798 resultados para management control systems
Os museus federais, de um modo geral, nas duas últimas décadas, têm apresentado resultados satisfatórios no desempenho de sua missão básica - preservação e difusão do acervo que detêm - sem, necessariamente, contar para isso com apoio e recursos governamentais expressivos. Ao contrário, integrantes de uma área de governo sabidamente desfavorecida de recursos orçamentários, bem como de interesse político, desprovida, ainda, de quadros altamente qualificados, desenvolveram soluções próprias e um estilo peculiar de gestão para lidar com essas dificuldades crônicas. Tais soluções gerenciais (Associações de Amigos, criatividade, abnegação, flexibilidade, intensa participação etc.), alinhadas com um modo orgânico de funcionamento e adequadas até então, acobertam, de uma maneira sutil e arriscada, um quase absoluto despreparo profissional para a implementação de sistemas de controle gerencial orientados para resultados - gestão estratégica, programação e orçamentação, controle de qualidade, capacitação técnica e gerencial, indicadores de resultados e avaliação de programas etc. A crescente concorrência de outros meios de entretenimento e lazer, o aperto no controle do déficit público e a conseqüente pressão no sentido da publicização dessas atividades (fortes candidatas a virarem organizações sociais), somados ao esperado crescimento da cobrança social pela accountabilíty de seus dirigentes formam um cenário nada promissor para essas instituições, até então, imunes aos escândalos ou, pelo menos, a uma avaliação menos favorável pela população e demais stakeholders. O julgamento ainda vigente em grande parte de sua elite técnica de que não existe inteligência no mundo da administração, um mal necessário e de convívio difícil com as artes, reforça o belo desafio a ser enfrentado nos próximos anos pelos dirigentes dessas instituições.
The management system based on lean thinking has led to significant changes in the companies that have decided to adopt it. Frequently, those changes do not create a sustainable position coherent with the good results that are obtained. Many are the causes being discussed and analyzed, not only in academia, but also by lean manufacturing institutes and companies. The existing practices related to the managerial information system and the implementation, development, and maintenance of the lean journey may be some of such causes. This dissertation emphasizes whether the changes generated by this type of management are being followed by the managerial information system. The development of such system was in many cases based on mass production, whose principles go against lean manufacturing concepts. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to verify whether the traditional managerial information system can meet the needs of the companies that adopt lean manufacturing principles. Through a case study based on qualitative and exploratory research in an electronic equipment assembling company, the stage of the implementation of lean thinking concepts at the time of the field research was analyzed, as well as whether the metrics, financial and non financial indicators were suitable for lean principles. The aim of such study was to empirically verify if the criticism found in the existing literature was pertinent or not. The data collected through the analysis of the documentation, the interviews with managers and in loco observation was treated through the content analysis method. The main conclusion of the research is that, although the company in question is investing in training and applying lean principles in its production line and in some administrative activities, the current managerial information system does not demonstrate the specific results obtained with lean principles. However, how changes to the managerial information system will be implemented is yet to be determined. Currently, metrics and indicators aligned with lean management are being added to the managerial reports. As more lean tools are employed, mainly with the consolidation of more value streams, the company has already diagnosed the need for new indicators. The main office has started a diagnosis of measurement and control systems in a product line in one of its affiliates with the goal of studying the possibility of applying the so called lean accounting in the future.
Esta dissertação estuda os sistemas de controle de vendas praticados pela indústria têxtil brasileira diante das mudanças ambientais ocorridas nas últimas duas décadas. O pressuposto básico para a utilização de sistemas de controle para a equipe de vendas é que através deles é possível dirigir e influenciar as atitudes e os comportamentos dos empregados para conseguir atingir seus objetivos, havendo uma estreita relação entre a forma como a gerência comercial monitora, dirige, avalia e recompensa as atividades dos seus vendedores e a efetividade da área comercial, sendo diferenciais decisivos para atender a pressão por competitividade e as exigências do mercado quanto ao posicionamento da equipe comercial frente ao novo cenário de negócios. Da revisão teórica foram levantados os oito principais modelos de sistemas de controle e aspectos importantes que devem ser considerados para a composição do sistema de cada empresa. A pesquisa foi conduzida entre os responsáveis por equipes de vendas no segmento têxtil nos elos onde vendas industriais são realizadas. Empregaram-se técnicas empíricas para o levantamento das freqüências de incidência dos aspectos estudados e foi possível constatar que os elos de fibras e filamentos, fiação, tecelagem, malharia e beneficiamento do segmento têxtil possuem sistemas de controle pertinentes com as características de venda industrial. Os controles formais estão ligados a resultados e os controles informais estão relacionados com o acompanhamento das atividades e capacidades do vendedor. Adicionalmente buscou-se captar a percepção dos responsáveis por equipes comerciais sobre sua efetividade nos aspectos de volume de vendas, lucratividade, participação de mercado e também satisfação do cliente.
Drawing upon Brazilian experience, this research explores some of the key issues to be addressed in using e-government technical cooperation designed to enhance service provision of Patent Offices in developing countries. While the development of software applications is often seen merely as a technical engineering exercise, localization and adaptation are context bounded matters that are characterized by many entanglements of human and non-humans. In this work, technical, legal and policy implications of technical cooperation are also discussed in a complex and dynamic implementation environment characterized by the influence of powerful hidden agendas associated with the arena of intellectual property (IP), which are shaped by recent technological, economic and social developments in our current knowledge-based economy. This research employs two different theoretical lenses to examine the same case, which consists of transfer of a Patent Management System (PMS) from the European Patent Office (EPO) to the Brazilian Patent Office that is locally named ‘Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial’ (INPI). Fundamentally, we have opted for a multi-paper thesis comprising an introduction, three scientific articles and a concluding chapter that discusses and compares the insights obtained from each article. The first article is dedicated to present an extensive literature review on e-government and technology transfer. This review allowed the proposition on an integrative meta-model of e-government technology transfer, which is named E-government Transfer Model (ETM). Subsequently, in the second article, we present Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a framework for understanding the processes of transferring e-government technologies from Patent Offices in developed countries to Patent Offices in developing countries. Overall, ANT is seen as having a potentially wide area of application and being a promising theoretical vehicle in IS research to carry out a social analysis of messy and heterogeneous processes that drive technical change. Drawing particularly on the works of Bruno Latour, Michel Callon and John Law, this work applies this theory to a longitudinal study of the management information systems supporting the Brazilian Patent Office restructuration plan that involved the implementation of a European Patent Management System in Brazil. Based upon the ANT elements, we follow the actors to identify and understand patterns of group formation associated with the technical cooperation between the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) and the European Patent Office (EPO). Therefore, this research explores the intricate relationships and interactions between human and non-human actors in their attempts to construct various network alliances, thereby demonstrating that technologies embodies compromise. Finally, the third article applies ETM model as a heuristic frame to examine the same case previously studied from an ANT perspective. We have found evidence that ETM has strong heuristic qualities that can guide practitioners who are engaged in the transfer of e-government systems from developed to developing countries. The successful implementation of e-government projects in developing countries is important to stimulate economic growth and, as a result, we need to understand the processes through which such projects are being implemented and succeed. Here, we attempt to improve understanding on the development and stabilization of a complex social-technical system in the arena of intellectual property. Our preliminary findings suggest that e-government technology transfer is an inherently political process and that successful outcomes require continuous incremental actions and improvisations to address the ongoing issues as they emerge.
The control of the spread of dengue fever by introduction of the intracellular parasitic bacterium Wolbachia in populations of the vector Aedes aegypti, is presently one of the most promising tools for eliminating dengue, in the absence of an efficient vaccine. The success of this operation requires locally careful planning to determine the adequate number of mosquitoes carrying the Wolbachia parasite that need to be introduced into the natural population. The latter are expected to eventually replace the Wolbachia-free population and guarantee permanent protection against the transmission of dengue to human. In this paper, we propose and analyze a model describing the fundamental aspects of the competition between mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia and mosquitoes free of the parasite. We then introduce a simple feedback control law to synthesize an introduction protocol, and prove that the population is guaranteed to converge to a stable equilibrium where the totality of mosquitoes carry Wolbachia. The techniques are based on the theory of monotone control systems, as developed after Angeli and Sontag. Due to bistability, the considered input-output system has multivalued static characteristics, but the existing results are unable to prove almost-global stabilization, and ad hoc analysis has to be conducted.
It is very relevant, for academic or for society purposes as a whole the subject "corruption", a recurring problem that plagues companies and Governments in various parts of the world. Many recent cases draw attention to this topic, but one in particular, the case of corruption of the company Siemens AG, that resulted in the payment of the largest fines in the history on your model, based on the terms of the FCPA since it became law in 1977. This event caters specifically to the objective of this work which is to make an analysis based on agency theory and the codes of good practices of corporate governance on how large companies revising their corporate management systems and practices aiming at the recovery of its institutional image after significant impact on the company, such as the corruption scandal in which Siemens was involved. For this study, we opted for qualitative research as a methodological path contemplating the single case study. In the process of data collection were used data obtained through documentary research about the corruption scandal on public collection available in the internet. Open conversations were made with 3 compliance Department officials of Siemens for the purposes of understanding the case with. At the end of this work, it was observed in the Siemens turnaround process a correlation between what was proposed by the Agency Theory about internal control Systems based on what was accomplished by the company when promoted an extensive restructuring of the Department of compliance and corporate governance system, the improvement of internal controls, as well as the creation of detection tools , control, analysis and prevention of fraud, which were used to minimize the effects generated by the conflict of interest covered by the theory of Agency. KEY WORDS: Corporate Governance; Compliance; Corruption; Turnaround, Agency Theory
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos do consórcio alho e cenoura em quatro épocas de semeadura de cenoura e em três manejos de plantas daninhas, visando determinar os benefícios do consórcio em relação ao controle destas plantas, à produtividade, à rentabilidade e à sua qualidade comercial. Testaram-se quatro épocas de semeadura da cenoura (0, 15, 30 e 45 dias após o plantio do alho), combinadas a três manejos de plantas daninhas (com herbicida, sem controle e com capinas freqüentes). Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados dispostos em parcelas subdivididas, com a época de semeadura da cenoura sendo parcela e o sistema de manejo, a sub-parcela, em quatro repetições. O oxadiazon a 750 g ha-1 não foi tóxico às plantas de alho nem às de cenoura. A rentabilidade do consórcio alho e cenoura foi vantajosa em relação ao monocultivo de alho, principalmente dentro do manejo com capinas freqüentes.
The control of industrial processes has become increasingly complex due to variety of factory devices, quality requirement and market competition. Such complexity requires a large amount of data to be treated by the three levels of process control: field devices, control systems and management softwares. To use data effectively in each one of these levels is extremely important to industry. Many of today s industrial computer systems consist of distributed software systems written in a wide variety of programming languages and developed for specific platforms, so, even more companies apply a significant investment to maintain or even re-write their systems for different platforms. Furthermore, it is rare that a software system works in complete isolation. In industrial automation is common that, software had to interact with other systems on different machines and even written in different languages. Thus, interoperability is not just a long-term challenge, but also a current context requirement of industrial software production. This work aims to propose a middleware solution for communication over web service and presents an user case applying the solution developed to an integrated system for industrial data capture , allowing such data to be available simplified and platformindependent across the network
Feasibility of nonlinear and adaptive control methodologies in multivariable linear time-invariant systems with state-space realization (A, B, C) is apparently limited by the standard strictly positive realness conditions that imply that the product CB must be positive definite symmetric. This paper expands the applicability of the strictly positive realness conditions used for the proofs of stability of adaptive control or control with uncertainty by showing that the not necessarily symmetric CB is only required to have a diagonal Jordan form and positive eigenvalues. The paper also shows that under the new condition any minimum-phase systems can be made strictly positive real via constant output feedback. The paper illustrates the usefulness of these extended properties with an adaptive control example. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados e o detalhamento da metodologia e equações de controle de um retificador monofásico pré-regulador de 150kW para sistema trólebus. A estrutura proposta possibilita a Correção ativa do Fator de Potência (CFP) com baixos níveis de Distorção Harmônica Total (DHT) na corrente, em conformidade com a norma internacional IEC 61000-3-4. Fruto de um projeto de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (P) junto à empresa AES Eletropaulo Metropolitana de São Paulo, em parceria com a empresa de transporte Himalaia S.A., o projeto possui como principais objetivos estimular o interesse para a expansão das linhas de trólebus a partir de uma plataforma de alimentação de menor custo de instalação e manutenção, sem a necessidade de subestações retificadoras, e, com vistas a promover a melhoria da qualidade de vida nos grandes centros urbanos. Nessa nova modalidade proposta para o sistema de alimentação, o trólebus pode ser alimentado tanto pelas redes convencionais em corrente contínua (CC) quanto pelas redes de distribuição em corrente alternada (CA), mantendo-se a disposição a dois fios dos sistemas CC, sendo as mudanças de rede de alimentação (CC ou CA) monitoradas e controladas digitalmente. Todo o sistema de gerenciamento e controle do conversor é realizado digitalmente por FPGA XC3S200. Na evolução do sistema proposto, os autores pretendem inclusive eliminar as linhas aéreas de alimentação, através da utilização de postos de alimentação em CA, especialmente desenvolvidos para os pontos de embarque/desembarque de passageiros para este veículo de transporte coletivo, eliminando-se os aspectos visuais negativos das redes de alimentação deste modal, e, reduzindo-se as falhas de operação do sistema.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In some practical problems, for instance in the control systems for the suppression of vibration in mechanical systems, the state-derivative signals are easier to obtain than the state signals. New necessary and sufficient linear matrix inequalities (LMI) conditions for the design of state-derivative feedback for multi-input (MI) linear systems are proposed. For multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) linear time-invariant or time-varying plants, with or without uncertainties in their parameters, the proposed methods can include in the LMI-based control designs the specifications of the decay rate, bounds on the output peak, and bounds on the state-derivative feedback matrix K. These design procedures allow new specifications and also, they consider a broader class of plants than the related results available in the literature. The LMIs, when feasible, can be efficiently solved using convex programming techniques. Practical applications illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods.