907 resultados para power law model
Busca consolidar e aprofundar os estudos já realizados relativos à produção legislativa decorrente do poder conclusivo com a finalidade de verificar a efetividade desse instituto, além de averiguar o almejado fortalecimento do papel das comissões na produção legislativa federal. Para tanto, analisa as proposições que se transformaram em norma jurídica nas legislaturas posteriores à promulgação da Constituição de 1988 até o primeiro ano da 53ª Legislatura (2007). Analisa, também, qualitativamente, a produção legislativa nesse período, utilizando a teoria alemã de legislação simbólica, de acordo com a tipologia de Harald Kindermann.
按照临界点理论 ,在大地震或岩石等脆性材料破坏发生之前能量会加速释放 (AER) ,这种加速过程呈幂律变化 (power law) .本文通过大尺度岩石破裂声发射实验 ,对这一临界现象进行了研究 .实验分别采用 3种岩石试件 ,并且实现了不同轴压加载历史以及三轴应力状态 ;实验利用声发射技术记录了微裂纹产生和扩展时所释放的弹性能 (声发射 ) ;实验结果证实了临界点理论 ,在不同的实验条件下 ,岩石材料在受压破坏之前弹性能会出现明显的加速释放过程 .本文还对使用AER预测中期地震进行了初步研究 .
The presented doctoral research utilizes time-resolved spectroscopy to characterize protein dynamics and folding mechanisms. We resolve millisecond-timescale folding by coupling time-resolved fluorescence energy transfer (trFRET) to a continuous flow microfluidic mixer to obtain intramolecular distance distributions throughout the folding process. We have elucidated the folding mechanisms of two cytochromes---one that exhibits two-state folding (cytochrome
We have also investigated intrachain contact dynamics in unfolded cytochrome
In addition, we have explored the pathway dependence of electron tunneling rates between metal sites in proteins. Our research group has converted cytochrome
The current power grid is on the cusp of modernization due to the emergence of distributed generation and controllable loads, as well as renewable energy. On one hand, distributed and renewable generation is volatile and difficult to dispatch. On the other hand, controllable loads provide significant potential for compensating for the uncertainties. In a future grid where there are thousands or millions of controllable loads and a large portion of the generation comes from volatile sources like wind and solar, distributed control that shifts or reduces the power consumption of electric loads in a reliable and economic way would be highly valuable.
Load control needs to be conducted with network awareness. Otherwise, voltage violations and overloading of circuit devices are likely. To model these effects, network power flows and voltages have to be considered explicitly. However, the physical laws that determine power flows and voltages are nonlinear. Furthermore, while distributed generation and controllable loads are mostly located in distribution networks that are multiphase and radial, most of the power flow studies focus on single-phase networks.
This thesis focuses on distributed load control in multiphase radial distribution networks. In particular, we first study distributed load control without considering network constraints, and then consider network-aware distributed load control.
Distributed implementation of load control is the main challenge if network constraints can be ignored. In this case, we first ignore the uncertainties in renewable generation and load arrivals, and propose a distributed load control algorithm, Algorithm 1, that optimally schedules the deferrable loads to shape the net electricity demand. Deferrable loads refer to loads whose total energy consumption is fixed, but energy usage can be shifted over time in response to network conditions. Algorithm 1 is a distributed gradient decent algorithm, and empirically converges to optimal deferrable load schedules within 15 iterations.
We then extend Algorithm 1 to a real-time setup where deferrable loads arrive over time, and only imprecise predictions about future renewable generation and load are available at the time of decision making. The real-time algorithm Algorithm 2 is based on model-predictive control: Algorithm 2 uses updated predictions on renewable generation as the true values, and computes a pseudo load to simulate future deferrable load. The pseudo load consumes 0 power at the current time step, and its total energy consumption equals the expectation of future deferrable load total energy request.
Network constraints, e.g., transformer loading constraints and voltage regulation constraints, bring significant challenge to the load control problem since power flows and voltages are governed by nonlinear physical laws. Remarkably, distribution networks are usually multiphase and radial. Two approaches are explored to overcome this challenge: one based on convex relaxation and the other that seeks a locally optimal load schedule.
To explore the convex relaxation approach, a novel but equivalent power flow model, the branch flow model, is developed, and a semidefinite programming relaxation, called BFM-SDP, is obtained using the branch flow model. BFM-SDP is mathematically equivalent to a standard convex relaxation proposed in the literature, but numerically is much more stable. Empirical studies show that BFM-SDP is numerically exact for the IEEE 13-, 34-, 37-, 123-bus networks and a real-world 2065-bus network, while the standard convex relaxation is numerically exact for only two of these networks.
Theoretical guarantees on the exactness of convex relaxations are provided for two types of networks: single-phase radial alternative-current (AC) networks, and single-phase mesh direct-current (DC) networks. In particular, for single-phase radial AC networks, we prove that a second-order cone program (SOCP) relaxation is exact if voltage upper bounds are not binding; we also modify the optimal load control problem so that its SOCP relaxation is always exact. For single-phase mesh DC networks, we prove that an SOCP relaxation is exact if 1) voltage upper bounds are not binding, or 2) voltage upper bounds are uniform and power injection lower bounds are strictly negative; we also modify the optimal load control problem so that its SOCP relaxation is always exact.
To seek a locally optimal load schedule, a distributed gradient-decent algorithm, Algorithm 9, is proposed. The suboptimality gap of the algorithm is rigorously characterized and close to 0 for practical networks. Furthermore, unlike the convex relaxation approach, Algorithm 9 ensures a feasible solution. The gradients used in Algorithm 9 are estimated based on a linear approximation of the power flow, which is derived with the following assumptions: 1) line losses are negligible; and 2) voltages are reasonably balanced. Both assumptions are satisfied in practical distribution networks. Empirical results show that Algorithm 9 obtains 70+ times speed up over the convex relaxation approach, at the cost of a suboptimality within numerical precision.
O presente trabalho parte das concepções morais de Kant sobre o imperativo categórico, sua ideia de punir e a noção de cosmopolitismo, como uma forma de integrar os povos nos mais diversos cantos através de parâmetros racionais, visando alcançar o que o filósofo denomina de Paz Perpétua. O pós kantiano Hoffe é tomado como base para um modelo de Direito Intercultural, no qual, os cidadãos são unidos por valores universais em torno de pretensões comuns. Neste contexto emerge o Direito Penal Intercultural como forma de se consagrar bens comuns, através da tipificação de delitos que representam preceitos éticos globais, os quais merecem ser tutelados por estarem associados a direitos humanos. Nesta sociedade moderna marcada por grandes transformações em diversos setores, como decorrência da globalização, fala-se em uma nova área criminal, qual seja, o Direito Penal Econômico, trazendo crimes existentes em qualquer lugar do mundo, como as infrações tributárias, praticadas por criminosos de colarinho branco. A impunidade destes crimes é um fator notório. Em razão de tal fato e, por questões de justiça e solidariedade defende-se um modelo criminal de punição, que tem uma fundamentação moral e se mostra aplicável em qualquer país, independentemente de suas especificidades locais. Para tal é necessário uma releitura dos paradigmas tradicionais do Direito Penal e uma maior eticização de suas normas, proporcionando o que se chama Direito Penal Intercultural.
A large database of 115 triaxial, direct simple shear, and cyclic tests on 19 clays and silts is presented and analysed to develop an empirical framework for the prediction of the mobilization of the undrained shear strength, cu, of natural clays tested from an initially isotropic state of stress. The strain at half the peak undrained strength (γM=2) is used to normalize the shear strain data between mobilized strengths of 0.2cu and 0.8cu. A power law with an exponent of 0.6 is found to describe all the normalized data within a strain factor of 1.75 when a representative sample provides a value for γM=2. Multi-linear regression analysis shows that γM=2 is a function of cu, plasticity index Ip, and initial mean effective stress p′0. Of the 97 stress-strain curves for which cu, Ip, and p′0 were available, the observed values of γM=2 fell within a factor of three of the regression; this additional uncertainty should be acknowledged if a designer wished to limit immediate foundation settlements on the basis of an undrained strength profile and the plasticity index of the clay. The influence of stress history is also discussed. The application of these stress-strain relations to serviceability design calculations is portrayed through a worked example. The implications for geotechnical decision-making and codes of practice are considered.
Kolmogorov's two-thirds, ((Δv) 2) ∼ e 2/ 3r 2/ 3, and five-thirds, E ∼ e 2/ 3k -5/ 3, laws are formally equivalent in the limit of vanishing viscosity, v → 0. However, for most Reynolds numbers encountered in laboratory scale experiments, or numerical simulations, it is invariably easier to observe the five-thirds law. By creating artificial fields of isotropic turbulence composed of a random sea of Gaussian eddies whose size and energy distribution can be controlled, we show why this is the case. The energy of eddies of scale, s, is shown to vary as s 2/ 3, in accordance with Kolmogorov's 1941 law, and we vary the range of scales, γ = s max/s min, in any one realisation from γ = 25 to γ = 800. This is equivalent to varying the Reynolds number in an experiment from R λ = 60 to R λ = 600. While there is some evidence of a five-thirds law for g > 50 (R λ > 100), the two-thirds law only starts to become apparent when g approaches 200 (R λ ∼ 240). The reason for this discrepancy is that the second-order structure function is a poor filter, mixing information about energy and enstrophy, and from scales larger and smaller than r. In particular, in the inertial range, ((Δv) 2) takes the form of a mixed power-law, a 1+a 2r 2+a 3r 2/ 3, where a 2r 2 tracks the variation in enstrophy and a 3r 2/ 3 the variation in energy. These findings are shown to be consistent with experimental data where the polution of the r 2/ 3 law by the enstrophy contribution, a 2r 2, is clearly evident. We show that higherorder structure functions (of even order) suffer from a similar deficiency.
We report the results of electrical resistivity measurements carried out on well-sintered La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 / Mn3O4 composite samples with almost constant composition of the magnetoresistive manganite phase (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3). A percolation threshold (fc) occurs when the La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 volume fraction is ~ 0.19. The dependence of the electrical resistivity as a function of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 volume fraction (fLCMO) can be described by percolation-like phenomenological equations. Fitting the conducting regime (fLCMO > fc) by the percolation power law returns a critical exponent t value of 2.0 +/- 0.2 at room temperature and 2.6 +/-0.2 at 5 K. The increase of t is ascribed to the influence of the grain boundaries on the electrical conduction process at low temperature.
We show that tubes of melt cast Bi-2212 used as current leads for LTS magnets can also act as efficient magnetic shields. The magnetic screening properties under an axial DC magnetic field are characterized at several temperatures below the liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). Two main shielding properties are studied and compared with those of Bi-2223, a material that has been considered in the past for bulk magnetic shields. The first property is related to the maximum magnetic flux density that can be screened, Blim; it is defined as the applied magnetic flux density below which the field attenuation measured at the centre of the shield exceeds 1000. For a cylinder of Bi-2212 with a wall thickness of 5 mm and a large ratio of length over radius, Blim is evaluated to 1 T at T = 10 K. This value largely exceeds the Blim value measured at the same temperature on similar tubes of Bi-2223. The second shielding property that is characterized is the dependence of Blim with respect to variations of the sweep rate of the applied field, dBapp/dt. This dependence is interpreted in terms of the power law E = Ec(J/Jc)^n and allows us to determine the exponent n of this E(J) characteristics for Bi-2212. The characterization of the magnetic field relaxation involves very small values of the electric field. This gives us the opportunity to experimentally determine the E(J) law in an unexplored region of small electric fields. Combining these results with transport and AC shielding measurements, we construct a piecewise E(J) law that spans over 8 orders of magnitude of the electric field.
The creep rate of polycrystalline Fe3O4 has been measured as a fonction of stress and oxygen partial pressure in the temperature range 480-1100°C. A regime of power law creep is found at high stress, with a stress exponent of ≈- 3.1 and an activation energy of 264 kJ/mol. A regime of diffusional flow is found at lower stresses and is interpreted as Nabarro-Herring creep. The data for the two regimes are combined to deduce an oxygen diffusion coefficient of ≈-10-5 exp(-264 kJ/mol/RT) m2s-1, with oxygen vacancies suggested as the mobile species. © 1990.
An approach by which the detrented fluctuation analysis (DFA) method can be used to help diagnose heart failure was demonstrated. DFA was applied to patients suffering from congestive heart failure (CHF) to check correlations between DFA indices and CHF, and determine a correlation between DFA indices and mortality, with a particular attention to the residue parameter, which is a measure of the departure of the DFA from its power law approximation. DFA parameters proved to be useful as a complement to the physiological parameters weber and FE to sort out the patients into three prognostic group.
We study the spectral characteristics of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein conjugated single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and quantify their uptake by macrophages. The binding of BSA onto the SWNT surface is found to change the protein structure and to increase the doping of the nanotubes. The G-band Raman intensity follows a well-defined power law for SWNT concentrations of up to 33 μg ml-1 in aqueous solutions. Subsequently, in vitro experiments demonstrate that incubation of BSA-SWNT complexes with macrophages affects neither the cellular growth nor the cellular viability over multiple cell generations. Using wide spot Raman spectroscopy as a fast, non-destructive method for statistical quantification, we observe that macrophages effectively uptake BSA-SWNT complexes, with the average number of nanotubes internalized per cell remaining relatively constant over consecutive cell generations. The number of internalized SWNTs is found to be ∼30 × 106 SWNTs/cell for a 60 mm-2 seeding density and ∼100 × 10 6 SWNTs/cell for a 200 mm-2 seeding density. Our results show that BSA-functionalized SWNTs are an efficient molecular transport system with low cytotoxicity maintained over multiple cell generations. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Results are presented of systematic studies of vibration damping in steel of a type, and processed by a route, rel-evant to Caribbean steel pans. Damping is likely to be a significant factor in the variation of sound quality be-tween different pans. The main stages in pan manufac-ture are simulated in a controlled manner using sheet steel, cold-rolled to a prescribed level of thickness reduc-tion then annealed at a chosen temperature in a laboratory furnace. Small test strips were cut from the resulting material, and tested in free-free beam bending to deduce the Young’s modulus and its associated loss factor. It is shown that the steel type, the degree of cold working and the annealing temperature all have a significant influence on damping. Furthermore, for each individual specimen damping is found to decrease with rising frequency, ap-proximately following a power law. Comparison with samples cut from a real pan show that there are further influences from the pan’s geometrical details.
We propose new scaling laws for the properties of planetary dynamos. In particular, the Rossby number, the magnetic Reynolds number, the ratio of magnetic to kinetic energy, the Ohmic dissipation timescale and the characteristic aspect ratio of the columnar convection cells are all predicted to be power-law functions of two observable quantities: the magnetic dipole moment and the planetary rotation rate. The resulting scaling laws constitute a somewhat modified version of the scalings proposed by Christensen and Aubert. The main difference is that, in view of the small value of the Rossby number in planetary cores, we insist that the non-linear inertial term, uu, is negligible. This changes the exponents in the power-laws which relate the various properties of the fluid dynamo to the planetary dipole moment and rotation rate. Our scaling laws are consistent with the available numerical evidence. © The Authors 2013 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.
From the cell cytoskeleton to connective tissues, fibrous networks are ubiquitous in metazoan life as the key promoters of mechanical strength, support and integrity. In recent decades, the application of physics to biological systems has made substantial strides in elucidating the striking mechanical phenomena observed in such networks, explaining strain stiffening, power law rheology and cytoskeletal fluidisation - all key to the biological function of individual cells and tissues. In this review we focus on the current progress in the field, with a primer into the basic physics of individual filaments and the networks they form. This is followed by a discussion of biological networks in the context of a broad spread of recent in vitro and in vivo experiments.