762 resultados para first year curriculum principles


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This study evaluates the use of role-playing games (RPGs) as a methodological approach for teaching cellular biology, assessing student satisfaction, learning outcomes, and retention of acquired knowledge. First-year undergraduate medical students at two Brazilian public universities attended either an RPG-based class (RPG group) or a lecture (lecture-based group) on topics related to cellular biology. Pre- and post-RPG-based class questionnaires were compared to scores in regular exams and in an unannounced test one year later to assess students' attitudes and learning. From the 230 students that attended the RPG classes, 78.4% responded that the RPG-based classes were an effective tool for learning; 55.4% thought that such classes were better than lectures but did not replace them; and 81% responded that they would use this method. The lecture-based group achieved a higher grade in 1 of 14 regular exam questions. In the medium-term evaluation (one year later), the RPG group scored higher in 2 of 12 questions. RPG classes are thus quantitatively as effective as formal lectures, are well accepted by students, and may serve as educational tools, giving students the chance to learn actively and potentially retain the acquired knowledge more efficiently.


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INTRODUCTION: Web-based e-learning is a teaching tool increasingly used in many medical schools and specialist fields, including ophthalmology. AIMS: this pilot study aimed to develop internet-based course-based clinical cases and to evaluate the effectiveness of this method within a graduate medical education group. METHODS: this was an interventional randomized study. First, a website was built using a distance learning platform. Sixteen first-year ophthalmology residents were then divided into two randomized groups: one experimental group, which was submitted to the intervention (use of the e-learning site) and another control group, which was not submitted to the intervention. The students answered a printed clinical case and their scores were compared. RESULTS: there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. CONCLUSION: We were able to successfully develop the e-learning site and the respective clinical cases. Despite the fact that there was no statistically significant difference between the access and the non access group, the study was a pioneer in our department, since a clinical case online program had never previously been developed.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yliopisto-opiskelua, opintojen kokemista ja niiden kulkua alkaen koulutusvalinnoista. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa pyritään ymmärtämään ja kuvaamaan yliopisto-opintojen aikaista koulutuksen vaihtamista prosessina. Kyseessä on seurantatutkimus Turun yliopistossa vuonna 1998 aloittaneesta opiskelijakohortista. Tutkittavat opiskelijat valittiin sillä perusteella, että he vastasivat kolmeen opintoja koskevaan kyselyyn ja olivat vähintään kolmen vuoden ajan läsnä olevina opiskelijoina. Opiskelijat (n=440) jaettiin neljään vertailuryhmään: 1) opintoihinsa tyytyväiset, 2) ensimmäisen vuoden jälkeen koulutusta vaihtaneet, 3) toisen vuoden jälkeen koulutusta vaihtaneet ja 4) koulutusta vaihtaa halunneet. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kolmesta kyselystä, opintorekisteriaineistosta ja koulutusta opintojen aikana vaihtaneiden opiskelijoiden haastatteluista (n=22). Kyselyt tehtiin ensimmäisen, toisen ja kolmannen opintovuoden kevätlukukausilla ja haastattelut vuonna 2002, jolloin opiskelijat opiskelivat Turun yliopistossa neljättä tai viidettä vuotta. Kyselyiden avulla tutkittiin eroavatko koulutusta vaihtaneet opiskelijat muista opiskelijoista rakenteellisilta tekijöiltään tai opintokokemuksissaan. Opintorekisteriaineiston perusteella tutkittiin eroavatko koulutusta vaihtaneet opiskelijat koulutuksessa pysyneistä opiskelijoista opintojen kulussa. Kyselyiden ja haastatteluiden avulla tutkittiin minkälaisia tietoja ja odotuksia opiskelijoilla oli yliopisto-opiskelusta ollut ennen opintojen aloittamista. Haastatteluiden perusteella tutkittiin mitä syitä koulutuksen vaihtamisen taustalla oli ja minkälaisina kertomuksina koulutuksen vaihtamisprosessi näyttäytyi. Koulutusta vaihtaneet opiskelijat erosivat koulutuksessa pysyneistä opiskelijoista aiemman koulutuksen määrän, iän ja perheellisyyden suhteen. Verrattaessa ensimmäisen ja toisen vuoden jälkeen koulutusta vaihtaneita opiskelijoita keskenään havaittiin näillä ryhmillä olevan erilainen perhetausta. Koulutusta valittaessa tärkein tekijä oli kiinnostus alaa kohtaan. Toiseksi voimakkain hakutekijä oli muilla paitsi ensimmäisen vuoden jälkeen koulutusta vaihtaneilla valmiudet haluttuun ammattiin. Vuorostaan ensimmäisen vuoden jälkeen koulutusta vaihtaneilla toiseksi tärkein tekijä hakeutumisessa oli helppo sisäänpääsy opintoihin. Suurin osa opiskelijoista oli päässyt ensisijaisesti haluamaansa koulutukseen. Koulutusta myöhemmin vaihtaneissa ryhmissä ja koulutuksen vaihtoa halunneiden ryhmässä ensisijaisesti haluttuun koulutukseen päässeitä oli alle puolet. Odotukset opiskelusta eivät täysin täyttyneet ensimmäisen puolen vuoden opiskelun aikana. Tutkittujen ryhmien välillä havaittiin eroja kokemuksissa koulutuksen sopivuudesta itselle. Koulutuksen vaihtaminen oli myönteinen kokemus, ja uusi koulutus koettiin aiempaa koulutusta sopivammaksi itselle. Kolmannen vuoden kevätlukukaudella omaa koulutusta kohtaan koettu kiinnostus oli voimakasta muissa ryhmissä paitsi koulutuksen vaihtoa halunneissa. Harvimmin positiivisia tunteita opiskelua kohtaan kokivat vaihtoa halunneet opiskelijat. Koulutuksen vaihtaminen vähensi opintoihin kiinnittymättömyyttä. Koulutuksen vaihtoa halunneiden kokemukset nykyisen koulutuksensa ilmapiiristä olivat negatiivisimpia. Koulutuksen vaihtaminen vaikutti myönteisesti myös opetuksen kokemiseen. Opinnot etenivät kaikissa tutkituissa ryhmissä tasaisesti. Koulutuksen vaihtamisen jälkeisenä vuonna opinnot etenivät vaihtaneissa ryhmissä keskimääräistä enemmän. Haastatteluiden mukaan pääasiallisia syitä koulutuksen vaihtamiselle olivat päätyminen toissijaiseen koulutukseen ja pettyminen aloittamaansa koulutukseen. Narratiivien analyysin avulla tutkimuksessa löydettiin neljä erilaista tarinaa vaihtamisprosessista: 1) toissijaisesta koulutuksesta ensisijaiseen koulutukseen vaihtaminen, 2) ensisijaiseen koulutukseen pettyminen, 3) kiinnostavampaan koulutukseen ajautuminen ja 4) oman alan löytyminen etsinnän kautta. Vaikka koulutuspolitiikassa koulutuksen vaihtaminen nähdään ongelmana, oli se tämän tutkimuksen mukaan opiskelijalle myönteinen kokemus. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella tulisikin kiinnittää huomiota opiskelijoihin, jotka haluaisivat vaihtaa koulutuksesta toiseen. Heillä opintojen eteneminen osoittautui hitaimmaksi ja opintokokemukset negatiivisimmiksi. Koulutusta vaihtaneiden opiskelijoiden opintojen eteneminen näytti hitaalta verrattuna opintoihinsa tyytyväisiin opiskelijoihin. Koulutuksen vaihtamisen jälkeen opintojen eteneminen kuitenkin nopeutui ja opintotyytyväisyys lisääntyi.


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Objective: to analyse the indications and results of the total esophagogastrectomy in cancers of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction. Methods: twenty patients with adenocarcinomas were operated with a mean age of 55 ± 9.9 years (31-70 years), and 14 cases were male (60%). Indications were 18 tumors of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction (90%) and two with invasion of gastric fundus (10%) in patients with previous gastrectomy. Preoperative colonoscopy to exclude colonic diseases was performed in ten cases. Results: the surgical technique consisted of median laparotomy and left cervicotomy, followed by transhiatal esophagectomy associated with D2 lymphadenectomy. The reconstructions were performed with eight esophagocoloduodenoplasty and the others were Roux-en-Y esophagocolojejunoplasty to prevent the alkaline reflux. Three cases were stage I / II, while 15 cases (85%) were stages III / IV, reflecting late diagnosis of these tumors. The operative mortality was 5 patients (25%): a mediastinitis secondary to necrosis of the transposed colon, abdominal cellulitis secondary to wound infection, severe pneumonia, an irreversible shock and sepsis associated with colojejunal fistula. Four patients died in the first year after surgery: 3 (15%) were due to tumor recurrence and 1 (5%) secondary to bronchopneumonia. The 5-year survival was 15%. Conclusion: the total esophagogastrectomy associated with esophagocoloplasty has high morbidity and mortality, requiring precise indication, and properly selected patients benefit from the surgery, with the risk-benefit acceptable, contributing to increased survival and improved quality of life


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Objective: this study aims to explore the experience of Brazilian surgeons on Unintentionally Retained Foreign Bodies (RFB) after surgical procedures. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to surgeons by electronic mail, between March and July 2012. The questions analyzed their experience with foreign bodies (FB), foreign bodies' types, clinical manifestations, diagnoses, risk factors and legal implications. Results: in the 2872 eligible questionnaires, 43% of the surgeons asserted that they had already left FB and 73% had removed FB in one or more occasions, totalizing 4547. Of these foreign bodies, 90% were textiles, 78% were discovered in the first year and 14% remained asymptomatic. Among doctors with less than five years after graduation, 36% had already left a FB. The most frequently surgical procedures mentioned were the elective (57%) and routine (85%) ones. Emergency (26%), lack of counting (25%) and inadequate conditions of work contributed (12.5%) to the occurrence. In 46% of the cases patients were alerted about the FB, and 26% of them sued the doctors or the institution. Conclusions: challenging medical situations, omission of security protocols and inadequate work conditions contributed to RFB. However, RFB occurs mostly in routine procedures such as cesarean or cholecystectomy, and at the beginning of the professional career, highlighting, particularly in poorest countries, the need for primary prevention. Textiles predominated causing clinical repercussions and they were diagnosed in the first postoperative months. Surgeons were sued in 11.3% of the RFB cases.


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One hypothesis for the increased incidence of atopic diseases has been that it is associated with changing dietary habits, especially the changed intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs). The metabolism of EFAs produces eiconasoids, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are essential to organs and play a major role in regulation of inflammation and immune response. In some studies persons with atopic dermatitis have been found to have reduced levels of EFAs. The first year of infancy as well as the foetal period are crucial for the development of atopic immune response. The composition of blackcurrant seed oil (BCSO) corresponds to the recommended ratio of EFAs n-3 and n-6 in the diet (1/3-1/4) and as a dietary supplement could, even in small doses, modify the unbalance of EFAs in an efficient way. The purpose of this study was to find out whether atopic allergies can be prevented by supplementing the diet of pregnant mothers with blackcurrant seed oil and whether it could affect the immunological balance of a child. We also sought to find out whether a blackcurrant seed oil supplementation can affect the composition of breast milk to suppress the T helper 2 lymphocyte (Th2) responses in infants. 313 pregnant mothers were randomly assigned to receive BCSO (n=151) or olive oil as placebo (n=162). Supplementation was started at the 8th to 16th weeks of pregnancy, 6 capsules per day (dose of 3 g), and continued until the cessation of breastfeeding. It was thereafter followed by direct supplementation to infants of 1 ml (1 g) of oil per day until the age of two years. Atopic dermatitis and its severity (SCORAD index) were evaluated, serum total IgE was measured and skin prick tests were performed at the age of 3, 12 and 24 months. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples were taken at the age of 3 and 12 months and breast milk samples were collected during the first 3 months of breastfeeding. Parental atopy was common (81.7%) in the studied infants, making them infants with increased atopy risk. There was a significantly lower prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the BCSO group (33%) than in the olive oil group (47%) at the age of 12 months. Also, SCORAD was lower in the BCSO group than in the olive oil group. Dietary intervention with BCSO had immunomodulatory effects on breast milk, inducing cytokine production from Th2 to Th1 immunodeviation. It decreased the level of IL-4 and elevated the level of IFN-γ. BCSO intervention did not affect cytokines in the children’s PBMC. However, children of smoking parents in the combined BCSO and olive oil group had significantly elevated levels of Th2 type cytokines IL-4, IL-5 and the proinflammator cytokine TNF. Dietary supplementation with BCSO is safe. It is well tolerated and transiently reduces the prevalence of atopic dermatitis at the age of 12 months. It can possibly become a potential tool in prevention of atopic symptoms when used at the early stages of life.


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A study on the spatial distribution of the major weeds in maize was carried out in 2007 and 2008 in a field located in Golegã (Ribatejo region, Portugal). The geo-referenced sampling focused on 150 points of a 10 x 10 m mesh covering an area of 1.5 ha, before herbicide application and before harvest. In the first year, 40 species (21 botanical families) were identified at seedling stage and only 22 during the last observation. The difference in species richness can be attributed to maize monoculture favouring reduction in species number. Three of the most representative species were selected for the spatial distribution analysis: Solanum nigrum, Chenopodium album and Echinochloa crus-galli. The three species showed an aggregated spatial pattern and spatial stability over both years, although the herbicide effect is evident in the distribution of some of them in the space. These results could be taken into account when planning site-specific treatments in maize.


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The seed bank is characterized by the amount of seeds and other viable reproductive structures in the soil and it is changed by the input and output of seeds, being classified by its permanence in the soil as transient or permanent. The tillage and crops used decisively influence this dynamic and more disturbed areas tend to have richer seed banks. The purpose of this study was to test different soil tillage and crop systems, aiming to reduce or eliminate the ryegrass in the area. The experiment was conducted from 2010 to 2012. In the first year, the effect of chemical tillage was assessed, compared to the area without tillage. From the second year on, in the area that received chemical tillage, the second experiment was installed, where it was assessed the effect of soil tillage and crop rotation in the ryegrass seed yield. The soil tillage treatment was chisel plow and non-chisel plow. The crop rotation was: fallow/soybean; wheat/soybean; black oat/maize. The samples of soil were taken three times a year and split in 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm. After sampling, the seeds were separated from the soil and sterilized. Afterwards, germination and tetrazolium test were conducted. In the same plots used for soil sampling, the emergence flow of ryegrass was assessed in the winter 2011 and 2012. In the first year it was observed that chemical tillage had considerably reduced the amount of ryegrass in the soil. The crop rotations used were more effective than soil tillage in reducing the seed banks in the soil. The rotation oat/maize and wheat/soybean, in only two years, practically zeroed the ryegrass seed banks in the area.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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We investigated the effect of age and sex on the serum activity of hexosaminidase (HEX) and ß-glucuronidase (BGLU) in 275 normal term infants aged 12 h to 12 months. Up to six weeks of life, HEX was significantly higher in boys (P<=0.023). During the age period of 1-26 weeks, BGLU was also higher in boys, but differences were significant only at 2-6 and 7-15 weeks (P<=0.016). The developmental pattern of HEX and BGLU was sex dependent. HEX activity increased in both sexes from 4-7 days of life, reaching a maximum of 1.4-fold the birth value at 2-6 weeks of age in boys (P<0.001) and a maximum of 1.6-fold at 7-15 weeks in girls (P<0.001). HEX activity gradually decreased thereafter, reaching significantly lower levels at 27-53 weeks than during the first three days of life in boys (P = 0.002) and the same level of this age interval in girls. BGLU increased in both sexes from 4-7 days of age, showing a maximum increase at 7-15 weeks (3.3-fold in boys and 2.9-fold in girls, both P<0.001). Then BGLU decreased in boys to a value similar to that observed at 4-7 days of age. In girls, BGLU remained elevated until the end of the first year of life. These results indicate a variation of HEX and BGLU activities during the first year of life and a sex influence on their developmental pattern. This observation should be considered in the diagnosis of GM2 gangliosidosis and mucopolysaccharidosis type VII.


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The influence of drug concentrations on the development of persistent posttransplant hyperlipidemia was investigated in 82 patients who received cyclosporin A (CsA) and prednisone plus sirolimus (SRL) (52) or azathioprine (AZA) (30) during the first year after transplantation. Blood levels of CsA and SRL, daily doses of AZA and prednisone, and cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose concentrations were determined during each visit (pretransplant and 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 360 days posttransplant). Persistent hyperlipidemia was defined as one-year average steady-state cholesterol (CavCHOL) or triglyceride (CavTG) concentrations above 240 and 200 mg/dL, respectively. Mean cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations increased after transplantation (P < 0.01) and were higher in patients receiving SRL compared to AZA (P < 0.001). Patients receiving SRL showed a significantly higher number of cholesterol (>229 or >274 mg/dL) and triglyceride (>198 or >282 mg/dL) determinations in the upper interquartile ranges. CsA and SRL interquartile ranges correlated with cholesterol concentrations (P = 0.001) whereas only SRL interquartile ranges correlated with triglyceride concentrations (P < 0.0001). Only pretransplant cholesterol concentration >205 mg/dL was independently associated with development of persistent hypercholesterolemia (CavCHOL >240 mg/dL, relative risk (RR) = 20, CI 3.8-104.6, P = 0.0004) whereas pretransplant triglyceride concentration >150 mg/dL (RR = 7.2, CI 1.6-32.4, P = 0.01) or >211 mg/dL (RR = 19.8, CI 3.6-107.9, P = 0.0006) and use of SRL (RR = 3, CI 1.0-8.8, P = 0.0049) were independently associated with development of persistent hypertriglyceridemia (CavTG >200 mg/dL). Persistent hypercholesterolemia was more frequent among patients with higher pretransplant cholesterol concentrations and was dependent on both CsA and SRL concentrations. Persistent hypertriglyceridemia was more frequent among patients with higher pretransplant triglyceride concentrations and was dependent on SRL concentrations.


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The application of pulp and paper mill (PPM) sludge in agriculture and forestry has been acknowledged as soil amendments and a plant nutrient source. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the total cost of the use of recycled nutrients from PPM sludge in fast growing pulpwood production, and the financial profitability of fast growing pulpwood production with the use of these recycled nutrients. The investment and production costs of fast growing pulpwood plantation were directly acquired from a previous research, while the other data was compiled through different studies. The total cost of the use of PPM sludge was evaluated based on assumed factors. Discounted cash flow method was used to evaluate the financial profitability, using NPV and IRR as indicators. The results of estimated sludge nutrient contents were 16.2 g N, 2.9 g P, and 2.4 g K kg-1 of dry sludge. The sludge application rate was estimated at 1.36 Mg/ha in the first year. The total cost of the use of PPM sludge involved transport and spreading cost of US$49.15/dry ton. The fertilization cost applied in the financial model was designed in 3 different options and their results were as follows: option (1) was taken directly from the reference research (US$97/ha); option (2) was the use of sludge alone (US$66.75/ha); and option (3) was the use of sludge and TSP fertilizer (US$83.80/ha). The average NPV without discounting was US$248,180 while the IRRs ranged between approximately 3-4% with an average of 3.63%. Although option (2) and (3) contributed to higher IRRs compared to option (1), this increase was still not significant as the IRR was not sensitive to the total fertilization cost. The advantages are that this practice can be performed at a lower cost and the application rate can be still increased if necessary. It is better for forest plantations compared to agriculture and consequently supports reforestation program. In addition, it can be similarly applied in wood biomass production. A disadvantage is that the IRRs were not very favorable compared to the criterion of 11%. The sludge high in C:N ratio can cause nitrogen immobilization, and regulatory concerns may restrict and complicate the use of sludge landspreading and contribute to additional costs and processes.


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Few studies have described factors associated with infant and adolescent mortality since birth. We report here mortality during a 20-year period in a birth cohort from Ribeirão Preto in order to identify birth variables that influenced mortality among infants and children between 10 and 19 years of age, the main causes of death, and the influence of social inequality at birth on death. Mothers were interviewed shortly after delivery. Social, biological and demographic information was collected, and mortality up to 19 years of age was investigated in registry systems. Of the 6748 liveborn singletons born in the municipality from 1978 to 1979, 343 died before or when 19 years of age were completed. Most of the cohort mortality (74.9%) occurred during the first year of life and 19.6% occurred from 10 to 19 years. Mortality was higher among boys. Preterm birth (hazard ratio, HR = 7.94) and low birth weight (HR = 10.15) were strongly associated with infant mortality. Other risk factors for infant mortality were: maternal age ³35 years (HR = 1.74), unskilled manual occupation of family head (HR = 2.47), and for adolescent mortality: unskilled manual occupation of family head (HR = 9.98) and male sex (HR = 6.58). "Perinatal conditions" were the main causes of deaths among infants and "external causes" among adolescents, especially boys. Socioeconomic factors at birth, represented by occupation, influenced adolescent mortality due to external causes, which was higher among boys (7:1). The influence of social inequality at birth on death, measured by occupation, was greater in adolescence than in infancy.


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Chronic allograft nephropathy is among the major causes of graft loss even in low-risk kidney transplant recipients and correlates with acute nephrotoxic events during the first year post-transplant. Therefore, calcineurin inhibitor-free regimens may improve patient and graft survival among recipients of living-related kidney transplants. To confirm this hypothesis, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of two calcineurin inhibitor-free regimens in 92 low-risk recipients of one-haplotype living-related kidney transplants. Immunosuppression consisted of tacrolimus, azathioprine and prednisone (group I, GI, N = 38), 2 doses of daclizumab, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), and prednisone (GII, N = 33) and 2 doses of daclizumab, MMF, sirolimus and prednisone (GIII, N = 21). At 12 months, treatment failure (biopsy-confirmed acute rejection, graft loss or death) was higher in GII compared to GIII and GI (54.5 vs 24.0 vs 13.1%, P < 0.01, respectively). In patients of black ethnicity the incidence of acute rejection was 25 vs 83.3 vs 20% (P = 0.055), respectively. Patient and graft survival was comparable. There were no differences in mean creatinine or calculated creatinine clearance at 12 months. Overall incidence of post-transplant diabetes mellitus (3.3%) and cytomegalovirus disease (4.3%) was similar in all groups. Further development of effective calcineurin inhibitor-free regimens should exclude patients of black ethnicity and may need full-induction therapy, perhaps with depleting agents, and concentration-controlled use of sirolimus and MMF.


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Covering the grapevine rows to delay the maturity and harvest date became widely practiced in 'Sultana Seedless' vineyards. The research work was conducted to test different cover materials (polypropylene cross-stitch, life pack, mogul and transparent polyethylene) in respect to their effects on grape quality and storability. Harvest was delayed for one month in covered plots. Harvested grapes were packed and transferred to storage rooms after pre-cooling. During packing, the grape clusters were sealed in PE bags with sulphur dioxide pads. The grapes were stored for 90 days in the first year and 120 days in the second year, at -0.5ºC and 90% RH. All the grape clusters were healthy and of marketable quality after 90 days of storage period. In the first year, at the end of the storage, only those grapes harvested from the rows covered with polypropylene cross-stitch showed fungal growth. The sensory quality scores revealed a lower level of preference after 120 days of storage. The effects of the covering materials tested were similar regarding grape quality and storage performance except the transparent polyethylene that damaged the grapevine leaves.