791 resultados para legitimacy of law
A presente dissertação de mestrado consiste em um estudo de caso de três programas de pagamento por serviços ecossistêmicos - PSE, que ajudaram a definir o papel que o direito deve assumir na implementação e manutenção desses mecanismos. Buscou-se, primeiramente, delimitar algumas bases teóricas, sobretudo, o que se entende por desenvolvimento sustentável e sustentabilidade institucional. Para tanto, optamos por demonstrar a evolução conceitual de serviços ambientais para serviços ecossistêmicos e entender este como uma segunda fase daquele, destacando os reflexos desse entendimento na estrutura jurídica dos programas de pagamento por serviços ambientais, que optamos por chama-lo de pagamento por serviços ecossistêmicos. Em seguida, descrevemos toda a evolução das discussões sobre REDD+, exemplo de PSE, para enfatizar os desafios que o direito assume com essa nova concepção de serviços ecossistêmicos. A experiência indica que o sucesso dos programas analisados são, em grande medida, consequência da ideia de função promocional do direito, bem como da observação das suas funcionalidades, quais sejam, orquestração, sinergia, flexibilização e legitimidade, que garantem, antes de mais nada, a sustentabilidade institucional dos mecanismos, permitindo sua perfeita adequação à realidade em que se insere e, mais do que isso, permitindo a manutenção desses instrumentos, mesmo diante de mutações do meio em que estão inseridos.
O presente trabalho questiona o papel da legislação na realização judicial do direito. Para responder a essa questão, empreende-se uma tese conceitual sobre a dinâmica jurídica, que pretende superar a tradicional dicotomia entre a legislação e a função judicial concebida pela doutrina clássica da separação dos poderes. De acordo com a argumentação desenvolvida aqui, o judiciário julga não somente fatos dos casos, mas também as próprias escolhas legislativas, de modo que já não é possível defender que a função judicial consiste em mera declaração da lei nos casos particulares ou ainda em subsunção lógica das lides que lhe são submetidas às normas previamente postas pelo processo legislativo. Assim, a realização judicial do direito não pode ser anteriormente determinada, uma vez que não está condicionada pelo conteúdo legislado. Contudo, os conteúdos da lei transmitem algum sentido para os cidadãos e, por isso, criam expectativas. Confirmar ou não essas expectativas é uma questão relacionada com a justificação e a legitimidade dos Estados racionais modernos, que estabelecem com os cidadãos uma relação de dominação legal-racional. Desse modo, a questão do papel da legislação (direito positivo passado) na realização do direito atual é posta em termos de legitimidade. Se, de um lado, constatamos que não é possível pretender controlar a discricionariedade judicial dentro dos próprios limites do direito, de outro lado defendemos que é legítimo pretender submeter o direito positivo à crítica e ao controle democrático. Isso porque interessa a todos os cidadãos que as decisões judiciais possam ser justificadas de modo razoável, graças a uma argumentação cuja força e a pertinência se reconheçam amplamente na sociedade. A partir dessa perspectiva, propomos um redimensionamento do argumento legal na prática jurídica e passamos a analisar as diversas implicações da questão central posta neste trabalho na realização judicial do direito.
En este artículo, el autor presenta las diferencias más relevantes entre el neoconstitucionalismo y el constitucionalismo garantista. En primer lugar, afirma que el constitucionalismo puede ser concebido de dos formas opuestas: como una superación del positivismo jurídico en sentido tendencialmente iusnaturalista o como su expansión o perfeccionamiento, realizando para llevar a cabo esta labor una revisión terminológica. En segundo lugar, el autor considera que si las constituciones incorporan principios de justicia de carácter ético-político desaparece el principal rasgo distintivo del positivismo jurídico: la separación entre Derecho y moral o entre validez y justicia. A continuación, considera al constitucionalismo garantista como un iuspositivismo reforzado, completando al Estado de Derecho porque comporta el sometimiento al Derecho y al control de constitucionalidad. En cuarto lugar, el autor afirma que la tesis de que todo ordenamiento jurídico satisface objetivamente algún «mínimo ético» no es más que la vieja tesis iusnaturalista, que termina por convertirse en la actual versión del legalismo ético que es el constitucionalismo ético, en virtud del cual los principios constitucionales se pretenden objetivamente justos. En quinto lugar, el autor realiza una crítica a la contraposición entre principios y reglas, en los que se basa una concepción de la constitución y del constitucionalismo opuesta a la concepción positivista y garantista. En sexto lugar, el autor afirma que la idea de que los principios constitucionales son siempre objeto de ponderación y no de aplicación genera un peligro para la independencia de la jurisdicción y para su legitimación política. Finalmente, el autor considera que el constitucionalismo conlleva un debilitamiento y virtualmente un colapso de la normatividad de los principios constitucionales, así como una degradación de los derechos fundamentales establecidos en ellas a meras recomendaciones genéricas de carácter ético-político.
A collection of notebooks in which Hubbard recorded both legal and personal transactions in detail, including: writs, arrests, wills, boundary disputes, damages awarded in court cases over which he presided, various payments and expenses, etc. Also included are three notebooks kept by his nephew James Hubbard, who inherited Joshua Hubbard's farm; these primarily record the sale of cider and vinegar from his farm, costs of hired labor, and bank loans.
Contains records of summons and judgements in various court cases, and fines paid.
A legal commonplace book by kept by Henry Wells of Worcester, Mass. Focuses on such topics as libel of a man to his wife, common recovery in writs and deeds, pleadings, trover, damages and costs, imprisonment, leases, mortgages, covenants, and ejectment. Also contains a number of miscellaneous entries touching on abridgements of law texts, minutes of court proceedings, kings of England, and biblical quotes. Five-page index located at the end of the work.
Contains a record of cases before magistrate William Pynchon from 1639 to 1650. Notes are continued by his son, John, from 1652 to 1701. Included also are a record of marriages (1665-1702), a list of freemen, and a record of freemen meetings (1660-1696).
Contains a summary of cases before the court beginning with the litigants and the damages sought, the legal action, names of counsel, actions taken, and the final disposition of the case. Most actions taken relate to debt, assault and battery, and slander and libel. At the back of the manuscript are "an account of law books by me purchased in the year 1784 & 1785" [p. 120], and"a list miscellanious books bought in the year 1784 & 1785" [p. 132].
Contains notes of cases before several New Jersey courts especially the New Jersey Supreme Court. Possibly compiled by Coxe.
The bulk of this collection consists of brief records of civil actions heard by George Godfrey as a justice of the peace for Bristol County, Massachusetts. With only a few interruptions, these records run from February 1754 through the early 1780s. The other documents include several small volumes and loose pages of household accounts, as well as a handful of pages of court records and marriages heard by George Godfrey and his father, John Godfrey.
Contains records of summons and judgements in various kinds of court cases, fees and fines paid, and index of names.
Collection consists mainly of correspondence among family members and includes courtship correspondence of J. Doddridge to Julia, 1868-1875, and of Elsa and her future husband, Courtenay Hemenway, 1908-1912. Also included are photographs, genealogical material, a diary, commonplace and wedding books.
The scope and enforcement of copyright in the digital environment have been among the most complex and controversial subjects tackled by lawmakers all over the world for the last decade. Due to the ubiquitous use of digital technology, modern regulation of copyright inherently touches on numerous areas of law and social and economic policy, including communications privacy and Internet governance. Modernising the EU’s copyright framework is considered a key step towards achieving the goal of an EU Digital Single Market in the context of the ‘Digital Agenda for Europe’, an initiative launched by the European Commission in May 2010. How can the EU make copyright fit for purpose in the Internet age? What are the most suitable and realistic policy options to achieve the objective of a Digital Single Market in the creative content sectors? To give comprehensive answers to these questions, the CEPS Digital Forum formed a Task Force on Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market to foster a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the major challenges for copyright law in the online content sector today. Drawing on the discussions and input gathered by the Task Force, this report contains the conclusions and policy recommendations organised around three main themes: licensing rules and practices in the online music and film sectors, the definition and implementation of copyright exceptions in the digital environment and the present and future of online copyright enforcement in Europe.
From the Introduction. In the aftermath of the EU’s enlargement towards Central and Eastern Europe, many scholars and observers of European integration were proclaiming that the French-German “engine” of Europe had come to an end. The political legitimacy of French-German initiatives was contested by coalitions of smaller member states and the ‘new Europe’ was calling for new leadership dynamics. However, the experience of the Eurozone debt crisis provided dramatic evidence that no alternative to the Franco-German partnership has yet to emerge in the enlarged EU. In a time of existential crisis, Franco-German initiatives appear to have remained the basic dynamic of integration. However, unlike in the past, agreements on steps forward have proven to be particularly difficult. This is largely due to these countries’ contrasting political economic policy ideas, cultures, and practices....the paper analyses the ideational ‘frames’ of the two leaders while tracing their discursive interactions against changing background conditions since the European debt crisis was triggered by Greece in October 2009 until the last measures taken in 2012 before the French Presidential elections. The empirical analysis is based on a systematic corpus of press conferences and media interviews by Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel after European summits. It is complemented by a number of press interviews including some given by their respective Finance Ministers) and important speeches in that same period of time.
From the Introduction. Regulation 1768/921 created supplementary protection certificates (hereinafter, ‘SPCs’) for medicinal products (hereinafter, “pharmaceuticals”) protected by patents. SPCs afford the same exclusive rights as those conferred by patents once these expire and may be granted for a maximum of five years.2 Italy enacted similar legislation in 1991, the most salient difference between both texts being that, pursuant to Law No. 349/91,3 holders of Italian patents for pharmaceuticals could be granted supplementary protection for a maximum period of 18 years after the expiration of the patent. Following the enactment of Regulation 1768/92, SPCs granted by the Italian authorities were brought in line with the period provided for in that text. However, pharmaceuticals for which supplementary protection was sought in the lapse between the adoption of Law No. 349/91 and Regulation 1768/92 (around 400 products) continued to enjoy the protection provided for in the former text.4 Several steps were taken by the Italian authorities to progressively reduce the length of protection granted to these products.