964 resultados para electroabsorption (EA) modulator


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Lan honen helburua, krisiaren eragina nolakoa izan den Espainiako soldatengan aztertzea eta ulertzea da. Analisia egiteko krisi aurretiko azken urtea eta behin atzeraldian sartutako urtea alderatuko ditugu. Horretarako, Soldataren Egituraren Inkesta erabili dugu, bai 2006.urtekoa bai 2010.urtekoa. Modu honetan, lan honekin ezagutu nahi dugu nola eragiten duten zenbait aldagai soldatetan bi urte horietan eta hortaz ea aldaketarik eman den krisiaren ondorioz. Eta ondoren, sektore ekonomikoaren araberako eredu ekonometrikoak sortuko ditugu, krisiaren eragina sakonago ikusteko. Horrela, lan honetan lortutako emaitzek adierazten digute, soldatak murriztu beharrean, handitu direla krisiaren ondorioz bai jardunaldi betean bai jardunaldi partzialean, baina kontuan izan behar dugu garai honetan erreformen ondorioz eta atzerapen garaiaren ondorioz, lanpostu suntsipen itzela egon dela ere bai. Gainera, oraindik ere Espainiako gizartean generoaren araberako soldata diskriminazioa izaten jarraitzen dugu, nahiz eta murriztu den aztertutako lau urte hauetan.


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This report presents data from the juvenile salmonid fish stock assessment which is part of the routine Environment Agency riverine monitoring programme. A total of 110 sites was electrofished throughout the Lune catchment between 15th July 1997 and 14th October 1997. These sites included 84 that had been previously sampled in the last comprehensive survey of the catchment, in 1991. The aim of this survey was to assess the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon and trout in the River Lune catchment and to compare results with those of previous surveys.


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Non-polar (1 (1) over bar 00)m-plane ZnO thin film has been prepared on gamma-LiAlO2 (100)substrate via the low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition. Obvious intensity variation of the E-2 mode in the polarized Raman spectra and the absorption edge shift in the polarized optical transmission spectra indicate that the m-plane film exhibits optical anisotropy, which have applications in certain optical devices, such as the UV modulator and polarization-dependent beam switch. From the atomic force microscopy images, highly-oriented uniform-sized grains of rectangular shape were observed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This draft copy of the River Lune juvenile fish stock assessment from 2000 provides "Site Reports" from different water bodies in the Lune catchment. These Site Reports provide brief information on habitat features, fishery classification and comments on species caught and stocking. This document provides no summary or interpretation of the given data.


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The River Douglas has a long industrial heritage beginning in the early 18th century with its use by boats carrying goods between Wigan and Tarleton. The River and its tributaries have also historically been, and to a certain extent are still, subject to polluting inputs from the urban, agricultural and industrialised areas located within its catchment. During the early stages in the production of the River Douglas Catchment Management Plan, it became apparent that very little data existed on the populations of coarse and salmonid fish species within the River Douglas system. The data that did exist was largely anecdotal, consisting of catch reports from anglers or water bailiffs, or of dead and distressed fish following pollution incidents. This study was initiated to assess the status of coarse and salmonid fish species within the River Douglas system and so address the lack of knowledge. Eighty two sites were surveyed by electric fishing, including 14 sites using an electric fishing punt and up to four anodes. The data was analysed according to a new National Fisheries Classification Scheme. This classified the sites by the fish stock s present and compared the results with a database containing information from sites around the country that have similar habitat types. A stocking experiment was also undertaken in the River Lostock using chub reared at the Leyland Hatchery. These were marked with an identifiable blue spot in the spring of 1995 and then released into three, previously surveyed, locations in the river. These sites were then resurveyed during the summer stock assessment. This report also Site Reports with details on monitored sites, habitat features and fishery classification.


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The angling season for non-migratory brown trout, in the Environment Agency (EA) North West Region, runs from March 15th to September 30th. Each year, large numbers of farm reared brown trout are stocked into the rivers of the North West Region's Central Area. In 1994, approximately 20,000 brown trout were introduced into the River systems of the Lune, Wyre and Ribble by local angling clubs and fishery owners. Most of these fish were stocked at a length greater than that defined by local byelaws as the takeable size (200mm). Introductions are made to supplement the existing wild brown trout populations within the river and increase the probability of an angler catching a fish. Stocking with fish of a sufficient length allows the successful angler to remove the catch for their own use. In this way, stretches of the rivers are effectively managed as "put and take" fisheries for brown trout. A number of brown trout fingerlings are also introduced each year by angling clubs and fishery owners. These are stocked with the expectation that the fish will survive in the river to grow, over-winter, and eventually attain a takable size with an increased degree of "wildness". The lower cost of fingerlings, as opposed to trout of a takable length, makes their introduction more attractive to angling clubs since a greater number can be stocked for a given cost. Although the practise of stocking brown trout has occurred for many years in the Central Area, there is little information of its success in terms of increasing anglers catches, or the survival offish introduced. This study was initiated to determine the recapture rates by angling of brown trout following their introduction into a river fishery. The information gained from this study can then be used to give guidance to angling clubs and fishery owners on the optimal strategies for stocking fish.


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This report presents the findings of the first phase of an investigation into the cause(s) of taints in salmonid fish in the River Ribble, commissioned by the North West Region of the Environment Agency. There have been reports of tainting in fish taken from both the estuary and the freshwater river for many years, but the contaminants involved and their source and transport pathway are unknown. Tainting by phenols has been of specific concern in the past. The work programme comprised: examination of tainting reports; collection of salmonids; their submission for taste testing; literature review; analysis of fish flesh using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) and analysis of river bed sediments. From enquiries, three common descriptors of the 'taint' were identified: disinfectanty; diesely; and muddy. The incidence of taints appears transient/irregular and may therefore relate to the incidence of discharges and specific threshold concentrations of pollutants. The literature review showed that a wide range of organic compounds including many industrial chemicals, and others which are naturally occurring, can taint fish flesh. Taste testing confirmed the presence of tainted salmon and trout in the Ribbie Catchment. It identified a low incidence of 'untainted' fish but demonstrated the 'taint' to be not specific to one tainting substance. Differences were found both between the species and fish from different parts of the catchment. Overall, most fish exhibited an unpleasant flavour, though this may have been influenced to some extent by the fact that most were sexually mature. The worst tainting was found in trout from the river Calder: a soapy/chemical aftertaste. An unpleasant earthy/musty flavour distinguished the salmon from the trout. Phenol was shown to have been a minor issue during the present study, whilst no hydrocarbon taints were identified. Examination of tissue from the eight salmon exhibiting the worst taints revealed the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons, but no phenolic compounds. Other notable substances present in the fish were siioxanes and benzophenone. Data from sediment analysis is presented which shows the main compounds present to be aromatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, that concentrations at two locations R. Darwen and R. Calder were significantly higher than at other sites, and that some phenolic compounds were detected at low levels. A paucity of fish flesh taste descriptors linked to specific compounds prevented an obvious correlation to be made between the tastes observed and the organic compounds detected. Descriptors frequently used by the taste testing panel (e.g. earthy, musty, astringency, chemical) cannot be linked to any of the compounds identified in the tissue analyses. No taste information was available from the literature on siioxanes. Aromatic hydrocarbons though present in tissue and sediments were not identified as tainting.


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Após o estímulo deflagrador de um trauma ou infecção, a liberação de citocinas na circulação sanguínea desempenha um importante papel efetor e também modulador da resposta imune sistêmica. Essas citocinas podem ser pró-inflamatórias, que estimulam a liberação de diversos tipos celulares e de outras citocinas, como fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TNF-α), interleucina 1 (IL-1), IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12 e interferon-gama (INF-); ou citocinas com efeitos antiinflamatórios, que inibem o processo inflamatório, em parte pela redução da produção de diversas citocinas que regulam positivamente a resposta, minimizando o comprometimento orgânico resultante, como IL-4, IL-10, IL-13. A L-glutamina é o aminoácido mais abundante no organismo, com importante papel no metabolismo protéico. Sua ação trófica sobre a mucosa do intestino delgado é bastante conhecida, o que o torna componente essencial para a manutenção estrutural e funcional do intestino. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética com L-glutamina na modulação da resposta inflamatória em animais submetidos a sepse abdominal induzida por ligadura e perfuração cecal. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar machos adultos, com peso inicial entre 200 e 230 g, distribuídos em três grupos, cada um com oito animais, da seguinte forma: grupo I (controle) submetidos a operação simulada (laparotomia e manipulação de alças intestinais); grupo II submetidos a laparotomia, com indução de sepse abdominal; e grupo III receberam suplementação dietética com L-glutamina por sete dias e, após, foram submetidos a indução de sepse abdominal. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas de todos os animais antes (tempo 0) e duas e quatro horas (tempos 1 e 2) após a indução da sepse abdominal. Foram verificados o número de leucócitos, a dosagem da concentração plasmática de citocinas pró- e antiinflamatórias (INF-γ, IL-6 e IL-10) e análise microbiológica de líquido peritoneal. A glicemia apresentou aumento significativo em todos os grupos, comparando-os ao início e ao final do experimento (p<0,05). No que concerne à IL-10, observou-se aumento significativo nos animais do grupo III entre os tempos 0 e 2, e entre os tempos 1 e 2 (p=0,0331 e p=0,0155, respectivamente). Não se observou qualquer outra diferença ao serem analisadas as demais citocinas (IFN- e IL-6), em todos os grupos e em todos os momentos analisados. Nossos achados sugerem que a suplementação dietética com L-glutamina em animais submetidos à indução de sepse abdominal com modelo CLP parece potencializar a resposta antiinflamatória, aumentando a concentração plasmática de IL-10, enquanto as concentrações de INF-γ e IL-6 não apresentaram variação significativa.


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Redd counting is an integral part of most Fishery Officers duties. The number and distribution of salmonid redds throughout salmonid catchments provides invaluable information on the range and extent of spawning by both salmon and sea trout. A project was initiated by the Fisheries Science and Management Team of Central Area, North West Region in England in liaison with the Flood Defence function. The main objective of this project was to assess redd count data for Central Area and attempt to quantify these data in order to produce a grading system that would highlight key salmonid spawning areas. By showing which were the main areas for salmon and sea trout spawning, better informed decisions could be made on whether or not in-stream Flood Defence works should be given the go-ahead. The main salmonid catchments in Central Area were broken into individual reaches, approximately 1 km in length. The number of redds in these individual reaches were then calculated and a density per lkm value was obtained for each reach. A grading system was devised which involved looking at the range of density per km values and dividing this by five to produce 5 classes, A - E. A sixth class (F) was used where the density per Ion value was 0.00. This grading system was calculated at two levels of detail. Grades for salmon and sea trout were produced for each individual catchment and also on an Area-wide level. Maps were produced using a range of colours to represent the grade for each reach. These maps provide a highly useful overview of the status of salmonid spawning for each catchment over individual years and highlight the key salmon and sea trout spawning areas in each catchment. These maps and the associated summary data should now provide Flood Defence and Fisheries staff with a fairly detailed overview of the status of spawning in any location within the. main salmonid catchments in Central Area. Although these maps are very useful they should only be used as a guide. The current practice of consulting with the local Fishery Officer should be continued to ensure that expert local knowledge is taken into account.


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Single-chain technology (SCT) allows the transformation of individual polymer chains to folded/collapsed unimolecular soft nanoparticles. In this work we contribute to the enlargement of the SCT toolbox by demonstrating the efficient synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNPs) via intrachain amide formation. In particular, we exploit cross-linking between active methylene groups and isocyanate moieties as powerful "click" chemistry driving force for SCNP construction. By employing poly(methyl methacrylate)- (PMMA-) based copolymers bearing beta-ketoester units distributed randomly along the copolymer chains and bifunctional isocyanate cross-linkers, SCNPs were successfully synthesized at r.t. under appropriate reaction conditions. Characterization of the resulting SCNPs was carried out by means of a combination of techniques including size exclusion chromatography (SEC), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and elemental analysis (EA).


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