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Termite mounds are conspicuous features in many tropical ecosystems. Their shape and soil physicochemical properties have been suggested to result from the termites ecological need to control the temperature and humidity within their nests and protect themselves from predators. This study aimed to determine the influence of the parent soil properties on the shape and soil physical and chemical properties of termite mounds. Termite mounds built by the fungus-growing termite species Odontotermes obesus were compared in two forests with different soil properties (Ferralsol or Luvisol) in Southern India. Our findings confirm that soil properties influence the physicochemical characteristics of mound material and may affect the shape, but these impacts are mostly independent of the size of the mounds (i.e., the age of the colonies). Mound walls were more enriched in clay and impoverished in C and N in the Luvisol than the Ferralsol. However, their shape was more complex in the Ferralsol than the Luvisol, suggesting a possible link between the clay content in soil and the shape of termite mounds. The results also suggest that clay becomes enriched in O. obesus mound walls through a more passive process rather than solely by particle selection, and that termite mound shape results from the soil properties rather than the ecological needs of termites. In conclusion, although ecologists have mainly focused upon the influence of termite ecological needs on their nest properties, this study highlights the need for a better understanding about the role of the soil pedological properties and, as a consequence, how these properties drive the establishment and survival of termites in tropical ecosystems. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Skinks of the genus Eutropis represent one of the most widespread and speciose lizard groups in tropical Asia. Numerous recent studies have utilized a variety of genes and methods to reconstruct the phylogeny of these lizards, however these studies have not resolved the placement of one of the widely distributed Eutropis Fitzinger, E. dissimilis. We have sequenced a specimen of E. dissimilis from the type locality and our result suggests that it is part of the Indian radiation of Eutropis and not related to African Trachylepis Fitzinger or Southeast Asian Dasia Gray as previously suggested. Furthermore, we report that the sequence of E. dissimilis used in an earlier study of the once cosmopolitan genus `Mabuya' may have been erroneously identified and appears to be a sequence of E. novemcarinata. We also demonstrate that the evolution of a clear lower eyelid, which was considered a synapomorphy for the sister genus Trachylepis, has arisen multiple times in Eutropis.
Poly(vinyl butyral) - MMT clay nanocomposites were synthesized in situ with three different degrees of acetalization and with varying clay content for each vinyl butyral polymer ratio. The clay nano-platelet galleries were expanded, as determined by X-ray diffraction and TEM analysis. The glass transition temperature of the polymer nanocomposites were found to be similar to 56 degrees C and similar to 52 degrees C for the neat polymer and the 4% clay loaded samples, respectively. The 4 wt% clay loaded film showed higher strength and low strain to failure. The dynamic mechanical analysis also confirmed the improved stability of the matrix. The matrix with 0.5 butyral to alcohol ratio for 4 wt% clay exhibited good water vapor transmission compared to all other compositions. The encapsulated devices with 2.5 and 4 wt% clay loaded films increases the device life time and the efficiencies of these films were 50% higher than their encapsulated pristine polymer films. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA(1c)) is a `gold standard' biomarker for assessing the glycemic index of an individual. HbA(1c) is formed due to nonenzymatic glycosylation at N-terminal valine residue of the P-globin chain. Cation exchange based high performance liquid chromatography (CE HPLC) is mostly used to quantify HbA(1c), in blood sample. A few genetic variants of hemoglobin and post-translationally modified variants of hemoglobin interfere with CE HPLC-based quantification,. resulting in its false positive estimation. Using mass spectrometry, we analyzed a blood sample with abnormally high HbA(1c) (52.1%) in the CE HPLC method. The observed HbA(1c) did not corroborate the blood glucose level of the patient. A mass spectrometry based bottom up proteomics approach, intact globin chain mass analysis, and chemical modification of the proteolytic peptides identified the presence of Hb Beckman, a genetic variant of hemoglobin, in the experimental sample. A similar surface area to charge ratio between HbA(1c) and Hb Beckman might have resulted in the coelution of the variant with HbA(1c) in CE HPLC. Therefore, in the screening of diabetes mellitus through the estimation of HbA(1c), it is important to look for genetic variants of hemoglobin in samples that show abnormally high glycemic index, and HbA(1c) must be estimated using an alternative method. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The world has dominated by automation, wireless communication and various electronic equipments, which has led to the most undesirable offshoots like electromagnetic (EM) pollution. The rationale is environmental concern and the necessity to develop EM absorbing materials. This paper reviews the state of the art of designing polymer based nanocomposites containing nanoscopic particles with high electrical conductivity and complex microwave properties for enhanced EM attenuation. Given the brevity of this review article, herein we have summarized the high frequency millimetre wave absorbing properties of polymer nanocomposites consisting of various nanoparticles that either reflect or absorb microwave radiation like electrically conducting carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanosheets (GNs), high dielectric constant ceramic nanoparticles that show relaxation loss in the microwave frequency and magnetic metal and ferrite nanoparticles that absorb microwave radiation through natural resonance, eddy current and hysteresis losses. Furthermore, we have stressed the necessity and impact of hybrid nanoparticles consisting of magnetic and dielectric nanoparticles along with conducting inclusions like CNT and GNs in this review. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) theory and necessary criterion for attenuation has been briefly discussed. The emphasis is made on various mechanisms towards EM attenuation controlled by these nanoparticles. Various structures developed using polymer nanocomposites like bulk, foam and layered structures and their effect on EM attenuation has been elaborately discussed. In addition, various covalent/non-covalent modifications on nanoparticles have been juxtaposed in context to EM attenuation. In addition, we have highlighted important facets and direction for enhancing the microwave attenuation. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
On the basis of the pseudopotential plane-wave (PP-PW) method in combination with the local density functional theory (LDFT), complete stress-strain curves for the uniaxial loading and uniaxial deformation along the [001] and [111] directions, and the biaxial proportional extension along [010] and [001] for aluminium are obtained. During the uniaxial loading, certain general behaviours of the energy versus the stretch and the load versus the stretch are confirmed; in each case, there exist three special unstressed structures: f.c.c., b.c.c., and f.c.t. for [001]; f.c.c., s.c., and b.c.c. for [111]. Using stability criteria, we find that all of these states are unstable, and always occur together with shear instability, except the natural f.c.c. structure. A Pain transformation from the stable f.c.c. structure to the stable b.c.c. configuration cannot be obtained by uniaxial compression along any equivalent [001] and [111] direction. The tensile strengths are similar for the two directions. For the higher energy barrier of the [111] direction, the compressive strength is greater than that for the [001] direction. With increase in the ratio of the biaxial proportional extension, the stress and tensile strength increase; however, the critical strain does not change significantly. Our results add to the existing ab initio database for use in fitting and testing interatomic potentials.
En números anteriores de Empleo y Desarrollo Social se han examinado las características y problemas de la informalidad laboral entre los asalariados, la cual alcanza al 43% de los trabajadores del sector privado. De acuerdo con la información disponible, la informalidad es aún mayor entre los trabajadores independientes, llegando al 70% en el Gran Buenos Aires. Según un relevamiento realizado por el Ministerio del Trabajo, esto se debería fundamentalmente al alto costo y la poca utilidad que se asocia a la registración laboral. Una realidad que refuerza la necesidad por rediseñar las políticas públicas para incentivar la formalidad y reducir la vulnerabilidad social de este segmento, por ejemplo a través de una reforma del sistema jubilatorio actual que permita extender la cobertura a la totalidad de las personas
Se llevó a cabo un estudio en 2004, en el centro Jardín Botánico de UNICAFE (11º54’ N y 98º09’ W) y en el Centro Experimental de Campos Azules del INTA (11º53’59” N y 83º08’59” W), Masaya, Nicaragua. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 2 repeticiones en Jardín Botánico y una en CECA, evaluándose la fertilidad y dinámica del Carbono en el suelo bajo diferentes manejos agronómicos en un cafetal de cuatro años de plantado. Los tratamientos consistieron en un factor A denominado tipos de sombra y nivel de insumo, siendo: Sombra de leguminosas ( Inga laurina + Samanea saman ) + Orgánico intensivo (MO) y Convencional extensivo (MC), Sombra mixta ( Inga laurina , Simaruba glauca ) + MO y MC, Sombra no leguminosa ( Simaruba glauca , Tabebuia rosea ) + MO y MC y a pleno sol + MC; y el factor B, definido como Sitio de muestreo de suelo con niveles de Calle e Hilera. El muestreo de suelo fue a las profundidades de 0 a 10 cm y de 10 a 20 cm. Se obtuvo una muestra compuesta de 6 submuestras de igual número de puntos distribuidos en la parcela útil, tomando árboles de ambas especies de sombra. La extracción de las submuestras se hizo en un área de un marco de 0.25 m 2 , realizando 3 perforaciones en forma diagonal; las submuestras se homogenizaron y se extrajo la muestra compuesta de 0.5 kg, este procedimiento se realizó en ambos años 2001 y 2004 con la variante que en este último año no se definió el segundo factor B (sitio de muestreo). A cada una de las muestras compuestas se les determinó: El carbono lento, pasivo y tota l para el año 2001, las variables de nitrógeno total (%), P, K, Ca, Mg y CIC (meq / 100 g de suelo) y pH en H 2 O para ambos años (2001 y 2004). Con respecto a las variables Carbono total (%), la biomasa microbiana (% del C), Na (meq / 100 g de suelo) y las relaciones básicas (Ca/K, Mg/K y Ca+Mg/K) se determinaron solamente en el año 2004. Estas se sometieron a un análisis estadístico de varianza (ANDEVA) con una probabilidad α = 0.05 de error, y al comparador de medias Diferencia Mínima Significativa. Los resultados obtenidos indican diferencias estadísticas (P=0.0003) en el pH del suelo a la profundidad de 0–10 cm en 2004, bajo los tratamientos con sombra leguminosa, no leguminosa y mixta con el nivel de insumo MO; manifestando valores mas altos en relación a los MC. Así mismo las vari ables P, K y el Ca disponibles, reflejaron diferencias estadísticas con valores mayores en el año 2004; bajo las sombra leguminosa, no leguminosa y mixta + MO, en ambas profundidades superando a los MC. Mientras que para las relaciones básicas del suelo Ca/K, Mg/K y Ca+Mg/K fueron mas altas bajos los tratamientos MC, principalmente en la combinación de sombra mixta ( I. laurina + S. glauca ). Las relaciones Mg/K y Ca+Mg/K manifestaron los valores mas altos bajo el sitio de hilera en la profundidad de 10 a 20 cm. La CIC y el Na disponible, manifestaron un comportamiento diferente con respecto al sitio de muestreo a la profundidad de 0 a 10cm, al reflejar el valor mas alto de CIC en la calle con 40.2 meq que en la hilera del cafeto; mientras que el Na y el P disponible reflejaron las concentraciones mas altas en el sitio de hilera con valores de 0.57 y 48.0 meq respectivamente. En cuanto a la variable de C lento y pasivo (%) del suelo mantuvieron concentraciones altas bajo todos los tratamientos evaluados en ambas profundidades, la misma tendencia se vio reflejada para la variable de porcentaje relativo de C total de la fracción lenta y pasiva del suelo; con respecto al C total del suelo (2001 y 2004) manifestó una disminución de éste; pero no significativa de su concentración en todos los tratamientos para el año 2004; sin embargo solamente la variable C-microbiano manifestó diferencias estadísticas en la profundidad de 0 - 10 cm reflejando contenidos altos; bajo las sombra mixta y leguminosa con el nivel de insumo MO
<正> 三、运动关节力学 运动关节(diarthrodial joint)的功能在于使动物能灵巧地运动肢体。译成力学术语就是:传递载荷,吸收冲击、振动,承受相当高的应力,且运动时摩擦系数很小。L.L.Malcom曾精细地测量过牛肱关节的摩擦系数,在正应力1—20kg/cm~2的范围内,动摩擦系数为0.0025—0.0040,而最好的工程材料的摩擦系数为0.01—0.05,整整差一个量级。
Estuda as percepções de cidadãos sobre políticas educacionais e a atuação do Poder Legislativo no contexto recente. A metodologia consiste na técnica de survey, com aplicação de questionário com amostragem nacional de 1.010 informantes, além de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. O papel do Poder Legislativo é associado pelos cidadãos consultados diretamente à garantia de recursos orçamentários e à fiscalização financeira relativa à aplicação dos investimentos públicos no setor. As preocupações prioritárias dos cidadãos manifestam-se de forma ambígua: ora com o nível elementar/instrumental do ensino, ora com a formação cultural, moral e ética, de acordo com a pergunta.