841 resultados para ‘Indigenous methods’, ‘Indigenous methodologies’, ‘social research’, ‘Indigenous research’, ‘Krystal Summers’, ‘Ambelin Kwaymullina’, ‘Satu Uusiautti’, ‘Sami’, ‘Andrew Gunstone’


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This study examines the common belief that misdemeanor offences are usually committed by individuals from lower socio-economic classes. 1 suggest that this is a misconception and that individuals from all classes commit misdemeanors. The data are from the Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12thGrade Survey), 2000-2008 (University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research Survey Research Center). I will focus on 12th grade students from the years 2000 to 2008. For the purposes of this study, a misdemeanor is less severe than a felony and includes such crimes as disorderly conduct, shoplifting, public drunkenness, or minor assault. In addition, conviction for a misdemeanor usually results in a fine or imprisonment in a jail for less than a year. I will examine evidence tor the common belief about the characteristics of misdemeanor offenders and explore other influences on those who commit misdemeanors. This research shows that family relationships, the importance of religion to the respondent, and race have an effect on whether an individual commits a misdemeanor. The results of this study »"~'-10'."""'~ that other factors, besides social class, may be important for understanding misdemeanor activity.


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This article presents some reflections on the `employability` construct, based on the ""Empregabilidade: Versoes e implicacoes. Uma leitura desde a Psicologia Social"" research project. Its history is presented first as an instrumental notion implying several meanings, all oriented towards holding people responsible for entering, staying at or leaving jobs. This reflection includes, beyond individualization, questions about visible or invisible actors involved in labor markets and in the definition of its criteria and rules. Interfaces with the academic world and formation devices are also discussed, as well as demands for Human Resources personnel and practices. Finally, questions about the psychosocial implications of the phenomenon are presented.


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Objective Bacterial species have been found harboring the internal surface of dental implants as consequence of their failed connections. The aim of the present study was to compare the detection frequency of bacterial leakage from human saliva through the implantabutment interface, under non-loading conditions, using either DNA Checkerboard or culture method. Materials and methods Thirty dental implants with hexagonal platforms were connected to pre-machined abutments according to the manufacturers specifications. The assemblies were individually incubated in human saliva under anaerobic conditions for 7 similar to days at 37 degrees C. Afterward, contents from the inner parts of the implants were collected and evaluated with either DNA Checkerboard (s similar to=similar to 15) or culture (n similar to=similar to 15). Subsequently, identification and quantitation of bacterial species from saliva and implants were carried out for the group evaluated with the DNA Checkerboard method. Results Both DNA Checkerboard and culture showed positive signals of bacterial leakage in 6 of the 15 evaluated samples. Capnocytophaga gingivalis and Streptococcus mutans were the most frequently detected species harboring the internal surface of the implants followed by Veillonella parvula. Conclusion Occurrence of bacterial leakage along the implantabutment interface is comparably detected with both DNA Checkerboard hybridization and conventional culture methods.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender as potencialidades e limitações do processo de trabalho da enfermagem de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde para o reconhecimento das necessidades de saúde da população. A vertente metodológica utilizada foi a pesquisa social, na perspectiva qualitativa, tendo como base de análise dos discursos a hermêutica-dialética, e como alicerce a Teoria da Interpretação Práxica da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. Os dados foram coletados por meio da entrevista semiestruturada e os processos de trabalho das equipes foram analisados através do Fluxograma Analisador do Modelo de Atenção de um Serviço de Saúde. Concluiu-se que há limitações no cotidiano do processo de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem à medida em que o reconhecimento e enfrentamento das necessidades de saúde perpassavam pela identificação de agravos instalados, deixando em segundo plano os determinantes sociais das más condições de vida associadas ao processo saúde-doença.


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Bound-constrained minimization is a subject of active research. To assess the performance of existent solvers, numerical evaluations and comparisons are carried on. Arbitrary decisions that may have a crucial effect on the conclusions of numerical experiments are highlighted in the present work. As a result, a detailed evaluation based on performance profiles is applied to the comparison of bound-constrained minimization solvers. Extensive numerical results are presented and analyzed.


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This thesis contains four different studies on the dynamics of gender in households and workplaces. The relationship between family life and work life is in focus, particularly in the paper on labour market outcomes after divorce. In the introductory chapter, the Swedish context is briefly described. The description focuses on gender differences in the labour market and in the home. Theories concerning the division of work in the household are discussed, as are two theories on labour market discrimination, viz. taste discrimination and statistical discrimination. The theory part is concluded with a discussion of social closure processes and gendered organizational structures. The Reproduction of Gender. Housework and Attitudes Towards Gender Equality in the Home Among Swedish Boys and Girls. The housework boys and girls age 10 to 18 do, and their attitudes towards gender equality in the home are studied. One aim is to see whether the work children do is gendered and if so, whether they follow their parents’, often gendered, pattern in housework. A second aim is to see whether parents’ division of work is related to the children’s attitude towards gender equality in the home. The data used are taken from the Swedish Child Level of Living Survey (Child-LNU) 2000. Results indicate that girls and boys in two-parent families are more prone to engage in gender-atypical work the more their parent of the same sex engages in this kind of work. The fact that girls still do more housework than boys indicates that housework is gendered work also among children. No relation between parents’ division of work and the child’s attitude towards gender equality in the home was found. Dependence within Families and the Household Division of Labor – A Comparison between Sweden and the United States. This paper assesses the relative explanatory value of the resource-bargaining perspective and the doing-gender approach in analysing the division of housework in the United States and Sweden from the mid-1970s to 2000. Data from the Swedish Level of Living Survey (LNU) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) were used. Overall results indicate that housework is truly gendered work in both countries during the entire period. Even so, the results also indicate that gender deviance neutralization is more pronounced in the United States than in Sweden. Unlike Swedish women, American women seem to increase their time spent in housework when their husbands are to some extent economically dependent on them, as if to neutralize the presumed gender deviance. Divorce and Labour Market Outcomes. Do Women Suffer or Gain? In this paper, the interconnected nature of work and family is studied by looking at labour market outcomes after divorce. The data used are retrospective work and family histories collected in LNU 1991. A hazard regression model with competing risks reveals that women’s chances of improving their occupational prestige appear to be better after divorce compared to before. Increased working hours and perhaps also increased energy invested in the job may pay off in better occupational opportunities. Worth noting, however, is that the outcome among women with a less firm labour market attachment is more often to a job of lower prestige than one of higher prestige. Hence, the labour market outcome for women after divorce is to some extent conditioned by their labour market attachment at the time of divorce. Men, on the other hand, in most cases seem to suffer occupationally from divorce. For separated men the risk of negative changes in occupational prestige is greater than for cohabiting men. Formal On-the-job Training. A Gender-Typed Experience and Wage- Related Advantage? Formal on-the-job training (FOJT) can have a positive impact on wages and on promotion opportunities. According to theory and earlier research, a two-step model of gender inequality in FOJT is predicted: First, women are less likely than men to take part in FOJT and, second, once women do get the more remunerative training, they are not rewarded for their new skills to the same extent as men are. Pooled cross-sectional data from the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions (ULF) in the mid-nineties were used. Results show that women are significantly less likely than men to take part in FOJT. Among those who do receive training, women are more likely to take part in industry-specific training, whereas men are more likely to participate in general training and training that increases promotion opportunities. The two latter forms of training significantly raise a man’s annual earnings but not a woman’s. Hence, the theoretical model is supported and it is argued that this gender inequality is partly due to employers’ discriminatory practices.


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This thesis presents Bayesian solutions to inference problems for three types of social network data structures: a single observation of a social network, repeated observations on the same social network, and repeated observations on a social network developing through time. A social network is conceived as being a structure consisting of actors and their social interaction with each other. A common conceptualisation of social networks is to let the actors be represented by nodes in a graph with edges between pairs of nodes that are relationally tied to each other according to some definition. Statistical analysis of social networks is to a large extent concerned with modelling of these relational ties, which lends itself to empirical evaluation. The first paper deals with a family of statistical models for social networks called exponential random graphs that takes various structural features of the network into account. In general, the likelihood functions of exponential random graphs are only known up to a constant of proportionality. A procedure for performing Bayesian inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods is presented. The algorithm consists of two basic steps, one in which an ordinary Metropolis-Hastings up-dating step is used, and another in which an importance sampling scheme is used to calculate the acceptance probability of the Metropolis-Hastings step. In paper number two a method for modelling reports given by actors (or other informants) on their social interaction with others is investigated in a Bayesian framework. The model contains two basic ingredients: the unknown network structure and functions that link this unknown network structure to the reports given by the actors. These functions take the form of probit link functions. An intrinsic problem is that the model is not identified, meaning that there are combinations of values on the unknown structure and the parameters in the probit link functions that are observationally equivalent. Instead of using restrictions for achieving identification, it is proposed that the different observationally equivalent combinations of parameters and unknown structure be investigated a posteriori. Estimation of parameters is carried out using Gibbs sampling with a switching devise that enables transitions between posterior modal regions. The main goal of the procedures is to provide tools for comparisons of different model specifications. Papers 3 and 4, propose Bayesian methods for longitudinal social networks. The premise of the models investigated is that overall change in social networks occurs as a consequence of sequences of incremental changes. Models for the evolution of social networks using continuos-time Markov chains are meant to capture these dynamics. Paper 3 presents an MCMC algorithm for exploring the posteriors of parameters for such Markov chains. More specifically, the unobserved evolution of the network in-between observations is explicitly modelled thereby avoiding the need to deal with explicit formulas for the transition probabilities. This enables likelihood based parameter inference in a wider class of network evolution models than has been available before. Paper 4 builds on the proposed inference procedure of Paper 3 and demonstrates how to perform model selection for a class of network evolution models.


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This thesis consists of four self-contained essays in economics. Tournaments and unfair treatment. This paper introduces the negative feelings associated with the perception of being unfairly treated into a tournament model and examines the impact of these perceptions on workers’ efforts and their willingness to work overtime. The effect of unfair treatment on workers’ behavior is ambiguous in the model in that two countervailing effects arise: a negative impulsive effect and a positive strategic effect. The impulsive effect implies that workers react to the perception of being unfairly treated by reducing their level of effort. The strategic effect implies that workers raise this level in order to improve their career opportunities and thereby avoid feeling even more unfairly treated in the future. An empirical test of the model using survey data from a Swedish municipal utility shows that the overall effect is negative. This suggests that employers should consider the negative impulsive effect of unfair treatment on effort and overtime in designing contracts and determining on promotions. Late careers in Sweden between 1970 and 2000. In this essay Swedish workers’ late careers between 1970 and 2000 are studied. The aim is to examine older workers’ career patterns and whether they have changed during this period. For example, is there a difference in career mobility or labor market exiting between cohorts? What affects the late career, and does this differ between cohorts? The analysis shows that between 1970 and 2000 the late careers of Swedish workers comprised of few job changes and consisted more of “trying to keep the job you had in your mid-fifties” than of climbing up the promotion ladder. There are no cohort differences in this pattern. Also a large fraction of the older workers exited the labor market before the normal retirement age of 65. During the 1970s and first part of the 1980s, 56 percent of the older workers made an early exit and the average drop-out age was 63. During the late 1980s and the 1990s the share of old workers who made an early exit had risen to 76 percent and the average drop-out age had dropped to 61.5. Different factors have affected the probabilities of an early exit between 1970 and 2000. For example, skills did affect the risk of exiting the labor market during the 1970s and up to the mid-1980s, but not in the late 1980s or the 1990s. During the first period old workers in the lowest occupations or with the lowest level of education were more likely to exit the labor market than more highly skilled workers. In the second period old workers at all levels of skill had the same probability of leaving the labor market. The growth and survival of establishments: does gender segregation matter? We empirically examine the employment dynamics that arise in Becker’s (1957) model of labor market discrimination. According to the model, firms that employ a large fraction of women will be relatively more profitable due to lower wage costs, and thus enjoy a greater probability of surviving and growing by underselling other firms in the competitive product market. In order to test these implications, we use a unique Swedish matched employer-employee data set. We find that female-dominated establishments do not enjoy any greater probability of surviving and do not grow faster than other establishments. Additionally, we find that integrated establishments, in terms of gender, age and education levels, are more successful than other establishments. Thus, attempts by legislators to integrate firms along all dimensions of diversity may have positive effects on the growth and survival of firms. Risk and overconfidence – Gender differences in financial decision-making as revealed in the TV game-show Jeopardy. We have used unique data from the Swedish version of the TV-show Jeopardy to uncover gender differences in financial decision-making by looking at the contestants’ final wagering strategies. After ruling out empirical best-responses, which do appear in Jeopardy in the US, a simple model is derived to show that risk preferences, the subjective and objective probabilities of answering correctly (individual and group competence), determine wagering strategies. The empirical model shows that, on average, women adopt more conservative and diversified strategies, while men’s strategies aim for the greatest gains. Further, women’s strategies are more responsive to the competence measures, which suggests that they are less overconfident. Together these traits make women more successful players. These results are in line with earlier findings on gender and financial trading.


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Study IReal Wage Determination in the Swedish Engineering Industry This study uses the monopoly union model to examine the determination of real wages and in particular the effects of active labour market programmes (ALMPs) on real wages in the engineering industry. Quarterly data for the period 1970:1 to 1996:4 are used in a cointegration framework, utilising the Johansen's maximum likelihood procedure. On a basis of the Johansen (trace) test results, vector error correction (VEC) models are created in order to model the determination of real wages in the engineering industry. The estimation results support the presence of a long-run wage-raising effect to rises in the labour productivity, in the tax wedge, in the alternative real consumer wage and in real UI benefits. The estimation results also support the presence of a long-run wage-raising effect due to positive changes in the participation rates regarding ALMPs, relief jobs and labour market training. This could be interpreted as meaning that the possibility of being a participant in an ALMP increases the utility for workers of not being employed in the industry, which in turn could increase real wages in the industry in the long run. Finally, the estimation results show evidence of a long-run wage-reducing effect due to positive changes in the unemployment rate. Study IIIntersectoral Wage Linkages in Sweden The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the wage-setting in certain sectors of the Swedish economy affects the wage-setting in other sectors. The theoretical background is the Scandinavian model of inflation, which states that the wage-setting in the sectors exposed to international competition affects the wage-setting in the sheltered sectors of the economy. The Johansen maximum likelihood cointegration approach is applied to quarterly data on Swedish sector wages for the period 1980:1–2002:2. Different vector error correction (VEC) models are created, based on assumptions as to which sectors are exposed to international competition and which are not. The adaptability of wages between sectors is then tested by imposing restrictions on the estimated VEC models. Finally, Granger causality tests are performed in the different restricted/unrestricted VEC models to test for sector wage leadership. The empirical results indicate considerable adaptability in wages as between manufacturing, construction, the wholesale and retail trade, the central government sector and the municipalities and county councils sector. This is consistent with the assumptions of the Scandinavian model. Further, the empirical results indicate a low level of adaptability in wages as between the financial sector and manufacturing, and between the financial sector and the two public sectors. The Granger causality tests provide strong evidence for the presence of intersectoral wage causality, but no evidence of a wage-leading role in line with the assumptions of the Scandinavian model for any of the sectors. Study IIIWage and Price Determination in the Private Sector in Sweden The purpose of this study is to analyse wage and price determination in the private sector in Sweden during the period 1980–2003. The theoretical background is a variant of the “Imperfect competition model of inflation”, which assumes imperfect competition in the labour and product markets. According to the model wages and prices are determined as a result of a “battle of mark-ups” between trade unions and firms. The Johansen maximum likelihood cointegration approach is applied to quarterly Swedish data on consumer prices, import prices, private-sector nominal wages, private-sector labour productivity and the total unemployment rate for the period 1980:1–2003:3. The chosen cointegration rank of the estimated vector error correction (VEC) model is two. Thus, two cointegration relations are assumed: one for private-sector nominal wage determination and one for consumer price determination. The estimation results indicate that an increase of consumer prices by one per cent lifts private-sector nominal wages by 0.8 per cent. Furthermore, an increase of private-sector nominal wages by one per cent increases consumer prices by one per cent. An increase of one percentage point in the total unemployment rate reduces private-sector nominal wages by about 4.5 per cent. The long-run effects of private-sector labour productivity and import prices on consumer prices are about –1.2 and 0.3 per cent, respectively. The Rehnberg agreement during 1991–92 and the monetary policy shift in 1993 affected the determination of private-sector nominal wages, private-sector labour productivity, import prices and the total unemployment rate. The “offensive” devaluation of the Swedish krona by 16 per cent in 1982:4, and the start of a floating Swedish krona and the substantial depreciation of the krona at this time affected the determination of import prices.


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This thesis deals with the professional characteristics of secondary school teachers, with particular regard to their competence and their education. The topic will be approached starting from the characteristics and trasnformations social research has identified concerning Italian teachers, focusing on secondary teacher training. After a brief look at Europe, the attention will be directed to Italy, with particular regard to the Postgraduate Schools of Specialisation for Secondary School Teachers (SSIS); hence the need for an analysis that focuses on teaching per se and its concrete pratice. For its nature to be fully grasped, teaching must be reconsidered as an independent object of study, a performance in which competence manifests itself and a form of action involving a set of tacit and personal knowledge. A further perspective opens up for analysis, according to which the professional characteristics of teachers are the result of an education in which the whole history of the subject is involved, in its educative, formative, professional and personal aspects. The teaching profession is imbued with implicit meanings which are inaccessible to conscience but orient action and affect the interpretation of experience. Through the analysis of three different empirical data sets, collected among teachers-in-training and teachers qualified at SSIS, I will try to investigate the actual existence, the nature and the features of such implicit knowledge. It appears necessary to put the claims of process-product approaches back in their right perspective, to the benefit of a holistic conception of teaching competence. The teacher is, at the same time, “he who is teaching” and offers a concrete receiver the fruit of an endless work of study, reflection, practice and self-update. To understand this process will mean to penetrate more and more deeply into the core of teaching and teaching competence , a competence that in some respects “is” always “that” teacher, with his or her own story, implicit knowledge and representations.


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There is great demand for easily-accessible, user-friendly dietary self-management applications. Yet accurate, fully-automatic estimation of nutritional intake using computer vision methods remains an open research problem. One key element of this problem is the volume estimation, which can be computed from 3D models obtained using multi-view geometry. The paper presents a computational system for volume estimation based on the processing of two meal images. A 3D model of the served meal is reconstructed using the acquired images and the volume is computed from the shape. The algorithm was tested on food models (dummy foods) with known volume and on real served food. Volume accuracy was in the order of 90 %, while the total execution time was below 15 seconds per image pair. The proposed system combines simple and computational affordable methods for 3D reconstruction, remained stable throughout the experiments, operates in near real time, and places minimum constraints on users.


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Dynamik der Gewalteskalation bei kritischen Situationen am Beispiel des Fußballstadions Alain Brechbühl, Annemarie Schumacher-Dimech & Roland Seiler Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Universität Bern Schlüsselwörter: Zuschauergewalt, Wahrnehmung, Fußball, Massenveranstaltungen, Fan Einleitung Zuschauergewalt bei Fußballspielen ist in der Schweiz ein aktuelles Thema, wie etwa politische Debatten um Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Eskalationen zeigen. Während in anderen Ländern bereits verschiedene Studien durchgeführt wurden (bspw. Hylander & Granström, 2010), existiert in der Schweiz kaum Forschung zur Dynamik und den möglichen Faktoren, die den Unterschied zwischen einer Eskalation oder Nichteskalation ausmachen könnten. Insbesondere die Sicht beteiligter Personen ist dazu von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das vorliegende Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Gewaltsituation und deren zentralen Faktoren und Ursachen im Kontext des Fußballs. Methode Aufgrund der spärlichen Forschungslage in der Schweiz wurde eine explorative qualitative Studie mit involvierten und nichtinvolvierten Personen (Fußballfans, Sicherheitspersonal und die Polizei) durchgeführt, um Daten über kritische Situationen bei Spielen der Raiffeisen Super League zu erheben. Die ausgewählten Personen wurden einzeln mit narrativen Interviews zu der erlebten Situation befragt um genauere Erkenntnisse zur Situation zu erhalten. Zu vier Situationen wurden 34 Interviews durchgeführt (12 mit Polizeiangehörigen, 11 mit Fans, 9 mit Fanarbeitern und 2 mit Sicherheitsarbeitern). Die Auswertung erfolgte mit der interpretativen phänomenologischen Analyse. Ergebnisse Es zeigten sich individuelle und gruppenspezifische Wahrnehmungen in kritischen Situationen. Bei den befragten Personen herrschte häufig eine Tendenz zur (negativen) Stereotypisierung der gegenüberstehenden Gruppenmitglieder. Schnelle und klare Kommunikation, genügend Distanz zwischen den Gruppen und das Entfernen von gruppenspezifisch bedrohlichen Hinweisreizen (bspw. Polizei-Rüstungen) konnten als relevante Faktoren für gewaltfreie Lösungen festgestellt werden. Diskussion Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse sprechen für die Aufrechterhaltung einer differenzierten Betrachtungsweise und das Beiziehen von Vermittlungspersonen (von Fan- wie auch Polizeiseite) in kritischen Situationen, um Eskalationen vermeiden zu können. Es zeigen sich Ähnlichkeiten zu den Ergebnissen von Hylander & Granström (2010). Es werden noch weitere kritische Situationen analysiert, um konkrete Praxisempfehlungen zu formulieren. Literatur Hylander, I., & Granström, K. (2010). Organizing for a peaceful crowd: an example of a football match. Fo-rum Qualitative Social Research, 11 (2), Zugriff am 22.01.2014 unter http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1462/2969.