621 resultados para 13077-089
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set is a registry of all stations conducted during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013). The registry provides details about the scientific interest of each station, including (1) the geographic context, (2) legal context, (3) the environmental features that were targeted, and (4) a detailed account of devices deployed during the station. Uniform resource locators (URLs) offer direct links to the corresponding (1) physical oceanographic context reports, (2) list of samples collected during the station, (3) environmental data published at PANGAEA, and (4) nucleotides data published at the European Nucleotides Archive (EBI-ENA).
With an extension of > 40 km**2 the recently discovered Campeche cold-water coral province located at the northeastern rim of the Campeche Bank in the southern Gulf of Mexico belongs to the largest coherent cold-water coral areas discovered so far. The Campeche province consists of numerous 20-40 m-high elongated coral mounds that are developed in intermediate water depths of 500 to 600 m. The mounds are colonized by a vivid cold-water coral ecosystem that covers the upper flanks and summits. The rich coral community is dominated by the framework-building Scleractinia Enallopsammia profunda and Lophelia pertusa, while the associated benthic megafauna shows a rather scarce occurrence. The recent environmental setting is characterized by a high surface water production caused by a local upwelling center and a dynamic bottom-water regime comprising vigorous bottom currents, obvious temporal variability, and strong density contrasts, which all together provide optimal conditions for the growth of cold-water corals. This setting - potentially supported by the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in the Campeche area - controls the delivering of food particles to the corals. The Campeche cold-water coral province is, thus, an excellent example highlighting the importance of the oceanographic setting in securing the food supply for the development of large and vivid cold-water coral ecosystems.
El servicio doméstico ocupa un lugar ambiguo entre los mundos público y privado. Desarrollado en el interior de los hogares de los empleadores, da lugar a relaciones en las que lo laboral y lo afectivo están imbricados. Los juicios laborales entre empleadores y trabajadoras domésticas constituyen un escenario privilegiado para observar el solapamiento de estas dimensiones. Si las demandas de las trabajadoras frente a las instituciones de justicia sitúan esta relación en el mundo público, las respuestas de los empleadores muchas veces buscan resituarlas en el orden privado. Por otra parte, en algunos escenarios, las demandas de las trabajadoras son también expresadas en un lenguaje que remite a lo privado. En este artículo analizamos las lógicas de la confl ictividad judicial establecidas en las estrategias de empleadores y trabajadoras frente al Tribunal del Trabajo Doméstico (TTD), un organismo creado en 1956 para atender los confl ictos individuales que derivan de las relaciones de trabajo de este sector en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Tomamos dos horizontes temporales caracterizados por cambios en la regulación del trabajo, en general, y del servicio doméstico, en particular: el de los primeros años de funcionamiento del TTD y el cambio de siglo.
This work investigates the production of activated lignin-chitosan extruded (ALiCE) pellets with controlled particle size distribution (almost spherical: dp ~500‒1000µm) for efficient methylene blue adsorption. The novel preparation method employed in this study successfully produced activated lignin-chitosan pellets. Structural and morphological characterizations were performed using BET, FTIR and SEM-EDX analyses. The influence of contact time, solution pH, ionic strength, initial adsorbate concentration and desorption studies was investigated. The experimental data fitted well with the Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.997), yielding a maximum adsorption capacity of 36.25mg/g. The kinetic data indicated that methylene blue (MB) adsorption onto ALiCE can be represented by the pseudo second-order-model with intraparticle processes initially controlling the process of MB adsorption. Overall, these results indicate that the novel ALiCE offers great potential for removing cationic organic pollutants from rivers and streams.
Copper-manganese spinel containing anodes were synthesized by a facile sol-gel method and evaluated in lithium-ion battery applications for the first time. The synergistic effects between copper-manganese and the aqueous binder (sodium carboxymethyl cellulose) provided a high specific capacity and excellent cycling performance. It was found that the specific capacity of the copper-manganese spinel remained at 608 mAh g−1 after 100 cycles at a current density of 200 mA g−1. Furthermore, a relatively high reversible capacity of 278 mAh g−1 could be obtained at a current density of 2000 mA g−1, indicating a good rate capability. These studies suggest that copper-manganese spinel is a promising material for lithium-ion battery applications due to a combination of good electrochemical performance and low cost.
Global competition requires that the companies adapt themselves to technological changes rapidly, develop new products, reduce the cost, shorten the time to market, and increase the quality. In this context, supplier involvement in New Product Development (NPD) is determinant for a company to respond to the requirements of the increasingly dynamic markets. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of supplier involvement in NPD, buyer-supplier relationships and their effects on buyer’s NPD process, highlighting the benefits of supplier involvement, the barriers, the strategic aspects and industry aspects. These issues are addressed with a case study from the semiconductor industry. Besides helping to understand NPD in the semiconductor industry, the contribution and fi ndings of this work are clear: the results achieved confirm the findings of studies referred in the literature review, and confirm that the semiconductor industry sector requires a closer and more complex relationship structure with suppliers, given the specificities and challenges of the sector, such as rapid technological changes, permanent innovation, global competition, reduction of cost and time-to-market cycle, increased capacity, among other. The main contribution of the paper to the scientific literature and to managers is the better understanding of the buyer-supplier relationships in NPD in the semiconductor industry.
Objetivo: Analisar os teores de íons de fluoreto e o padrão microbiológico encontrado nas águas de abastecimento público dos municípios alagoanos que fluoretam suas águas. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo realizado no período de 2012 a 2014, no qual se analisaram todos os laudos emitidos pelo Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de Alagoas (LACEN-AL) com os resultados da análise da qualidade da água para consumo humano dos onze municípios alagoanos que fluoretaram suas águas, totalizando 3.089 laudos. Avaliouse o número total de amostras enviadas para análise da qualidade da água, a quantidade de amostras em que foi solicitada a análise de fluoreto, teores e variações dos íons de fluoreto e o padrão microbiológico das amostras fluoretadas. Realizou-se a análise descritiva dos dados, obtendo-se as frequências absolutas e relativas percentuais. Resultados: Foram encontradas 429 (83,9%) amostras coletadas no intervalo 0,0-0,5 mgF/L, número considerado abaixo do recomendável, além de grande variação na concentração dos íons de fluoreto e 128 (26,3%) amostras de água fluoretada fora dos padrões de potabilidade. Conclusão: Os dados mostraram uma grande variação e um alto percentual de amostras com baixas concentrações de fluoreto, assim como a necessidade de melhoria da qualidade da água ofertada, de modo a garantir para a população o acesso contínuo à água potável.
Introdução: O aumento da esperança média de vida torna as pessoas mais vulneráveis e dependentes, especialmente no que se refere às atividades quotidianas. A coxartrose é uma das osteoartroses mais comuns, manifestada por dor, limitação progressiva da mobilidade articular e atrofia muscular. A artroplastia total da anca tem-se afirmado como alternativa eficaz e com sucesso ao longo do tempo. Hoje em dia, a necessidade de recuperação funcional após a cirurgia é irrefutável. Neste contexto, a reabilitação assume um papel primordial, quer na maximização das capacidades e minimização dos défices pós-cirúrgicos da pessoa, quer no restabelecimento da sua autonomia e consequente retorno à vida social e profissional. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um programa de reabilitação instituído a pessoas submetidas a artroplastia total da anca. Metodologia: Foi realizado um programa de reabilitação às pessoas submetidas a artroplastia total da anca, com início no primeiro dia de pós-operatório até à consulta pós-operatória, baseado em exercícios resistidos, a 28 pessoas. Avaliaram-se a força muscular (Lafayette manual muscle tester), a amplitude articular (goniometria), a escala de Tinetti e o questionário WOMAC. A colheita de dados foi realizada em três momentos (admissão – T0, alta – T1 e primeira consulta pós-cirurgia – T2). Resultados: Após o programa verificou-se uma melhoria substancial da qualidade de marcha e dos domínios do questionário WOMAC, até ao dia da consulta de ortopedia, que em média foi de 41 dias. A força muscular, quer força máxima quer força média, diminuiu ligeiramente em T1 e em T2 aumentou, exceto nos isquiotibiais em que existe um incremento em todas as avaliações. Verificou-se ainda que os resultados obtidos são independentes da idade, sexo e existência de cirurgia ortopédica anterior. Conclusão: Comprova-se que um programa de reabilitação que forneça as competências necessárias às pessoas, em que se conjugue reabilitação em ambiente hospitalar e domiciliário, é crucial para uma recuperação rápida e eficaz.
The BL Lac object 1ES 1011+496 was discovered at Very High Energy (VHE, E>100GeV) γ-rays by MAGIC in spring 2007. Before that the source was little studied in different wavelengths. Therefore a multi-wavelength (MWL) campaign was organized in spring 2008. Along MAGIC, the MWL campaign included the Mets¨ahovi radio observatory, Bell and KVA optical telescopes and the Swift and AGILE satellites. MAGIC observations span from March to May, 2008 for a total of 27.9 hours, of which 19.4 hours remained after quality cuts. The light curve showed no significant variability yielding an integral flux above 200 GeV of (1.3 ± 0.3) × 10^(−11) photons cm^(−2) s^( −1) . The differential VHE spectrum could be described with a power-law function with a spectral index of 3.3 ± 0.4. Both results were similar to those obtained during the discovery. Swift XRT observations revealed an X-ray flare, characterized by a harder-when-brighter trend, as is typical for high synchrotron peak BL Lac objects (HBL). Strong optical variability was found during the campaign, but no conclusion on the connection between the optical and VHE γ-ray bands could be drawn. The contemporaneous SED shows a synchrotron dominated source, unlike concluded in previous work based on non-simultaneous data, and is well described by a standard one–zone synchrotron self–Compton model. We also performed a study on the source classification. While the optical and X-ray data taken during our campaign show typical characteristics of an HBL, we suggest, based on archival data, that 1ES 1011+496 is actually a borderline case between intermediate and high synchrotron peak frequency BL Lac objects.
Propósito y Método del Estudio: La demanda de baterías recargables ha aumentado de manera significativa cada año durante la última década impulsada por las necesidades vinculadas con el desarrollo tecnológico (portabilidad, alto desempeño de dispositivos electrónicos, vehículos eléctricos). La batería ión-litio es el dispositivo de mayor consumo, está diseñado para el almacenamiento y conversión de energía eléctrica basado en electrodos de intercalación. En la actualidad los esfuerzos están dirigidos a la mejora y/o remplazo de los componentes actuales de las baterías: ánodo, cátodo (LiCoO2) y electrolito, por materiales que tengan más altos rendimientos en términos de energía, potencia, costo, confiabilidad, tiempo de vida y seguridad. En este trabajo de investigación se prepararon y caracterizaron cuatro compuestos Na3V2-xAlx(PO4)2F3 (x= 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1) como materiales catódicos para baterías ión-litio. Estos materiales se obtuvieron mediante el método Pechini. La caracterización morfológica y microestructural se llevó a cabo por Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido de Emisión de Campo (FESEM), el análisis textural por Fisisorción de N2 por la técnica BET; la composición química y cristalográfica se determinó por Espectroscopia de Emisión de Plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo (ICP-OES), Espectroscopia de Energía Dispersiva de Rayos X (EDXS) y Difracción de Rayos X (XRD), mientras que por Espectroscopia de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS) se realizó la caracterización eléctrica; por último la aplicación de los materiales como cátodos en baterías ión-litio se evaluó mediante pruebas Galvanostáticas de carga/descarga. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: Se establecieron las condiciones de síntesis para los materiales Na3V2-xAlx(PO4)2F3 x= 0, 0.02, 0.05 y 0.1 vía método Pechini. El dopaje de la fase Na3V2-xAlx(PO4)2F3 se llevó a cabo con éxito hasta x=0.1 moles de aluminio, dado que se conservó la estructura cristalina tetragonal del Na3V2(PO4)2F3 (JCPDS 01-089-8485). Los materiales obtenidos tienen una microestructura formada por partículas de forma granular de tamaño nanométrico (40-100nm), esto se atribuye al efecto del carbono residual en la muestra (en promedio 8% en peso) ya que inhibe el crecimiento de partícula, además que permite mejorar el contacto entre las partículas lo que beneficia a la conductividad electrónica del material. Los materiales obtenidos tienen en promedio un tamaño de poro de 20 nm, con un área superficial del orden 30 m2/g. La fase con 0.05 moles de aluminio presentó el mejor resultado bajo las condiciones de estudio. Conjuga dos de las características básicas de una batería, presenta una alta capacidad de carga/descarga (123/101 mAh/g a un voltaje de celda de 4.4 V vs Li) y una buena capacidad de retención (82%), en comparación al material sin dopar (128/63 mAh/g y 49% de retención). Por lo anterior, el dopaje de la fase Na3V2(PO4)2F3 con Al, logró la estabilización de la estructura frente a los procesos de ciclado. Por lo cual es un material prometedor para su aplicación como cátodos en baterías ión-litio o ión-sodio.
The aim of this paper is to examine the connection between Spanish concessive future and evidentiality. More specifically, it is argued that concessive future does not merely represent a contextual variant of conjectural future (Escandell, 2010) but a new use (Squartini, 2012) which is restricted by the activated status of the proposition ( Dryer, 1996). Unlike conjectural future, concessive future does not have an inferential purpose; instead, it plays a role within the (counter) argumentation process. It actually develops a déréalisant function ( Ducrot, 1995). Therefore, although conjectural use and concessive use share the deictic value of future, they are the projection of this value over different levels of meaning. More generally, this paper shows that future in Spanish may intersect with several semantic and discourse categories, including – but not limited to – evidentiality.
Fixed-bed thermodynamic CO2 adsorption tests were performed in model flue-gas onto Filtrasorb 400 and Nuchar RGC30 activated carbons (AC) functionalized with [Hmim][BF4] and [Emim][Gly] ionic liquids (IL). A comparative analysis of the CO2 capture results and N2 porosity characterization data evidenced that the use of [Hmim][BF4], a physical solvent for carbon dioxide, ended up into a worsening of the parent AC capture performance, due to a dominating pore blocking effect at all the operating temperatures. Conversely, the less sterically-hindered and amino acid-based [Emim][Gly] IL was effective in increasing the AC capture capacity at 353 K under milder impregnation conditions, the beneficial effect being attributed to both its chemical affinity towards CO2 and low pore volume reduction. The findings derived in this work outline interesting perspectives for the application of amino acid-based IL supported onto activated carbons for CO2 separation under post-combustion conditions, and future research efforts should be focused on the search for AC characterized by optimal pore size distribution and surface properties for IL functionalization.