961 resultados para metadata schemes


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The Schwinger proper-time method is an effective calculation method, explicitly gauge-invariant and nonperturbative. We make use of this method to investigate the radiatively induced Lorentz- and CPT-violating effects in quantum electrodynamics when an axial-vector interaction term is introduced in the fermionic sector. The induced Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons term coincides with the one obtained using a covariant derivative expansion but differs from the result usually obtained in other regularization schemes. A possible ambiguity in the approach is also discussed. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Over the last two decades the research and development of legged locomotion robots has grown steadily. Legged systems present major advantages when compared with ‘traditional’ vehicles, because they allow locomotion in inaccessible terrain to vehicles with wheels and tracks. However, the robustness of legged robots, and especially their energy consumption, among other aspects, still lag behind mechanisms that use wheels and tracks. Therefore, in the present state of development, there are several aspects that need to be improved and optimized. Keeping these ideas in mind, this paper presents the review of the literature of different methods adopted for the optimization of the structure and locomotion gaits of walking robots. Among the distinct possible strategies often used for these tasks are referred approaches such as the mimicking of biological animals, the use of evolutionary schemes to find the optimal parameters and structures, the adoption of sound mechanical design rules, and the optimization of power-based indexes.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino de 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is a search algorithm based on social behavior. Most of the existing multi-objective particle swarm optimization schemes are based on Pareto optimality and aim to obtain a representative non-dominated Pareto front for a given problem. Several approaches have been proposed to study the convergence and performance of the algorithm, particularly by accessing the final results. In the present paper, a different approach is proposed, by using Shannon entropy to analyzethe MOPSO dynamics along the algorithm execution. The results indicate that Shannon entropy can be used as an indicator of diversity and convergence for MOPSO problems.


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O presente trabalho integra-se no âmbito dos requisitos definidos na unidade curricular DIPRE que faz parte do 2º ano do Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão das Construções do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto do Politécnico do Porto. Este trabalho consistiu na elaboração do projecto de estabilidade de um edifício de habitação multifamiliar, tendo-se também realizado uma análise comparativa de dois programas de cálculo estrutural. O trabalho foi subdividido em parte escrita e parte desenhada. Sendo a primeira constituída pelos seguintes capítulos: 1 – Memória descritiva e justificativa de cálculo 2 – Mapa de quantidades de trabalho e de materiais 3 – Estimativa orçamental 4 – Condições técnicas do projecto de fundações e estruturas A parte desenhada incluí 16 desenhos, representativos dos esquemas estruturais adoptados e dos pormenores construtivos dos elementos estruturais


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Este trabalho é baseado no simulador de redes PST2200 do Laboratório de Sistemas de Energia (LSE) pois está avariado com vários problemas conhecidos, designadamente: - Defeito de isolamento (disparo de diferencial), - Desregulação da velocidade da máquina primária (motor DC), - Circuito de excitação da máquina síncrona inoperacional, - Inexistência de esquemas elétricos dos circuitos do simulador, - Medidas desreguladas e com canais de medida com circuito impresso queimado. O trabalho executado foi: - O levantamento e desenho de raiz (não existe qualquer manual) dos esquemas dos 10 módulos do simulador, designadamente naqueles com avaria ou com desempenho problemático a fim de que se possa ter uma visão mais pormenorizada dos circuitos e seus problemas, por forma a intervir para os minimizar e resolver, - Foi realizado o diagnóstico de avaria do simulador e foram propostas soluções para os mesmos, - Realizaram-se as intervenções propostas e aprovadas. Nas intervenções realizadas, os princípios orientadores foram: - Aumentar a robustez do equipamento por forma a garantir a sua integridade a utilizações menos apropriados e manobras 'exóticas' próprias de alunos, que pela sua condição, estão em fase de aprendizagem, - Atualizar o equipamento, colocando-o em sintonia com o 'estado da arte', - Como fator de valorização suplementar, foi concebida e aplicada a supervisão remota do funcionamento do simulador através da rede informática. Foram detetados inúmeros erros: - Má ligação do motor de corrente continua ao variador, resultando a falta de controlo da frequência da rede do sistema, - Ligações entre painéis trocadas resultando em avarias diversas das fontes de alimentação, - Cartas eletrónicas de medidas avariadas e que além de se reparar, foram também calibradas. Devido ao mecenato da empresa Schnitt + Sohn participando monetariamente, fez-se o projeto de alteração e respetiva execução de grande parte do simulador aumentando a fiabilidade do mesmo, diminuindo assim a frequência das avarias naturais mais as que acontecem involuntariamente devido a este ser um instrumento didático. Além do trabalho elétrico, foi feito muito trabalho de chaparia para alteração de estrutura e suporte do material com diferenças de posicionamento. Neste trabalho dá-se também alguns exemplos de cálculo e simulação das redes de transporte que se pode efetuar no simulador como estudo e simulação de avarias num sistema produtivo real. Realizou-se a monitorização de dois aparelhos indicadores de parâmetros de energia (Janitza UMG96S) através duma rede com dois protocolos ethernet e profibus utilizando o plc (Omron CJ2M) como valorização do trabalho.


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In this paper we discuss how the inclusion of semantic functionalities in a Learning Objects Repository allows a better characterization of the learning materials enclosed and improves their retrieval through the adoption of some query expansion strategies. Thus, we started to regard the use of ontologies to automatically suggest additional concepts when users are filling some metadata fields and add new terms to the ones initially provided when users specify the keywords with interest in a query. Dealing with different domain areas and having considered impractical the development of many different ontologies, we adopted some strategies for reusing ontologies in order to have the knowledge necessary in our institutional repository. In this paper we make a review of the area of knowledge reuse and discuss our approach.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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OBJECTIVE: Payment for performance financial incentive schemes reward doctors based on the quality and the outcomes of their treatment. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health is looking to scale up its use in public hospitals and some municipalities are developing payment for performance schemes even for the Family Health Programme. In this article the Quality and Outcomes Framework used in the UK since 2004 is discussed, as well as its experience to elaborate some important lessons that Brazilian municipalities should consider before embarking on payment for performance scheme in primary care settings.


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In this paper we survey the most relevant results for the prioritybased schedulability analysis of real-time tasks, both for the fixed and dynamic priority assignment schemes. We give emphasis to the worst-case response time analysis in non-preemptive contexts, which is fundamental for the communication schedulability analysis. We define an architecture to support priority-based scheduling of messages at the application process level of a specific fieldbus communication network, the PROFIBUS. The proposed architecture improves the worst-case messages’ response time, overcoming the limitation of the first-come-first-served (FCFS) PROFIBUS queue implementations.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within distributed computer-controlled systems. Therefore, they constitute the foundation upon which real-time applications are to be implemented. A specific class of fieldbus communication networks is based on a simplified version of token-passing protocols, where each station may transfer, at most, a single message per token visit (SMTV). In this paper, we establish an analogy between non-preemptive task scheduling in single processors and the scheduling of messages on SMTV token-passing networks. Moreover, we clearly show that concepts such as blocking and interference in non-preemptive task scheduling have their counterparts in the scheduling of messages on SMTV token-passing networks. Based on this task/message scheduling analogy, we provide pre-run-time schedulability conditions for supporting real-time messages with SMTV token-passing networks. We provide both utilisation-based and response time tests to perform the pre-run-time schedulability analysis of real-time messages on SMTV token-passing networks, considering RM/DM (rate monotonic/deadline monotonic) and EDF (earliest deadline first) priority assignment schemes


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This paper describes how MPEG-4 object based video (obv) can be used to allow selected objects to be inserted into the play-out stream to a specific user based on a profile derived for that user. The application scenario described here is for personalized product placement, and considers the value of this application in the current and evolving commercial media distribution market given the huge emphasis media distributors are currently placing on targeted advertising. This level of application of video content requires a sophisticated content description and metadata system (e.g., MPEG-7). The scenario considers the requirement for global libraries to provide the objects to be inserted into the streams. The paper then considers the commercial trading of objects between the libraries, video service providers, advertising agencies and other parties involved in the service. Consequently a brokerage of video objects is proposed based on negotiation and trading using intelligent agents representing the various parties. The proposed Media Brokerage Platform is a multi-agent system structured in two layers. In the top layer, there is a collection of coarse grain agents representing the real world players – the providers and deliverers of media contents and the market regulator profiler – and, in the bottom layer, there is a set of finer grain agents constituting the marketplace – the delegate agents and the market agent. For knowledge representation (domain, strategic and negotiation protocols) we propose a Semantic Web approach based on ontologies. The media components contents should be represented in MPEG-7 and the metadata describing the objects to be traded should follow a specific ontology. The top layer content providers and deliverers are modelled by intelligent autonomous agents that express their will to transact – buy or sell – media components by registering at a service registry. The market regulator profiler creates, according to the selected profile, a market agent, which, in turn, checks the service registry for potential trading partners for a given component and invites them for the marketplace. The subsequent negotiation and actual transaction is performed by delegate agents in accordance with their profiles and the predefined rules of the market.


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Secure group communication is a paradigm that primarily designates one-to-many communication security. The proposed works relevant to secure group communication have predominantly considered the whole network as being a single group managed by a central powerful node capable of supporting heavy communication, computation and storage cost. However, a typical Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) may contain several groups, and each one is maintained by a sensor node (the group controller) with constrained resources. Moreover, the previously proposed schemes require a multicast routing support to deliver the rekeying messages. Nevertheless, multicast routing can incur heavy storage and communication overheads in the case of a wireless sensor network. Due to these two major limitations, we have reckoned it necessary to propose a new secure group communication with a lightweight rekeying process. Our proposal overcomes the two limitations mentioned above, and can be applied to a homogeneous WSN with resource-constrained nodes with no need for a multicast routing support. Actually, the analysis and simulation results have clearly demonstrated that our scheme outperforms the previous well-known solutions.


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Micro-generation is the small scale production of heat and/or electricity from a low carbon source and can be a powerful driver for carbon reduction, behavior change, security of supply and economic value. The energy conversion technologies can include photovoltaic panels, micro combined heat and power, micro wind, heat pumps, solar thermal systems, fuel cells and micro hydro schemes. In this paper, a small research of the availability of the conversion apparatus and the prices for the micro wind turbines and photovoltaic systems is made and a comparison between these two technologies is performed in terms of the availability of the resource and costs. An analysis of the new legal framework published in Portugal is done to realize if the incentives to individualspsila investment in sustainable and local energy production is worth for their point of view. An economic evaluation for these alternatives, accounting with the governmentpsilas incentives should lead, in most cases, into attractive return rates for the investment. Apart from the attractiveness of the investment there are though other aspects that should be taken into account and those are the benefits that these choices have to us all. The idea is that micro-generation will not only make a significant direct contribution to carbon reduction targets, it will also trigger a multiplier effect in behavior change by engaging hearts and minds, and providing more efficient use of energy by householders. The diversified profile of power generation by micro-generators, both in terms of location and timing, should reduce the impact of intermittency or plant failures with significant gains for security of supply.