977 resultados para vapour liquid equilibria


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The bentiromide test was evaluated using plasma p-aminobenzoic acid as an indirect test of pancreatic insufficiency in young children between 2 months and 4 years of age. To determine the optimal test method, the following were examined: (a) the best dose of bentiromide (15 mg/kg or 30 mg/kg); (b) the optimal sampling time for plasma p-aminobenzoic acid, and; (c) the effect of coadministration of a liquid meal. Sixty-nine children (1.6 ± 1.0 years) were studied, including 34 controls with normal fat absorption and 35 patients (34 with cystic fibrosis) with fat maldigestion due to pancreatic insufficiency. Control and pancreatic insufficient subjects were studied in three age-matched groups: (a) low-dose bentiromide (15 mg/kg) with clear fluids; (b) high-dose bentiromide (30 mg/kg) with clear fluids, and; (c) high-dose bentiromide with a liquid meal. Plasma p-aminobenzoic acid was determined at 0, 30, 60, and 90 minutes then hourly for 6 hours. The dose effect of bentiromide with clear liquids was evaluated. High-dose bentiromide best discriminated control and pancreatic insufficient subjects, due to a higher peak plasma p-aminobenzoic acid level in controls, but poor sensitivity and specificity remained. High-dose bentiromide with a liquid meal produced a delayed increase in plasma p-aminobenzoic acid in the control subjects probably caused by retarded gastric emptying. However, in the pancreatic insufficient subjects, use of a liquid meal resulted in significantly lower plasma p-aminobenzoic acid levels at all time points; plasma p-aminobenzoic acid at 2 and 3 hours completely discriminated between control and pancreatic insufficient patients. Evaluation of the data by area under the time-concentration curve failed to improve test results. In conclusion, the bentiromide test is a simple, clinically useful means of detecting pancreatic insufficiency in young children, but a higher dose administered with a liquid meal is recommended.


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Hyperfine interaction parameters reveal differences in the nature of spin-state equilibria in the lighter and heavier rare-earth cobaltites; the crystal-field parameter is lower in the lighter cobaltites. Temperature variation of the quadrupolar coupling constant is also more marked in the lighter rare-earth cobaltites, with NdCoO3 showing evidence for a structural phase transition.


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A simple volume dilatometer is described for the precise measurements of volume changes as a function of temperature in liquid mixtures. The expansivity of (cyclohexane + acetic anhydride) in the critical region was measured. The critical solution temperature Tc was approached to within 9 mK. For T > (Tc + 0.3 K), the results results follow both a logarithmic and a power-law behaviour with an exponent ≈ 1/8. But for T < (Tc + 0.3 K), the results seem to be affected possibly by gravity or temperature gradients. In this region, the expected expansivity anomaly is rounded off to a cusp. The expansivity shows a reduced anomaly for off-critical compositions. A discussion of the local extremum and a correlation between negative expansivity and the resistivity anomaly are also given.


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It is shown that cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures can be used as convenient solvents in NMR experiments for the determination of molecular structure. The advantages of such solvents are pointed out. The application is demonstrated for acetonitrile; the value for the HCH bond angle thus determined is 108.8°.


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The efficiency of dephosphorisation is governed by the thermodynamic behaviour of phosphorus and oxygen in molten metal, and P2O5 and FeO in slag. The equilibrium distribution of phosphorus and oxygen, for a wide range of chemical compositions simulating the evolution of slag composition during a typical BOF blow, has been experimentally determined. A mathematical model for estimation of the activity coefficients, as a function of the chemical composition, was also attempted.


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The Raman spectrum of cyclopropane is of great interest in view of the fact that it is the simplest of the cyclic hydrocarbons, and also from the point of view of the structure of the cyclopropane molecule. I have investigated this substance both in the liquid and vapour states and have obtained the following results :


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We study the renormalization group flows of the two terminal conductance of a superconducting junction of two Luttinger liquid wires. We compute the power laws associated with the renormalization group flow around the various fixed points of this system using the generators of the SU(4) group to generate the appropriate parametrization of an matrix representing small deviations from a given fixed point matrix [obtained earlier in S. Das, S. Rao, and A. Saha, Phys. Rev. B 77, 155418 (2008)], and we then perform a comprehensive stability analysis. In particular, for the nontrivial fixed point which has intermediate values of transmission, reflection, Andreev reflection, and crossed Andreev reflection, we show that there are eleven independent directions in which the system can be perturbed, which are relevant or irrelevant, and five directions which are marginal. We obtain power laws associated with these relevant and irrelevant perturbations. Unlike the case of the two-wire charge-conserving junction, here we show that there are power laws which are nonlinear functions of V(0) and V(2kF) [where V(k) represents the Fourier transform of the interelectron interaction potential at momentum k]. We also obtain the power law dependence of linear response conductance on voltage bias or temperature around this fixed point.


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Experimental results for breakdown voltage of sodium vapour measured for the first time using coaxial cylindrical electrodes of fixed gap distance (5 mm) and pressure (corrected to2 0 "C) in the range2 1 to 652 Pa are reported, and are founfdo l ltoow Paschen's Law. The investigations also reveal that V th-Ie characteristics are pressure dependent; the current during the breakdown and the buoifl dc-uurpre nt after a breakdoiws nei ther positive or negative. in spite of the central cylinder being always maintained at a positive potential


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It is conjectured that the hard sphere system has several distinct solid phases, all but one of which are metastable. The bifurcation theory analysis of freezing is extended to the description of the transition between a supercooled liquid and a disordered solid by defining a restricted phase space for the disordered solid. This approach leads to the prediction of a first order transition between a supercooled hard sphere fluid and a disordered metastable hard sphere solid. The results of the calculation are in qualitative agreement with the results of Woodcock's molecular dynamics computer simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Head and neck cancer patients often present with advanced metastatic disease resulting in a poor 5-year survival. Therefore, there is a need for non-invasive diagnostic tools that could complement conventional imaging to inform clinicians of patient outcomes and treatment responses. A liquid biopsy addresses this unmet clinical need; a simple peripheral blood draw could provide information about the disseminated disease in terms of circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA. Moreover, detectable tumor DNA in the saliva of head and neck cancer patients could signify the early signs of the disease and present an opportunity for clinical intervention. This review provides an overview of the current literature with regard to the feasibility of such a test in the head and neck cancer field and highlights the need for such a test.


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Interfacial area measurement has been carried out experimentally by measuring the bubble size and holdup for air-sodium chloride solution system. The size of the bubble is predominantly established by the air hold up. High speed photography technique for bubble size measurement and gamma ray attenuation method for holdup measurements are followed. The measured values are compared with the theoretically predicted values. Interracial area as a function of the liquid flow rate and also its distance from the nozzle of the ejector has been reported in this paper. The results obtained for this non-reactive system are also compared with those of air-water system.


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Phase diagrams for Nd2O3-H2O-CO2 and Gd2O3-H2O-CO2 systems at 1500 atm are given along with the results of selected runs in La, Sm and Eu systems. The stable phases in systems of La and Nd, are Ln(OH)CO3-B, Ln2O2CO3-II and LnOOH, in addition to the Ln(OH)3 phase at extremely low partial pressures of CO2 in the system. The systems become more and more complex with decreasing ionic radi and the number of stable carbonate phases increases. Ln2(CO3)3 · 3H2O orthorhombic (tengerate-like phase) is stable from Sm to Gd in addition to the other phases. The Gd(OH)CO3-A (ancylite-like phase) is hydrothermally stable at XCO2 greater-or-equal, slanted 0.5 while its hexagonal polymorph, Gd(OH)CO3-B is stable at low partial pressures of CO2 in the system.