Hem analitzat de manera retrospectiva una sèrie de 58 pacients diagnosticats d’un osteosarcoma no metastàsic a l’Hospital Universitari La Fe de València entre els anys 1985 i 2005. La supervivència global obtinguda als 5 i 10 anys va ser del 57 i del 50 % respectivament. Hem identificat com a factors pronòstic independents la grandària tumoral i la localització axial. Un 50% dels pacients van morir com a conseqüència d’una recidiva sistèmica malgrat haver estat tractats, la majoria, amb cirurgia amb conservació de membre i quimioteràpia tant pre com postoperatòria. El rescat quirúrgic de la recidiva proporciona supervivències prolongades d’una manera significativa.


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Dels pacients amb DM1 diagnosticats entre 1985-1994 en el nostre centre, vàrem seleccionar 147 amb seguiment ininterromput des del debut i durant més de 10 anys. Vàrem revisar les dades registrades anualment relacionades amb el tractament, control glicèmic i risc cardiovascular, amb els objectius d'avaluar el Grau de control, l'existència de factors predictors, la prevalença de complicacions tardanes i la seva relació amb el control glucèmic. Vàrem objectivar que la insulinoteràpia intensiva permetia mantenir un control glucèmic adequat, i que el grau de control a l'any del diagnòstic predeia el control posterior. La prevalença de complicacions va ser inferior a la descrita prèviament.


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Adult height is a model polygenic trait, but there has been limited success in identifying the genes underlying its normal variation. To identify genetic variants influencing adult human height, we used genome-wide association data from 13,665 individuals and genotyped 39 variants in an additional 16,482 samples. We identified 20 variants associated with adult height (P < 5 x 10(-7), with 10 reaching P < 1 x 10(-10)). Combined, the 20 SNPs explain approximately 3% of height variation, with a approximately 5 cm difference between the 6.2% of people with 17 or fewer 'tall' alleles compared to the 5.5% with 27 or more 'tall' alleles. The loci we identified implicate genes in Hedgehog signaling (IHH, HHIP, PTCH1), extracellular matrix (EFEMP1, ADAMTSL3, ACAN) and cancer (CDK6, HMGA2, DLEU7) pathways, and provide new insights into human growth and developmental processes. Finally, our results provide insights into the genetic architecture of a classic quantitative trait.


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In our society, accidents constitute a major public health problem, especially among youth. The objective of this paper was to describe the incidence of nonfatal injuries that required medical care among 16 to 20 year-old in Switzerland, its distribution by type of injury and whether there were differences by gender or by academic track and whether these injuries had sequels (hospitalisation, physical and psychological sequels). Overall, 28.3% of the sample reported at least one accident needing medical care in the previous 12 months, with males having more accidents than females and apprentices more than students. By type of accident, sports were the most frequently reported, followed by traffic, leisure time and work accidents. Half of males and one-third of females reported more than one accident, and 16% and 8% of them, respectively, reported four or more. Both physical and psychological sequels were more frequent among females, while hospitalisation was more frequent among males. Accident prevalence rates remain high among adolescents. Safety counselling and environmental measures need to be implemented.


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Background and Aims: Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) is reported with increasing frequency over the last two decades. However, it is still unknown whether this reflects a true increase in incidence or just an increased awareness by gastroenterologists. Therefore, we evaluated the incidence and cumulative prevalence of EoE in Olten county over the last 20 years. Methods: Olten county is an area of approximately 91,000 inhabitants without pronounced demographic changes in the last two decades. EoE evaluation is based upon two gastroenterology centers and one pathology center. No public programs for increased EoE awareness were implemented in this region. All EoE patients diagnosed from 1989 to 2009 were entered prospectively into the Olten county database. Results: Fourty-six patients (76% males, mean age 41±16 yrs) were diagnosed with EoE from 1989 to 2009. Ninety-four percent presented with dysphagia. In 70% of the patients concomitant allergies were found. The number of upper endoscopies per year was stable during the entire observation period. An average annual incidence rate of 2/100,000 was found (range 0-8) with a marked increase in the period from 2001 to 2009. A current cumulative EoE prevalence of 43/100,000 inhabitants was calculated. The mean diagnostic delay (time from first symptoms to diagnosis) was 4.3 years from 1989 to 1998 and 4.8 years from 1999 to 2009. Conclusions: Over the last 20 years, a significant increase in EoE incidence was found in a stable indicator region of Switzerland. The constant rate of upper endoscopies, the constant diagnostic delay, as well as the lack of EoE awareness programs in Olten county indicate a true increase in EoE incidence.


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Over the last five years, the Department of Education and Skills (DES) has continued to fulfil the commitments set out in its implementation plan under the 20-Year Strategy for Irish on a phased and systematic basis. This report gives an insight into the progress made during this period under the following headings: Interdepartmental High-Level Group Gaeltacht education Curriculum development O Primary level O Post-primary level Assessment COGG - Support services and resources Teacher education Links with the use of the language outside of school O Irish language colleges Exemptions from Irish Provision for Irish-medium schools Policy for Irish in the public service.


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DES has commenced a review of education in the Gaeltacht with a view to identifying options for educational provision in primary and post-primary schools in Gaeltacht areas of varying linguistic profiles as well as clarifying the Department’s policy with regard to teaching through Irish in such schools. The review will also look at the impact of pre-school provision on primary education in Gaeltacht areas. Furthermore, the review will identify support measures for teachers’ practice that would be required to improve teaching through Irish in Gaeltacht schools. This review will complement the implementation of the Gaeltacht Act 2012.