983 resultados para large scattering length
To support student learning in a large Metabolism and Nutrition class, we have introduced a web-based package, using a commercially available program, WebCT. The package was developed at a minimal cost and with limited resources. In addition to downloadable (PDF) versions of lecture Powerpoint presentations, tutorial outlines and a practical class exercise, web-based self-directed learning exercises were included to reinforce and extend lecture material in an active learning environment. The web-site also contained a variety of formative and summative assessment tasks that examined both factual recall and higher order thinking Detailed course information, timetables and a bulletin board were also readily accessible. Student usage of the site was generally high, but varied widely between individual students. Students who achieved a high overall score for the course completed on average three times as many formative assessment items and achieved a higher score for all tests than students who did poorly. Student feedback about the site was very positive with the majority of students reporting that the course material and assessment items that were available were useful to their learning. Administration of the course was also facilitated. (C) 2001 IUBMB. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We solve the Sp(N) Heisenberg and SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg models on the anisotropic triangular lattice in the large-N limit. These two models may describe respectively the magnetic and electronic properties of the family of layered organic materials K-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X, The Heisenberg model is also relevant to the frustrated antiferromagnet, Cs2CuCl4. We find rich phase diagrams for each model. The Sp(N) :antiferromagnet is shown to have five different phases as a function of the size of the spin and the degree of anisotropy of the triangular lattice. The effects of fluctuations at finite N are also discussed. For parameters relevant to Cs2CuCl4 the ground state either exhibits incommensurate spin order, or is in a quantum disordered phase with deconfined spin-1/2 excitations and topological order. The SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg model exhibits an insulating dimer phase, an insulating box phase, a semi-metallic staggered flux phase (SFP), and a metallic uniform phase. The uniform and SFP phases exhibit a pseudogap, A metal-insulator transition occurs at intermediate values of the interaction strength.
This paper proposes the creation of an objectively acquired reference database to more accurately characterize the incidence and longterm risk of relatively infrequent, but serious, adverse events. Such a database would be maintained longitudinally to provide for ongoing comparison with new rheumatologic drug safety databases collecting the occurrences and treatments of rare events, We propose the establishment of product-specific registries to prospectively follow a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who receive newly approved therapies. In addition, a database is required of a much larger cohort of RA patients treated with multiple second line agents of sufficient size to enable case-controlled determinations of the relative incidence of rare but serious events in the treated (registry) versus the larger disease population, The number of patients necessary for agent-specific registries and a larger patient population adequate to supply a matched case-control cohort will depend upon estimates of the detectability of an increased incidence over background. We suggest a system to carry out this proposal that will involve an umbrella organization. responsible for establishment of this large patient cohort, envisioned to be drawn from around the world.
We study the scattering of the quantized electromagnetic field from a linear, dispersive dielectric using the scattering formalism for quantum fields. The medium is modeled as a collection of harmonic oscillators with a number of distinct resonance frequencies. This model corresponds to the Sellmeir expansion, which is widely used to describe experimental data for real dispersive media. The integral equation for the interpolating field in terms of the in field is solved and the solution used to find the out field. The relation between the ill and out creation and annihilation operators is found that allows one to calculate the S matrix for this system. In this model, we find that there are absorption bands, but the input-output relations are completely unitary. No additional quantum-noise terms are required.
The QU-GENE Computing Cluster (QCC) is a hardware and software solution to the automation and speedup of large QU-GENE (QUantitative GENEtics) simulation experiments that are designed to examine the properties of genetic models, particularly those that involve factorial combinations of treatment levels. QCC automates the management of the distribution of components of the simulation experiments among the networked single-processor computers to achieve the speedup.
p73 has recently been identified as a structural and functional homolog of the tumor suppressor protein p53. Overexpression of p53 activates transcription of p53 effector genes, causes growth inhibition and induced apoptosis. We describe here the effects of a tumor-derived truncated transcript of p73 alpha (p73 Delta exon2) on p53 function and on cell death. This transcript, which lacks the acidic N-terminus corresponding to the transactivation domain of p53, was initially detected in a neuroblastoma cell line. Overexpression of p73 Delta exon2 partially protects lymphoblastoid cells against apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody or cisplatin. By cotransfecting p73 Delta exon2 with wild-type p53 in the p53 null line Saos 2, we found that this truncated transcript reduces the ability of wild-type p53 to promote apoptosis. This anti-apoptotic effect was also observed when p73 Delta exon2 was co-transfected with full-length p73 (p73 alpha). This was further substantiated by suppression of p53 transactivation of the effector gene p21-Waf1 in p73 Delta exon2 transfected cells and by inhibition of expression of a reporter gene under the control of the p53 promoter. Thus, this truncated form of p73 can act as a dominant-negative agent towards transactivation by p53 and p73 alpha, highlighting the potential implications of these findings for p53 signaling pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of a p73 Delta exon2 transcript in a very significant proportion (46%) of breast cancer cell lines. However, a large spectrum of normal and malignant tissues need to be surveyed to determine whether this transdominant p73 variant occurs in a tumor-specific manner.
Large chemical libraries can be synthesized on solid-support beads by the combinatorial split-and-mix method. A major challenge associated with this type of library synthesis is distinguishing between the beads and their attached compounds. A new method of encoding these solid-support beads, 'colloidal bar-coding', involves attaching fluorescent silica colloids ('reporters') to the beads as they pass through the compound synthesis, thereby creating a fluorescent bar code on each bead. In order to obtain sufficient reporter varieties to bar code extremely large libraries, many of the reporters must contain multiple fluorescent dyes. We describe here the synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of various mono- and multi-fluorescent silica particles for this purpose. It was found that by increasing the amount of a single dye introduced into the particle reaction mixture, mono- fluorescent silica particles of increasing intensities could be prepared. This increase was highly reproducible and was observed for six different fluorescent dyes. Multi-fluorescent silica particles containing up to six fluorescent dyes were also prepared. The resultant emission intensity of each dye in the multi-fluorescent particles was found to be dependent upon a number of factors; the hydrolysis rate of each silane-dye conjugate, the magnitude of the inherent emission intensity of each dye within the silica matrix, and energy transfer effects between dyes. We show that by varying the relative concentration of each silane-dye conjugate in the synthesis of multi-fluorescent particles, it is possible to change and optimize the resultant emission intensity of each dye to enable viewing in a fluorescence detection instrument.
Primary olfactory neurons that express the same odorant receptor are distributed mosaically throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity, yet their axons converge and form discrete glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. We previously proposed that cell surface carbohydrates mediate the sorting out and selective fasciculation of primary olfactory axons en route to glomeruli. If this were the case, then axons that terminate in the same glomerulus would express the same complement of cell surface carbohydrates. In this study, we examined the expression of a novel carbohydrate (NOC-3) on neural cell adhesion molecule in the adult rat olfactory system. NOC-3 was expressed by a subset of neurons distributed throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium. The axons of these neurons entered the nerve fiber layer and terminated in a subset of glomeruli. It is interesting to note that we identified three unusually large glomeruli in the lateral, ventrolateral, and ventromedial olfactory bulb that were innervated by axons expressing NOC-3. NOC-3-expressing axons sorted out and fasciculated into discrete fascicles prior to entering these glomeruli. Each of these glomeruli was in a topographically fixed position in the olfactory bulbs of the same animal as well as in different animals, and their lengths were approximately 10% of the total length of the bulb. They could be identified reliably by both their topographical position and their unique morphology. These results reveal that axons expressing the same cell surface carbohydrates consistently target the same topographically fixed glomeruli, which supports a role for these molecules in axon navigation in the primary olfactory nerve pathway. J. Comp. Neurol. 436: 497-507, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In order to study whether flavivirus RNA packaging is dependent on RNA replication, we generated two DNA-based Kunjin virus constructs, pKUN1 and pKUN1dGDD, allowing continuous production of replicating (wild-type) and nonreplicating (with a deletion of the NS5 gene RNA-polymerase motif GDD) full-length Kunjin virus RNAs, respectively, via nuclear transcription by cellular RNA polymerase II. As expected, transfection of pKUN1 plasmid DNA into BHK cells resulted in the recovery of secreted infectious Kunjin virions. Transfection of pKUN1dGDD DNA into BHK cells, however, did not result in the recovery of any secreted virus particles containing encapsidated dGDD RNA, despite an apparent accumulation of this RNA in cells demonstrated by Northern blot analysis and its efficient translation demonstrated by detection of correctly processed labeled structural proteins (at least prM and E) both in cells and in the culture fluid using coimmunoprecipitation analysis with anti-E antibodies. In contrast, when dGDD RNA was produced even in much smaller amounts in PKUN1dGDD DNA-transfected repBHK cells (where it was replicated via complementation), it was packaged into secreted virus particles, Thus, packaging of defective Kunjin virus RNA could occur only when it was replicated. Our results with genome-length Kunjin virus RNA and the results with poliovirus replicon RNA (C, I. Nugent et al,, J, Virol, 73:427-435, 1999), both demonstrating the necessity for the RNA to be replicated before it can be packaged, strongly suggest the existence of a common mechanism for minimizing amplification and transmission of defective RNAs among the quasispecies in positive-strand RNA viruses, This mechanism may thus help alleviate the high-copy error rate of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases.
Injection of particulate hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) in mice leads to the induction of a HBsAg-specific class-I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. It is proposed that any protein internal to HBsAg will also be able to elicit a specific CTL response. In this study, several carboxy-terminal truncations of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein were fused to varying lengths of amino-terminal truncated large hepatitis delta antigen (L-HDAg). These constructs were analysed for their ability to be expressed and the particles secreted in the presence of HBsAg after transfection into HuH-7 cells. The secretion efficiency of the various HCV core-HDAg chimeric proteins was generally poor. Constructs containing full length HDAg appeared to be more stable than truncated versions and the length of the inserted protein was restricted to around 40 amino acids. Thus, the use of L-HDAg as a chimera to package foreign proteins is limited. Consequently, a polyepitope (polytope) containing a B-cell epitope from human papillomavirus (HPV 16) and multiple T-cell epitopes from the HCV polyprotein was used to create the construct, L-HDAg-polyB. This chimeric protein was shown to be reliant on the co-expression of HBsAg for secretion into the cell culture fluid and was secreted more efficiently than the previous HCV core-HDAg constructs. These L-HDAg-polyB virus-like particles (VLPs) had a buoyant density of similar to 1.2 g/cm(3) in caesium chloride and similar to 1.15 g/cm(3) in sucrose. The VLPs were also immunoprecipitated using an anti-HBs but not an anti-HD antibody. Thus, these recombinant VLPs have similar biophysical properties to L-HDAg VLPs.
We studied the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) in twenty-two spp. of ticks from the subfamily Rhipicephalinae. A 104-109 base pair (bp) region was Imperfectly repeated In most ticks studied. Mapping the number of repeat copies on to a phylogeny from the ITS2 showed that there have been many Independent gains and losses of repeats. Comparison of the sequences of the repeat copies Indicated that in most taxa concerted evolution had played little if any role in the evolution of these regions, as the copies clustered by sequence position rather than species, In our putative secondary structure, each repeat copy can fold into a distinct and almost identical stem-loop complex; a gain or loss of a repeat copy apparently does not impair the function of the ITS2 in these ticks.
The veg1 (vegetative) mutant in pea (Pisum sativum L.) does not flower under any circumstances and gi (gigas) mutants remain vegetative under certain conditions. gi plants are deficient in production of floral stimulus, whereas veg1 plants lack a response to floral stimulus. During long days in particular, these non-flowering mutant plants eventually enter a stable compact phase characterised by a large reduction in internode length, small leaves and growth of lateral shoots from the upper-stem (aerial) nodes. The first-order laterals in turn produce second-order laterals and so on in a reiterative pattern. The apical bud is reduced in size but continues active growth. Endogenous hormone measurements and gibberellin application studies with gi-1, gi-2 and veg1 plants indicate that a reduction in gibberellin and perhaps indole-3-acetic acid level may account, at least partially, for the compact aerial shoot phenotype. In the gi-1 mutant, the compact phenotype is rescued by transfer from a 24- to an 8-h photoperiod. We propose that in plants where flowering is prevented by a lack of floral stimulus or an inability to respond, the large reduction in photoperiod gene activity during long days may lead to a reduction in apical sink strength that is manifest in an altered hormone profile and weak apical dominance.
Actual and potential fecundity for Childers canegrub, Antitrogus parvulus Britton, was influenced by the size of females, with the largest females laying the most eggs. Actual or realised fecundity for A. parvulus averaged 18 eggs per female, about half of potential fecundity. Actual fecundity was significantly related to elytron length in a group of laboratory-reared beetles, but not for a group of field-collected beetles. Size was related to potential fecundity for four out of four groups of females collected from emergence traps in the field and for one of two groups reared in the laboratory from field-collected late-instar larvae. As females lay a single batch of eggs, beetle size may be important in the population dynamics of A. parvulus. Populations of A. parvulus with small beetles are potentially less likely to persist and expand than populations with relatively large females.